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Posts posted by Freedomfighter007

  1. Cowke stop crying and calling names like child fool lol. Ethiopia use our port and we get paid, Ethiopian officials in addis privately for Somaliland. The world community look at Somaliland vibrant democracy compared to you pirate dust bowl. Uk, French embassdors visit hargasia, we have schools, unversities, and most importantly peace while in puntland you got crime and terrorist cells. So please don't compare my nation to yours cause you lose all the time

  2. Again cowke dear boy your argument is weak lol. All of north Africa to Arab peninsula is Arab so you lool at map you can see the closeness of each country so please to give me that they are far apart. Second you must face the fact that Somaliland as control of most of it's territory so don't say on two parts is for Somaliland. Last point since the fall of the Somali republic and 20 year stability a new generation don't have your warp view. Many young Somalis in there 20 and 30 are fine with Somaliland moving on. The only ones with issue are old generation like you . Thus all boy accept the facts.

  3. Nobody forced nobody they joined because Somaliland was better for them. With Somaliland they have schools, umiversitys drinking water a vibrant economy and peace compared to rest of Somalia!

  4. My friend I agree that groups that have issue with Somaliland should not be forced but at the same time you as unionist would never allow Somaliland to leave. Let me ask you this let's say sool sang and adwel stayed with Somalia but the rest said 100 percent to leave the union would TFG, Puntland say ok we got the areas that want us let's let them go. I doubt you lots e even in that case would let somaliand go