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Everything posted by Xoogsade

  1. Originally posted by Mobb_Deep: Is this brotha tellin sister Rahima to get corrupted and buy missing people's property while the USC militia is controlling the farmlands? Rahima don't do it na'mean. Ya must do a good research before ya buy any because many dudes(different clans) were either forced to sell the land or they just abandoned fearing for their lives na'mean. Mobb_Deep, Have you seen in my comments Rahima should buy missing people's properties? Or you just assume like many do, that when some fled everyone else fled and no one who might have owned anything stayed behind? Also, who in his right mind would invest thousands of hard earned dollars in a property he or she knows belongs to someone else and sooner or later the owner is coming back to reclaim their properties? If some had bought what they knew belonged to someone else other than the seller, or robbed the land and the farm anyhow, then it doesn't mean everyone else is going to do just that. Why is it so easy for many to suspect others of unfaithfulness? Or I am fooling myself asking the question to which I know the answer to begin with? Rahima. If I operate under the assumption that there is no one who can own but me, you got problems coming with anything you buy
  2. Kii ugu weynaa qabqablayaasha aawey? Last name was "Yalaxoow" LOL. Just wondering if he can cause trouble because of the exclusion he was excluded.
  3. Qac Qaac, It is was a complete surprise, I didn't expect Ay kutubeey to appeal to my softer side bro. Raalli gelin maxaa ku jaban an ku weydiiyee laakiin? Caadi waaye nooh. It doesn't mean you lost anything by apologizing to a lady. My fervency, xoog, iyo karbaash is reserved for guys like Tuujiye. Gabdhaha waa ka xishoodaa inaa si xun ula hadlo. Gartooda iyo gardaradooda sometimes isku mid waaye. Bishaaro. Kalsoonidaada wa heer sare. Waxan ka cabsanaa laakiin in ardeyga cusub uu kugu noqdo macallinkaad ka cabsan jirtey inuu wax kuu dhigo. Ilaahoow kaas ha igu soo aaddinin kii la dhihi jirey oo kale. Is jir Ay-Bishaaro, haddii kale, saan uma maleeneynin camal ay kugu noqonee Think about that and let me know if the registration still stands for the reformation class with uleyska lol. Adaaba sheeko haayo.
  4. Originally posted by Ay Kutubeey: Originally posted by Xoogsade: Ay Kutubeey. Xoogsade see camal adi, I was expecting little bit more sympathy noooh. Ay Kutubeey, anigana dagaalkaagaan sugaayey. Waxaan is dhahay markey soo noqoto wey kula dagaalee camal. Now I feel bad. Xirmo ubax qaado raalina ahoow abaayo Call 911 on the stalker and report him. Btw, Adiga iyo Bishaaro sh-artiinna allah na mootiyo. Labo xaliimo oo beyzaniyaalaa u egtihiin. Adaaba roon labadiinna. You show qalbi jileec and aaminaad. Bishaaro kuwa nimanka masaakiinta gumeysto camaley u hadleesaa. Ninkey ka adkaato wey u dhammaatey. I wouldn't wanna be at her mercy any day of the year. I don't mind inaan gumeysto laakiin for a change lol.
  5. Rudy, very smart of you saxib to have never taken a student loan. My advice to college freshmen and women is, most likely you fall within the category of the poor. Don't work full-time but part time, be patient with the lack of amenities and tough college life while you are at school, and through Pell-grant(free money), you can at least get a two year Degree everywhere in America.
  6. This guy says Muqdisho Leaders made themselves separate and voted along tribal lines by voting against Ethiopian Inclusion. Are all 150 parliamentarians from One clan? If it is yes, then he is right, if not, isn't he a prejudist who feels bad about the failed motion? If history is a source of wisdom for any sane Somali political figure, waging a war against a somali clan or clans then expect to rule them in peace is unfathomable. Sheydaanaa u qurxinaaya waxaan soconeynin.
  7. Originally posted by Bishaaro: The less interested in him that you appear to be, the more interested in you he becomes. This is why we can never get rid of men that we actually don't want: ignore them totally and they become obsessed stalkers. Yaab badanaa. Aykutubey, like Dawoco said Kal&Mooye is the solution. Lugaha yar yarka ka jabi. In other words, Bishaaro waxbey dheer tahay gabdhaha kale oo aan looga hari karin. Waa kula fahmey Abaayo
  8. Originally posted by Qac Qaac: It is your fault for going out with him for a coffee, now pay the price.. LOL@pay the price. Macsokor camal miyaa lol. That was funny bro. Ay Kutubeey. There is something nice about women who can't get over their ex's. Not getting-over is a sign of contrition. Marka hore Qashqashaad lama dhaafaayo hadhowna waa la calaacalaa. If your Ex isn't that Ex yet, try to work things out with him. And I hope he accepts you back. That might be the end of the stalker.
  9. Originally posted by Baashi: You are: 1. Young, fabulous, and broke. 2. In debt (student loans, credit cards, car payment, etc) 3. In denial to the sorry situation u r in. 4. Indifferent to your financial future. 5. Content in just getting by. 1- Yes to young, and yes to broke all year round. Can a guy be fabulous though? I wanted to say yes but hesitated. Does the word sound more feminine horta? 2- No debts. My education is currently covered by the company I work for. Never took a car on a loan but paid cash. I shredded all credit cards I had except one that I might use in case of emergency like Renting a car for longer distance travels and pay as soon as I bring the car back to the rental agency before interest kicks in. All solicitations from credit companies go directly to the shredder. 3- My situation is obviously not bad. 4- I make tolerable amount of money but it is not my choice to keep. So I can hardly plan for the future. May be some other day. 5- Very content in getting by. Diamante. Some of the people come across as passionate when they reply. A little war of words without degradation and insults isn't bad at all It can be attractive. Haven't you noticed the sparkle between Underdog and Ame-girl? I enjoyed their exchange lol.
  10. Maymuunah cadeey, ii waran Abaayo? wallahi waa runtaa, odayaashaan inaan iskaga dhex baxo waaye I hope I haven't offended you personally.
  11. LOL, weligey sidaan maanta u farxay uma farxin. Baydhabo magaalo soomaaliyeed waaye, wax ku jaban malahan in la aado although Amxaaro is a walk away from there still. The more this government is away from Mogadishu, the less likely it will gain the strength it requires to bring a change in The country. The only reason people are running from it, is the assumption that Abdullahi Yusuf won't be effective among the wolves. That is the wrong assumption. He is the president and is needed overthere along with his government and people are extending their hands to him. He trusts he wins, he doesn't, he looses. Xamarna will not miss the Capital title if ultimately fate decides so. All somalis will lose by that and not only specific clan or subclans just in case the proponents think they are going to harm anyone specific with that measure.
  12. They should keep up the spirit and fight for the right causes. Faanto iyo Doolsho inaan bixiyo waaye.
  13. Bro duke, All points of view should be taken into consideration. Let not some men act as if they own the government and only their voice and views count where others are just dismissed as invalids. The point of contention is about Ethiopia being part of this process. Setting aside Men like Yalaxoow, Atto or whoever opposes the measure for their own reasons, the sentiment against Amxaaro is very high given the fact that Muqdisho has a dominant religious residents. They figure into this and all it takes later on when you bring Amxaaro into town under whatever guise, is for them to hold sermons which will consequently line-up support for waging a war. And people will support them. One bullet against a common enemy does all the trick to send the whole house crumbling down on its foundation. There, you will have foreign troops buried in Xamar along with whoever stood by them. Saxib, What does that scenario look like to you? Are you really thinking about this? Lately, we made a good progress over the years and there is no animosity in people today where they would go to war with each other based on tribal namesakes. It is all talk and business as usual in most somali cities. We don't want to change the dynamics of that and must/should focus on debates where Somalis are made witness to what is going on. Despite the debates, the arguments, the hand-talk, This government is strong and hope for it isn't dead yet. I personally support it but with conditions. So are my relatives. I am hoping at the end of the dispute over Ethiopian participation, comes out a united government. And a I tell you a secret, you can have Aidid Jr, Atto, Yalaxoow or whomever you want and do as you please with them. They have been outcasts in their society. I never agreed to their inclusion in any peace process but guys like you were always saying they are important. I actually dislike them and have no respect for them. It is others who view them as influential men whereas the sane people among their tribesmen see them as a curse among them and throw Lacnad on them. All said, Everyone has a stake in this government. It is OUR GOVERNMENET as much as it is any Somali individual's government. Let us keep hope alive Saxib. It is not that terrible. people oppose certain policies and their voices will be heard. That is all it is. The government is alive and not dead yet. Ethiopia has the potential to kill this so let us not make Ethiopia the party that determines if we are going to have government or not. Xataa hadaa nimnkaan ka hesho oggolaasho, like I said, there is still the potential for war against Ethiopian troops. I even thought if Ethiopian troops can go to a different part of Somalia to avoid the sure-to-happen-war between them and other somalis in Xamar if they come and Abdullahi yusuf and Supporting members insist on their inclusion. CAAMIR. You are talking to Xamarawi here make no mistake. Although I do not represent a tribe or part of Somali society per se, my voice is the same as many and it will be taken into account. This government isn't an exclusive club is it? I tell ya Saxib, You will deal, or will be made to deal, or hope dies with the ultimate failure. You choose lol.
  14. Originally posted by Gediid: The situtation in Mogadisho is beyond tribes.If this was in the 90's I would agree but the scenerio there now is beyond tribes or one warlord against another.It is at a point where it now has a multitude of actors who are driven by personal profit rather than qabiil.I think the wise people of Mogadisho now know that and are willing to sacrifice all and everything to live in peace once again.Its just that the solution chosen by the TFG wasn't one they had anticipated.A more prudent approach would have sufficed to meet their support. Bro Gediid, you are on spot. Many in Xamar not only wanted and still want this government, but it was a sweet revenge on Men who stripped them of everything. Instead of capitalizing on that sentiment, some had the lack of wisdom of treating the average person and equate them with the warlords. Some of the men here talk about one tribe holding hostage the peace, is Caydid Jr a tribe unto his own? Is Atto a tribe unto his Own? When you talk like that, all you are doing is show others where you stand. Ethiopia has no place in Somalia. Those who oppose it on whatever grounds, be it religious, long-standing animosity or supporting their thug in the parliament who opposes it, have the better argument. Somalis should come to the conclusion that we can go ahead with this process without Ethiopia. If that is not acceptable to everyone, all is left is the blame-game and pointing fingers at others without self-examination.
  15. Waryaada, nimankaan soomaali waaye xaqeyna u leeyihiin codkooda iney dhiibtaan. As it stands, Ethiopia is not welcome. If you call that peace-refusal, let the peace be buried underneath concrete and be gone forever. I am telling you, even if these guys whom you rightly don't like so much accept this degradation of Amxaaro troops coming, and they are bought overnight, the average people in Xamar are waiting for them. Either way, it will be a failure. Perhaps you should think ahead and foresee a war in Mogadishu aimed at Ethiopian troops. What will their inclusion have brought then but more wars? Abdullahi Yusuf will be president and lead the country without ethiopia being part of any process, if that is not acceptable to him, that is his problem. Amxaaro are not invited in Xamar and the lines are drawn. I am actually disappointed these silly men have to accept foreign troops at all. But compromise is needed. That is as far as they should go. The arrests of these men won't stop others taking up the issue on their behalf. Biyo waxaa la dhahay wexey isugu soo arooraan meesha godan, Xamar will be the place in which the future of this government will be decided. You bring ethiopian troops, you can kiss government good-bye. That is what you, Abdullahi Yusuf and Members in the Parliament supportive of Amxaaro want. Why ethiopia? Why? You better look at who is causing this problem by insisting on Amxaaro inclusion. If you are not willing to examine the issues without prejudice, ccomplaining on SOL won't do much for you. Nimankaan weligood maantey wax fiican sameeyeen. Kudos to them. PS: Anyone of you who support Amxaaro inclusion in the troops have yet to give a good reason of their importance in this process. I don't understand why they are so important to you or to Abdullahi Yusuf and His lackey MP members.
  16. Mashallah, Niman rag ah waaye. Let those who thought you can just do about anything you want learn a lesson from this. Somalia soomaali baa leh.
  17. Rahima, You better buy it now if you can find one before the whole corrupt system comes back where if you don't have someone in higher-ups, you aren't going to get land to cultivate. One of the reasons people are apprehensive about this government is the possibility of being thrown back into the crippling corrupt systems you had to go through to get anything done while someone who has got nothing is given the resources, money and the land to cultivate. That is how it used to be. Some are complaining now about others, but in the early days, the same thing had been done only under the cover of a government. Nothing to worry though, so long as guys like me are alive and in town, there won't be free-cakes. Free Media(if left untouched) and the spirit of "give me liberty or give me death" will ensure prosperity for all or nothing for anyone.
  18. A camel herder nonetheless. Let us hope we can civilize him.
  19. Wind.Talker, The fault lies with the wealthy among the parts of the society you say are meant to replace and be dominant in a region where they aren't traditionally. The rest of the tribe is following where the money trail is saxib. When your Older brother built a house in Xamar and has huge stores in town, he needs employees, so the natural source of such needed help comes from Mudug where they are wasting their life looking after few camels anyway. One after another, the town is full of them. In normal times, this would be nothing to complain about and guys like you wouldn't have any issues with that lol. As for the politics, you are right, they should have given the locals the leadership and be filing behind them. But who is talking to me? lol. Besides, as the joke goes, dad masaakiin oo aan idinla tacaamuli karinaad iska rabtaan idinka lol. Sorry mate, laf dhuun gashaa la idinku noqdey.
  20. And I thought only America was the factory of serial killers.
  21. Hanjabaad yey wax ka cuntaa Mr.Abwaan? Only a silly individual assumes they can go to war with others to get what they want.
  22. Originally posted by Duke_Valantino: As you might have heard the IGAD troops are going to Puntland as well, so much for that divisive argument hey . LOL. Bro, Okey, waa kaa aamusey marka lool. But seriously, wixiinna yaan la hadlin camal waaye haduuba Cabdullahi Yusuf Adeer kuu eheen. Wax maka sheegi karaa waxaan wax qaldan u arko? And it is more about the policies than anything else. Galgaduud adaaba sheegaayo saxib. Gobolladey dariska la tahay xataa ma aqaannno. Gaalkacyo waa maqley iyo Hobyo. Balcad wixii dhaafsan xamar, oo dhinaca Mudug aadaayo makala aqaan. Kismayo iyo Koonfurta meelo badanaan soo marey qaxii oo aan ku Noolaa. Melahaas iga wareyso. Wind.Talker. The why is not what you thought I had in mind, like they are no match or blah blah of useless talk about tribal might. Military Support from M.DHEERE or from any quarter will never be useful in the sense that once a bullet is fired, every hope of this porcess to work will be completely dead.
  23. Wind.talker, I guess if you Take my post and exchange "Xoogsade" username with the "CAAMIR" username or Duke's, the post will look normal to your eyes and you wouldn't be as sensitive. The other talk of What Abdullahi Yusuf Said and what interpretations people gave is just something I was passing along to point out to Bishaaro how far and wide people's thoughts are. I don't know about specific reer Hobyo plans of taking over Muqdisho.
  24. Originally posted by Duke_Valantino: Underestimate this dude at your peril. [/QB] LOL. Well, This government to me is either for all or for a minority depending on how the process goes. It if crumbles, it will be "I told you so" on my end. My worries among other things include, the possible setbacks in Xamar and people fighting each other after they are devided over nonsense and false hopes by someone who isn't going to deliver for them. PS: Remember, Abdullahi Yusuf is not my uncle and I have no inclination to take things personal because of him. Nor am I intoxicated by the prospect of some future good because of a relation to anyone in the so called government, or am enticed to be a hardcore supporter because uncle is being denied some right he gained by consent I want things to work based on realities, sacrifice and compormise, not on devisive issues. If it is my way or the highway, then let no one else take the blame hadhoow.
  25. I guess you could say he was over-looked before Abdullahi Was elected president. All good things came to light right now, thanks to the hopeful president. Bilaash amaan kuma mudanin hadda Mr.Aw-Dheere though I doubt a military support coming from him would do anything good for Abdullahi if there was a conflict.