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Everything posted by Xoogsade

  1. Me. Duke doesn't like anything in Muqdisho if it is not coming from A/Y's side. He thinks any effort in that town which A/Y is not part of or signatory to undermines Adeerkiis. Dadka noocaan oo kale ah intay soomaalida ku dhex nool yihiin dowlad lama arkaayo. Opportunists who deny dignity and life to everyone else but to themselves. They go to any length to belittle others for personal gains. Kuwaan/dadka noocaan ah meeshay dhulka ka istaagaanba inay la go'daa fiicnaan lahayd.
  2. I am pessimisstic about the future knowing how these ousted warlords can be given refuge and entitlement by the TFG. Such unwise gesture consequently will make Xamar off-limits to any government they are party to. Can you imagine Qanyare coming to Xamar to be part of a peaceful government where he is just an average citizen? Or Yalaxoow? Not to forget all other warlords cut from the same cloth. Soomaalida waxay ku xun tahay waa cafiska ay u fidiso the criminals, and indeed from highest to the lowest ranks of government is filled with forgiven criminals. A nation of criminals, lead by criminals, will end up lost in criminal enterprise. I hope if a final victory over the warlords is attained in Xamar, Local government is formed and demand should be made that the TFG must fire all criminals as much as possible to avoid any hindrance for further progress in the path of peace and redress for the wrongs of the past.
  3. Originally posted by Pi: quote:Originally posted by Xoogsade: Anyway, unrequited love is a waste of time. You either get what you want or forget about it and move on. No time to waste. Dude, you're a pragmatic man. Romantics are anything but that... from experience, I should say that there's a unnatural, rewarding sense of pathos related to unrequited love. LOL. This rewarding sense of pathos associated with the unrequited love, Is it living in an agonizing fantasy where you are both the actor and the actress playing to yourself in your mind scenarios of success, like you won a date or got a confession of love from the girl to you? the pathos are not rewarding in the long run but deceitful. After months went by, you may realize you are where you started from, worse, you could be looking at the woman you wanted from afar while it is possible a manly man who knows what he wants and practically goes about it owns her already lol. I think romantic guys are indecisive wusses. May be if I was stranded in an Island I would look into this rewarding pathos to pass the time but not in this convinient world where I have better things to busy myself with than that attractive lady who is just a mere mortal as human as the next girl to her. I am not going to be the only One harbouring a feeling of love, if it is not reciprocated, the feeling within me dies too as quickly as it came into being to begin with.
  4. Zafka, waa beddelay sheekadaaan qoray, somethings are left unsaid. But you can retell it to any curious being who asks for it later young man PS: The answer to your question is no.
  5. I learnt the word "pansy" today from this thread which also means sissy and milksop. Ouch! Anyway, unrequited love is a waste of time. You either get what you want or forget about it and move on. No time to waste. And finally, don't fall in love if you are younger than twenty
  6. In badan waxay dadka masaakiinta madaafiic la dhacaan iyagoo qabiillo magacood ku duulaayo, maanta waxay ku qasabtay warlordskii qaarkood inay badda naf ka raadiyaan oo maydkooda badda soo caarido. Ilaahay waa na maqashiin karaa aqbaar fiican iyo dhimashada Yalaxoow, Qanyare, Ilqeyte, Kii bidaarta lahaa magaciisaa iga maqan..Qeybdiid? and all the warlords iyagoo dullaysan.
  7. Miskiin, Xukun ilaahay ha u naxariisto.
  8. Xoogsade


    Amelia, Congratulations.
  9. Nuune, Either way you would be without government defeating the warlords or losing to them if your premonitions do become true. With that said, the question then becomes are you better off with the victory of the warlords or with their defeat? Remember, these warlords don't need a government because their salary can't be paid by the TFG, one that equates the amount of money they generate from their private enterprises on top of what they loot from the lady selling the tomato in the market. They are richer than the government. They are businessmen. Given their inherent internal dispute when no outsider is bothering them, their religious objection to any government, with their victory, we are stuck at where we started from and A/Y's government can do nothing about them. It will be back to A/Y asking for more weapons so he can fight them and these warlords appealing to their clansmen's emotions. On the other hand, and with their defeat, Muqdisho elders have an opportunity to decide the future of the town and form a local government that has the respect of everyone. With the absense of a warlord, no one will care who rules that single town. No territorial dispute and no fiefdoms, a somali city open for business. The individuals you mentioned have no interest in ruling anyone. If anything, they would like to have a say in what people choose which is their right just like the right you have to weigh in when important decisions that relate to you are being decided. If there is ever a victory, it is NOT the men you mentioned who won but the average person in Muqdisho who gets to enjoy life without worrying about when two warlords will fight with one another, or WHEN will one of them deploy his drugged thugs in the streets to generate money for their maintenance. I don't think Americans will come to Xamar to fight. Once their warlords are defeated, they will support the TFG to save face. And hopefully, A/Y and his government will stay firm in condemning the warlords so that America or the world will have no reason to fear and impede progress. Waaba hadduu il presidente Caqli leeyahay oo uusan ku sirmin gaalada beentooda oo nacasnimo eed la dul istaagin the courts. Once he does that, waa u dhammaatay because such meaningless blame will cost the TFG support they might get from Muqdisho.
  10. A/Y squandered one opportunity after another. Notice how he says it is the parliament to fire these warlords when in the past he made a firm stand on issues he thought would work for his agenda. Warlords have no base support so it would be easy more than ever to fire them and put a prize on their head. That had been the case and that is why A/Y's election was welcomed to begin with. Need for change.
  11. Castro, Qanyare's daughter is a nurse of sort and a good muslimad as I heard. She could be depressed already by the blood-sucking of her father and his murderous campaign. It is a slow death to be related to vile men like him so that is enough torture for any sensible person to bear. I wouldn't shine a light on them just because aabbahoodaa bakhtiga cuna. The best project is forming death squads to eliminate every warlord.
  12. Bishaaro, thanks for filling in the gaps for me. I am quite shocked an eleven year old somali girl can have a baby. You know, african americans with their humongous physique and eating habits might mature that fast, and whites too, but somalis who were even born here still do retain to good extent their skinny traits. I would consider a seven year old mature girl as a freak. Aniga waxaan la socdaaba iska yar allore lool lol. lol@qowsaarad. macquul waaye taas.
  13. Nafta , waxaan isa siinaayay waqti aan kusii cibaadeesto caawoo dhan si aan uga toobadkeeno youthful exuberance and leading a good unascetic life Tonight is too close of a time for doomsday to catch me unawares. Anyway, sheekooyinka qaarkood waa laga fiican yahay. We should have waited sharing this story till we had solid proof. Hadda as you see, dad baa meel kale la 'aaday warkaan. The one and Only Girls don't hit puberty at nine lately, do they? maturity varies from community to community and some girls mature earlier than others depending on some factors, but I doubt a somali girl at age nine or eleven would be in good physiological state to bear a child. They are saying both the man and the girl were refugees. The story is dubious. The chances of this happening in my mind is next to impossible. Also, given our lies about our age to come to the west, don't you think the girl might be older than what her documents show if the story is true? There are too many unknowns to make a judgement on this tabloid story. I wouldn't have given it credence just yet. And some have already embarked on assailing somali men. That upsets me.
  14. Only a mentally retarded person believes in such story. Adduunyada waayadaan dambe maalaayacnigiiyaa ka batay we ask Allah to hasten Aakhirada meesha haba lagu kala dareero illeen wax faa'iido oo lagu heesto adduunyadaaba jirin. Ilaahoow may berri Qiyaamaha dhacdo. We are desperate for it indeed.
  15. Animal-Farm, They will get there provided the average person gives support to the project of ending the warlord reign. In the meantime, if some heads of forty homes come together to use islam against transgressors, so be it. It is a matter of survival for them where people don't have the luxury to debate what is better. That is the forte of others like us who live in the safety of their own homes and who have little or no connection to the danger others face daily. On another front, did you guys know that Warlords are engaged in community building realizing the dark clouds hovering above them? one of these warlords named Abdi-Shukri was actually repairing the roads in Madiino few weeks ago and promised to repair all the depilitated mosques in the Area with MONEY PROVIDED BY THE US. Of course, this was a ploy to devide the residents after they decided to organize a demosntration against his buying and converting homes into bases from which to attack the courts in the south. He is part of the Anti-Terror coalition and He is from Aidid's clan while the majority of the residents in the area are Qanyare's. They originally opposed his measure but after he started repairing the roads and made some promises, people went back to debating and questioning the wisdom of opposition to him since he was doing some good. People even debated the use of US money going into mosques. Other warlords promised to build islamic schools and are courting the average person in town. You have heard how warlord Yalaxoow rescued Ali dheere's(the former court official in North Muqdisho) abducted son from captivity. This is a ploy to devide the rank and file of the residents and stop them from supporting the courts. Muqdisho's future is uncertain. I have read the TFG blaming the warlords and raising the issue of the united States funding their pogroms. It is about time all the good somalis set aside meaningless blame of others because of clan sentiments and support the demise of the warlords. It doesn't matter who does it and the road is surely paved with dangers and people are at risk of dying from the violence, but something has to be done. Take Care everyone.
  16. Horn, it suggests the man was of a minority clan, however, that might not be correct and one has to verify it for himself. In any case, the condemned man killed the Quranic teacher in Similar manner, knifed him to death, so it is simply a man getting what he deserves if the allegations were true. Personally, I think whoever was responsible for bringing this man to justice should have told the kid and the family of the victim the virtues of forgiveness and that they could forgo all this. The condemned has already met his fate and I hope God accepts him into heaven and forgives him for paying with his life for what he has done. We will have to hear this from reliable sources. I personally called my relatives to see to the bottom of this minority issue. Obviously, Shabeelle news as you quoted contradicts what I was told. I trust the person I talked to and will ask them again to verify the info. And I was asking this out of curiousity and wanting to correct some people's suggestions but not that I am opposed to the morality of executing killers who take other people's lives minority or not. Waxaa xataa laga yaabaa macallin dugsiga hore loo dilay iyo kan wax dilay inay isku reer yihiin. There are a lot of unknowns to the story and speculation has no value. Murdering is wrong regardless of who is involved and doing the murdering. Bottomline, if the accusation against the condemned man was right, I see no point for argument. We have had enough of innocent people die everyday in Muqdisho in gruesome manner and their flesh collected or scraped off from the walls. Eight or more people died yesterday and there could be a war today.
  17. Castro I was addressing the minority issue which some raised and that this particular incident was not the result of preying on the weak or on the clanless person(as somalis like to put it). That is all bro. Also, Justice in Muqdisho or in Somalia is tied to clan always and it has to be done through the clan. We are back to the dark ages in full swing where islam doesn't matter and common sense has little value. Muqdisho needs an invasion force comprised of somalis of all clans to save their cousins. This tribal devision has strengthened only the faithless and weakened the good somalis who are caught in between tribal thugs. Afro. Aniga waxaan la hadlay xamar iyo qaraabadeyda and asked them what was the clan of the condemned man. I thought I could correct some of you and had to call before I did that. They had no reason to lie. Adiga yaa la hadashay Xamar oo aa ka wareesatay arrinkaan? Besides, it would be in the tribal news websites if the condemned man was of a minority clan. I am sure we will read about this in the future if it is true. And I will have to call back and blame the person I have spoken with for telling a lie although I am confident the person didn't. Muqdisho has too many radios and tv network. Everything is news so even if the person I talked to would get it wrong, it is a tough miss. Anyway, haddaadan hadalkeyga ku qanacsaneen, fine with me saxib. I thought I could correct something. That is all. I have plenty of things to worry about lately.
  18. The court and the condemned man both belong to the same clan of Ali mahdi. If you have relatives in Muqdisho, and you are too concerned and want to find out what is real and what is not, spend five dollars and place a call, if not, SILENCE is golden. I have seen this thread when it was posted and called back home to find out what it was all about. I didn't have time to come back and contribute. If that is not sufficient, one can always carry on
  19. I would be damned!! I had no idea such technology existed and was being experimented for years and even the United Arab Emirates used it recently to artificially bring rain to alleviate draught. Indeed God is gracious bestowing upon mankind with such know-how so they could exploit the world he created. Here are the articles, one is linked here Artificial Rain in Beijing and the other is copied below entirely: Capital, N. Emirates get rain, artificially! By a staff reporter 2 May 2005 ABU DHABI — For the first time in the history of the region, artificial rain was experimented in the UAE last week. Using the latest technology, the rainmaking effort — which continued for four days — brought moderate rain, mainly in the Abu Dhabi emirate and the Northern Emirates, an official source said. The artificial rainfall helped alleviate the dry spells that have lasted for days. According to experts, artificial rainfall will help plants grow, increase the level in reservoirs, and add water to the barren soil in the country. Although it has rained much more frequently this year, the precipitation in Abu Dhabi remains below average. The rainmaking efforts helped bring the temperature down 47 degrees Celsius forecast by the Met office for the beginning of May. In the rainmaking operation last week, experts used a hydrogen bomb for four days, the source said. Ensuring that it was eco-friendly, the source said that with this technique, you can control the timing and location for the rainfall. According to scientists, plastic hydrogen bomb uses electricity to break apart water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen. Then, it uses a spark of electricity to explosively recombine the gases into a high pressure steam, which propels a stream of water high into the air. In the UAE and several countries of the region, there are often clouds, but no rain. This is because of a phenomenon called supercooling. The temperature of the cloud might be close to zero and there might even be crystals of ice in it. The water vapour in the cloud does not condense into liquid water. The super cooling gets disturbed by spraying the cloud with special substances, using a small aeroplane for the purpose. Khaleejka
  20. Stoic, Hijab is treated as a sign of piety, therefore, it is natural for people to expect excellent islamic manners from the woman who is covered. People hold the same standards to a man who shows visible signs of islam such as the beard and the low cut trousers or the man who preaches and teaches islam to others. Their mistakes are treated differently. It is a double standard but the reality. We treat the religious as if they were infallibles(macsuumiin) which they aren't and be shocked when we see them do something everybody else does.
  21. This is good news. They should have burned the house where the kid was kept to send an important message.