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Everything posted by Xoogsade
Originally posted by WaTerLily: The biggest problem that Somalia faces right now is people who hold on to old ideals and refuse dialogue and are hellbound om rocking the boat (eg,. Abdullahi Yusuf). I am doubtful of the ICs but at least no matter how dangerous they may be viewed they are willing to talk and thus show they are reasonable. The current TFG is an absolutle disgrace and had they done their job properly there would have been no need for the Islamic Courts. The TFG finally agreed to meet the court representatives in Khartuum though A/Y set conditions that won't be met as expressed by Sheekh Shariif. You correctly stated what is wrong with Somalia today. Old school mentality. We need new faces and young generation of somalis to rule the country who understand government is not about consolidating power, nepotism and fighting others if they don't want you to rule or disagree with you.
Wafdi ka socda Maxkamadaha Islaamiga oo maanta u ambabaxay dalka Suudaan oo uu ka dhacayo kulan lagu wada hadalsiinayo Maxkamadaha iyo dowladda. June 20, 2006. HornAfrik. Mogadishu, Somalia. Midowga Maxkamadaha Islaamiga ayaa maanta wafdi Toban xubnood ka kooban oo isugu jira aqoonyahano iyo xubna ka tirsan Maxkamadaha u diray dalka Suudaan halkaas oo uu ka dhacayo kulan lagu wada hadalsiinayo Maxkamadaha iyo dowladda. Xubnaha maanta ka ambabaxay magaalada Muqdisho ee ka dhoofay garoonka diyaaradaha Cisaley ayaa waxaa soo xulay midowga maxkamadah islaamiga oo shalay ilaa iyo xalay uga socday magaalada Muqdisho. Xubnaha maanta ambabaxay ayeyna ku jirin Guddoomiyaha midowga maxkamahada iyo ku xigeenkiisa. Wafdigan matalaya midowga maxkamadaha ee maanta u ambaxabay magaalada Khratuum ee dalka Suudaan ayaa ka qeyb qaadan doono kulan dowladda Suudan ay ku dhexdhexaadineyso midowga maxkamadah iyo dowladda fedraalka. Wafdigan oo isugu jiray aqoonyahano culumaa'udiin iyo dhalinyaro ayaa waxaa hogaaminayey Dr. Maxamed Cali Ibraahim oo si weyn looga yaqaan dalka Soomaaliya horena guddoomiye ugu soo noqday ururka AL-islaax. Xubnahaas aya sidoo kale waxaa ka mid ahaa. Guddoomiyaha maxkamada Ifka Xalane Sheekh Xuseen Maxamuud Jimcaale Bashiir Cadow Calasow Prof. Cumar Aadan Qaadi C/qaadir Maxmuud Geeddi Ugaas Axmed Bile Xasan Daahir Maxamuud Geelle Sheekh Yuusuf Ceynte Iyo Guddoomiyaha kacdoonka diinta iyo difaaca dalka Axmed Maxamed C/lle “Axmed Qare†Wafdigan ayaa garoonka waxaa ku sii sagootiyey Guddoomiyaha midwoga maxkamadaha Islaamiga Sheekh Sharif Sh. Axmed, iyo guddoomiye ku xigeenka Sheekh C/qaadir Cali Cumar. Safiirka jaamacada carabta u qabilsan arrimha Soomaaliya Cabdalla Mubraak oo saaka soo gaaray magaaalada Muqdisho ayaa wafdiga maxkamadaha u sii raacaay magaalada Khratuum ee dalka Suudaan oo uu shirka ka dhacayo. Wafdigan oo ka duulay garoonka diyaaradaha Cisaley oo hore gacanta ugu heyn jiray ganacsade Bashiir Raage oo ka mid aha isbaheysigii la dagaalanka argagaxiosada ee looga awood roonaaday magaalada Muqdisho. Waa markii ugu horysay oo culumaa'udiin Soomaaliyeed ay ka duulaan garoonkaas tan iyo xilligi ay la wareegeen gacan ku heynta garoonkaas midowga maxkamadaha Islaamiga http://www.hornafrik.com/Newspage/news0349.htm#1
There is potential for conflict and even religious men undermine each other sometimes, however, we hope this movement is different and their pledge for security, law and order in Muqdisho outlives and dampens any undercurrent ideological differences they have. They can not afford to picker. If the courts fail, Muqdisho waa u dhammaatay. The alternative is worse.
Originally posted by HornAfrique: Xoogsade- Duke maxaad u xaarxaarin? If Duke loves this transitional admin because of tribe, you don't hate it because of that? saxib, no I don't disagree with the TFG/its leadership for tribal reasons but for the obvious political plunders which will create unnecessary conflicts. I once wrote that "although I never prayed for a warlord I would pray for A/Y to be successful" after he said something reasonable a while back. I oppose/opposed him for making the wrong decisions at critical times every now and then lacking forebearance and wisdom. One mind track of his is not good for the country. Plus when you see people like duke you get to wonder if it is worth wasting time on hoping for anything good to come out of somali initiatives. We were always represented by people who put clan interests above and beyond everything else and and then came others who put all that aside and cared only about themselves only while the rest whithered. At least duke should take a break and wait for the upcoming decisions by all parties involved and take it from there. Nothing is complete and disputes just begun. Even Muqdisho doesn't have government yet. La isma ceebeeyo. But then again, ceebta qofka inuu dhibsanaayaa ka horeyso. Duke. Sidii ilaahay ka dhigo ayay noqoneysaa. Intaan kula hadlay ka badan haddaan kuu jawaabo waxay keeneysaa inaan hoos u soo dhaco xagga dhaqanka iyo caqiidada. EDITED.
Saxib, Foreign troops usually get embroiled in local politics and end up victims. That is because they lack complete understanding of the culture and local sensibilities. Add that to the likes of A/Y who want to dictate policies when these troops show up in our doorsteps and point fingers at people he considers his enemies. The reaction will be fierce and bloody mess as it was in the past. Besides, these troops are coming to install him by force and already assumed in their ignorance, people will capitulate to the threat and presence of foreign troops. This is going to be a bloody mess inwhich many will happily participate and sign on. The planned visit of the UN and other interested parties to the Islamic courts will hopefully clear the confusion of these gullible beings who think they have to send in troops to keep the peace when A/Y's plan is to get them involved in a bloody war instead of his falsely stated objectives. Once again, the lines are drawn and this time, it is not a clan war but a somali war against foreign occupation adn their somali stooges. Haddaaba xamar soomali meel walba isaga timid si ay ula diriraan shisheeye hadduu yimaaddo.
Hey Duke, Adiga adeerkaa aa ku aakhiro seejin doono When people were down trodden and unable to change their agonizing conditions, they were blamed for lack of spirit and complascency, collectively charged for stealing homes and living on haram, some others went as far as saying everyone deserved in how they lived in the hell-hole Muqdisho had been before recent changes. When people changed their conditions and succeeded in getting rid of men who stood in their way to a dignified existence, all of a sudden many feel their interests to be threatened and want foreign troops to invade Muqdisho and surrounding areas so that A/Y can rule them by force. Does that make any sense? Even Puntlanders don't want foreign troops to come to the country with the exception of A/Y supporters. I am certain you wouldn't want ethiopian troops anywhere in Puntland but you are comfortable if they are in other somali towns. You can see how clan mentality forces people to accept harm and indignity to others while they want the best for themselves. Okay, ka soco, Suppose the troops come, are they going to sit in baydhabo forever? Are they coming to Muqdisho to fight on A/Y's behalf? And how will that enable A/Y to rule people he bloodied with foreign troops? Don't you think people prefer death over subjugation by a foreigner they don't like and being ruled by someone who guided them to their homes? If A/Y can not trust people, he should quit the job, because, no amount of foreign troops are going to help him rule the country. The country will be devided as it was and many somalis will fight these troops. I honestly believe even Sheekh Shariif will not be able to stop other somalis who will initiate a war against foreign troops. The situation is volatile with people coming from everwhere with the conviction of fighting ethiopian and foreign troops. Does A/Y care about this situation? As his supporter, do you see how you want to fight a losing war? Yea, that poor somali man obviously was hurt by his conviction which transcended clan affliation and paid a price for it. Dadka ninkaas xiray ka warran saxib? Ceebtaadana you justify his arrest as expected. I have no time for every important comment I wanted to make about problems that exist currently in the south and disputes concerning property and towns ruled by people who are not from the local area. For these important issues, I await for the courts to strengthen their power base and stablish justice system starting with Muqdisho, from there on, things might fall in line and because of pressure and demands by all clans in the south, with their newly gained freedom to dare and challenge, we will hear voices seeking justice to their plight. So, I am waiting to see how things turn out. But with the looming threat of foreign troops though, I am afraid, nothing can be done and it will be about fighting a war.
Saaxil, I have read about the whereabouts of these warlords, they are somewhere warlord "Qanyare" was born, a place his clan settles. I forgot the name of the location but latest stories have it that is where all the defeated warlords congregated eating hilib ari and drinking caano to their content.
Abdi, ninkaan inaan lacag u diraan rabay wallaahi but didn't know how to go about it. My childhood friend back in Xamar who is from Bosaso clanwise is in Dubai so I finally decided to wait for his return to Bosaso. He can look for this true somali arrested for showing solidarity with Muqdisho residents during the last court vs warlord's war. Puntland wax freedom la yiraahdo kama jiraan and the same dictatorial regime is what ABdullahi yusuf wants to force down our throat. We are not simply interested in anything that makes a dent on our religious and personal freedoms in Muqdisho. We want nothing short of islam and if we have to give up any freedom, it will be for the sake of god. Sheekada waa isku dhammaatay. If the courts and Muqdisho residents were to ask for my opinion, I would tell them to forget about discussions with A/Y and his government. Ninkaan waxaan dhibaato ahayn ummad lama dhex yimaaddo. PS: Beydhabaaba wixii naftooda u baqay kaga soo carareen according to these news reports Xildhibaanadii ku sugnaa Magaalada Baydhabo oo intoodii halkaa ka cararey Dad wargal ah oo ka yimid Magaalada Baydhabo ayaa sheegay in badan Xildhibaanadii Baarlamaanka in ay isaga soo tageen Magaalada Baydhabo oo xarun u ahayd Dowladda Federaalka. Xildhibaanadaasi ayaa la sheegay in ay halkaasi uga soo tageen kaddib markii ay hanjbaadyo uga yimaadeen maleeshiyo ku sugan deegaanka oo sheegay in magaalada Baydhabo ay xoog ku qabsadeen maleeshiyo uu keenay Madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf, iyadoo taasina ay garab socoto Ismaandhaafka ugubka ah ee soo kala dhexgalay Dowladda iyo Maxaakiimta Islaamiga ah. Qaar ka mid ah Xildhibaanada Baarlamaanka ee soo gaaray magaalada Muqdisho ayaa waxay sheegeen in xitaa ay ka soo tageen Gawaridoodii arrimo la xiriira dhinaca ammaanka, waxay kaloo sheegeen in Magaalada Baydhabo ay ka soo raaceen gawaarida rakaabka dadwey-naha ee isaga kala goosaha Muqdisho iyo Baydhabo. Baxsashada Xildhibaanada Baarlamaanka waxaa sii dhiirageliyay markii Golaha Baarlamaanka uu go'aan ku gaaray in Soomaaliya la keeno ciidamo ka socda wadamada safka hore, taasoo ay si weyn uga soo horjeesteen Culuma'u-diinka Gobalada Baay iyo Bakool, iyagoo ku hanjabay cid kasta oo go'aamisay in Soomaaliya ay soo galaan ciidamo ka socda wadamada safka hore ay la dagaalami doonaan. Xildhibaanadii Baarlamaanka oo si xor ah ku mari jiray Magaalada Baydhabo isla markaana ka caweyn jiray Baararka waaweyn ayaa la sheegay in arrintaasi haatan ay dhamaatay iyadoo la sheegay in ay cabsi weyn soo wajahday.
I am afraid these MPs will be arrested before they move out of that besieged city. I read once in an online news report from a somali website that A/Y left two prominent reer Baydhabo men back in Libiya. The story has it that he requested their confinement after they accompanied him to Libiya for a so called official visit over there. He feared their influence so he had preplanned a coup without them knowing. If you serve under A/Y, your life is always in danger. They should have learnt their lesson from his past.
Originally posted by SOO MAAL: Xoogsadow khayr baa sheegtay wakhtigii waa ka dhamaaday warlords dhibatada ku hayey dadka somaaliyeed sida muuse suudi qanyare maxamed dheere, cadde muuse iyo nss officer ina riyoode I think Islamic leadership can only solve the clan war between clan-factions of Somaliland and Puntland A/Y, another enigmatic wisdomless character remains though with his inability to change. The other petty criminals and gangs were chased away from the political scene to our jubilation. As for Somaliland, Once the rest of the south comes out of the conlfict and ends up with a better leadership(I don't think the current one will survive), Somaliland issue will be settled.
Originally posted by Warsan: Duufaan, did you enlarge the image so u could make that comment? Ameen baa kugu filneed ninyahow. The problem was not your avatar per se. It is just that anyone with positive attitude towards the obvious good changes in Somalia gets to be intimidated by those who feel they have lost and are bound to lose their clan war and their warlords.
Originally posted by Rahima: quote: Allah is always there to help those who turn to him. Alhamdulliah I'm so incredibly happy. I hope that Somalia truly changes into an Islamic State in every sense of the word. Alxamdullilah and amiin. I can’t imagine how any decent Somali could possibly at this point be opposed to the events and the victory of the courts. Opposition is only of one of two camps as I see it- Islam/Islamic state haters (very few in this forum) or the revolting tribalists who hate any positive developments for the people of Mogadishu. The latter of the two seem to be in full force lately, victory has just come; the courts have yet to deal with the problems of Mogadishu itself, yet they expect changes in an unrealistic timeframe. Inshallah further positive developments will be made, however as with all such matters time will be required. Almost two years since good old adeer CY and Co came to power- we still wait for any sort of progress other than moving around like nomads. I pray that the courts continue their wave of victory and make all the necessary changes especially as with regards to Mogadishu and its residents. I doubt that they will be left alone in peace to do so, but nevertheless I hope that they succeed. You should listen to the last BBC interview given by Sheekh Shariif(I will help you with the translation if you don't understand somali sis if I find the transcript by posting it here). There is nothing to worry about. Xamar is safe and surrounding areas. The objective of the courts is not to invade where there have no relations and all changes in other towns were locally driven. If A/Y and his government want peace and to rule the country, they will have to negotiate by sitting with the courts who represent people. If talks fail, to each his own and surely, no one can come to Muqdisho or to other towns seeking to rule it by force. Once again, Somalia will be devided till men of honour come who are willing to negotiate on good faith.
Qasab ma jiro saxib soomaalidiidna waxaa ah qofka Ciidamo shisheeye in waddanka la keeno oggol oo A/Y ku taageersan qaladkaas.
Gender-Based Violence Galvanized Warlords' Foes Somali Women Gave Crucial Support for Islamic Militias By Craig Timberg Washington Post Foreign Service Sunday, June 18, 2006; A12 MOGADISHU, Somalia, June 17 -- Sometimes, the women here said, it began with a knock on the door after dark or with a kidnapping in broad daylight. And sometimes, the gunmen who ruled this city would use a long, sharp knife to slice open the tin shacks of poor families and snatch their daughters away. The girls would return -- if they returned -- in the morning, sobbing and marked permanently as castoffs in a traditional Islamic society that demands virginity at marriage. "Four-year-old girls, 5-year-old girls were raped," said Anab Mohamed isxaaq , 35, a solemn, long-faced widow who has two girls among her five children. "I was scared for my daughters." An epidemic of sexual violence during 15 years of lawlessness in Somalia was among the factors that strengthened opposition to this city's notorious warlords, residents said. The Islamic militias who drove them out in months of recent fighting were embraced as keepers of public order, as a force strong enough and pious enough to keep Mogadishu's daughters safe. That helped the militias win the support of Mogadishu's increasingly influential women, who in recent years had joined the job market en masse to support their families in the midst of a collapsing economy. On streets throughout this ruined city, they sold vegetables, plastic jugs of gasoline and khat, a popular, addictive leaf chewed widely here. "Women were doing what men used to do here," said Shariff Osman, 45, dean of the faculty at Mogadishu University. "They were paying the bills." When fighting broke out in January, the airwaves suddenly were full of angry denunciations of the secular warlords and support for the Islamic militias fighting them. Most of the callers were women, said Somalis who monitored the political upheaval as it played out on radio talk shows. And though it was guns and not words that chased away the warlords, the intensity of the public revulsion for them provided crucial support for the Islamic militias as they advanced through this oceanside capital, analysts, activists and business leaders say. "Somalia was saved because of the Somali women," said Khadija O. Ali, 47, founder of a women's group here and a graduate student in conflict resolution at George Mason University. "I think it is even something that the men acknowledge now. Finally." At the top of the list of their concerns, Ali and other women said, was curbing murder, robbery and rape in one of the world's most dangerous cities. In the absence of a central government -- the last one fell to the warlords in 1991 -- city leaders chose to deal with these problems by establishing traditional Islamic courts, with one overseeing the members of each of the city's dozen or so leading families. The courts relied on Islamic law, which calls for thieves' hands to be amputated, murderers to be publicly executed and rapists to either die or face public lashings, depending on the circumstances of the case. (Residents say that, in practice, jail sentences have been far more common punishments for crimes.) One such court was set up last year, Ali said, after four gunmen knocked on the door of a home shortly before midnight and demanded that the man inside turn over his 20-year-old stepdaughter. She returned the next day in tears, said a neighbor, who spoke on the condition on anonymity. A month later, the same gunmen returned to rape the young woman again, but she was already gone, said the neighbor, sent away in shame to a remote part of Somalia. So instead the gunmen demanded the man's wife. When she refused, the gunmen shot the man in both legs, crippling him, and shot and killed his wife. Few dispute there has been a dramatic decline in crime in Mogadishu since the fall of the warlords June 5, though in the absence of a police force, there are no crime statistics. But not all women say their stature has grown as the country moves toward Islamic law. Ubah Mohamed, 34, a widow with seven children, was among the women who joined Mogadishu's workforce. But she said the beauty shop she opened a decade ago has been losing regular customers, from more than 300 to about one-third that number, as radical Islamic values appear to be gaining wider acceptance. "The militias patrol our areas looking to see if girls are going out with boys," she said. "So the girls don't come to beauty salons like ours." Mohamed, meanwhile, began wearing a black hijab to cover her own hair out of fear of what the newly powerful militias might do. In a city where residents report that public viewing of the World Cup has been curbed, she predicted that beauty shops, including hers, would be closed soon as well. Yet even for Mohamed, recent months have brought a kind of liberation. When the public mood began to boil, she called one of Mogadishu's several radio stations and complained about the gunmen and their thirst for robbery and rape. "I was one of those ladies," she recalled. "We don't need warlords." isxaaq , the widow who has five children, has mixed feelings about the changes in Somalia. She would rather have remained home with her children, as her mother did, she said. And the stray bullet that killed her husband last month struck him at their house, which, because he was unemployed, is where he spent most of his time. As isxaaq went door-to-door selling clothes, he had stayed home, watching the younger children. Their two daughters -- Nasteexo, 10, and Hamsa, 7 -- also spent most of their time at home because isxaaq forbade them to walk alone outside. She grimly recalled a time two years ago when she saw the body of a girl of about 4, the relative of a neighbor, who had been raped and killed. But now, isxaaq revels in watching her daughters leave the house, hand in hand, and without her. For the first time since she had them, isxaaq said, she worries not at all. © 2006 The Washington Post Company http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/06/17/AR2006061700848_pf.html
Suldaanka, those were my thoughts only saxib. No ill feelings towards northerners. Odo Where was the insult bro? I reread my posts and saw nothing deemed as insult.
Qudhac, wise advise you gave me and I trully appreciate it bro. However, you missed my point. It is not my secret wishes but plausible outcomes of this change in Somalia. Surely, When a somali town adjacent to yours is ruled by the Sharia law, there is tendency that other muslims in your town to aspire the same system, and "why not us since we are all the same" mentality prevails. The only option would be then to massacre and hire the ever willing blazing guns of the Ethiopians or simply recognize the aspirations of the people and let them be. I am certain that clan ideologies don't stand a chance against the unifying force of islam. Perhaps this fact is more recognized by men like A/Y and your leadership who deligently work to outmanouver such islamic force to materialize. A/Y quelled such movement in the past and Somaliland adminstration has done tremendous harm to muslims who were unfortunately ill-equipped to defend themselves since their clans are either a minority in the north or don't live there at all. Puntland adminstration is already threatening its local populations with punishments if they show support for the changes. A man was arrested weeks ago for organizaing demonstration against the warlords. Such fears show the fragility of the system and the pusillanimous men who overlord it in that part of the country. Like I suggested, Puntland is the bulwark for now which shields Somaliland from becoming once again another somali region as it is and always had been. Once the puntlanders kick out their corrupt Adde Muse loser and install an islamic adminstration, Somaliland comes crumbling down like a house of cards. If not and Somliland employs supression of its local population to avoid any politcal upsets, Somaliland will be smaller in size and in fact many Somalilanders will migrate to this side of the border to have religious freedom. Soon afterwards, your leadership may invite Ethiopian army to protect themselves from the islamic onslaught. Anyway, this is all plausible scenarious and I don't hide the fact that i believe somalis are one and Somalia is one big country for all Somalis, indivisible and transcendent of clan ownership. As clan ideologies came, they will disappear and gone with it will be its protagonists and those who forced it down our throats.
Nuune, Thanks for the news saxib. This is a cause for celebration.
Nuune, Thanks for the news saxib. This is a cause for celebration.
Qudhac, The survival of Somaliland as a separate entity from Somalia proper depends on Puntland's stregnth to withstand pressure from its local population who can demand an islamic rule any time in the near future. If Puntland becomes islmically ruled state where Sharia is enforced, Next will be adjacent towns populated by clans independent from Somaliland coming under the sway of the mighty islam. And before you know it, an islamic court in Laascaanood and one in Cerigaabo. Surely, Somaliland adminstration can do little to interfer where they have no exclusive influence right? Boorame could be next although I doubt that. Hargeysa could be isolated. Some beardos in Hargeysa itself might get the idea of getting their own courts and finally, the whole country is linked by these courts headed by the local tribesmen. Do you think this scenario is plausible? Puntland is always under threat given the sheer religious population it has. With the exception of its leaders in that north eastern region, 99% percent of the locals would opt for islamic rule. there is no question about that. These southern courts don't even have to go beyond Baladweyn to influence the political landscape. It can be a domino effect with each somali clan or subclan sheltering themselves in an islamic court. ISLAM is surely a threat to these clan concieved fiefdoms that separate Somalis psychologically if not physically. Federalism could be dead soon. These mini states(Punt/Somland) have achieved tremendous success where other somali regions failed in the past. But, this islamic wind can upset the status quo don't you think? Islam transcends clan so while a loyal clanist sees the man behind the wind, the faithful always sees different. It is a threat lol. It will be difficult to maintain isolationist ideologies if the larger population of somalis link up and find brotherhood again. If the influence of the courts grows in strength, you will see every somali town demanding an islamic rule to get rid of the local head honcho they despise so much and will take matters into their own hands. Afterall, it seems somalis have discovered a way to outmanouver local clan politics and fight back with strength.
Qudhac, Mashaaqyikhdiina ka warran? Goormaa Afgambi ka dhici doonaa Hargeysa? Puntland adminstration has warned the locals not to show any support to the courts both open and secret support. They said such support would be met with fierce punishment from their adminstration. What about HARGEYSA? are they worried like that? Here goes news conference given by one of their admisntration officials. http://www.alljubbaland.com/news1/newsid204.htm
Sweet pictures that make me proud. Allaa mahadda iska leh ka dhigay intaanoo qof iyo millions of somalis both inside and outside the country people who oppose foreign troops. Somalis have shown in the past they can settle their differences without troops from other countries being used to subjugate them. Somaliland and Puntland are both good examples of somalis who came up with a solution that appealed to their respective residents. And today, every region has the same opportunity to settle disputes locally. There is no need to invite foreign troops. Gardarro caddaana ah waaye and such measures should be met with a war. Check the link below for a video about what foreign troops has done in Muqdiso in the past. http://www.qarxis.com/operation_snatch_niggers1 Amxaarana waaba ka sii liidataa for their history of sheer violence against somalis. Dadkaan lama soo dhoweesto. Amxaar ninka naf ka raadiyay iyaguu ka liitaa so it is bloody war to the end rather than see Amxaaro boots in Somalia anywhere people can fight them back. Ilaa iyo hadda waxa taageersan Ciidamo shisheeye in la keeno waa dad qalbiga ka buko oo kaliya.
Xamar is back Such pictures which depict an ambience of tranquility, fun and security must bother those who were anti the courts. Strangely, some of these antagonists have families living in that town yet were so anti the courts it never made sense. Just shows you if one is clanist they become so blind in the heart they can't see the sun up in the sky even with no clouds barring their vision. My appreciation and thanks goes to all somalis who came from all over the country and went to Muqdisho to help us get this victory in Xamar. I also thank those brothers in the diaspora who showed their support in times of need and whose faith far surpasses mine despite the possibilities of them being victims of clan violence in the past. True brothers indeed and because of them, we have a better future inshallah. I hope nothing goes wrong in the future as well and the result of this revolution give fruits that benefit every somali. I wish death on clanists, God can grant me such gift. Ignorance is deadly coupled with clan mentality.
C/llaahi Yuusuf Amxaaradiisana waa soo socdaan,
Xoogsade replied to Che -Guevara's topic in Politics
This is the end of A/Y's chance to rule as he had hoped to do. -
Miskiin, It is alright, the ethiopians can come to Baydhabo if the locals invite them, But Xamar and surrounding areas is off limits to them. It will be a bitter war to the death and you can cheer on for the ethiopian troops.