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Everything posted by Xoogsade

  1. Caaqil, You are forgetting that Puntland is fully behind this war funding it and providing both a place and the means of survival to the Ethiopian Army killing their neighbours saxib. Galkacyo is completely overtaken and made into an ethiopian garrison with all the logistics the xabashis need to sustain themselves on the war against the somalis they have beef with. They won't go back miles to resupply themselves, it is all available. Puntland is theirs while the somalis who hailed from Galkacyo south and far beyond were expelled few days ago from Puntland. Caqli xumadana waxaa ka daran, dowlad loo wada dhan yahay aa rajo laga qabaa after all said and done. Very sick indeed.
  2. I am not of Sheekh Uweys's clan, told you before, my clan is encamped with the Amxaaro troops in Galkacyo-South, like I said, men somalis count, the killers, the murderers, the looters like Aydiid jr and others are all pro-tfg for heir own gain having lost the moral high ground in the new somalia. Ask them the loot, ask them what have they done to the people for the last 16 years. Our family is devided the same devision evident in all somali families, on SOL and on all other places somalis come together and dicsuss. If I was driven by clan, I would join my closest blood in their grievances against other somalis based on fake pride and clan sentiments.
  3. ^ Am I wrong to have read you saying "while I keep the loot of my clan" earlier? Who is my clan? My clan, at least those who by somali standards counted, you know, the clanists, the warlords and their supporters, are encamped with Amxaaro in Gaalkacyo-south doing the bidding of the incompetent Cadde Muse's adminstration. They have no sense of shame themselves just like you saxib joining Amxaaro because their Isbaaro had been removed and their warlord shamed in Muqdisho. Come with more credible argument other than a loot I have no idea where it is whose looters are today in A/Y's protection. May be using your pass with the TFG, you can ask them where is the loot.
  4. Duke, minorities have more rights today than they ever had ruling all the Gosha towns(if you know what Gosha means anyway). Xataa jilib waxaa xukuma somali bantus or somalis hailing from the area. I could not be more proud fo the court's achievements. Every clan was armed and given freedom by the courts, their elders asked to step up to the plate and serve their communities. You have people fighting for their rights in Towns and places inwhich they COULD never uttere a word in fear of being killed. Stories like the Xamaalis who hail from the unarmed clans in Bakaaraha shouldering members of the so called majority clans to beat them to customers make me proud despite the simplicity of the story. Such acts used to earn a beating or a bullet to these poor folks whereas now they threaten their oppressors with the courts. The famous phrase goes like "maxkamdahaan kuu soo sheegaa". People are emboldened as far as Somaliland and Puntland. You are not concerned with morals and justice for if you had such concerns, you wouldn't waste your time on defending the ethiopian army fighting somalis in their own soil. You live in denial hoping the shame goes away unnoticed amid the smoke screens you write. Like I said before, it is you and the somalis fighting the Xabashi army who will remain for the country. You have a formidable foe waiting for you, valiant, victorious and ready to humiliate people like you by seeing an end to what they supported and sold their souls for. I need to make money now and work. Pray for your AMXAARO'S SUCCESS.
  5. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^Brown, you are looking at things from one angle, without ever looking at the over all picture. I will stick to my earlier post which is , you are now talking in a way contrary to before. Thus you must have known with all their antics that this attack would lead to this tragedy? Alos it is un-Islamic to accuse one of feeling something when you know ntohing of what I feel. I presented the news, what has that got to do with feelings? As Unislamic as saying where was your blood and honour when you was defedning your clans occupation and loot, where was your sense of justice and faith, when you denied the problems these thugs caused in southern Somalia. Moving on anyway, You have forgotten it is somalis who will remain for the Country and the Ethiopian army fighting on behalf of A/Y will leave sooner or later. It is either permanent occupation of the protection Army in Baydhabo if they aren't defeated soon that is or their eventual withdrawal when Somalis prove indomitable foes on the battle ground and bleed these invaders to no end. Brown. One must have no shame to be like duke, to think like duke, to write like duke, and to live on wishful thinking like duke.
  6. This must be upsetting and suddening news to the dishonourable TFG supporters who had difficult time accepting and arguing against the simple fact that in a war, both sides die from the wounds inflicted upon them by the firepower used. While they gloated and smiled, linked to everywhere the dead pictures of somalis killed by the Ethiopians, they vehemently denied and couldn't come to terms even with the remotest chance that it is possible on the side of the Ethiopian army, many died. What is more dishonourable than taking a position like that? Dadka noocaasaa isku dayaaya inay kula hadlaan..
  7. Correction, guests with blood and honour who can see the hypocrisy of the ethiopian above pretending he cares about someone in Muqdisho's safety. Wax yaalo qofka sharafta leh aan u cuntamin yaa jira, it takes one to have dignity and honour to have such feelings. if you lack it, of course, you can't see it.
  8. you should not be concerned about anyone's safety in Muqdisho yaa Amxaar.
  9. Eloquently put Brown. That says it all about this fella and the like-minded somalis. Ilaahay hasoo hanuuniyo kuwaan waa u dhammaatay. This latest conflict between somalis and the ethiopian army has brought out the ugly side of some somalis and how low they stoop for really nothing, for no gain at all other than seeing a fellow somali being killed by an ethiopian soldier on somali soil.
  10. Insulting a clan weakens one's argument, so let us avoid that and stick to the facts bro Ahmed-Guree. According to shabelle news website, not only is iidaale taken but the dead of some Amxaaro was seen there. Also Alja-zeera TV yesterday has shown dead ethiopian soldiers and their identification papers. http://www.shabelle.net/2006/december/n9914.htm So, Ahmed-guree, few somalis on the side of TFG died ever since they were royally defeated in Diinsoor few weeks earlier. The ethiopian generals took over the war management after that incident because of their distrust. It is said that these TFG clan militia serve as a rear guard only and protect their ethiopian brothers from possible rear attacks, cook the food and carry their fallen ethiopian comrades back to Baydhabo to be flown out to Godey. These are somalis who prostituted themselves to Zenawi's project in Somalia in the lowliest manner. They have no nobiity left for them, no faith, nothing identifiying as a somali. Intaasaaba dullinimo ugu filan.
  11. Jimcaale, Lying about others to score a point is dishonesty, twisting the facts in your favour is dishonesty, Going after individuals just because they expressed a legitimate political viewpoint contrary to A/Y'S and accusing them of anything one can think of to tarnish them is dishonesty(saying A/Y is wrong on certain issue draws duke's ire). How far should one go to project a favourable circumstance for his cause? treating somalis with equal respect is a virtue he lacks me thinks. He needs to define what makes a somali his enemy without resorting to lies. In my view of Duke, A/Y comes first, his clan comes first, he would sacrifice all that is about somalia and somalis for the sake of a clan and see somalia devided as he stated few times he was despondent. He doesn't mind his success to materialize at the expense of other somalis. Many of us are not perfect but we draw the line somewhere from which we can not cross because of our certainty that crossing the line compromises our core values and beliefs. The main reason I object to the TFG's existence is because it represents the ideals of DUKE, the pride of the clan just because a member of the clan no matter the personality of that member holds an important position, the bigotry of the clan it feeds, the hatred among the clans, the pickering among the clans, the representation of the clans by the most vile somalis ever a mother gave birth to. The list goes on and. Allah has given us a change we have been praying for, and many of us do intend to see the warlords and the old corrupt school mentality disenfranchised for good and for these warlords to have NO influence on our lives forever again.
  12. He is very dishonest and clanist to the core, the kind of people who force others to set aside their resraint and lower themselves to his level so they can teach him how it feels to be so blind. Caamir Yea, I bet his faith comes from his blind support to A/Y which appeals to you.
  13. The video brought back memories and days our enire families were pinned down on teh floor in Muqdisho. CHE I would no doubt participate in the War if I was in Somalia though aan madi ahay Haddana the somalis have my moral support to wage a war agaisnt the TFG to bring to an end to their existence. I take solace in the fact that the first bullet fired put the last nail n the TFG coffin. They will never come to Muqdisho even if they win.
  14. http://www.somalitvinternet.com/ViewVideo.aspx?id=1 May God help these somalis against the faithless, sold out ignoble TFG and their Amxaaro masters. They should hang A/Y and all else at the helm of TFG if they ever fall into the hands of the courts.
  15. Let us hope the war ends in favour of those who have our interests at heart and that of the country as a whole. TFG members who can be reformed or can be pressured to act accordingly should be brought to Muqdisho after victory inshallah to continue serving what is left of their time in government including A/Y if he is brave enough to accept defeat I am not sure the president likes to come to Muqdisho without powerful private military he can use as he pleases, so it is difficult to predict what he will do if he loses. If I were setting the Agenda for the courts, I would also ban men like Geeddi, that loud-mouthed- imaamkaa-idoortay jeelle, Ina-Aydiid, Qanyare and his terrorist fighting brigade from coming to Muqdisho. Anyone who has the potential to stirr clan sentiments among residents in Muqdisho should be dealt with a heavy blow they can never recover from.
  16. Yaaba kusoo Haray meesha? The 40,000 thousand strong bro Duke was talking about perhaps?
  17. Has anyone seen blood in these pictures? Or homes being destroyed? I had the same style in mind for Puntlanders. Qabiil based adminstrations are impediment to somali unity as they put more emphasis on their turf/clan interests than they do on the larger issues facing the country. Dano gaar haaneed maamul ilaalinaayo faa'iido maleh. This is one among the many reasons I fully support the islamic leaning somalis in each clan to take-over adminstrations in thier localities so it becomes easy to get one national government with one priority, that of of all somalis.
  18. Not a good case for seccession though saxib. Soomaalida inteeda kale ma oggola inaa unionka ka baxdaan. They are all united on this issue. Clan based adminstrations will come to an end someday soon and it will be back to reality.
  19. Best strategy would be to surround the city from all corners and cut off the flow of Ethiopin army into Baydhabo then sit out till these warlords in Baydhabo decide to surrender or go to wherever they are welcome. Preferably to Zenawi's village in the remote regions of Ethiopia. No one will miss them.
  20. Bes waaye, waa isku toostay, Puntland iyo Cade Muse oo xukunka iska dhiibaa haray. People's power indeed.
  21. Originally posted by Che-Guevara: No, I just know I want to know. Trying to figure out women would be like wishing for world peace. It is nice atleast in theory, but you know you will never reach there. And your pretense paid off through sweet WILDY. Now you learned something you didn't know
  22. Naden, extraordinaire women need a man in their life anyway. It is not as if Success in careers and all sorts of achievements will make a woman do without a man. What is life of a woman without a man really? Incomplete The same goes for men.
  23. Mashallah SAXIB, May allah forgive him, he made the best choice and it shows on his face. Allah forgives whom he wills in the end. I can pray behind him with no worries.
  24. Juje, I don't know how the visit of Sharif will benefit anyone considering the existing differences within the TFG. Sharif may have come lookig to broker peace as he stated, but the outcome will depend on what A/Y and his group in Baydhabo want. they will ultimately decide for the TFG and Sharif Xassan means nothing to them. On the other hand, The Courts are geared for a war already and won't make concessions on what they deem important to their objective. It is a war, preparing for a war and buying time for a war. Personaly, I think the courts should forget expanding their ideas to areas beyond the current areas they rule or have influence(they should go to Galkacyo south by ll means if they can and when they can), work with those other somalis in other regions willing to be on board for islamic law implementations in their localities. Provide moral support only. And finally, never let A/Y and his TFG come to Muqdisho unless he agrees to islamic laws and shares power with the courts to ensure such laws are implemented. PS: The TFG can take a serious look at warlord Aydid Jr's proposal of moving to Galkacyo. That would be best option in my opinion. Meesha taageerada looga hayo inay iska aadaanaa fiican instead of waging a war they won't/can't win in a region they are met only with hostility. They will be safe there in Galkacyo and Beyond. It will be a win win for all.
  25. ^ Saxib, Some in the TFG are optimistic while others are not. Sida caadada ah waa la kala qeybsan yahay. Wixii u arkaayo heshiiska inay carqalad ku tahay jagadooda iyo danahooda shaqsiyadeed waa diideen nabadda, inta niyad samida lehna waxba kama qabaan safarka shariifka. TFG ministers