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Posts posted by Freedomfighter007

  1. Weak lot you pirateland clan region is killing zone of death and no development lol. Scream all you like about Somaliland this and that. To facts you lot can not lie are that the ONLF wish they are in Asmara and that they are being killed off and second that they ran to border. What can I see while they came in we took care of them unlike you lots with nut guy you chasing in the moutains lol

  2. Dukey keep dreaming son lol. They high tailed it to border and Ethiopian troops were on the other side waiting for the poor lads. Now they are being shelled from both sides like it or not. And for Kunn, it's funny to see a buntlander so scared of Somaliland that they only wish for the worst lool. Unlike you dust bowl of region we finish what we start unlike you lots. Are you guys still chasing some dude in the moutains with to capture or kill lol. Maybe we in Somaliland can help you loool!

  3. Nothing major is happening you haters. Onlf came through and Somaliland army is smoothly handling it lol. It's funny when we say things are under control people like don't believe it but concerning galgala it's ok and they got it under control. A pure example of hater as always lol

  4. Duke, duke o duke my dear boy you have a way of making me laugh with your crazy talk as always. You envy Somaliland in it's political path, economic path, social path and it's repeutation around the world. While in your neck of the woods their killings, Refugess smuggling, no public vote, no political parties no development that I smile for joy of your envious lol. like you always do you dream of imaginary reality void from reality. The people that region are not in uprising unlike in pirateland where you got people from that region with guns fighting your weak government. So please dear boy stop wishing for Somaliland to be basket case like buntland lol