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Everything posted by Xoogsade

  1. ^ yea, you are right, your perception is spot on because my grandfather hails from rival mudug clan. It makes sense. As for leaving this thread for you so you can discuss with like-minded, Okay to that as well. Hopefully you won't persist in seeking meaningless argument with me around the forum and this post had been the last exchange we had since I didn't object to your assertion and confirmed it. Let us see the downfall of it
  2. No question about that, Now the ethiopians are blaming the Arab league and telling the entire world Somali affairs go through Ethiopia because they know better. We know better if we are the ethiopian government Baydhabo waa u dhammaatay guri amxaaraa laga dhigi rabaa.
  3. LOL, I am not shy to pray in public. Well, not so public at work here anyway but most empty rooms are conference rooms where they hold video confereces or training programs for us and seminars. Instead of going down to the basement and pray there or pray underneath the stairs and behind doors, I do it in my cubicle or in one of these glass-walled conference rooms. One of the co-workers even asked me to buy him a prayer rag because he loved it and wanted to hang it on the wall of his sitting room. And I bought him two with no charge. The conference rooms are all glass so naturally walkers by will catch a glimpse of you praying. They will know you are different and have some cultural norms you practice, so they will be more respectful and careful. They even ask me here when there is pizza party what kind I eat. Of course, CHEESE I say I am trying hard to get some fat on my bones so they don't have to tell me how fast the wind is blowing any given windy day to make fun of my slim figure. They don't understand the genetic angle and that we somalis are skinnies lol. I am not skinny like most somali guys but still skinny in the american standard since they are mostly big. And finally, you are right, Khalaf should set the standard because the sweet chubby girl doesn't know he is bothered by her innocent hit on him. Who knows, she might slim down for him and take islam
  4. If the guy doesn't ask you to marry him and he knows you very well, probably he isn't interested, so don't bother asking. The man should be the one seeking the woman's hand although I wouldn't find a woman who asks a man to marry her strange. Just smitten.
  5. ^ Khalaf, you are nice and friendly so it is normal that she hits on you. Try to educate her about your limits as a muslim guy and that while you can be a friend at work, physical contact without marriage is a no no for you. How about you pull out that prayer rag? it works like magic lol. You don't even have to tell the pretty girls at work you can't play hide and seek with them afterwards. I work with attractive women here , luckily, when I was hired years ago, I was fresh from Africa and kept my regular prayer schedule(I still do), so most of them if not all saw me pray in the conference room which has glass walls, people can see me pray when walking by. Because of that, they keep to themselves though they chatt now and then with me and we conversate about ordinary things from religion to politics. Some of them even think muslim guys are cool now.
  6. ^ Hey bro this is a good idea. Somali politics are fluid and keep changing. Yesterday's news most often turns out to be false and tomorrow may have a complete surprise in store. So it makes sense to take a break from politics and just visit when major events transpire. Xiinfaniin Waa runtaa, it is not cheap. I wouldn't mind financing your campaign for leadership position if I had the money. We need progressive guys like you saxib who wouldn't accept anything less for themselves and for others.
  7. ^ It is brutal world out here where if you have some weight on you and don't measure up to the expected standard of beauty, no one likes you and you know everyone who looks at you is saying silently to themselves "here goes the hippo". Even if you greet fat people nicely and smile at them they are suspicious somewhat and wonder if you have some mischief behind the smile because no one has been nice to them like that. Considering the negatives to being big(which I think should be avoided at any cost anyway), one can understand why girls want to be a stick. It is like survival for them and being accepted. they will be happier and feel better about themselves. People will respect the girl just because she looks how the society wants her to look. I have the luxury myself to wonder why haven't overweight people done something before things got out of hand and they suffered both psychologically and physically..
  8. Democrats in Minnesota’s strongly Democratic 5th Congressional District put history into motion by nominating state Rep. Keith Ellison in Tuesday’s primary — all but guaranteeing that he will become the first Muslim ever elected to Congress. Ellison’s virtually certain victory in November also would make him the first African-American to represent Minnesota in the 110th Congress, and one of a small handful of black lawmakers who represent districts with sizable white majorities. The 5th, which includes all of Minneapolis and much of its suburbs, has a population that is about 70 percent non-Hispanic white. The winner of the November election will succeed retiring Democratic Rep. Martin Olav Sabo (news, bio, voting record), who never had a close race over his 14-term career. Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry took 71 percent of the 5th District vote in 2004. Ellison earned his primary victory in a hard-fought campaign against two other leading contenders — longtime Sabo aide Mike Erlandson, a former state Democratic Party chairman, and former state Sen. Ember Reichgott Junge. With all precincts reporting in unofficial returns, Ellison took 41 percent to 31 percent for Erlandson and 21 percent for Junge. Minneapolis City Councilman Paul Ostrow ended the race with 5 percent. Business consultant Alan Fine was unopposed to stage the Republicans’ longshot bid for the seat. Independence Party candidate Tammy Lee and Green Party member Jay Pond also will contend for the seat. Ellison was established as the front-runner for the Democratic nod in May, when he received the official endorsement of the Democrat-Farmer-Labor Party (as the Democrats have long been known in Minnesota). His bid to make racial political history in the state also drew him an endorsement from the Congressional Black Caucus. Sabo, though, stood by Erlandson, who chose to pursue the primary bid despite losing the party endorsement vote. And Ellison had to recover his footing after some early stumbles. He was stung by news reports about a variety of personal problems, including allegations of unpaid parking tickets, late federal income tax payments and failure to file timely campaign finance reports in other elections. Perhaps most damaging were reports linking him to Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan after his conversion to the religion as a young man. But Ellison’s charm and progressive politics are what likely pulled him through, experts say. The 43-year-old state lawmaker has been likened to progressive political icon Paul Wellstone — a comparison that can go a long way in a state that is still mourning the late senator, who died in a plane crash late in his 2002 bid for re-election. “The margin speaks to the strength of progressives and grass-roots in that district,†said Blois Olson, co-publisher of the newsletter Politics in Minnesota. “He’s been compared to Paul Wellstone . . . I think it was a factor, and I think the people could relate to that.†Ellison also pushed hard in the final hours of his campaign, meeting with as many voters as possible to spread a message that included advocating withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq, universal health care coverage and support for labor issues. Throughout the race, Ellison focused on those subjects, eschewing a race-based campaign, and vigorously seeking face time with as many voters of all backgrounds as possible. The tactic clearly worked: more voters showed up for this primary than any other primary in state history. “This is exactly how we planned it,†said Ellison campaign spokesman Dave Colling. Colling contended the real reason Ellison is able to elicit so much enthusiasm is his willingness to stand up to authority, a trait he said President Bush will soon encounter. “I watched him do it in the state House, and I can’t wait to watch him do it in Congress,†Colling said. Erlandson, who targeted older voters who usually cast the most ballots in primary elections, finished strong in the suburbs. “We just didn’t have quite enough juice at the end,†said Erlandson campaign spokesman Peter Brickwedde. CQ rates the race as Safe Democratic. Please visit CQPolitics.com’s Election Forecaster for ratings on all races. Here
  9. Xiinfaniin for president Puntlanders should nominate you and be done with men like Cadde Muse and A/Y. You are a man I can proudly call my president lol.
  10. Duke, this is the problem with a federal government based on clan power sharing. Wherever the so called Federal honcos like A/Y settle, locals won't accept their authority and would feel undermined. The government will remain a guest, ineffective and powerless amid the clan. If force is tried, you risk the kind of reaction you see now. Each clan would be intent on calling the shots in their town and will view the TFG or Any other authority headed by someone from another clan as outsiders. This TFG will never succeed. Somalis are prone to pickering and can never come to terms with each other so long as clan is what they are defending and working for. Just like you, majority of somalis confuse clan with qaranimo and are into politics for their own end and benefit. Strange enough clanists like you don't appreciate the power of clan sentiments and are blind to other people's clanist approach to everything. It is like they don't understand their own bigotry and dark slefish doctrine. A/Y should leave Baydhabo accordingly and go to Puntland. Baydhabo dadaa leh and I know you can't dispute this because it is one of your articles of faith, the clan comes first.
  11. ^ It would be nice Mr.Duke if you extended this courtesy of good reporting to other clans who have no blood relations to you and you stopped your hypocrisy and hate against them.
  12. If I was the first one, I would gladly give up on my pathetic standing with Fabiana(ignoring her insistence that this topic is not about her anyway) to my smarter foe and would congratulate him as well. I would surely want to be the second guy. Miskiinka hore haddaan aqaano meesha waxba kuuma yaallaane ka hurdo doono aan dhihi lahaa. He has got only "some love" while the second guy seems to have gained the entire key to the girl's mind and heart. Some guys are best served to seek the help of their mothers in finding a woman for them instead of losing to another man.
  13. Originally posted by NGONGE: ^^^ Can’t help it, saaxib. Every time I try to lecture my own they plead “go and use your computer, daddyâ€. I still have time to break them into shape I guess. And this place gives me endless opportunities to practise my theories. How old are you anyway??
  14. ^ It is never too late because the Sudan conference will not bear any fruits since the TFG representatives there don't have a somali agenda with them but an ethiopian one. Sharif, the head of the TFG parliament, is wasting everyone's time pretending he can make deals on behalf of A/Y and Geeddi. No one is counting on anything coming out of there. There is no returning back for the courts since they represent the iron will and the passion of somalis who want to see a united strong country free of Ethiopian meddling and representation.
  15. I wish I was in charge of disciplened islam loving somali troops who are well trained. Baydhabaan ku waa bariisan lahaa then would hang A/Y and his thugs. Someone should expell and terminate these dogs of ethiopia from the country. They are a serious threat to our existence as an independent muslim society. For the sake of power and a seat, they have engaged in treason to ensure their survival knowing well their time is up and the entire society hates them for what they are. Kuwaan in loo tabaabusheesto waaye instead of agreeing with them. Iyaga iyo waxa taageero waa laga taqalusi lahaa period.
  16. Originally posted by WILDCAT: ^ Why do ya' think it got the chop? I wanted to wash and go, just like the adverts told me. Xoogsade, you should never make assumptions about people on the internet, it is perhaps the one thing that can allow you to get things so infinitely wrong. I may need to hand you a pair of sunglasses if you were ever to look at me, I wouldn't want to traumatise your poor eyes, being the delightful man that you are (verybody who likes me is delightful and of extremely high intelligence, naturally). Your reply proves to me that you are indeed pretty and confident. Nice of you to show humility and don't brag WildCat. But even if you were the average somali girl, I would still find you more attractive than any other ethnic woman in the world. Not to mention how I can use your poetic writings to my advantage and contentment. You can write a letter for me morning and evening even if we were to live under one roof can't you?. You have a gift for writing. Wouldn't mind knowing the tricks behind your writings.
  17. ^ thanks for understanding bro. I am still laughing at the bottom quote from Serenity. Smart comment really Originally posted by Amelia: I fell on Xoogsade 's bandwagon here and fell off it there (and has been spiralling downwards since)
  18. Somalia was one of the best countries in Africa to educate women and employ them. My grandmother raised my father and his siblings alone and worked as a nurse for more than sixty years, we never went to another doctor unless it was necessary or wanted to see a specialist, my mother was also a teacher and a government employee, my aunts and all other female relatives I have worked back in the days. The difference with these relatives of mine and the career/working somali women of today in the west is that my relatives had the support system which ensured their kids to grow up accordingly. The neighbours helped raise the kids, strangers walking by scolded kids if they found them doing some mischief. There was always someone at home, at school and on the street who could relate to the kids just like their parents could in all manners. There was no sense of abandonement and the guilty feeling many parents have today that their kids are being raised by someone who doesn't speak the same language (that is a concern of course if one really cares about who they are and appreciate their uniqueness in this vast foreign culture) and someone who comes from a different background while the parents spend long hours away from home and from their kids. They leave home early and come back at four plus pm, the kids come with them after they pick them up or come from school on their own and neighbours will help them get off the bus(if they are lucky enough to have somali neighbours). Then the meal has to be cooked or warmed up afterwards. Sometimes waxaa laga yaabaa inaaba homework lagu caawin karin the kids because the parents are really tired. They put them to bed by 8:30pm. What KIND OF LIFE IS THAT? What kind of kids are these parents raising? Surely, caruurtaas ma noqonaayaan somali in the true sense of the word. Foreigners indeed. Waa ku daayeen ilmaha noocaas ah and they will never be like you, not a somali in every sense most definitely. Many somalis who opted for work and left their kids with foreign baby-sitters ended up unable to communicate with them later on. The bond between a child and a parent was broken early so the kid feels trully independent from his/her parents. Teaching the culture and religion then becmes monumental task and the kids prefer what other kids are doing, what the society they live in is doing. The choices people make are rooted in how they see the world, their outlook of life, how much appreciation they have for who they are will have an impact on their decisions certainly, how much they want to transmit their unique culture and their sense of belonging to their poor kids who didn't choose to be born in a foreign land also has an influence. Surely, all the money in the world means nothing if your progeny gets wasted and won't communicate with you on the same level and becomes total alien to you. You can't benefit from that. You might as well have no kids and save the world from useless contribution.
  19. Let us hope dadka deggan Puntland inay ka dhiidhiyaan waxaan oo kale. Xamar siday saan oo kale u ahayd yaa laga saaray magaaladii daba dhilifka xabashida with the help of all somalis from all corners of the country including many from Puntland itself.
  20. Good timing Abwaan Xiin I can now sit back and watch where the topic goes. Phew!! Adaa soo doontay anigana waa kaaga dhuumanaa, qadyaanaan ka joogay, maxaa kugu watay camal lol. You have made very good points bro. Thanks for the insight. Zafir. Thanks, let us hope all was a show and she wasn't as upset as she came across and wanted us to believe Qof la iska gadaayo inuu meelahaan aqristo aan u maleenaa because I said nothing that warranted such a fierce reaction from cute Bishaaro.
  21. lol, Naden, so the attraction is the programming opportunities of the young and their malleable mind which can be tailored to suit the particular needs?? that is wicked.. Didn't know women were into that.. On a serious note, I always thought women would prefer stoic men to which they can anchor themsleves in their chaotic emotion rather than stick to one who himself needs to be coached and a wussy little man?
  22. Originally posted by Amelia: ^Did you just change gears quickly X ? Come on.. stand by your argument Mr-Can-Have-Any-Woman-Without-Raising-A-Finger It takes an indomitable confidence and a proven/provable record to assert such on my part. Iskamaan hadlin aniga if that is what you thought Amelia I stand by my stance, no money is a substitute for my worth as a man so I shouldn't be troubled by how much money a woman makes. Naden. Ice cream?? And a twenty year old massaging feet? And I thought there was more meaning to a pleasant life than a fudge. Interesting! But wait, what is the significance of the age 20? by "twenty" year old do you mean older guys can't meet the requirements for a fun-filled life?
  23. Val, I would like to say with the latter group but wouldn't mind being a gold-digger myself and getting on with a highly paid woman.
  24. Valenteenah, It is more like "good for Bishaaro" really rather than envy her for her job or for the high income she earns. I questioned the part where somali men would take an issue with that work of hers and she has to keep quite about it to avoid offending them or making them feel insecure in real life. Some men prefer women who earn lower than they do while other men do not share the same views or care if a woman earns millions of dollars. The latter group know no amount of money can be a substitute for their manhood. It is that simple. Anyway, my interest in her work was to know if the job is far out of reach for men for them to be that envy and feel impotent. It would be interesting to find out.
  25. ^ Go away yareey and mind your business Who put the claw marks on Bishy's back though? Aniga ma ahan kolley.