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Everything posted by Xoogsade

  1. Duke, You have accused everyone to be something just because they voice/d an objection to a wrong policy made by A/Y. You even went as far as entertaining that some tribe will wage a war on A/Y's behalf in XAMAR AGAINST THE OTHER. And yet, you accuse someone else of blindness and tribalistic sentiments?? Just in case you forgot, the government was built on consensus and peace-making. Nothing about war was discussed during reconciliation. But A/Y thought once he won the title of presidency, with the good help of his boss Melle in ADIS, he can just come in Xamar on a war-machine rather than on a white horse. Oh well! how true to himself. People hoped A/Y 's election would bring the beginning of the end of warlordship. They held their breath for the good first step the president-elect would take after he was sworn in. Surprise surprise! He wants Ethiopian troops in Xamar and can't go to the city because, the men who elected him and sat across him, THE MEN HE WAS KISSING THEIR CHEEKS have to be eliminated and the GOOD PEOPLE OF XAMAR ARE JUST VICTIMS who can handle some more wars. Who cares about them? If they don't accept such blasphemy on his part, well, just devide them, set one community against the other and vuala! clean city. How sad really. People see someone for what they are, and A/Y, is just a man who doesn't learn. People will let him have his presidency in peace, if he doesn't want that, oh well, too bad for him. PS: I tell it like it is. If that is tribalistic, fine by me
  2. Indeed, the biggest threat to peace today is A/Y. With or without him, inshallah people will move on. He wasn't ready to deal with Somalis and thought whatever he wants is sacred as that used to be the case back in his hometown. Waaba ciyaal haddaad eegto siduu u fakaro. Malaha wax madaxa la'ey doorteen. Secondly, some of you are deluding themselves if they think anyone will fight on A/Y's behalf. Neither northern tribe of Xamar nor anyone else is going to fight a dirty war on his behalf. Waqtigiisa wuxuu ku dhammeysan doona sidey u egtahay maalaa yacni iyo meelo wareeg because total domination in politics and his word be the last is something forgotten which he doesn't understand. In any case, people have had warlords and don't have an appetite for another. Sheekh. Qof nadiifaa wax nadiifiyo.
  3. Xiinfaniin, Instead of these troops going there "LIBERATING" anything for you, let us hope they don't become themselves victims of a violence they haven't anticipated before coming. That is what I am worried about. The locals are the ones who will actually give safety and will aid these troops to facilitate the disarmament or whatever they come for doing. So without the help of the locals and their guide, these troops are sitting ducks let alone liberators of anything. There is a lot to worry about the future than to entertain false hopes and fleeting happiness that things will work certain favourable way of yours and the good omens for a victory are there, the enemies will be defeated and etc. I don't understand where you guys are getting from these hopes of winning against the odds that are in your way. To me, these problems are insurmountable and the only way is to forget about trying any war. Like I said, it will be tribal. The mentality of tribalism is still alive and the government was based on tribalism, the men appointed were appointed to please certain tribes, Do you see how the beginning of this so called government was a set-up for the ultimate failure? It is easy for many people to justify a war in support of their local warlord. A/Y will fail if he chooses to fight.
  4. Xiinfaniin, People will do what is best for them in case a war breaks out headed by A/Y. You are better off I think joining his ranks and become a footsoldier for him to die what you believe is a religious cause and getting back your lost home(you are getting your property back and might earn shahiid status in the process). There is nothing sacred about this government, it is neither religious nor based on anything other than what destroyed the country to begin with. In that case, once A/Y and his ilk forget the reasons behind people's acceptance of this government and what made the government legitimate, which was to make peace, compromise and obsolutely no wars, PEOPLE HAVE THE RIGHT TO DEFEND THEMSELVES FROM ANOTHER WARLORD. Atto and Yalaxoow to US are the same as A/Y while you differentiate between them because he is remotely or closely related to you. We don't separate one bigot from the other and we will have an issue with A/Y as much as we do have with ATTO and YALAXOOW today. Men cut from the same cloth of bigotry, tribalism, killing to be the top dog in their communities(tell me A/Y didn't do that), they are nothing but the vile of our society A/Y included. Adiga iyo kuwa kula midka ah yuu A/Y saviour u yahay, for us, he is nothing but someone we will tolerate for the common good if he doesn't warmonger. He has no mandate to fire a bullet in Xamar, devide brethren, and cause more mayhem than people have already experienced. He has to find a way to work with others, WAA TUUGADISEE HALA HESHIIYO, it is non of our business. But it will be our business once he decides to devide communities and brings Amxaaro along with him(if they dare come to begin with). PS: Don't waste your time if you consider my talk ranting. Do something else with your time. Be smart. Also, NO ONE in xamar needs your acknowledgement that they earn their money and abode through their workmanship. Don't go through pains saying that. They are all thieves and murderers. Wind.talker Bro, Men who belong to the same tribe Mohamed dheere belongs to have a different opinion and consider others from Mudug as legitimate residents in the town who can reside there as they please. They have contributed much to the town and are the backbone of the city in many aspects. In any case, It all depends on who is talking and according to their political alignment/affliation(Mohamed dheere speaks for A/Y), or in some case like you, the tribal feelings determine how events are seen You don't like them FOLKS from Hobyo I saw.
  5. Xiinfaniin , I know the prayer of the thief(as you put it) or the prayer of the one whose income comes from a forbidden source won't be accepted. However, as you daringly accuse everyone out there in Xamar and even not the ones over there like me to have stolen something from you, WHY SHOULD I BOTHER DIGNIFYING SUCH TALK with credence? According to your posts, you already decided everyone from these tribes are thieves who have stolen something and live in people's homes and their prayers aren't accepted. Because of that, why should I reason with someone with such mentality? War waxaad doonto aaminsanoow anigana horaan kuu sii turaantureynaa noh Waxaan iskala weynahay inaan ku saxo adigana sheeko kalaaba ii gashey. But you are right, I always needed islamic knowledge and will need one as even scholars of islam never claimed to have accomplished the sea that is islamic knowledge. Qof walba waa ardey deep down including the islamic teachers or so I think. And I am not a student let alone anything else in the knowledge chart. So yes, I need islamic knowledge for certain. As for GALTI, Yea, you sound one. I think reer waamo version of you are much easier to get along with lol. Just like reer mudugs are quite different from anyone who was born and raised in banadir and jubbooyinka, you guys are a little more hotheaded and different. Anyhow, DAMBIGA GURO SAAXIB. PS: Xamar soo galeeti ayaa la wareegey runtii. It completely changed population-wise or ALMOST. But that wasn't the issue we were talking about in here. And yes, you sound more like Atto/mudug accentwise although I am sure you are Qolada Sayidka(shiilaabo version). That is why I called you GALTI. And yes, Xamarna waa joogtaan, your home as everyone else. I think you were confused when I said "dadkaada dhinac ka raac, equal brethren, the market share". Muqdisho Hal qabiil oo kaliya kuma noolo. Communities kala duwanaa ku nool hadda haba yaraadeen aad tiro ahaan. We want that to continue as that is the future.
  6. Wind.Talker, Dambi miyaa haddaan dhahay waa lagu dulmiyey and as such, your/his rage IS JUSTIFIED and for that you/he are/is forgiven for whatever silly comments you/he make/s? Cuqdada iska saar. Perhaps once you do that you won't see what you like in what people write. There has to be a reason why some people in this forum act the way they do. Some are driven by tribal reasons while others may be sincere and hope better future for all somalis. Besides, Dadka kuma digto aniga, gaar ahaan qof in la dulmiyey sheeganaaya. Teeda kale, run ma aha miyaa in dadka qaarkii iyagoon xamar weligood arag iska sheegtaan iney kasoo carareen? Actually majority have never seen xamar. Xiinfaniin might be one of them. His tribe(if his GALTI accent is of any indication) now lives whole areas in madino and have their own share of the market in Bakaraha, they find a welcome home in town and are equal bretheren, yet, his antagonism towards the town is strange. Waa dadka waxaan dan ugu jirin luqunta la galo oo sidaas dantooda ku seego. My advise to him waxaa waaye inuu dadkiisa dhinac ka raaco.
  7. Xiinfaniin, Haye, hadda diintana waa monopoly miyaa? Sheekada ilaah baa la iska xigaa mey soo gaartey? ever paused for a moment to think about your claim of special connection to god while you deny others the same connection? Your story was people occupy houses, when you were challenged on the generality, you changed it to "they live in an ill-gained abode" and their prayers won't be accepted. All those comments to just stick to your expressed deep convictions about other people's irreligiousity, to never let an opportunity of maligning them en masse pass by you, and that none among them can be innocent? You even said the reformed may be occupying in such houses you allude to? I think you left out they may have killed some people too and are bloody murderers Jihaadkiina waad iga ceshatey mar hore by saying "Our Jihad", hahaha, hey, I am laughing all of a sudden at this lol. Well, I don't expect any change of heart towards these people in general from you or from anyone else whose mind is made up about them anyway. Just trying to awaken you to the truth, which is, you are going to hurt only yourself in certain extreme thoughts while others are not aware of what you talk about and are busy with their lives. Just make sure you don't dig a hole taller than you while in pursuit of a phantom occupants of an ill-gained homes, whose prayers, you were informed privately, are unacceptable. I told you some people live in houses that don't belong them, the larger populace own their homes or rent. Like I said before, and based on what I observed in many people's comments and thoughts for years in political discussions, everyone in Xamar is evil. Waa yaabe, haddiiba arrinta sidaas uga go'an tahay by many of you, Maxaa dadka laga rabaa marka ? They are simply evil and can't be reformed, they love being evil. Can you guys leave them alone then in their evil town? They love being evil. Happy now? You are forgiven for possibly being hurt previously by certain someone in Xamar. That is, if I interpret your passionate negativity as one generated by personal experience. Otherwise, and you are in this just because your distant cousin happened to flee Xamar a decade ago, man, what can I say, dambiga si fiican u badso.
  8. Wow! how interesting Yalaxoow has submitted the big guns he had buried somewhere in the goofs lol. It is a good thing if that be true and done in consistency even though A/Y and like-minded people will never be satisfied with anything done by these men. Anything short of surrender is nothing to them. You will see this jesture highlighted as nothing.
  9. Bro Wind.Talker, it is not a contradiction, in your first quote , I was quoting Xiinfaniin, and in the second part, I was giving my opinion on the alleged occupied towns. It wasn't a confirmation on my part, hence, no contradiction the way I was thinking. My position is evident in the subsequent comments I made. I may have screwed up the phraseology though. The negation of occupation is saying the towns were built as somali towns without justifying appropriations or usurpations or ruling people by force when they don't want you there. Buying a land in Jamame or aseendo would be have been normal, buying a house in Kismayo would have been Normal if you belonged to a tribe that settled in Mudug and you had no relation with the locals for example. What makes legal business dealings wrong now is the status quo of political stalemate and tribal thinking. Such mentality will disappear as soon as government is agreed upon. Basically, can anyone be denied to live in Kismayo and Xamar or any town just because they belong to a different tribe? If it was legal for anyone to buy a land, a farm, a house, and pay the seller without intimidation or coercion, to me, that is perfectly legal. To others who object, they RESENT THE TRIBE of the person and thus judge the transaction to be VOID. That is the reality. Now, there are some who may have exploited someone or brazenly robbed them of their land or property, but does that tragedy make what is legal illegal for law abiding others? Indeed, the true muslims are the ones who control themselves when there is no authrotiy they fear except God. And such people must live where they please. There is a lot of confusion because of tribal sentiments, but common sense should prevail, sentimentality and grievances should not cloud our judgements to see what is wrong as wrong and what isn't isn't. Tomorrow, when all conflicts are buried, you are having a neighbour who might not be related to you and you won't care. Qofkii xoolo laga heysto, markii dowlad la helo aa loo soo dhicinaa. Inta ka horeyso, Let us not make what is legal illegal just because, well, of reer hebel waaye qofkaan. As for MARKA again, There were some marauding thugs who harrassed and robbed, or done some unpleasnt things unabatedly to the town's people in the early days of the war. I think the man you talk about or the men you talk about who are occupying the town as you say were a welcome relief as expressed by the elders of the town. Politics change and that is perhaps what happened. So some elders might be wishing today to have matters exclusively in their own hands while others who feel they contributed a lot want to stay put. I am not getting involved in such arguments as I don't benefit from it. No relations to both sides. My position always is and has been, complete freedom for every somali person and safety from another Somali who might harm them physically and financially, as such, if the residents of the town are united in their desire to get rid of anyone whom they don't like, POWER TO THEM. Aniga wax la isku qasbo ma aaminsani. I would rather have my fence with a huge lock on the door than share a space with someone I know for sure doesn't like me.
  10. Xiinfaniin, you wouldn't have wasted your time talking to someone you think of property looter and keeper would you? It is not uncommon for people, driven by sentimentality, to deal with others on the premise that nothing good comes out of them(others). That is why I deal with views that are skewed and bigotted all the time, the victim mentality that is bent on revenge through any means, their opponents deserve anything meted out on them by any means, any peace jesture is nothing more than buying time for a later mischief, all of them thugs and looters, untrusworthy I may add, on and on goes the charade of opinions written as a logical discussion when they are nothing more than thinly veiled animosity of a poisoned mind. Problems exist but they are not insurmountable. With perseverance and the hard work of those who care about their people, pay-off will come sooner or later. WE DON'T NEED A WAR, THAT IS THE FACT. Waa baahanahay BAKHTIGA looma CUNO. That is the KEY here. Just because you are in need doesn't mean you set aside your dignity and accept whatever. There is no such desperation out there. And lastly, people won't ask anyone else's opinion, YOUR OPINION TO BE EXACT, to wage a just war to fight what they don't like and consider an insult to their dignity. Who cares if few bad apples are on the side of the good when the opposition is just as bad and may be more venemous than the local ABEESO? Wax walba waxbaa ka daran and people will deal with issues according to their severity. Anyways, these occupied towns you speak of or the properties are simple issues that can be resolved once a just government comes into existence. There is no such thing actually as an occupied town. The towns are built as Somali towns and we are not going to accept an IMPORTED IDEOLOGY OF TRIBALISM THAT PUTS A LABEL ON A TOWN. Definitely Xamar and Kismayo are Somali Towns and they will remain so. The only persons who will face punishment if they refuse to co-operate, will be the ones who took someone else's house or property, otherwise, Magaalo qof laga xigo ma jirto. Besdies, Xamar looks completely different with the addition of new houses that go up everyday. You and your friends are the ones who are obsessed with this property loot while others made fortunes for themslves through business and workmanship. Guri islaameed sideedaba waxaa ku jiro kuwa baadiyaha dhow dhow ka imaadey badankooda oo maqley gurigaanaa laga cararey. Some other people exist as well who willingly kicked out residents in the early days of the war. In any case, the houses abondoned are like drop in the sea compared to the houses owned by their real owners who built them with their own hard earned money. Lagaa xoolo badan in every sense. PS: You won't share the burden of the looter so you might as well avoid acquiring a sin by being presumptuous. May be you should pick up the Quran and dust it off so you know better than to accuse people of what they aren't just because they belong to a different tribe that once had a dispute with yours. I don't recognize you own a JIHAD of any sort as well and most definitely igama xigtid the people you refer to "their/your Jihad". Lastly, foreign troops with the absence of Ethiopia is palatable or people will blind themselves to their presence so long as they stay separate from communities and do not interfere with the local politics.
  11. Well, Jumatatu, I am trying to protect his bad boy reputation and throwing some bone to his hardcore supporters nooh, adi see camalkaa lol. Waxaan ka dhigaayaa, inuu awood leeyahay uu dagaal ku oogo siduu ku booteeyey hadda ka hor People are caught in between two groups, laakiin, they will err on the more dignified side at this time. They will worry about the consequences hadhoow if and when this war that many on A/Y's side are advocating materializes. I stop for a moment in my train of thoughts sometimes thinking how on earth these guys think A/Y can fight in Xamar even with American troops let alone Amxaaro? How much they are underestimating will be clear in the future. I am glad that no one from A/Y's tribe, even someone remotely related to him by a margin of a thousand is coming to Xamar to dirty their hands. It is safer for all of us, for our hearts, for our parents and abtiyaal that he comes alone and with Amxaaro.
  12. Where is the contradiction? Your mistake is assuming just because people want government they have to accept everything A/Y wants. Weren't ethiopian troops voted down and other troops from other countries accepted by the same men you say are against them? besides, all this dirty war you are waging against the parliamentarian Sharif is due to the fact that ethiopian troops were rejected under his watch. Dadka ciyaal maa la moodey? What is your animosity against sharif other than he rejected A/Y yusuf's request to have Amxaaro in Muqdisho? In any case, hadal badan waxba ma taro, what is acceptable was already made clear. A/Y needs not to waste time on unacceptable proposals and ethiopian troops that are not welcome. It is the death of his government and he has no mandate to fire a bullet in Xamar. People with his mentality want to create an environment of dispute and devision by sticking to their line. Ever since he was voted in he was after controversy and bs talk. Bottom line, he can't wage a war in Mogadishu. Too bad Atto and Yalaxoow are playing the safe cards. It is people versus ethiopian troops and these warlords seem to be on the safe side. People will be blind to their reputation so long as A/Y is insisting on his friends. That is what you, A/Y and anyone else who favours such troops don't understand. Perhaps you should open your minds up to this reality and make use of what you have and stop working on false hopes that it might work. It will fire back and real bad as well.
  13. Sometimes I think dadka qaarkii iney ka maran yihiin xaqiiqda qabyaaladda iyo dadka soomaalida meeshey gaarsiisey. As for Geeddi, people welcomed him because they have hopes. They would have welcomed A/Y the same way if he had the courtesy to come or the courage to show up. That he didn't come to town is actually a testament about his ill-will to the residents. Anyways, The show of support for the government doesn't mean people agree with A/Y's plan of bringing ethiopian troops. Likewise, their objection doesn't mean they want to see this government perish if it can be salvaged. They made their point clear, NO ETHIOPIAN TROOPS. Maxaa keeney in la iska daba wareego maantoo dhan oo kulamo aan waxba ka jirin la qabto si Amxaaro loo keeno waddanka? Waa faduul maahaanoo? Aan aragno marka. Hadal badan waxba ma taraayo. The last thing I heard was "If we are defeated day time, we will wage the war during nights, and our only fear is about something falling from the sky". That is how committed people are over there about this issue of ethiopian troops. Bottom line, A/Y better stop dancing around melle zenawi or else, he might bring his death-blanket along with the beloved heathens of his. And believe me, when the smoke clears, A/Y and his ethiopian troops are history. I hope along the confusion and the fog of war, Atto kisses a bullet and Yalaxoow loses his head. It will be a celebration.
  14. Xiinfaniin, Change and revolution are on the march in Xamar. Many who crowd the mosques today are ex-thugs who used to carry guns and blindly served their respective warlords. Thanks to religious men's efforts in every tribe who make that possible by converting one thug a day. As tribal sentiments must be respected, bloodshed avoided by all means necessary, the best means of change for people in Xamar is islam without violence at this jancture. With this plan of operation, a war, particularly one foisted on people by someone who doesn't care about them nor share the pain with them is UNACCEPTABLE. A/Y was elected on compromise and was not given a mandate to wage a war. He comes in peaceful and serves his time or goes away with "good riddance" sigh of relief. If the government doesn't work due to men who are as vile, for there is no difference among them, and A/Y has no means to defeat them except bring a devastating war to the door-steps of already mentally and physically depilitated communities, IT IS NOT GOING TO BE ACCEPTABLE. If atto, yalaxoow, qanyare or whoever has a dispute with A/Y can't and won't go outside town to wage their dirty war against A/Y, then it is prudent on A/Y to not bring a war into town. If he does, we know where men like him who thought they were unstoppable ended up. He will be buried alongside Amxaaro I am hoping if he doesn't change his mind. Whether the likes of you scream about "keeping loot" or not, people concerned know what is good for them in this case, FIGHT to the death, and along the way avenge for the thousands of Somalis who had been wronged by Amxaaro, Kill their servile bigots and bury them with their brethren in hell. And that is what matters. Now if you excuse me, I have something to attend to.
  15. What an embarrassment for all responsible Muslims who are in a position to influence views. Fox News channel was making a mockery of Pakis and Afghans demonstrating when the rest of the muslim world was blase about this. Leaders are important as they represent their people. Once you got leaders like the ones we have today or the aspiring losers who want to be in leadership, we are basically screwed as Muslims.
  16. If there is a war, count on it that people won't sit on the sidelines watching blood relatives die at the hands of someone considered an outsider with foreing troops. We all know the tribal mentality that dictates how issues are resolved in Somalia. It is always black and white and no colour in between. The war won't be considered between A/Y and Atto/Yalaxoow but an objective of something else. People will buy into any call of arms to stand against an invader with no purpose other than cause more mayhem than already is and will make themselves available for the ultimate battle. Besides, Amxaaro and the so called foreign troops are such a big figure only on the minds of the delusional, to others who consider themselves the target, these troops will be an opportunity for a blessed war. The sad part about all these warmongering is setting back Mogadishu another ten years. I hope Mogadishu residents don't let someone who doesn't care about them cause bloodshed among them and that they stand together facing valiantly anyone who calculated wrong and took their sentiments for nothing. IT IS GOING TO BE VERY PERSONAL FOR ALMOST EVERYONE IN XAMAR. SOO MAAL. Is there any other way we can interpret events other than a looming war? I am sure this will go beyond personalities in politics once the first bullet is fired. Whoever isn't thinking about that sure fact of people being aligned with their tribesmen is either someone who doesn't care about the results lying to themselves to sleep for hoping a victory that won't materialize, or they are mentally bankrupt. The ultimate medicine for a warmongerer is a hot bullet through the skull that sends him to the grave as such fact manifested in Aidid Sr's death. And that is the fate which awaits every warmongerer who doesn't understand he can't win a war by attacking others when they don't see him anything but an outsider, a threat to their being. A/Y should quit because he has no mandate to wage a war against Xamar. he wasn't elected to warmonger.
  17. Phantasma, Your type can't do without a man. Ilaahey mid fiican hakuu sahlo lol. Pink-Phoenix. Assuming you are a girl, I find it weird that you are Anti-Single mothers. Good_Credit. What is so foolish about raising a child who is going to be a sibling to your own? You care about the woman, so you must care about her kid too, or else, you might as well not get involved with her I suppose. And btw, people travell to other continents to adopt and raise kids who are ethnically and religiously different, what about raising a somali kid who will love you trully if you raise them well?
  18. Gabdhaha, masaakiin, dhibkooda ma yaro runtii.
  19. I am always impressed with the honest guys who get married to a single mother with kids. They are true helpers aren't they? And I second Good-Credit, not many somali guys marry a single mother. At least those guys who haven't been married before wouldn't be so readily available for such marriages. There are selfish men out there who want exactly the housing and the easy income Ilhan talked about which is Trully disgusting. It is sad. Those single mothers should have thought about patience and perseverance, being there for their kids and trying to make things work instead of separation and divorce like all the somali mothers had done in the past for their kids when and if the father screwed up.
  20. Kursiguu ku fadhiyo dahab miyaa? And I thought Somalis were too proud to let a man among them be seated like that! Learning a new thing everyday lol.
  21. Waa runtaa, as they grow older they become softer. Likewise, as the guys hit thirty and beyond, they develop small stomach that is protruding. Imagine a skinny man with a small protrusion? What an ugly sight lol. Anyhow, Somalida jimicsiga iskuma fiicna.
  22. Rahima, Thanks. Very nice pics. Nothing like the graveyard it is alleged to be.
  23. Bro Wind.Talker, we are confused people. Only islam will ultimately save us from this submission to lowly men. Till then, I will only make mistakes and accuse others of something they are not may be. Somalida ilaahey ha u fududeeyo saxib for they are in deep turmoil of their own making.
  24. Well, they tried didn't they? and still trying which makes them better than A/Y and his captious supporters who sit on their behinds and do what they do best of blaming everyone else. What would had been done and said in Nairobi had been done and said and all government members should leave there to any destination they think is suitable for them. They can talk inside Somalia, anywhere. It will be considered one big step closer to success had all the members came to Somalia. With some people's mentality, they will never be happy with someone's efforts from Xamar. For such captious hypocritic people, It is easier for them to find faults than to acknowledge any effort however fruitless it may seem.
  25. They are doing a great job and I wish the pacification bears fruit. They have no business in going to nairobi and should stay put where they belong and do their work.