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Everything posted by Freedomfighter007

  1. Thankful I know you are not thankful for the blessings that Somaliland has. It very amusing seeing your jealousy lol
  2. You lot in dustland should say word where killing of people is starting to be common like the south
  3. Hater I know you lot wish for Somaliland down fall lol but that never happen to craziness like in dustland or south
  4. Truth hurts huh lol no development at all. Talk about dustland this and that if it makes you feel good old boy lol
  5. Like always dukey talks this will happen will happen and in the end nothing does. Please people don't give forum jester to much cause his political insight is fake as puntland being a democracy and not dust bowl pirate haven lool
  6. Again dukey your ignores is shocking lol from USA. And I will state again dust land is all dust lol
  7. I hear the kid in punt are khat addicts as well hopefully you lots will be smart and have rehab center lol. O by the way that link and pic prove nothing except how dust bowl that area is. Please show me some development and not old paved road on the middle of no where lol
  8. Where the development lol in Dust bowl land. Let's see roads, housing and infustruture there is nothing lol
  9. I rather my solider be fit with no teeth then out shape lol. Plus you lot luv khat guess how many punts in London chew like no tomorrow
  10. What we learned today kids lol will puntland is pirate state, that has dust bowl environment lol.
  11. Better to be a somalilander the crimelander opps I mean a puntlander lol
  12. Pirates and puntland are both one in the same to be. A crime built nation lol only in AFricA lool
  13. I seen dust land aka pukland solider and all I can say is "old, fat and out shape" lol
  14. Thankful, the secert service are the president security just like here in America. I know the U.S secert service building here
  15. You Somaliland hater Lot never disappoint. Somaliland this and Somaliland comes out your hating mouths. Let's look at the facts people. First more finanicle support and projects will go to Somaliland. Second more companies will invest in Somaliland now that the U.S. Is dealing one on one with it. Third the Somaliland instatution will grow and support for local election will come. This a factor that does not exist in north east somalia or the south. And finle the AU will be forced to deal with Somaliland and stop stating for somaliland to deal with a Somali government that does not exist.