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Everything posted by Xoogsade

  1. Originally posted by 7 0f Nine: Aroos? No. Unfortunately. Still cant find the man to give me the impressive and unnecessarily grandiose wedding. Seven of Nine, Impressive or expensive? or both? one that is both is possible but I do have an impressive wedding event in mind, one that is uniquely unsomali, you, me(waa is qoraayaa) and the sheekh will go skydiving, of course the witnesses will come along, you don't have to worry about not knowing how to skydive, there is first time course and first jump all in one day deal, with a last minute formation of your name up in the sky(hope your name is one of those five letter words), vidoe of the whole event for a lasting memory , it must be fantastic? Then upon touching the ground with relatives waiting for us, it will be bariid time and wacdi listening for blessings of the union that took place in suspension hovering above the earth lol. What do you think? If you are Acrophobic, we shall do something else that is unique as well Fidel I think Castro should start implementing changes before he dies. And btw, I know why you think marriage is a disability.
  2. Bro Duke, Awguuriyo on your wedding. Ilaahey hakuu barakeeyo saxib. Saw the news in the general section.
  3. Fidel Ina Castro, Is the girl disabled? maxaa u habaareesaa miskiinta. She hasn't written for the last two days last time I checked, so I wonder what happened Psycho_Sue Don't you babble? babble as in V.Tr second meaning according to the online dictionary lol.
  4. The Sayid and Alcohol consumption was a PR. He lived sober and died sober. Seven of Nine How are you? You are unusually quite lately. You are one of the few people I click on their name sometimes to see what they have been writing recently. Ma lagu aroosey?
  5. C.A.A.N.O(M.I.L.K), Haddii Odayaal somaaliyeed warkooda la qaadanaayo(assuming they are not corrupted to begin with), ma kula tahay in waxaanoo dhan dhici lahaayeen? I don't trust their word will be respected, or they themselves can be trusted to keep their word when someone among them concocts frightening scenarios of doom on them by accepting a deal. All of a sudden, the men they gave passage or accepted their presence among them can become targets. The fact that you HAVE TO BEG/NEGOTIATE with A SOMALI PERSON for a stay in a town is really demeaning. It tells you there is no love lost between somalis. It also tells you what A/Y supporters tell us everyday is false. I don't expect qof dhiilleysan inuu fahmo meeshaan ka hadlaayo, but remember I said it here first, when something unbecoming happens tomorrow, don't express dismay or utter shock. The clues were there but you were blind to see them. Your thirst for victory contaminated your common sense. It will be too late but I hope you learn something then. And if this turns out to be successful as you hope for, then the road to your objective is fraught with dangers and perpetual negotiations which may or may not bear fruits still, it is a gamble. Others are waiting for you who will not be as accomodating as easy. PS: btw, a question comes to mind given the above facts, Aawey dowladdii la sheegaayey if the whole saga boiled down to negotiations with suspicious or unfriendly elders? I thought they were united somehow and A/Y had unquestionable support except in Xamar. Care to elaborate bro Caano?
  6. Originally posted by Fidel: When a sheikh is the judge in a court, it's all down hill from there. Quite the opposite if the Sheikh is one endowed with islamic knowledge.
  7. Luggooyuu usoo wadaa masaakiinta. They are either too trusting or fools who can't see the danger looming large by coming from afar to support A/Y. Today is negotiations for their passage and stay, tomorrow will be for their life. Dad sixran waaye dadkaan.
  8. Juma, They should start with the warlords in Mogadishu. Cadaaladaa loo baahan yahay saxib, first in line and closer to you, then the next troublemaker. I think that is how it should continue, death to them all one by one ilaa la waayo qof sheegto inuu siyaasi yahay. They should kill them all including the so called odayaal and tribal heads. Xaaraaney umadda ku heystaan. I think about time they should be terrorized and forced into hiding. I read in hiiraan online earlier that some islamic courts attacked a house where x-rated movies were being watched in Wardhiigley as they also did in Xamarweyne. Let us hope these maxkamado from different families come together and save the masses from the yoke of the warlords.
  9. Jason, you are wrong. Where did you get that idea of women going to school only to learn how to cook? Imagine your grandmother to be a nurse, your mother a teacher and a government worker, your aunts all to have gratuated from the National University, one in linguistics the other in science? Do you think a country that provided such opportunities to women taught them in schools only how to cook? Those are women in my faimly. Even today girls go to school. I think it all depended where one lived in the Old days, like in what city, but most people had access to school and education irrespective of gender. I can say Somalia was outstanding in educating women. We were/are not perfect but we did better than many countries.
  10. Xiinka, How nice of you to pray for the lost soul saxib At least you are not that bias as to keep me out of your prayer. As for me having a habit to confuse issues, may be my priorities are different from yours and that is where the conflicting views and alleged confusion comes from. You care about stolen property, rightfully so, but I also care about the safety and security people should have from potential tyranny that if left unchecked in its infancy can cause more harm than good. The means A/Y proposed to achieve the goals stated are questionable. And just because he wants to do something right doesn't mean his ways must be crooked or outright violent. He does it the right way or he doesn't. Those are the issues here. Nomadic activist I used to hear some saying in Somali that went "Fiqi tolkii kama janno tago". Look no farther saaxib, Xiinfaniin is the Fiqi lool.
  11. Duke you wrote: "Why invade Mogadishu? Is it a foreign land or is it not the capital of Somalia." You should ask that question the man you so blindly and religiously support as invading the town is his declared policy. "Once again you deploy the siege mentality and sowing the seeds of division.." Weren't you the one hell-bent on telling us how some warlords support A/Y and their support is crucial to his success? That they will fight the good fight on his behalf and there will be no substantial opposition when a war takes place? Implying people are devided and their devision is god-sent to A/Y? "Simple while the majority own their own homes they will defend their minority kinsmen, blood and dignity even though these might not own their won homes." By accepting A/Y's presidency, the majority agreed to support the government and the process including correcting any mistakes done in the past which is quite contrary to your depiction of them.. the majority took the initial position of loyal subjects. The change of position came in when A/Y started his edicts about the need for Ethiopian troops, after he shunned the people and the city who had been waiting for him, when he declared a war on them and the only way he said he can come is to come to it riding on the backs of troops. He drew the lines. "Very clever indeed the government are criminal tribilist who want to invade the good Muslims……." Of course the head is criminal and anyone who supports him in his aggression is just another criminal. "Stop the nonsence Somali's are one tribe and the people of Mogadishu dont need to be sold these warlord lies.." Then the president has to show he is not another warlord so that people can side with him instead. Otherwise, is there a difference between warlords? "To you anyone who wants his property back must be trying to invade the good people of Mogadishu." There is quite difference between wanting your property back and supporting aggression and bloodletting on others. "Brother you don’t even have to go far, this post alone highlights your duplicitous personality and your lack reasoning.." Don't you guys, as A/Y supporters, present A/Y as infallible man whose utterances and policies are unqeustionable, stood by him in every ignorant comment he made, every aggressive stance he took? All you do is demonize anyone who questions him from the speaker of the parliament to the forumers in here. Can the blind see really? "Disturbing and un-islamic to label address a Muslim so.. Yet its the symptoms of "clanists" that they get so angry they see their Somali' kinsmen as "Invaders" label them as "others" and justify the very things that are non islamic.." What drove you to accuse me of justifying other people's property to be looted even though you have no single quote of it? Whoever justifies unislamic deeds and is supportive of unislamic individuals are obvious if they can see themselves as such. "Let me finish with this simple truth, Mogadishu belongs to all and you Xoogsade do not have more right than anyone else least of all the Duke…" Have I ever said I have more right to Mogadishu? Of course, it goes without saying that I don't have any hostile intensions towards the town and its people. Can you say the same about yourself? If you say yes, your contributions belie your claim because you wouldn't be supportive of A/Y's hostile policies. You wouldn't be posting the phantom somali military build-up that never materialized, you wouldn't be doing this or that saxib. Bottomline, respect, brotherhood, common goals, neutral policies are what will get you what you seek. That is what A/Y needs to understand instead of talking about Wars. Sky Too late with the revelations about me saxib as a house robber Others beat you to it. I just wonder why you didn't quote them and had to go through the trouble of sounding just another insensed loyal blind supporter of A/Y? I need to go saaxiibbayaal, waa innoo mar kale. PS: Don't be telling yourselves Xoogsade is gone and you can write whatever you want, I will be back and come down on you like maxaa kaa galey.
  12. Duke, Can you quote the person you said justified property loot? Don't circumvent the issue and either bring a quote out of what I wrote up there that justifies property loot, or you accept your mistake. It is not only you but others in here as well who make such accusations often when they are told to lay off the bias. As for me being a tribalist, I am one when I am dealing with other tribalists, and even then, I don't go beyond the necessary comments which have basis and are firmly seated in logic and common sense. Sometimes you have to speak to people in a language they understand. If it is justice you seek, you support just causes headed by justful men, if it is aggression you seek, you support aggression and aggressive individuals, nothing in between saxib. So, I ask you once more, can you quote me on property loot justification? Runta waa idin dhibtaa and to be told to stop being tribalists to find others accepting your cause. Qof walbo qabiiluu ka dhashey, so you don't mess around being biased towards others by supporting what is harmful to them. And supporting A/Y when he is wrong, is quite frankly, total declaration of war on others. He declared a war on people and you support him quoting who is in cahoots with him and who is not. Anyway, yaan la isku sirmin, first know about yourself and understand who you are and what bothers you, what makes you smile as a tribalist, then take the results and apply them to the other person opposite you, you will see that you will go nowhere without compromise. Don't create fictitious issues but stick to the facts. When you are told some policy doesn't work for obvious reasons, don't go on lying about people but re-examine your position. If you insist on your ways, others will do too and there is nothing you can achieve in a stalemate. Support the right policies or you are lost forever, qofaad wax ka cuneysid malahan.
  13. Duke, who in here are you talking about that justifies the looting of properties? Can you quote the person? I don't expect a hypocrite tribalist bigot to tell anything having resemblance to a truth, however, this is your chance to correct your malise and either quote who justified property loot in here or you are obviously, without a doubt, a man without faith whose God is A/Y and his tribe. It has been the norm in here nowadays to lie about individuals and put words into their mouths when the points they make can't be countered in a civil manner.
  14. Rahima, if people can prevent an impending injustice to materialize, they shouldn't give up trying sis. It is in their interest to avoid anymore damaging internal conflicts at the behest of a corrupt organization. The past injustices are recorded in a book that can not be tampered with, nor can such record be denied, and whoever has or had a hand in it, will be punished accordingly, such a book is with God and people who have claims should wait the day when everyone is accountable. Before that day comes, the best way for them to get what they want is to support the right way, the islamic way of peace and reconciliation and not corrupted means of redress. I mean, some of them pray at the mosque five times and have read religious books, yet they are very supportive of A/Y invading if he could(which he can't) Mogadishu where it is guaranteed people will die. If they have such disregard for their faith, surely, they have no claim to deceny and lack respect in the eyes of many and should stop wasting their time justifying what can not be justified. End of story.
  15. Originally posted by Rahima: How can we expect one criminal to punish another for the greater good? Rahima, the answer is simple, the people you are reasoning with know only one criminal, the one who hails from the tribe they don't belong to. In their simplistic mind, they forgot other somalis are as biased as they are if not worse and won't let another criminal from another tribe pretend holier than thou and give himself a power they don't recognize for him. In any case, they will have to contend with the majority who own their own homes and live as decent muslims and who want their blood, nasabad and kinsmen respected and not threatened by Another criminal. One single person who lives in Xamar is far more important than the so called government and that is how it will remain.
  16. Doesn't islam promote breast-feeding for two complete years? an act which gives the mother a two year break at least while the husband should pay her extra care in everything? I heard most women don't get pregnant while breast-feeding. See, if every Somali who claims to be a muslim learnt about islam and its family laws and etiquettes, we wouldn't be debating about Condoms or other forms of birth-controls the companions of the prophet practiced. No one is forcing people to have too many kids. They are not aware of the fact that they can distance and put some years in between kids. Does the means to achieve such goals matter? A condom or not? Governments help advance and promote good cultures, it can become a conduit for a better life for its subjects but I doubt a Somali government would be the one to bring such needed changes as the officials have the same culture as their subjects.
  17. OLOL, looma baxo warkooda. They expect you to be to be a dummy who takes the bait of fake patriotism and claim of justice seeking. Yaa caqliga ka maran? Madaxweyne is a warlod, dowlad is an organization dominated by the thugs we know had been drinking and prostituting young somali girls in Nairobi, and men who stripped everything valuable of their tribesmen, the leader is insane and the followers are a bunch of thugs no one should allow them to have a single say in peopel's lives. In fact, qofaan iimaan lahayn baa taageere u ah madax ku sheegta. Dad xalaala intey ka imanayaan, no one should entertain the idea of others submitting themselves to ignorance. Let the good sane somalis oppose bigotry in its infancy before it takes root. As many demonstrated in here, they seek and ask for the blood of others to reach their objective. No matter whatever the price. Such mentality can not be respected, and if an oral opposition to their bias and bigotry makes one a tribalist, let it be. Looma baxo warkooda. Who needs the respect of a tribalist anyway?
  18. Clan-minded societies only understand brute force to over power them and bring law and order to them that way. Clan comes first before anything else including GOD, COUNTRY and JUSTICE.
  19. Legend, According to the urban dictionary:- 1. budonkadonk extremely round and large buttocks. That online dictionary is where you can find all the weird words that are not in the conventional one of Oxford Femme Fatale Those stories you wrote were unquestionably attractive. I suffered what they call "instant attraction" towards you as soon as I read one of the sequels. If it wasn't my short attention span, you would be my wifey mar hore lol. Fidel The stories were an open secret and everyone who joined earlier may have read them.
  20. Seven of Nine, Will give you a break this time You asked for mercy and I will grant it to you abaayo. As for the topic at hand, to know about the contributor's love saga, all I need to do is google the songs and see their lyrics, So next time I come back, I have some form of opinion about people who wrote their favourite songs which describe their love-life. Very interesting lol. Hey, where is FEMME FATALE? I would like to know about her love-life and if she is still seathing from the player's play who stole her mind and soul and who left her for another woman. ciao to everyone, I am in a good mood today lool, really unxoogsade.
  21. There is some artistic beauty to some of the pictures with the exception of the dead soul may Allah have mercy on his soul. Only an Artist would understand that though
  22. Originally posted by General Duke: My dear Xoogsade. You need to revisit nationhood and stop hiding behind the laymen clan arguments. Yea, like I need to stop posting how my Uncle A/Y met some important tribal heads who are supposedly going to be in cahoots with him against others.
  23. You were quite happy with the warlords and their inclusion in the process to begin with. You were an advocate for them and vehemently argued for their inclusion when the process was going on in Nairobi. Your view was that without them nothing was going to work, they were the men to talk to if Somalis were to have a government. When people picked on yalaxoow in here long ago, you defended him, so was every warlord who was picked on in this medium defended by you. Your uncle was elected president and he had his own agenda and ideas of governance. Instead of confronting the sudden shift in A/Y's mad politics, you picked up the mantle for him. You went along with him justifying everything he wanted to do, from ethiopian troop invitation to declaration of war against his co-horts, men whom people despised as much as they dither A/Y to be given an unquestionable power. As time went by, you set aside the wisdom behind the reconciliation and shamelessly advocate a war when a war is the last thing people in Xamar want. They wouldn't have agreed to and forced the warlords to come to Nairobi if they knew this was what the outcome would be like. When you are told to think sanely and to critically look at your views, well, the typical reply you and others give are: people want to keep some robbed homes, they are supporters of warlords, they don't want peace, some tribes are supportive of the government so others don't matter, on and on goes the typical nonsense that comfounds any sane person. Well saxib, truth hurts so that is what I am gonna tell to every biased person who takes other people's lives and aspirations for granted. PS: Do you mind my presence here? I can give you a break if you want. I don't visit often but the place will be boring without me surely. Somebody has got to side with the truth and since I am bi-tribal, and wouldn't wish any somali any harm, I think my opinions are more balanced. Haddaa dhibsatey my replies, waa ku dhaafaa Duqa lol.
  24. Duke, emotionality epitomizes your contributions in the political section. In fact, You are obsessed with and possesed by A/Y. I told you how many people view this capital issue, IT DOESN'T MATTER to them. You can actually take it to Bosaso for a good measure. If people see you as a threat, they won't miss your absense would they? Let the disputes be settled outside Mogadishu and whoever wants to rule Somalis come to it in peace and with humility, otherwise, they are better off not coming for the sake of everyone. How many more ways do I have to say such facts you are blinded to?
  25. Adiga taada kasoo bax intaad waqtiga isaga lumin lahayd dad iska kaa xigo dagaal ka dhex dhici lahaa. Kolley markey is dagaalaan you are not the one burying their dead. All you will have to offer is cheer on for their demise and hope a winner of your favour comes out of the conflict only to secretly hope again the demise of the winners as well once they prove a threat to A/Y. Indeed self-centeredness is an ailment.