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Everything posted by Xoogsade

  1. ^ You would be the last to call someone a liar for people still carry your quotes about more Oromos and Eritreans being in Somalia than Ethiopians. Not to mention your outright denials and barrotting the TFG spokespeople like Jeelle and Co who endlessly claimed on radios that who is fighting against the somali muslims were TFG clan militias alone even with the evidence of dead Xabashi soldiers all over the websites. The website Allceeldheer posted this story and untill we see or hear Moxamed Dheere refuting their story, the news will remain credible. Calling someone a liar won't help your destitution and need for Allah's help so that you get a chance to go back to a normal human with deceny. The TFG is led by the Biggest warlord and conman somalis ever known, A/Y, so saying the TFG got rid of the warlords is something people like you, a minority among somalis, say out of desperation in defending their criminal and murderer.
  2. The TFG is so incompetent people are welcoming back thier former tormentors like Maxamed Dheere who obviously provided a better governance to Jowhar and vicinty A/Y couldn't provide. Maxamed Dheere now declared he is the right man for Jowhar once again and Shabeellaha Dhexe. Residents welcomed his militia expecting security to improve with the arrival of the Warlord Dheere. http://www.allceeldheer.com/news/news1798.htm As for Muqdisho, The xabashi troops and the drug addicted clan militias they use as canon fodders and guides are confined to filling refuse with ports and former army barracks in Muqdisho. These dogs can't venture out even in day time outside their compounds and shell the resdients at night when burned. There is no government recognized outside the minds of the bigotted clanists related to the crazy old man. The warlords who thought they would make big serving under Conman A/Y found out they are as useless and as hated as before. TFG representatives in Muqdisho have their days numbered. A/Y doesn't feel comfortable living in that town knowing he would be killed at the first opportunity people get, the foreign mercineraries and the tigre juntas will leave sooner or later and Muqdisho residents will be free again inshallah.
  3. Originally posted by Hunguri: Xoogsade, you dont worth my debate. I wonder why the emotional outburst all of a sudden as if you were someone with bent up frustration waiting for an opportunity to vent. I wasn't counting you among the bigots who support the murder, the rape, the massacre of muslims in Muqdisho by the Xabashis and who quote the quran without shame pretending they have faith in it when they obviously contradict its teachings and show zero respect for it. It is useless to discuss islam with these sorts of individuals. That is my point to Taliban. You have got issues runtii replying like that. I give you the benefit of the doubt since I wrote in the general previously in reference to A/Y supporters and didn't specify anyone. I am not interested in debates as well.
  4. ^ War waqtiga ha isaga lumin munaafiqiintaan A/Y taageersan. You give them credit when you try to discuss islam with them. A muslim doesn't justify the massacre of other muslims by nonmuslims. They have no filial connection nor a cultural one to other somalis who oppose the xabashi troops. They value and love more the nonmuslim than their own blood. The blood drips from their mouth and you talk to them about islam. Come on saxib, think before you waste your precious time on the worthless.
  5. Xoogsade

    Amaan Dumar

    Originally posted by Cara: LOL. Xoogsade, thank you, but I second Xiin's caution. Unlike him, compliments can easily go to my head and give me foolish ideas. And wouldn't that be just like a woman? Cara, Do you think women are more susceptible to adulation? I am thinking your question is meant to trick me into being myself and say definitely that is being a woman Labaxiniinyood, nice poems saxib.
  6. - Xiinfaniin, man of the month and hopefully stays man of the times inshallah. - Paragon, same, man of the month, very impressive. - Duke, man of the month in his own way, may allah guide him cause his dedication can serve the good. His tolerance for insults though he invites it is impressive. No hard feelings. As for the girls -Serenity- for being smart and pretty(assuming her good brains are a sign of her beauty). - Cara for being funny and simple asking for nothing as a dowry except katiinad dahab ah. Yaa kale?
  7. Aamiin. I notice in the top picture she has a beautiful smile which is typical of a somali kid. Hope she puts her ordeal behind her as she grows up.
  8. Men like A/Y do not show remorse. He wouldn't have made this far if the death of an innocent bothered him. He personifies his career of murder, mutiny, unpatriotism and a traitor. His supporters have a lot in common with him too, criminal minded beings who given an opportunity would murder as well.
  9. It won't be long before people revolt against these kuffaars and their collaborators.
  10. Warlords are back too and they are playing major role in the mayhem. DKMG ah oo ka walaacsan hogaamiye kooxeedyo hub iibsaday Mogadishu 22, Feb.07 ( Sh.M.Network) Dowladda KMG ah ee Somalia ayaa walaac ka muujisay sida ay isku hubeeyeen qaar ka mid ah hogaamiye kooxeedyada magaalada Muqdisho. Sida ay qortay wakaaladda wararka AP, Mas'uul dhinaca amaanka oo ka tirsan dowladda KMG ah oo ka gaabsaday magaciisa ayaa sheegay in 3 hogaamiye kooxeed oo mid ka mid ah uu yahay xubin ka tirsan Baarlamanka Somalia ay dib isku hubeynayaan, taasoo walaac ay ka muujisay dowladda Somalia. Xildhibaan Max'ed Qanyare Afrax, Max'ed Dheere iyo Cabdi Nuure Siyaad ayaa la xaqiijiyay in ay iibsadeen hubka ugu badan ee yaala suuqyada hubka ee magaalada Muqdisho 3dii cesho ee la soo dhaafay. Arintaan ayaa haddii la xaqiijiyay waxa ay walaac galineysaa xaaladda Amaan ee dalka Somalia, waxaana ay qireysaa in hogaamiye kooxeedyada ay dib u soo laabteen, inkastoo hubka dhigis horey loogu sameeyay. Wararka laga helayo ayaa waxa ay sheegayaan in hogaamiye kooxeedyada ay ka dambeeyaan weerarada ka dhacaya magaalada Muqdisho ee lala beegsanayo fariisimada ciidamada dowladda iyo kuwa Ethiopia. Dowladda Somalia ayaa horey ugu eedeysay weerarada ka dhacaya magaalada Muqdisho waxa ay ugu yeertay haraadigii Maxkamadaha islaamka. Q.M ayaa todobaadkii la soo dhaafay waxa ay sheegtay in dib u soo laabashada hogaamiye kooxeedyada ay halis ku tahay howlaha samafalka bani'aadnimo ee loo fidin lahaa dadka u dhibaateysan. Shabelle Media Network Somalia E-mail us: info@shabelle.net
  11. This is not in the interest of Warlord A/Y and his clan militias who terrorize the residents but for these bloodied residents to avoid A/Y's massacre of their kids, the elderly and innocent. they collcet money and pay for the service of these guards whle the TFG responds with looting their homes and killing their innocent.
  12. It is risky to work for bloodsucking A/Y amxaar and his mafia in Muqdisho. Pictures speak for themselves: Pi and others above, with the exceptin of mystic and kashafa, are usually soundng a note of sympathy while they justifed endlessly the death of the innocent. Who will take them serious when they pray?? A/Y and his organziation are engaged in killing the innocents, kidnapping sheekhs and imams.
  13. It is risky to work for bloodsucking A/Y amxaar and his mafia in Muqdisho. Pictures speak for themselves: Pi and others above, with the exceptin of mystic and kashafa, are usually soundng a note of sympathy while they justifed endlessly the death of the innocent. Who will take them serious when they pray?? A/Y and his organziation are engaged in killing the innocents, kidnapping sheekhs and imams.
  14. It is risky to work for bloodsucking A/Y amxaar and his mafia in Muqdisho. Pictures speak for themselves: Pi and others above, with the exceptin of mystic and kashafa, are usually soundng a note of sympathy while they justifed endlessly the death of the innocent. Who will take them serious when they pray?? A/Y and his organziation are engaged in killing the innocents, kidnapping sheekhs and imams.
  15. Nice message. The board they carry highlights the cowardice of A/Y and his clanish supporters
  16. Originally posted by Pi: As long as the terrorists continue their cowardice, civillians will die. Hopefully, the terrorists and anarachists will die before too many civillian lives are claimed. I think something is missing from this piece of lust for the blood of the innocent. Can ayone guess?
  17. Originally posted by AYOUB_SHEIKH: ^^Sure was peaceful. Fracois Fall walks in Mogadishu July 2006. This is beautiful picture and the people in there look comfortable. This calm and safe ambience has been replaced by clan militias from Puntland shelling these same buildings while their ethiopian brothers provide them the weaponry for the mayhem. Guys like Caamir are causing the chaos in that town.
  18. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: ^^War naga aayara Swahiliga yaa Jamaacah! Xoogsade, We need some proof saaxiib! Waa laysku haystaa qofta.n Sidaa uma fududa xaajadu adeer. Bishaaro si fudud lagu qaatay tan dhiigbaa ku daadan. Ask Brown? LOL, xaajada waa culus tahay I see. I am not good at fights, may be some talent competition or other venues of expression to win this mukulaal's hand
  19. Originally posted by Cara: They can re-use the same logs oo markii hore isbaaroyinka ahaa. I'm sure the same youths will be manning them.
  20. ^ I would say it is an entertainment if I knew these rebel groups aren't coming to people they were told were expendable and that they can kill them as they please.
  21. Miskiin, Different rules apply to leaders of Saudi Arabia. They are above the law and have the option to practice or not practice. There is rising poverty, marriage difficulties due to archaic bigotted laws, lack of jobs, but all these problematic issues can be fixed. I think they have done well for their countrymen considering how other muslims faired in other islamic countries. Let us hope someday they open up the system and let the average man have a say in the local affairs so best minds can contribute to their country with love and dedication.
  22. That is impressive list of A/Y's subclan, Damn! I didn't even know SOO MAAL Sidee tahay saxib? Welcome back. You are not around often lately.
  23. Shucayb, All comments directed at A/Y reflect of what I think of him as an individual. It has nothing to do with other southerners. I equally despise Aydiid Jr, Geeddi, Qanyare, Yalaxoow, Jeelle and all the men who are part of or supportive of the TFG. To me, A/Y and his group represent self-aggrandizement, clan devisions, greed and warmongering. A/Y, like all other warlrods, would massacre his clan if they stood in his way and disagreed with him. First priority for him is to rule, the rest is secondary. If there was hatred between clansmen in the south, the most insecure town as of late which is muqdisho wouldn't be home for somalis who are related to A/Y and work at villa Somalia. Our neighbour in Xamar works at Villa Somalia and is part of the crew who are responsible for The Elcetric Generators which power the Villa. All his neighbours know where he works at and no one thinks of him as an enemy. Nacayb ma jiro saxib laakiin supporters of TFG and those who oppose it. Each one of us has a reason to support or oppose the TFG. I don't and people like Duke do. Someday we will find a common ground but till then, it is being for and against and to each his conscience.
  24. He is Jaahil, lacks wisdom and comes across as the thug he is. I don't understand how young schooled person can support this brainless old murderer fool.
  25. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: How soon? Mary up adeer and make sure you shop around in baadiyaha. Don’t go through the painful process of sifting through the qalanjo’s you find in college campuses and in the shopping malls. Midaan weligeed xerada ariga dhaafin oo aabaheed la yaqaan so qabo adeer. ps--haddaad tartami kartidna Serenity yay ku dhaafin . Xiinfaniin, Serenity is not up for the taking, She is already mine and taken, so stop giving her away