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Everything posted by Xoogsade

  1. It is not about the temper alone but what he says in Somali insulting the Arabs as well if you could hear it. He calls them nasab-dhiman and says "war maxay ahaayeen ------> then the word". Qeyladiisa waxaa laga yaabaa inuu dhegaha la'yahay may be, so that can be excused. Dabshid I don't know any respctable person in the TFG, warlords elected other warlords, and then these warlords in turn handpicked members of the parliament, the whole organization is nothing but a close nit of thieves and thief wannabes who hope to make big and rob the measly handouts given by the world in the name of Somali people. Iyagoo weli sidaas wax dhintay u ahaa la taageeri lahaa if they showed maturity and a change of attitude. Qofka TFGda u haysta inay sharaf leedahay waxbaaa ka qaldan. Have you seen honest supporters of the TFG who care about anyone else? Weli maan arag qof taageersan these warlords oo aan qabiil ku taageersanayn. SOL is a good place to prove me wrong if you can. Find a TFG supporter who is not related to A/Y. Jacaylbaro is the closest member and he fell out with the courts when he realized their success would jeopardise his clanland. I have no shred of respect for the TFG and their supporters.
  2. Listen carefully to what he says in Somali after he mistakenly assumes the microphone is off LOOL. TFGda seems to have mastered employing the most ignorant men.
  3. Kooxo dadka dhibaateeya oo ku soo batay gobolka Sh/hoose Marko 03, Feb.07 ( Sh.M.Network) Maleeshiyooyin dhac iyo dil u geysta dadka rayidka ah ayaa ku soo badanaya magaalada Marko ee xarunta gobolka Sh/hoose, xilli wali ciidamada booliska aanu wali howl-galo ka bilaabin halkaasi. Maalmihii ugu dambeeyay ayaa gobolka Sh/hoose waxaa ku sii kordhayay falal amaan darri ah, iyadoo aysan muuqan wali cid isku howleysa in ay wax ka qabato. Shalay ayay aheyd markii gaari hoomeey ah dhac loogu geeystay deegaanka Shalanbood oo wax yar u jira magaalada Marko, iyadoo xitaa gaarigaasi dadkii saarnaa la baartay. Sidoo kale gaari kale oo hoomeey ah oo halkaasi soo maray intii baaritaanka lagu hayay gaarigaan ayaa isku dayay in uu xoog kaga baxsado kooxaha burcadda ah, iyadoo rasaas lala beegsaday ay sababtay dhaawaca labo ruux. Arimahaan ayaa waxaa qeylo dhaan ka muujiyay dadka rayidka ah ee ku dhaqan gobolka, oo ugu baaqay dowladda Somalia in ay wax ka qabato arimahaan amaan xumo. Yuusuf Keynaan Shabelle Media Network Sh/hoose E-mail us: info@shabelle.net
  4. “Somalis are told ‘you’re clans, not citizens’,” said Prof. Samatar, who observed the last reconciliation conference in Kenya. * Ethiopia, known to many Somalis as an arch enemy of Somalia, has a keen interest in either “dismembering Somalia into clan lines, or establishing a government that’s beholden to it,” said Prof. Samatar. * The TFG is dominated by blood-stained warlords, chiefly the president “who has no fiber of democracy,” said Prof. Samatar. “TFG has not served a glass of water to a child.” * The U.S. is “seen as an associate of those warlords and Ethiopia,” both of who have an unrepairable reputation among Somalis. “TFG has neither the integrity nor the caliper to serve Somalis,” said Prof. Samatar. Sounds of daily gunfire are back in Mogadishu after eight months of silence under the UIC. Golden Facts.
  5. Originally posted by NGONGE: Come on, girls. Calm down now. It was a light hearted thread and was meant in such a way. This has nothing to do with the moderator status of the author and it’s a bit unmanly to try to strangle him with that weak argument every time you see something you disagree with. ps Zenawi does have a presidential aura about him. Something that none of the so-called Somali leaders have. Neither Riyaale, Yusuf, Geedi nor the Puntland ‘president’ look at all presidential. LOL, who among these posters in this thread is a girl? I am confused by these coded usernames like Pi, Tone and etc. I don't hang out in the women's section anymore so I appreciate if NGONGE keeps me updated of who is who. if I wasn't afraid to offend smart Brown, I would ask who is behind the username as well. Taako-Man waa obvious
  6. Originally posted by Pi: ^^ Dude, I don't refer to Islam in general and the Quran in particular just to score a point like Sheikh Indhacadde and Sheikh Aweys. But when you did, you have proven how ill-equipped you were to refer to the quran anyway. Doing a search of a verse in the Quran by typing a key word is one thing, comprehending what was generated and whether it fit the occassion or you should actually quote the verses of allah in defense of unislamic issues is totally different altogether. A person in the throes of violent anger is seldom a paragon of rationality and you lost it in that moment of anger just because you were replying to someone who doesn't like A/Y for whatever reason. Horta caruurna waa tahay I think. You were more mature when you kept to the library desk and had that quote from me as your signature. Those were your days of sanity.
  7. Originally posted by Pi: Xoogsade, dude, I don't harrass anti-tfgers. On the contrary, I think some anti-tfgers are genuinie with no cuqdad iyo qabyaalad gnawing away at their souls. SOLers like xiin, NGONGE, and Castro. I think they are mistaken not malicious. You and Alle Ubaahne, on the other hand, are both mistaken and malicious, as shown by the acidic tribal statements you post on this forum. I will make it a duty to harass dadka cuqdadaysan oo jiran. Your sentiments proceed from your twisted premise that if someone belongs to a different clan from A/Y's, their opposition to him is driven by clanish reasons. Xiin, NGONGE and Castro are genuine when they express an opposite view of yours in your mind not because you agree with them on principle but they are not from the same clan as Xoogsade. It is good you admitt your mission on SOL, a mission contrary to your previous pretense. I can't help you if you are stung by what I say. Caamir Men with proven record of failures can not bring peace to Muqdisho. That is the least of my worries. We saw how Muqdisho could be pacified and the men who made that possible. They were characteristically different, their method acceptable to the locals, respectful of clan elders, sensitive to people's sentiments, unignoring of people's expectations, inclusive, for the people and sublime and islamic in their constitution. Neither the method previously used nor the men who succeeded are playing a role now in Muqdisho. What we have is an utter failure. Clan systems upset certain groups of people. If they are ignored, you have problems. And certainly, no one can deny a clan their rightful place in a clanish organization like the TFG where all the clans and subclans are competing for positions. International money and support won't stabilize Muqdisho.
  8. Originally posted by Pi: Miskiin, I know it might strain your brain a little bit, but try to start threads a little more advanced than what a grade schooler would say. He's ugly and he smells just doesn't cut it with the grownups. Xoogsade, I try not to ever address you seriously because I know you have a highly emotional/disturbed state of mind. It's possible that some of your relatives were killed in the current or previous wars, so your greivances might have some justifications. Anyhow, I think Miskiin can provide some intellectual basis for his criticism. Afterall, he's the moderator. He should be starting thought-provoking threads, not grade-school insults. Well, this is some dedication to a disturbed-mind indeed. I only suggested to you to do what you did unabashed, quote the Quran in defense of Melle.
  9. ^ Time to quote the Quran to defend Zenawi
  10. ^ I don't argue with the ladies. Borrow some balls then come back. Besides, the only cuqdad ridden somalis are those who out of grievance and hatred for other clans supported Xabashi troops. Adiga waxbaad dadka kale sii dheer tahay since you were harrassing anti-tfg people with some twist of your own, quoting Allah's book out of place.
  11. That is what A/Y and people like you who hail from his clan wanted for Muqdisho. Death and destraction for it. The peace our families had was destroyed so that A/Y could be in town. He stuck to his plan of invading Muqdisho with the help of Ethiopians. The guy refused to visit Muqdisho after 2004 even though reer Muqdisho demonstrated in the streets defying the other warlords on his behalf and the TFG he headed. I myself wanted A/Y to be in town so bad that I posted somebody should kidnap him and take him to muqdisho so people could rally around him and fight for his beleagered and broken organization. When ICU liberated Muqdisho and brought the needed changes the TFG failed to deliver, the hard won peace was buried and now people's life is once again full of violence and fear, the basic necessities cost twice as much, and the future looks dark given what A/Y and his hellish crew of warlords are saying. With the all bandits from other clans and their drug addicts coming to Muqdisho, what we expect is more violence, more robbery and more bloodshed. You got what you cried for time and again on SOL, muqdisho bombed to submission and A/Y warlording over a violent city where people are murdered for the mere accusation of having supported a movement they found delivering justice and safety for them. They murdered in cold blood two men who were teaing and minding their business last week in Bakaaraha simply because they hailed from Hasan Turki's clan. It is alleged in muqdisho that the TFG clan militias aligned with the defeated warlords are taking revenge on innocent somalis as they please while dressed in Xabashi uniforms.
  12. Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaleed: force is the only answer. did we learn nothing in the past 16 years. talks do not work. That is a good idea. They should kill as many people as they can in Muqdisho, the hotbed of opposition.
  13. Thanks saxib, that is more like it. They have temporarily squashed an islamic movement which would have eliminated the sickness of tribalism had it succeeded. The agents of bigotry, clan hatred, nepotism, corruption and hypocrisy were helped by these forces to keep the status quo and spread more of their cancer into our society for years to come. Back to square one again. Ethiopia and the US won once again against ill-equipped somalis with the help of the corrupted among them. The ICU is indeed the closest we got to islam in a country the more favourable GOD was and still is the clan.
  14. Originally posted by Caamir: This is completely one of the very sad and recorded events of Mogadishu. It is not new to us that this type of despicable action would occur in Mogadishu. Many recall like yesterday People who were even killed while bearing witness to Allah that there is no God but Allah and Mohammed is his messenger. H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-S-Y is the word which describes you Caamir. Adiga wax kaa qabiil neceb meeshaan maba yimaaddo. Islaamka been haka sheegin.
  15. I agree with those above who said one should hold himself to a higher standard than the TFG foot-soldiers and their supporters who have proven to be the lowest of the low in Somali society. Laguma daydo qof gumoobay oo diin iyo dhaqan soomaaliyeedba dana qabiil uga tagay. I remember last year when Qanyare and the warlords left their dead in the battle field, the ICU buried for them and even prayed on these dead, the wounded were brought to the hospitals as well. This time what happened was a mob justice obviously. I have no respect for a TFG soldier or supporter. I feel no connection to these somalis wallahi and don't care what characteristics they display, islamic or not. Waa iga dhinteen. Having said that, I disagree with a somali person's dead being mistreated.
  16. This is what I was talking about, just wait and see A/Y supporters and their fellow bigotted clanists to come justify this as usual. Dadkaan ilaahaa u maqan. They better organize and fight back.
  17. Originally posted by DigiTalbAct3ria: Horn and Pi, the clannish thinking is not something we can wish away. A good way to defeat it is to undermine it. The TFG needs to show by its actions (for example by sending the foreign troops home) that it does not seek to subjugate any particular clan. What are the men with the jawaano over their heads to do? Who do they seek help from? If the only people that will listen to their plea for assistance are their clansmen, then we can't fault them for being clannish. You are fair saxib, a sign of nobility TFG supporters lack. You are someone who is able to put himself in other people's shoes to see matters from thier prespective. Again, a character these TFG supporters lack. For the selfish bigots, the entire world revolves around them and their clan, they are unwilling to reason for they have nothing to lose in their wicked mind, they are even in a worse mode when they feel their clanish interests are threatened as they have demonstrated unabashedly time and again on these forums. The plight and misery of others is not their problem. Wax kastoo ka xaaraan ah waa u xalaal. The hooded brought to muqdisho have no one else except their clansmen for support and I think it is high time their clansmen demanded their release or take some serious action. These hooded men have brought peace to Muqdisho and gave their people what they needed the most, peace, prosperity and dignity which the stooges revoked and couldn't bring to begin with. That is the only crime of the hooded men brough in shackles. The TFG thugs don't care about anyone and are not concerned as long as they are surrounded by Xabashi troops in Villa Somalia protected from the people who didn't welcome them into town. It comes as no surprise to me the usual bigots on the forum open their mouth in defense of the vile. They point towards Geedi and some Warlords in the TFG as representatives of Muqdisho clans, if these men cared about and represented reer Muqdisho, they wouldn't accept Xabashi tanks destroy the peace the city enjoyed. In true clan representation, a clan representative who has his cklansmen's interest at heart never does anything harmful to them and stands in teh way of those who are indifferent. The warlords of teh TFG are no more representatives of Muqdisho than A/Y is. There is complete disconnect between the TFG and the People who live In Muqdisho. That is the reality. The TFG is a condemned organization, their packers know that very well to the extent they are telling the stooges to be more inclusive. The TFG is unwelcome and despised and that is what I expressed. If that makes me or anyone else with he same views a clanist, blessed be that clanist. PS: If these hooded men and the tied up women, and the children were from the clan of A/Y OR from that of Hiiraale, the two above who replied with their usual bigotry would have talked differently. Munaafaqnimada dhuuxay kaga jirtaa ismana arkaan. Dadka islaameedaa u daran.
  18. Originally posted by DigiTalbAct3ria: Xoogsade, you make a very good point. How does the TFG (a government based on clans) expect to reconcile the Somali Nation when it’s putting people into jawaano? This is exactly why Muqdisho residents aren't happy with A/Y's mob who descended on them to kill as many of them as they can. The sooner these clans pick up the gun and fight for their right the better for them. Their peace was destroyed, their honour violated by Xabashi troops they always opposed and their life made miserable, and now live full of fear. A/Y never showed any respect for them from day one he was eleceted by the warlords. Reer Muqdisho should defend their honour, life and religious freedoms from men who came far away and don't give a hoot about them. Men who are happy to burn people's homes while their clansmen's homes are safe and prospering, Men who used Xabashi troops against them to subjugate them.
  19. I don't think people should submit to the TFG. Read below and just think about what is to come in the future if Reer Muqdisho let these immoral Men of the TFG get stronger. Maxaabiis jawaano madaxa loo soo galiyay oo laga soo dajiyay garoonka Muqdisho Mogadishu 27, Jan.07 ( Sh.M.Network) Ilaa 23 ruux oo laga soo qabtey dalka Kenya oo la sheegay in ay gacan saar la lahaayeen golihii maxkamadaha islaamka Somalia ayaa maanta laga soo dajiyay magaalada Muqdisho. Afhayeenka dowladda Somalia C/raxmaan Diinaari oo ragga wararka fidiya kula hadlay magaalada Muqdisho ayaa sheegay in garoonka Muqdisho ay ka soo dageen ilaa 23 maxaabiis ah kuwaasi oo uu sheegay in ay ku jiraan xubno ka tirsan maxkamadaha islaamka, isagoo sheegay in aanu si rasmi ah u sheegi karin magacyadooda iyo da'dooda balse marka baaritaano lagu sameeyo ay gadaal ka soo sheegi doonaan. Laakiin Ilo xagga amaanka ah oo ku sugan garoonka diyaaradaha ayaa u sheegay Shabelle in tirada dadka maxaabiista ah ee maanta laga soo dajiyay ay gaarayaan 32 ruux, oo kala ah 6 caruur ah, 10 dumar ah iyo 16 rag ah, kuwaasi oo marka diwaaradda laga soo dajinayay ay u xirnaayeen garba duub, iyadoo jawaano madaxa loo soo galiyay. Horey ayaa dowladda SOmalia loogu wareejiyay Maxaabiis kale oo dowladda Kenya ay ku soo masaafurisay magaalada Muqdisho, iyadoo si rasmi ah aan loo ogeyn halkii la geeyay. Diinaari mar waxa laga weydiiyay halka ay ku dambeeyaan raggaasi ayaa waxa uu sheegay in arinkaasi saxaafadda aan loo ogoleyn in ay wax ka ogaato, waxaana uu tilmaamay in dowladda ay gacanta ku heyso raggaasi. Shabelle Media Network Sh/dhexe E-mail us: info@shabelle.net Who does that to kids nd women? This can't go on without a challenge. The sooner people rise up against these thugs the better for their future Wallahi.
  20. You have to ask what crime have these good citizens of Somalia done to be handed to TFG thugs who have blood on their hands? Honestly, if anything befalls upon these men it should be a bloody war.
  21. Nice poem. Soomaalida kala diin iyo caqli fiican wallahi. Very good poem and Aamin to the prayer.
  22. We don't have a government in Muqdisho yet. What the future holds for the city can be different but for now it is pregnant.
  23. ^ I think Amxaaro troops will stay where they are welcome in Somalia and this pull-out chiefly concerns Muqdisho where they are not welcome.
  24. ^ Are you not wasting your time discussing islam with people who didn't care about it yesterday? You don't dignify people when they don't deserve it. I think a poem inwhich you express your utter contempt is the best way to go