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Everything posted by Xoogsade

  1. Captain Xalane, TFG supporters are not pro-governance per se but pro clan system and dominance. Dadka soomaalida labo qeybood waaye: A- Dad nidaamka qabiilka aaminsan ----> supporters of the TFG. B- Dad nidaam ka baxsan kan Qabaliga(TFG) aaminsan ---> they would like an islamic system and be done with the premitive clan system. You fall within the first category. You believe in the clan system. We have yet to see a successful clan based national government take root in Somalia. Clan system works only in One-clan-dominated areas and sometimes not in the case of Muqdisho. It is too disruptive of a system and conflict ridden.
  2. ^ , no he is not in error. Waa daacad isaga oo waa ka dhab qabyaaaladda halka adiga aad huwaneysid go'kale.
  3. Originally posted by syl: Kan JB lamagacbaxay sidi ilmo yar ama ********* ufaantama waalagu qasaarayaa hadii loo jawaabo. Runtaa waaye saxib. Waa ********* in the literal sense of the word. [ February 14, 2007, 01:23 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  4. Aabbahaa iyo awoowgaa iyo adeeradaaba they took their time and they were great as you said ,, (if it is true) ,,,,,, I only spoke of my father and mother, The two you have insinuated were involved in things they weren't. And what I said about them is true and was in defense of their honour. You sometimes come across inaa "safiih" tahay. One last comment before I hit the sac, Muqdisho had peace brought by its own best sons and the sons of somali muslims who believed in an islamic cause. That hard fought peace was destroyed by foreign power with the aid of corrupt somalis who didn't care about the consequences and Muqdisho falling back to its old ways. People like you are too deeply mired in their corrupt thinking they don't even remember how good life was in Muqdisho two months ago.
  5. ^ It kinda hurts saxib to discuss with people who lack norms be they islamic norms or other human decency even the nonmilsims do display. In laga aamuso waxay ku dhaanto malahan these corrupt beings of TFG supporters. Kan Jacaylbaro la baxay isaga waaba the sickest of somalis who wants to capitalize on somali suffering and have his own clanland in Hargeysa separated.
  6. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: your parents are messing Mogadishu while the clansmen in Puntland built a peace and administration ,,,,,,,, don't blame nobody but mogadishu residnets , I am glad I am never wrong about the character of TFG supporters. What you said speaks for itself. My mother works at Bakaaraha and is Sheekhad, was a former school teacher, hails from non-muqdisho clans, My father, born and raised in Xamar, was a top police officer who trained and taught at the police academy in Muqdisho, was a government prosecutor for Siyad Barre Era national government as well, Worked as a liason at Interpol, Highly trained and educated individual, speaks german, italian, english and Arbic fluently. Still keeps his uniforms for a somali government untainted, clean and for all somalis. Never got involved in clan politics. In fact, I never talk to my father about Somali issues even to this day cause he is not interested. I have his pictures with Siyad Bare, Adan Kukay, And other high ranking officials for posterity. Waxaa laga yaabaa waalidkay intay Soomaaliya u qabteen waalidkaa inaanay usoo qaban. That is actually the case with most clanists who scream here about government. They can't define what government is or should be except think it is urur adeerkaa hoggaamiyo. You have no idea about my parents and what they do in Muqdisho, Akhlaaqda wanaagsan ee lagu soo baray ee waalidkaa kusoo baray waad garab martay. If I expected you were a man of faith, I would also have reminded you the gravity of your sin laakiin dee waxaa ilaahay la xusuusiyaa qof ilaahay yaqaan. PS: Did I mention how many medals including one for bravery in 1977 my father earned and couple of other medals for gratuating at the top of his class both in foreign and somali academies? Dadka soomaalida waxaa ugu aqlaaqda xun dadka ka imaada guri jahli iyo qabiil dhaqan ka yahay. The proof is here in SOL.
  7. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK Anigu dee ilayn inuu ooyo maan rabine waxaan is lahaa warka uun ha ogaadee ,,,,, sowkan inagu cabaaday It is normal saxib for other somalis to question the sincerity of TFG supporters. Qof qalbi wanaagsan oo hadal fiican ama rajo wanaagsan ka muujiyay A/Y and the Organization of corrupt men he leads ma arkin. You were using these troubled people's saga as a propaganda of your own. A practice common among TFG supporters.
  8. ^ What is wrong with wanting for Muqdisho residents the same peace your clansmen enjoy in Puntland? Of course, I do think my parents deserve the same peace your parents, your clansmen have. You are such a hypocrite to be unable to recognize basic needs of others. Qalbi dambi daboolay garasho mal leh. Typical of A/Y supporters.
  9. ^ People flee from the violence and A/Y is happy with current events, doesn't care what happens to the town and its people for sure, but what is impossible is reer garoowe or bosaso to come to Muqdisho in droves and settle there. Ma waalan yihiin markay sidaas yeelayaan saxib? This violence is temporary and will last as long as A/Y Amxaar sticks around. He is a man of violence and misery has followed wherever he went. Meeluu tagay oo dagaal laga waayay ma jirto. We already saw how clans are on each other's throats in the south. Koonfurtii waa laga wada qeylinaayaa all the way to Kismayo. Odagaan waa irresponsible. His profund bankrupcy reared already its ugly head and there is more to come.
  10. It is worse this time saxib. You can't go to Xabashi General and tell to respect the clan tradition and accept cessation of violence, you can't remind them of your ties of blood and culture to them to dissuade him from massacring innocents. With somalis, you could negotiate, there are blood ties, religion and other norms locals could use to put an end to violence. These guys will accept nothing short of somalis accepting their occupation, since that is impossible in Muqdisho, the result is violence against residents.
  11. We are not the same, Only criminals we have today are people who support the TFG. There is no "We" but them against "Somalis" whose lives are being shredded to pieces as we speak.
  12. Have you seen any news about the Xabashis taking Over Hospital Banadir and Digfeer? That is what I heard.
  13. I don't think you care about them. You support wholeheartedly their misery just like all criminals who support the TFG in here and elsewhere.
  14. This is an illustration of how Somalis have nothing in common. Some live in peace and in prosperity while the rest lives in violence perpetrated by criminal men who hail from these peaceful regions. Inshallah a price will be paid in full sooner or later. Ciidamada ku sugan Madaxtooyada Soomaaliya oo xalay xilli Dambe la dhacay Magaalada Muqdisho Madaafiicda waa weyn Xalay 3:30 Daqiiqo xilli ay soo dhawdahay Saaladda Subax ayaa Magaalada Muqdisho waxaa ka dhacay arrin aad loola yaabay waxaa loola jeeday kadib markii Ciidamada Itoobiya ee ku sugan Madaxtooyada hub marka la rido sidii Diyaarad oo kale u guuxayo la beegsadeen qeybo ka mid ah Caasimadda Soomaaliya. Madaafiicdaan oo ay is weydaarsadeen kooxo aan heybtooda la garaneyn iyo ciidamada Itoobiya iyo kuwa Dowladda Soomaaliya ayaa inta la ogyahay waxaa ku geeriyooday labo ruux halka 4 kalena uu dhaawac ka soo gaaray. Labada ruux ee geeriyootay ayaa waxa ay ahaayeen wiil iyo aabihii oo madfac uu kula dhacay xaafadda Juungale ee degmada Yaaqshiid, iyadoo madfacaasi aan la garaneyn halka uu ka soo dhacay balse sida dad badan rumeysan yihiin Madfaca ayaa waxaa uu ka soo dhacay dhinaca Madaxtooyada. Madaafiicdaan ayaa mar qura bilaabatay abaarihii 3 dii habeenimo ee saqdhii dhexe ee xalay taasoo mar kaliya daryankeeda si weyn u ruxday magaalada Muqdisho, lama oga ujeedada ay ka lahaayeen Ciidamada Itoobiya iyo kuwa Dowladda Soomaaliya in dad Shacab ah oo hurdaya lala beegsado hub culus. www.midnimo.com Madaafiicda Qoryaha BM-ka Oo Habeenkii Xalay Ahaa Gil-giley Caasimada Soomaaliya Ee Muqdisho... Xalay habeenimadii goor dambe ayaa daryanka Madaafiic cul culus ay gil-gileen guud ahaan caasimada muqdisho, kuwaas oo sababay dhimasho iyo dhaawac. Rasaasta Qoryaha Lidka diyaaradaha iyo kuwa madaafiicda ayaa is weydaarsadeen kooxo aad u hubaysanaa oo aan la garanayn halka ay ka amar qaataan iyo ciidamada dowlada kmg oo garabsanaya kuwa ethiopia iyadoo ay ku dhinteen labo ruux halka afar kalena ku dhaawacmeen. Dib u dhac ku yimid ciidammadii Afrikaanka ahaa ee Soomaaliya la keeni lahaa Waxaa dib u dhac uu ku yimid ciidammadii Afrikaanka ahaa ee lagu waday inay Soomaaliya yimaadaan bishan Feberaayo gudaheeda, kuwaasoo ka kala imaan lahaa dalalka Yugaandha iyo Nayjeeriya. Uganda oo noqon lahayd dowladdii ugu horreysay oo Soomaaliya keenta ciidammo ka socda Afrika ayaa waxaa caqabad ku noqday baarlamaanka dalkaas oo shuruudo sharciyadeed ku xiray in la soo mariyo mooshinka dowladdu wadato ee ku saabsan ciidammada Soomaaliya loo dirayo. muslimamuslimamuslimamuslimamuslima Dib u dhaca ciidammada nabad ilaalinta Midowga Afrika ee Soomaaliya loo soo diri lahaa (AMISOM) ayaa culeys kale ku sii kordhisay ka bixitaanka dalka ee ciidammada Ethiopia oo mugdi badan ku jiro. Ciidammadan ayaa waxaa lagu waday inay dalka soo gaaraan toddobaadkaan waxaana dowladda Uganda saraakiil u hadlay ay sheegeen inay wadaan qorshayaal ay ciidammadooda ugu soo dirayaan Soomaaliya, balse tani ay caqabad weyn ku noqon karta. Maxamuud Axmed Xasan ( Xuurshe) xuurshe114@hotmail.co Tel:002521-5573321
  15. Hey saxib, dhammaan reer muqdisho ilaahay ha badbaadiyo iyo qaraabadaada. My parents live in Buulo xuubeey as well. they were okay and I called them earlier although their neighbours were hurt. Hadda xaafadooda buulo xuubeey Amxaaradiiyaa xiratay, meelaha laamiga ku dhow oo dhan. Waxaa la dhahay niman soomaali ah oo lebisan dharka Amxaarada aa habeen hore hilfaha usoo laabay Xabashida. So they want to get into people's homes and seek weaponry and uniforms. They said people who executed the attack came from the area and were dressed in their dress according to their intelligence/jaajuusiin.
  16. ^ Well Northerner, If you support A/Y, you want everybody else to support and welcome Xabashis into their homes and embrace them like Puntland Leadership has done and embraced them. Pi and company won't accept other somalis can have different choices and refuse to accept the presence of Xabashi troops in their middle. Watch how they insult others simply because no one but them is interested in this.
  17. Originally posted by Nomadic_Princess: [q]Bush and the Psychology of Incompetent Decisions His biography is peppered with remarks and behavior that allude to this inner struggle. In an exuberant moment during his second campaign for Texas governor, Bush told a reporter, "It's hard to believe, but ... I don't have time to worry about being George Bush's son. Maybe it's a result of being confident. I'm not sure how the psychoanalysts will analyze it, but I'm not worried about it. I'm really not. I'm a free guy[/q] ." Asked by a reporter if he would accept responsibility for any mistakes, Bush answered, "I hope I don't want to sound like I've made no mistakes. I'm confident I have. I just haven't - you just put me under the spot here, and maybe I'm not quick - as quick on my feet as I should be in coming up with one." What we heard, and yet didn't hear, was a confession of his feelings of inadequacy and an arrogant denial those feelings all at once. That bullies are insecure people is well known and fairly obvious. A bully covers insecurity with bluster and intimidation so that others won't find an opening to see how weak he feels. Nice article into Bush's troubled mind
  18. Originally posted by syl: Madaxweynaha ayaa la sheegay in uu damacsan yahay in uu saldhig ka dhigto Kismaayo haddii uu ammaanka Xamar sii xumaado." http://www.ruunkinet.com/ While he murders the kids and women of reer Muqdisho in cold blood. The sooner reer muqdisho come together and fight for their dear existence, eliminate the stooges among them who don't care about what is happening to them the better for them and for their future. Castro Nice article
  19. Originally posted by me: ^^^xabashis thanking each other LOL, would be nice if they were Xabashis, waa ********** kuwaan.
  20. "Ardaaga" maxaa waaye? yacni, reer hebel ama lafta hoose maa laga wadaa? LOL@A/Y's female-cousin leading the militia. I am thinking of this as a sensational news laakiin waa cajiib hadday run tahay. Dhaqan cusub waaye aan u maleenaa cause weligay ma maqlin naag dagaal qabiileed hoggaamineeso. That would be trully sad if true.
  21. Xoogsade

    Amaan Dumar

    ^ You are right bro although you are not the type who gets a big head just because someone praised them. Hope you haven't excused yourself under the assumption that I will stick around and chatt with Cara lol. Soo bari saaxib nonetheless.
  22. Originally posted by Cara: I did say "if you want excitement"... Many (me included) would rather settle for a more humdrum existence, possibly involving hot water bottles Hey, it won't be that hopeless and humdrum with you as a wife(and I mean in general given your cute personality). I am sure you will make a dull boy exciting with your creativity and come up with something which adds more cusbo to your future marriage. The key is not to give up before you try. You may cheer up to this quote below: Marriage is not a ritual or an end. It is a long, intricate, intimate dance together and nothing matters more than your own sense of balance and your choice of partner. - Amy Bloom -
  23. Xoogsade

    Amaan Dumar

    ^ Cara, I am all smiles, I would give you silsilad and more, you deserve it. Thanks to Xiin as well, he achieved in one post what I couldn't in three posts To get "Cara" to be more lenient. Btw, Cara, I wasn't reminiscing but was trying to be fair to our great-grandfathers. Life has gotten simpler and I agree with that. They had their reasons in loving their she-camels that much and women had something to do with it. PS: You got one of the best female usernames on SOL as well.
  24. Xoogsade

    Amaan Dumar

    ^ Xiin, Cara qatar waaye, I like her already waa ka aamusay meesha. Share with us your impressive wisdom bro. I would rather watch than talk in presence of reputable men.
  25. Xoogsade

    Amaan Dumar

    ^At least you are not worried about me now and think of me as being outdated and some hopeless Oday who barely managed to write few sentences. I could tell how you were concerned for me from your desperate attempts to keep me informed of the new era and diamond rings Worry no more mate. PS: I have few cows somewhere in somalia given to me as a gift by my abti once I visited his home town. I hear they are thriving and multiplying. May be I should try reliving the old ways and give meher as those cows in the future huh?