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Everything posted by Xoogsade

  1. Ilaahay ha u naxariisto, Mashallah, waaba qof Jimcaha soo tukaday, falacalla inuu ilaahay u dambi dhaafayba. May Allah forgive him and have mercy on him.
  2. Originally posted by Valenteenah: Hello Mr Malaysia , Of course lots of women end up with such characters anyway, but that's often because the rake pretended to be a decent bloke when she first met him. Nonetheless, the rake should get credit for pulling off the excellent show that got him the clueless woman
  3. It is the other way around and somali women have been abusive lately. DidiKong Adiga inaa nin tahay yaan moodi jiray. I see I was wrong.
  4. Pure, how about the religious segment of Barre's family take over the town and the entire region in collaboration with the locals every where? Many would welcome such change.
  5. Horn, it is for security reasons they pray for that and not because they believe certain clans can not live in Kismayo. From Dhoobley/libooy to kismayo, from Afmadoow to Kismayo, travelling on land is risky, the same goes for people who travel from Kismayo towards Muqdisho or to other Gosha areas. Too many isbaarooyin with most of them manned by men who hail from Mudug and who make a living that way. Inside Kismayo, security is an issue as well.
  6. I hear a lot of prayers lately from some of my relatives who are from there and their prayer reads like this: "Ilaahoow maxkadamaha noo keen"
  7. Ciidamadii Tikreega ee xooga ku joogay goballada Bay iyo Bakool oo qaarkood ay isaga baxayaan. Muqdisho, 26-July-06 ( Qaadisiya.com) Warar xog ogaal oo shabakada Qaadisiya ay ka heshay goballada Bay iyo Bakool ayaa sheegaya qaar ka mid ah ciidamada Ethiopia ee ku sugnaa goballadaasi in ay maanta isaga baxeen goballadaasi, waxa ayna dib ugu laabteen dalka Ethiopia . Wararka ayaa intaa ku daraya in ciidamadaasi oo wata gaadiid dagaal oo lagu qiyaasay 60 gaari in ay ka ambabaxeen goballada Bay iyo Bakool oo maalmihii laga soo gudbay xoog ku joogay dalka Ethiopia. Ciidamadaasi ayaa ku sii jeeda dhinaca deegaanka Doolow oo ku yaalla xadka ay wadaagaan Soomaaliya iyo Ethiopia , lamana garanayo sababaha ka danbeeya ciidamada Ethiopianka ee ka baxaya gudaha ciida Soomaaliya. Ciidamo kale oo Ethiopian ah ayaa weli ku harsan gayiga dalka Soomaaliya, ayadoo dawladda Ethiopia ay dhegaha ka furaysatay baaqyada caalamka ee ku aadan in ay faraha kala baxdo arrimaha dalka Soomaaliya. Shacabka Soomaaliyeed ayaa muujiyay sida uu uga soo horjeedo fara gelinta dawladda Tikreega ay ku hayso arrimaha Soomaaliya, ayagoo wacad kumaray in ay gacmaha ula tagi doonaan ciidamadaasi haddii ay ka bixi waayaan gayiga Soomaaliya. Qaadisiya
  8. Xoogsade


    Welcome Oromia, we support your freedom.
  9. Juje, bro adiga ilaahay ka cabso. You want an apology for some crime I haven't done? Are you asking me to shoulder a sin Allah says I won't shoulder or carry on my back since each individual is responsible for his sins only? Mise it is the usual collective guilt somalis hurl at each other? If you want to discuss without putting yourself in a victim box, I am for it, if not, Waa kaa aamusaayaa for the simple reason that I can't antagonize someone whose emotional hurt forced him to accuse an innocent person to be guilty of a crime he had no part. It would be nice if you understood in ilaahay kuu damaana qaaday dhibkaagii in lagaa abaal marin doono and others will be punished for their sins. You can't ask people to not fight for their right just because others in relation to them have wronged people. Who isn't a victim of these clan wars driven by faithless men?
  10. Lol, duke, you are clever highlighting the flag, I had no idea the eritrean flag looked like that. Nice one bro just following uo on Allamagn's smart comment, how do you feel about the lifting of the arms embargo now? Originally you were happy about it assuming the courts wouldn't get some. This is ugly and the country can be emroiled in another war which is unnecessary.
  11. Juje, cadownimadaada qoto dheeraa saxib? dadkii kala qeybsanaa lix iyo toban sano along clan lines oo maanta isu furmay oo nabad galyo ku wada nool kuna ganacsado aa rabtaa in sidoodii lagu soo celiyo supposedly by the same government who should reconcile them and distance itself from qanyare and his cohorts? Ilaahay haku caafiyo runtii qalbigaa ka jirran tahay.
  12. Mr.Faarax, saxib, you nailed it. Kuwa jaajuuska ah shartooda ilaahay haka badbaadiyo wadaadada masaakiinta. Sheekh Xassan Jamici waaba islaax sida la sheegi jiray and had no business with Al-itixad defunct organization though some people would stoop so low as to lie about anyone.
  13. Mr.Red, your interests and love for all things south is welcome saxib. Everyone belongs to a clan that hails from somewhere, so if we followed this distorted logic propagated by the parties telling you to mind your business, they would be accused of meddling into what isn't their business as well. Such concepts of associating people with towns and regions their clan resides is to devide somalis and place borders between them. You are more than welcome brother.
  14. The real dalimin are the TFG. The courts have honored their end of the bargain and spent almost two weeks in Khartoom waiting for the TFG to show up. No one should waste time with them anymore till they meet the conditions set and the ethiopian army leaves Somalia. The courts should focus on Muqdisho and areas they control working for the people while the TFG works on getting Ethiopia out of their domain to make future meeting possible. Hard thing to do for them when that is their source of strength but they should try.
  15. This is tragic. In early 1990s when ethiopia invited somali warlords, I heard they taped their conversations to get a good idea of how the players thought and how each group was trying to undermine the other. They must have learned valuable secrets to have been able to continue the devide and rule policy they successfuly managed to enforce untill recently when it lost Muqdisho to the courts. Surely, they ruled that city by proxy obviously as indicated by the article. It was known that Yalaxoow and co used to recieve weapons and money but I never clearly linked the dotts and understood Muqdisho itself was ruled by Ethiopia. It makes sense for them to set the TFG on a war footing to reclaim Muqdisho. Ethiopia was unconcerned months back when Mahamed Dheere evicted A/Y and the TFG from Jowhar. They asked him to leave the TFG alone halfheartedly pleasing A/Y though in reality they didn't care. They kept their quite while the TFG languished in baydhabo with the warlrods of Muqdisho effectively sealing the town for themselves after not only they discreditted A/Y as reer hebel ODAY but the entire TFG they were part of and insulted somali clans over the radios. Sakhaajiimiinti afka xumaa ee iyagoo niman waayeel ah sidii ciyaalsuuqa soomalida u aflagaadeen jiray aa hadda baydhabo wada dhooban iyagoo Agoomo ah. A/Y should have kicked their butt big time and threw them out. They would find no mercy or group of people coming to their aid as everybody hates them. Dadka dadkay ka dhasheen hilfaha usoo laabay qofka soo dhoweeyay, you have to wonder? But then again and looking at the facts above, Duqa is beholden to ethiopia. He has to do what they want.
  16. What is the offence? The article didn't say what the guy did so it is premature to conclude they will cut his hand off don't you think? I guess this thread is meant to be another cheap talk about islamic law.
  17. Duke, that "your cousin" comment was to make Garaad feel guilty for calling me a clanist I see it worked and Garaad is protesting, Anyway saxib, I went back and editted my post. You have replied better and calmer and I feel I must return the courtesy. Take care saxib. Garaad. Now you know better and not to accuse me to be a clanist.
  18. I don't think so saxib, adiga qudhaada I can accuse you of the same. But that is fine, you are his cousin hence your two cents on his behalf You know, I am not afraid to express how much I distrust certain somali men and tell you that I don't want them to rule the country, if that makes me a tribalist fine with me.
  19. Kaadidiyaa ka dhammaatay tuugada Baydhabo isugu tagtay. That is how hypcrites live, in fear of others and of their communities because they know they are guilty and mean no good. Qofka cadaaladda ka shaqayn jiray oo islaamka ka nabad galay, waxba kama cabsado, but if one traded the lives of his kinsfolk for meager income and soaked themselves with their blood, of course, it makes sense for them to call their sponsors to begin with in support for them. These murderers in baydhabo should not be given any opportunity to rule the country. They want to devide the somalis and the country by using the same clan concept they have used in the past to gather militias from clans. So far, they failed as some have left their ranks. Any militias calooshood u shaqaystayaal along with their AMXAARO compatriots will be crushed if they move outside Bay area. The courts have started the process of Uniting their ranks and make one army, also, the ex-somali military started enlisting themselves and want to join the islamic courts and fight the Xabasho and their minions. Effectively, this TFG is dead as far as good somalis are concerned. Baydhabo masoo dhaafi doonaan weligood iyo agagaarkeeda. If that is what some want to be contented with and call it a somali national gov, fine
  20. Mr.red, If you are not aware of such possessions and for the first time you see someone in a state of epilepsy making strange noises and speaking with a voice contradictory to one's sex, you get scared right? One, you haven't seen such event before, two, it is natural to fear for a human being, it is a defensive mechanism that kicks in when you percieve something to be threatening. It takes getting used to and after the intial experience, you become casual about it. WaterLily I agree with you, Cabsi allaa mudan but that wasn't my first reaction obviously Do you know something? tell us if you do. I don't want to see jinni good or bad although those among them who are muslims attend the mosques with human beings as I read from somewhere. Suratul "jinni" of the Quran is fascinating.
  21. They could benefit from active sheekhs who bring the communities over there together. Qalbigooda ilaahay ha isu keeno.
  22. Waxbarashada Gobolka mudug iyo qabyaaladda maxaa kala haysta ? [23/07/06] sanadkii 1968 waxaa la dhisay dugsiga sare ee cumar samatar , dugsigu waxa uu ahaan jiray waqtigii xukuumadda soomaaliya dugsi ardayda kazoo baxdaa ay yihiin arday taya leh oo danta umadda iyo dantoodaba yaqaan , ayna ku fillayd dugsigoodaas kaliya ee xataa aan jaamacad u baahnayn . dugsigii waxaa dib loo furay kadib burburkii dalka sanadkii 1999 kadib markii laga kiciyay dad kawaan ka dhigtay oo ari ku qalan jiray , arday yarna waa lagu furay , dadaal badan kadib waxaad moodaa dugsigii in uu kazoo roonaaday burburkii ku dhacay , wuxuuna noqday labadii sano ugu danbaysay dugsigii ugu ardayda sareeyay Puntland waxa loo yaqaan oo dhan . hadaba : xagee ku danbaysay waxtarkii dugsigaan ? dugsigaan asagoo noqday kaalinta koobaad ee dugsiyada Puntland uguna wanaaga badana marka la fiirsho dugsiyada gobolka Mudug waxaa wanaagaas u soo jiiday waa ardada laakiin maamulka bal aan eegno , waxaa la oran karaa gabi ahaanba maamulka dugsigaasi iyo gud ahaan maamulada ka jira dugsiyada kala duwan e magaalada gaalkacyo waxaa wiiqay ammaantoodii iyo waxtarkodiiba maamul xumo aad u badan iyo isdaba marin iyo qabyaalad kabadan xataa qabyaaladda soomaalidu isku isticmaasho marka ay dagaallamayso . arintaan dhab ahaanteeda waxaa ku tusinaya in arday badan oo iskuul ka baxday marka la yiraahdo dugsiga cumar samatar ka warbixi uu yiraahdo : dugsigu waxaan qabyaaladda iyo isdaba-marin ahayn iyo maamul xumo waa ka roonyahay. Waxaa dhacda oo inta badanba dugsiga maamulkiisa u dhaqan ah in ardaygu marka uu soo galo dugsiga ee ugu horraysa in maamulku is waydiiyo ardaygaani waa qoloma ama waa qabiilkee ? Waa mucjiso !! Waxaa kale oo ayaduna dhaqan iskaba ah oo cumar samatar la isku yaqaan arday iyo macalinba in macallimiinta ugu sareysa dugsiga ay ku yiraahdaan ardayda : inteenna reer hebel ah galabta soo laabata xiisad gaar ah oo aan idinkugu fududaynayo maadada ayaan idiin dhigayaa soo laabta una soo laabta si qarsoodi ah kadibna ardada kale ay yimaadaan asagoo macalinkaas ardayda cidiisa ahayd uu gaar wax ugu dhigayo waxaana xusid mudan in maamulka iskuulku uu arintaas la ogyahy kuna taageero !!! Hadaba waa yaabe ardaydu ma waysan isku xaq ahayn oo haduusan macallinku iyo maamulku xataa aysan xaq eegayn mawaysan ogayn in ardada ay lacag ka qaadaan oo mawaysan ogayn in xoolahaasi ay noqonayaan xoolaha cunidooda sharciyan aan la ogolayn . Waxaa muhiim ah in arday fara badani dugsiga looga cayrshay waxaan waxba ahayn oo waxbarashadoodii laga gooyay hadeerna suuqa wareega maadaama aysan la cid ahayn ninka haysta dugsiga oo marka wax xuquuq ahba ma leh !!!! Hada xiligaan la joogo waxaad moodaa in maamulaha dugsigaas oo asagu ahaa ninkii waxyaabahaan oo dhan u sabab ahaa uu hadda rabo inuu tagayo marka talo ahaan waxaan ku bixin lahaa in maamulka soo socda laga fiirsado kollay soomaali baan nahay oo isma badalnee!!! Gabagabo iyo gunaanad waxaan anigu ahaa arday ka tirsan ardayda dugsiga ka qalin jabisay macalinna ka noqday sanadkii 2004/2005 ,lakin hadana arkayay dhibta ay maamul xumadu iyo marada qabiilku ku hayso dugsigaas . W/Q: C/risaaq C/naasir Lagujire Profkuulow13@hotmail.com Hyderabad – India Xasuusin: Hadii aan nahay bahda Somaliweyn waxaan dadweynaha u sheegaynaa fikrada dadweynaha in anaan anaga masuul ka aheen, uu masuulayadeeda ay saaran tahay shaqsiga soo qoro Ra'yigiisa http://www.somaliweyn.com/pages/poems/July_06/23July7.html
  23. I witnessed a performance of exorcism on a demon possessed woman and her talk with a man's voice and listened to an entire conversation between the demons inside her and the sheekh doing the exorcism by way of Quranic recitation loudly with group of boys as helpers including me reading the shorter chapters of the quran while scared and transfixed. Faataxo ku celcelis aan ka bixi waayay. My curiosity was the only thing that kept my feet stable on the ground and wanting to know where the strange story shall end. Needless to say, her disgruntled husband who happened to be one of those twisted sheekhs sent these Jinns on her as they stated, and more strangely, they said their base was in Iraq although the man they were serving was in muqdisho at the time and the woman was in Kenya which is where this event happened, they were nonmuslim demons and eventually got out of the woman after some good beating and quran recitation which they said burned them. I decided to forget about the whole incident for twelve years and treated it as if it never happened untill I read a book recently which talks about this subject of demon possession. One reason I never talked about that experience is because it frightened me big time.