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Everything posted by Xoogsade
Rayaana, hello from Xoogsade yea you bet abaayo, the grass is really greener on the other side always. If one understands that no matter the efforts, things happen as God wants them to happen, you really think that SOMEONE with such stable mentality has anything to lose or worry about? That is why I never felt deprived before or feel it now. Besides, Maadan booteyseen hadaa sidaa og tahay, cause, isqaad qaadka has no effect on such relaxed soul. Mizz_S_Lander I was funny few days ago and made you laugh all of a sudden I am a farax with attitude now? All that because I negated the deprived-xoogsade impression rayaana had? Me thinks somebody should employ equality of the sexes. If a girl can say I am deprived, I can surely say I am not and show where I stand high atop the mountain looking down laughing lol. Ops! Kaleidoscopic. Waa ku salaamey princess.
Zephyrine, you weren't supposed to be nice I am tempted, but before Kaleidoscopic gets upset with me for introducing neither wisdom nor valuable contribution to her thread, I thank you for your witty sarcasm. Labo iyo eber waaye gameka with you going home with two points and me nill Mar kalaan ku gaadaa.
Zephyrine, Geesinimada masoo deensatey? Wow, I am really impressed that you managed a coherent sentence while addressing me. And for that, you get a reply. No, I wasn't confused but gave the one-track-mind male version while you gave the female one lol I think most guys would have thought of the "man liking to be the first love of the woman" quote as boiling down to what you just said. What is a first if it doesn't mean really a First? lol Anyhow, waa iga xishoodsiisey, Gosh! you are so blunt.
Farah, you can ask for your home to be given back but you need to stop at that. I am after bigger issues people busy themselves with such as Magaalaa dadaan degganeyn yimid. That is difficult to address if people in town aren't living in someone else's home. Many Somalis are today building towns they haven't seen before simply because their distant cousins made to it first. If Xiinfaniin can build a home in kismayo, why not Aidid's ilk in Xamar. That is my point. I think accusing everyone from that tribe shows how much someone dislikes them. That is all runtii. Somalis have the problem of seeing others while they are blind to themselves and their short-comings. Xiinfaniin. Like I said before, let me worry about Xaaraan I robbed and want to keep
Wey SKY, Did you honestly understand what that sentence meant? The meaning is found right after that sentence in the numbered section. Look saxib, I and my Father are strangers to that town today. It is overtaken by people from outside and they are too wealthy and very prominent. It is foolish to entertain things go back the way they were. That can never happen. Step-by-step solution is the way to go. First government, then justice for those hurt. Don't ask for more than necessary or beyond what you require of your right. Normalcy should be gradual process not a one time swoop based on sentimentality. That will exacerbate things. Guys like bro Xiin are so excited about the prospect of victory(since they have us vr them mentality) they forget they are not out of the woods yet. Caqliyaa loo baahan yahay. Besides, I would prefer my old neighbours and the familiar faces I grew up with. Drastic changes happened and I can't honestly say many are living on Xaaram just because they settled town and built their own homes. I can dispute with those who took what doesn't belong to them, but the rest have the right to live if they are law-abiding saxib. To xiin, that doesn't fly. The saga boils down to one thing, Victory or nothing LOL. And that is difficult to attain today.
Originally posted by xiinfaniin: Here is where the bravery and courage is needed; to admit the mistakes and acknowledge their significance. Intaa ha noo joogto. I think You want more than that according to your discussions. Admission of mistakes and acknowledging their significance isn't that difficult. The difficulty many from your side has is holding on to the past and trying to redraw EVERYTHING back as they were which is very impossible. Now, when I say this, I don't mean someone keeps a home he doesn't own, but it means that you need to draw the line and have a limit in what you can ask for at this moment. 1- You own few meters of land in a city, so that is what you own, not a whole town. 2- You have no say who lives in town or who doesn't. 3- Your primary objective should be peace and co-existence with others and not aspiring to over-power them as that mentality represents what destroyed the country to begin with. Others will take a hardline too. 4- Know that everyone cares about who he is and won't accept from any somali person to tamper with it orally or otherwise. This sentiment is very corrosive and it is what blinds many Somalis to do or accept what is right. 6- If you say "US" others will say "WE". I think the best solution for Somalis is to revisit their faith and tell the truth about it. Wixii intaa ka soo harey waqtilee dhumaaya and the status-quo will remain as long as somalis practice tribalism and put their weight behind the men in leadership positions today who are nothing but manisfestation of Somali society's putrid double standards, on one side, wishing good and pleasant things to come towards them, and on the other, sticking to what they are supposed to disbelief. PS: BTW, People alleged to have power in Kismayo city from A/Qasim's side I think is far fetched. They are there as business enterprise and depend on their political allies. They are there for the port. They amount to few wealthy individuals with their armed escorts who come into town to unload ships and escort goods out of town after they pay taxes to Big Shot Hiiraale as I heard. I honestly haven't heard many people from such corner(A/Q's) settling town. If there are people who are building that town, it is people like you(and claim the city by tribal connections) who live in the west and send money to allocate a house there for their future. Did you know it is more expensive to build a house in Kismayo than it is in Xamar nowadays? Guys like you poured money into town, a town they haven't heard of untill few years ago.
Originally posted by Kaleidoscopic: Men always want to be a woman's first love - women like to be a man's last romance - Oscar Wilde It is true statement to some extent. But what if a man knows that he won't be the first love of the woman he likes and he doesn't mind? Will it shed some negative light on him? Being the woman's first love means that she was chaste and never slept with anyone before, an uplifting experience, but whatever good feelings one might get from that fact, what if a man bases his judgement about the woman on her present conduct, the love he feels towards her and being confident that she will be loyal? As for the last part, what else is knew? lol. Almost all women want their men to be exclusively theirs(some religious girls do say they don't care in defense of polygamy but I don't believe them anyway).
Rayaana, it would be nice to know(If the contamination isn't too much for you) how a man deprived of female-talk acts like or sounds like in your definition. PS: If I were deprived, you would have nothing to worry about coming from me towards you. You are not my type Ameenah I am not that talented sis, was just bluffing. And I rarely venture into this section and click on the women's thread. I used to write in it long ago when there were topics I could participate. I find it strange somehow that girls talk about men all the time. It is amusing. I think they are more concerned with men than men are concerned with women. It could be something in each sex's nature. I tend to think more about my pocket-book and wealth and etc, and a woman is going to be part of my world and nothing to worry about they will be available when the time comes and I have other issues to worry about.
One such proud HUTU saying "Hi" to you folks Bro Haddaad Sidee tahay? even if the picture is real, it only proves what some people would resort to when authority crumbles and the public properties become defenseless. People looted private properties waaba dhismooyin dowladeed. We have seen this pillaging happen across the world as governments fall. Many somalis from all tribes actually started looting wherever they could as soon as the bullet started. Many people made out of Xamar with Gold, Dollar, Cars and the wealth of others. It was competition headed by the military personnel of the falling regime and a first-come-first-robbber deal during the early days. I have seen with my own eyes troops of the government robbing the branch-office of the water ministry in Madiino. And guess what they were robbing? The money collected by the government from the locals at the end of the month while a war was raging on in the other side of town. We have heard stories from people who made from the other side of town that the Banks were being robbed by the government troops. Unfortunately, these collectively harangued Beelaha USC-DA(some of them) happened to complete whatever was left. Iyaga shubkey siibeen lol. The other moot point here is the driving motivation behind posting the pics. They want iney dadka dulleystaan oo ihaano dusha kaga tuuraan by advocating and bringing Amxaaro. Yaa warkooda ku jiro anyways? people have moved on religiously and boast about unmatched entrepreneurship. They have gained lot although they lost a lot as well. As things stand, Amxaaro is not coming no matter what bleak pictures people post or hollow claims they make. They are wasting their time.
No hard feelings Emerald, all is well, and there goes the smile PS: Hope it doesn't come across as a forced smile lol.
Yes, Jinniga dadkuu ku dhacaa. And the cure is the Quran.
Emerald I thought the name "Xoogsade" was suggestive and characteristic of a man, mannish if you will How on earth can you confuse me with a woman? Meel la iga saro ma leh hadda, ciil dartiis lol. But you are forgiven if your somali is poor and that is why you confused me with a woman. Naag halaguu maleeyo dhibkeedey leedahay. Seven of nine(Kaleidoscope) Does "it" stand for a code of something? Far waaween wax iigu dhig Btw, I don't and never ate khat. Nuune Waa runtaa sxb, la'aanteen abaar waaye. My plan was to give some charity to the poor girls and brighten the place for them.
nuune, How about calling back home once every week or once every two weeks? The info you get is much more accurate. I find somalis back home to be more relaistic than those who live in the west when it comes to Somalia.
Professore, you are the subject of women all the time. Isn't there something better they can talk about? Seems to me 80% of their time is about a man. Waa la yaab.
I am suspecting now everyone who said something nice about being fat to be FAT. How sad really LOL. Ay-Kutubeey. The fat-melting motor known as metabolism could be higher in Somali males
1- Topics that reveal the insecurity of girls(WHO WANTS TO READ THAT CRAP ALL THE TIME?). 2- Men, Men, Men and about Men(this is troubling).
Well, Xiinfaniin, Your friend is very rational and made perfect sense of what is about the current situation of somali politics. I like nondenominational guys like him(according to this article of his anyway) who are beholden to no one or to no clan but to the truth. To have freedom of conscience, to be at peace with oneself all the time, to be credible, one has to disassociate himself from any sentimentality. I have no problem with a different view point if it is not tainted with biased views that are constructed to favour one group at the expense of others. And there is always room for changing views if mine turns out to be less rational. PS: The website is worth visiting although my visitations are sporadic. Macruuf. The unsaid answer is that Satan isn't there to pray to begin with but to distract people so that they lose concentration.
What an utter waste it would had been if he sat there for over thirty years without faith!! Even with faith, such cruel and unusual punishment takes its psychological toll. Kuwaan ilaahey gacanta nooma geliyo. I do pray that I don't go to an American jail. That frightens me saxib. They have no sense of what justice means. It is either over-punishment or under-punishment for selected lucky depending on skin colour. You can as well imagine how people become animals in prison doing to each other abominable acts.
And he looks muslim by faith. Is he? Thanks for the article.
Dhacdada dhabta ah ee waddanka ka jirta waa tanaa. PS: Hope I sound like "YOU" bro xiinfaniin in Somali lol. Ina cafi saaxib in case I have hurt your feelings or said something wrong to you.
Waa runtaa saxib. I don't think anyone questions A/Y's presidency though including the warlords. Decisions to separate himself along with some of the government body works against him. The further away he is, the easier for others to whip up opposition based on sentimentality. It plays well with the audience. The Capital being in Xamar is very personal as much as ethiopian troops are religiously hated. I think if these two issues were absent, Atto and Yalaxoow would be begging people of xamar to forgive them. They might have died of shame as people heap curses on them whenever they came face to face with them, waa haddeyba quluub naxdo leeyihiin. A/Y aa naga fogaadey saxib ee nimankaan waa loo dhaarsanaa. Dhibaato wexey ka taagan tahay, go'aamada uu ku adkeystey waa kuwo si fudud colaad loogu tarjumi karo. I can safely say majority of Somalis don't like ethiopians and they don't mind Xamar to remain their capital. Inshallah I think good things will come out of these confusions and disputes. At least, now they know how to talk and align themselves in groups of interests rather than tribe-based factions. PS: If A/Y is the same tribe as my Ayeeyo, am I allowed to take shots at him as I am quarterly related to him?
Bro Sky, yea, I rejoice to see a Puntlander talking bad about A/Y. I am so happy that I can't type this post. How nice and comforting really. Honestly, saxib, I always give credit to puntlanders and their respect for each other, at least on important common issues they deal with. They chose peace when they could fight A/Y. You know how far others would go to fight anyone they disagree with and don't care how many die in the process of settling conflicts through tribal wars. I have great respect for northerners and for puntlanders for the way they settle their internal disputes. Anyway saxib, A/Y has what he earns through credibility and getting along with others today. His failure or success will depend on how he works with others and the compromises he makes. Hadduu aniga teydaa soconeyso soo istaago, he will definitely lose. Isn't that the whole issue today? Propaganda for and against A/Y? There is nothing else going on now.
LOL@Horn, A/Y waa laga baqey saxib lol. Wey ka reesteen reer puntland. Peaceful elections and equal say in local governance. Ma iyagaa waxaa heli lahaa? I think for others, it is a lot easier to deal with A/Y than to deal with someone from Xamar as a president. At least, people thought it was to their advantage that A/Y becomes president. An outsider who would be more careful than others if issues couldn't be resolved on the table and through talks. How wrong many of us thought of the outcome. The good thing is, it is still oral argumenst, lots of bribing and propaganda, which are better than conflicts that would involve hand-talks and the barrel of a gun.
Originally posted by General Duke: Lets leave the personalisation for a minute, how is your stance anything other than an ill informed emotional, outburts which has no foundation on fact and detached from reality. I am for talks between government officials and for them to settle their personal disputes in a non-violent means. You consider A/Y to be better than everyone else who sits across the table in the political arena, and for that reason, You give him unquestioned support for whatever measures he wants implemented regardless of how devisive the issue can be. In good times, and for good men who are clean and free from selfish personal interests, such support is called for, but when everyone out there is dirty, sanctifying an individual even when he is wrong is blatant bias. Vilifying people, denying their efforts and struggle, accusing them of everything to justify what A/Y wants on the the part of some in here is actually what caught my attention. To me, A/Y squandered the perfect opportunity by not capitalizing on people's readiness to support him and isolate consequently anyone who might pose a threat to government. He provided all the ammunition to would be opponents by advocating devisive issues through his supporters in parliament which miserably failed. Of course, all these wrong steps are not that clear to you because you look at events from your own perspective that must be always in favour of A/Y no matter what. Anyway, One thing is clear, He decided he can't come to Xamar right after he was elected which is an indication to everyone out there that he is determined to not come unless what he considers a threat to be removed from the city. And as you are aware, people have different interpretation for what is a threat or not at this point in time. To his supporters, A/Y is justified and any obstacle must be removed by all means necessary. Their efforts are directed towards that goal. To others, A/Y had completely a different agenda of his own to BEGIN WITH. PS: What else is there to know about the current situations in Somali Politics? I don't feel I have lost anything by being uninformed about somali politics if that was the case. I wrote my thoughts about the situation and there is no need on my part to hate or favour any man out there in the politics. TO ME, THEY ARE ALL THE SAME. MEN, I COULD DO WITHOUT.