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Everything posted by Xoogsade
Xamdi restaurant isn't that bad. Your order gets delivered late during weekends, but other than that, their fried chicken and rice is better than what Bishaaro cooks I suppose lol. I prefer cooking than eating out all the time.
Originally posted by Bishaaro: How is this possible? Doesn't Qaad make men Impotent? :confused: [/QB] Bishaaro , There is difference between impotency(the lack of strength) and the need to mate under the influence of Qaad/Jaad. I was told it is common for men to seek a woman when they get high on the stuff. Only afterwards do they feel their impotency. In any case, Qaat-chewing is one of the means through which the AIDS spreads in places like Nairobi and Ethiopia as a whole. You can only imagine the danger somalis back home face when infected somalis go back home after years of staying in neighbouring countries where they acquire the infection. PS: I googled a poem I once read by Abshir Bacadle talking about the Negatives of Qaat. My point is to illustrate the impotency plus the need Men feel when they chew. Here goes the line from the poem: "Qalbi qooqan qoora aan wax tarin, qaadow adigaa leh" to read the complete poem, visit: http://www.somaliedu.com/Somali%20Education/Suugaan/Qaadow%20adigaa%20leh.htm
PM on a trip to Mogadishu+ IGAD troops+ other news
Xoogsade replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
About time Mr.Weakling came to Mogadishu. -
lol@warkaasaa i anfacaayo. Nin kasto aniga camal ma ahan laakiin ha illoobin, and the world doesn't revolve around your wants for some lol. Xariifaan kula tasheyninaa laga yaabaa inuu ku helo. What are you gonna do about it? Aniga sidaan maqley, the older you get, the busier you become with say kids and all, the less time you have for your man. You might even bless his wishes if only to send him away from you. Malaga yaabaa inaa sidas noqoto mise adiga nooca waxaa tahay romantic from craddle to grave?
Waa ka noqdey warkaas lol. iska illoow.
lool JENI, ma aqrinin miyaa waxaan dhahay? meesha kuu daranaa ka hadashey lol. Haddii mustaqbalka aan guursado oo la ii fasaxo mid kale xataa, personalitigaan labo naag ku dhaqi lahaa ma lihi to be honest. Apart from that, ninkii kasoo bixi karo hal naag ka badan, aniga afkeyga wuu ka nabad galaa nooh
JENI , Ceebey tacaal! Waligeey gabar lama dagaalin, ma caayin, kama oohisiinin, gurigeennana dacwo uma imaanin. It was always hands-off girls rule in our house. Dagaal xagga maskaxda haddaa rabtid laakiin soo dhowoow, luuqa iskeen nooh ceebteyda aan qarsadee lacalla haddaa iga adkaatid si aan la ii wada arkin lol. Bishaaro Seexo waqti dambe waayee. Soo jeedka gabdhaha uma fiicnaa la dhahay.
LOL@GIRLZ , I was only relaying some facts to Jeni so that she doesn't get caught unawares later when she goes operational under that assumption of being able to boss around younger guys, cause, not all young guys can be bossed around. Plus if Jeni is too eager for a certain young john doe, she will readily comply, might even beg, Who are we kidding? lol. Femme Fatale Guess what? as I read your reply, I looked at my left side where a small circular mirror is fixed on the wall. Avoiding to sound smuggly or boastful, what I saw was Xoogsade with a calmer, brighter than usual face, with a smile that lights up a room, Wondering what would happen if he conveyed such scene of him to Femme? Besides, what is wrong with being confident? Phanta Not compensating for anything but actually being myself. You must have misunderstood me abaayo lol.
Cause he brilliantly defends the right of men to have more than one woman legally if they want to. I have never seen any somali man do it so expertly as Bashi. I wrote down in my notebook even some of the points he used in his discussion so that I can use it later in case someone picks on the legal islamic system and there is no one else to speak on behalf of islam somewhere or anywhere Oki, does that satisfy Lora lol.
Originally posted by JEENI: Older women marrying younger lad....whats wrong with that picture...2 me the answer is nothing...i actually fancy younger guys...so I can boss them around JENI, wax jira moognimadaada aan ku qoslaayaa. There are younger guys who settle for no less than being the boss and the one who bosses around. Aniga gabdhahoo dhan inaan ka weynahay aan isu heystaa xataa gabadha iga ween some years. Oops, I hope I don't come across as nin isla weyn ama gabdhaha yaso somehow, but seriously, my confidence with regards to women can move a mountain lol.
Haa Legend, anaa kuu aqaanno waxa la dhaho nooh, greedy, hungry, avaricious, covetous, grasping, rapacious, insatiable, gluttonous, esurient, avid, hoggish, piggish, voracious, desirous, wolfish men Laakiin waa rune, and aside from this player-guy, some men, within the realm of legality, do have more than one woman in their lives. Such men must laugh at the notion of overrated love and romance lol. Waa nimanka aniga gacanta aan u taagey. It is my conundram to understanad how they do it though? May be eloquent Bashi can tell us something
Some of the tricks seem familiar lool. Warbaaba jiree But on a serious note, a somali girl may employ only one or two, may be three out of the list. The rest is a nonsomali practice I think.
I noticed late-bloomers don't pay attention to entry dates before they post Must be boredom or lack of interesting topics huh?
Shirwac, You have to have no faith to consider Qabiil the best thing ever. What exactly does Qabiil do for anyone except make them emotionally and physically attached with a group of people, fight their drity war, smile at their aggression and etc? Besides, waxaan ku nacay qabiilka, abeeso walboo diin aan heysan yaa kula sheeganyesa. Complete BS i say to tribe and tribalism. PS: Nebi maxamed cs haku been abuuran.
Thanks Suldaanka. It is good that Rage Omar set out to dig up the vehemently buried brilliant contribution of islam to Europe. A man in his position can do a lot for all he cares about and so far Raage seems to have done that. I hope in the future they put the documentary on a DVD and sell it to whoever is interested.
How fair is Oogle’s assessment of the BBC’s Chief Somali editor?
Xoogsade replied to QabiilDiid's topic in Politics
Macalimuu, It is noble and one thing to oppose ethiopian intervention, at the same time, showing you care about what goes on in your own backyard and work for the interest of your immidiate clansmen at least, give them the opportunity to flourish in peace if you are influential is another. These aforementioned influential men seem to care more about their personal businesses and stakes than they care about governance that benefits everyone in the areas they master influence. I don't know about this uweys man very much. I saw vidoe tapes few years back where they showed some obvious relief and amelioration in the farmlands, included in the tapes were interviews from the local elders who expressed some joy with the change and the break they got from gunmen who robbed them daily. The tapes showed some jailed previous-thugmen who were reformed(some) or being reformed still. How that changed afterwards through the years ensuing I have no idea. Anyway, Somalis in the south are nowadays lost in between power hungry faithless men, and thuggish business individuals who hijacked the community's voices. The rest of us(in-betweens) seem to be willing victims who sing the praises of these hobgoblins and vampire men. Perhaps people deserve what they are into of confused and sometimes violent life. I wonder why the prayers of those who pray for peace and government aren't accepted? -
I better brush up on my somali geography. Thanks for the info. Peace and government are here if the power brokers in Somalia can make the necessary sacrifice and see their people's plight. I heard of Burtinle but always thought it to be part of Galkacyo or there abouts.
Nice info! Waa la dadaalaayaa waddankii. Burtinle meeshee xisaabsan tahay?
Bishaaro. Calool jileecaa kaa batey
SOMALIA: Saudi beheading of Somalis grossly unfair Amnesty says
Xoogsade replied to -Serenity-'s topic in Politics
Originally posted by Haddad: Well, I think the mistake in the article has to be corrected in order to address it. Suppose it is corrected bro, what would be your take on the issue? Have you given your opinion about the punishment somewhere else? According to the report, these guys were given a jail sentence at first, after sometime the punishment was changed from jail time to beheading. It is a question of punishment not fitting the crime the way I see it. Nothing to do with arab wrong-doing or Somali law-breaking. This event is past gone anyway and prayer serves best those who are dead. But for the sake of discussion if someone raises the issue, it is better to discuss than argue. -
OG_GIRL, sorry about your ordeal. We are racist people ourselves and keep segments of our society in segregated communities of their own. We don't marry from them, don't intermingle with them, or accept any association with them. These people who are treated that way are actually somalis by blood, by looks, by culture, yet somehow they are relegated to perdition and only God can help them find a relief from the relentless discrimination. They just happen to had been given a name unfairly that according to the somali tradition, tainted their hereditary genes. Is there anything more unjust than that? It doesn't get any worse. I contemplate sometimes what if I was a member of those alienated somalis? What life would be like living among people of the same cloth whom I belong to in every sense yet who alienated me so bad that it isn't worth being who I am anymore? So don't let some people's comments get to you about Arabs being racists, Somalis are racists too. I think what happened in the political section nowadays was, a case of punishment that didn't fit the crime was turned into arab-defending and arab-bashing. If people discussed about the punishment/the crime only and left devisive racial comments out of the discussion would have been less problematic. Anyway, to me, YOU ARE SOMALI FIRST THEN ARAB(because your mother is part of you).
Score: 1 Analysis: You are a straightedge and a pessimist. You never try new things. You probably are the kind of person who eats the same thing for dinner every day. Sanity Assessment: Your sanity is at serious risk...LOL
Good document. How far Somalia progresses will depend on how open, co-operative, for the people and uncorrupt the government will be. Let us hope the premonitions of pessimists like me who distrust somali governments due to the obsessed-possessed unqualifying men at the helm in every institution become unfounded. Balaayo ilaahey hadduu kugu sallado, horumar ma gaareysid.
Rudy, There are executioners all over the world of all races, some of them use high-caliber rifles, some electric chairs while others simply inject a dose of poison into the blood stream to kill those who are condemned to die wrongly or rightly. The only remarkable difference in this case is the degree of publicity the executions have. Perhaps to frighten the potential criminals out there so they think twice about their intentions. Anyway, He is a free Saudi Citizen. If people weren't killing each other and all human beings were law-abiding citizens, the man in the picture wouldn't be required to do such a grim task of beheadings or shootings as he said in the article. Amazing though is how he sees his job. Takes a lot of conditioning I tell ya. Not a job for a farax like me.