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Everything posted by Xoogsade

  1. Originally posted by Violet: Is it that hard for you to stay on topic? If you would like to know my position on certain issues, just ask me, there's no need for you to get personal. What do Taako-man or Duke have to do with this? :confused: Why would they need to speak on my behalf? Have I bruised your male-ego that much? You told me your position on certain issues and they weren't good I suggested Duke and Taako-Man to speak on your behalf because You appeal to my softer side. I prefer to deal with them since they write your opinions verbatim and I don't have to cut them some slack. That is all. Wow KHALAF. Birds of a feather indeed flock together. Congrats confused one, violet is actually a good woman. We disagree on politics doesn't mean she is bad in nature. Damn! this brings my marathon to an end for I can't harrass someone's future wife. Waa ceeb. I am done with Violet.
  2. ^ raadamiir, that is fair saxib. Violet. I didn't say anything about you other than: A- You admitted you are a clanist so everything you write is laced with the clan sentiments. B- You carry A/Y's picture to show your support. Tell me I am wrong in that? PS: Don't tell me to leave you alone, cause that will break my heart You are doing great standing up for your beliefs, so there is no need to complain. Defend your biased take on somali politics or don't write.
  3. Violet, Be comfortable with your choices. I am trying to address your propaganda only. If you make comments like "Somalia" is on the right track, then you must explain which somalia you are talking about. Surely, not the same Somalia I belong to. Somalia is greater than a percieved clan's success or personalities like A/Y. Besides, Why don't you let Duke speak on your behalf? Or Taako-Man? Taako-Man Oohinta naga daa ninyohow, adaa u duceynaaye Amxaarka doofaarka ah iyo wuxuu wato. What is the difference between a Dog and his owner accepting even you were praying for the TFG?
  4. Originally posted by Violet: Mystics posts are emotionally charged and I just advised her to post when she's better . How is that insulting? She backed the ICU, they lost, and she's currently going through a natural process known as grief. Believing the ICU will make a phantom return is a ridiculous as believing in Santa Claus or the Tooth fairy. Xoogsade, I'm not suprised you came to her defence, after all she is your clan cousin..oh wait you're above clannish thinking. My bad. Humans are by nature emotional creatures. They can not divest themselves completely of their emotions while they are engaged in an argument, and for you or for anyone to expect that is unrealistic. You Violet, Duke, Taako-Man, and all the spokespeople of A/Y and his TFG possibly wake up every morning emotionally tied to the Old man's well being and how he is going to surivive ruling the graveyard called Muqdisho, how the xabashi troops can pacify those who oppose him at any cost. Your replies to me, to mystic and to anyone who expresses dissatisfaction with the way things are going speak about your emotional connection and investment in the TFG. Would you defend it day and night otehrwise? if you were unemotional about what is going on, you wouldn't carry pictures of A/Y, posted propaganda, dismissed the facts on the ground as sham or like Taako-Man, he wouldn't have wished and prayed that Allah may come on the side of Melle Zenawi and grant him total victory over fellow muslim somalis. So Violet, you are as emotional as anyone involved in this, try another card please. I am reading
  5. ^ So Tako, if you say inshallah on behalf of melle and a man who opposes sharia laws admittedly, they have a chance to succeed? that is something new But then again, people who cheered for orthodox christians killing thier own kind out of aggression and in the interest of phantom clan victory have little to say about islamic credentials they have. Honestly, try as if you have some shame.
  6. Taako, If Ethiopians leave, A/Y will not be even called president a day after that. You don't want your masters to leave and the life-support they give A/Y to go away. Think again. No one wants A/Y to rule and he won't last a day without Xabashi troops. This fact is one among the many reasons you folks obsessed with the clan and criminal A/Y supported Xabashis invading the country to begin with. You knew no one wants this crazy old man. The Ethiopian troops made it possible for A/Y to visit Muqdisho briefly. You can't let the protection troops for the warlord leave. That will be the end of your hypocrisy on SOL and the disappearance of A/Y from the Somali politics. There is no love lost.
  7. ^ It is funny you say "inshallah" in your posts Taako-Man. Do you make Allah a mockery to such extent that you want him almighty turn events to your favour even if you wallow in refuse? Perhaps they didn't teach you Allah doesn't grant the wishes of the hypocrites. Play the clan game, may be your comments may make sense to the like-minded who worship A/Y like you but stay away from islam. A muslim doesn't justify the death of other muslims in the hands of nonmuslims. You have been justifying the death of the innocent from day one Melle Zenawi declared his intent on invading the Country in full force. Qabiil caabudka ku ekoow
  8. ^ Violet, come on, just because you call yourself violet doesn't mean you make flowery comments. Deal with the fair treatment you get from Mystic just as you dish out equally under-belt blows to her
  9. You are strange for someone who has relatives in Muqdisho. You think such claims will stregnthen your argument but it puts a question mark on your claims as to whether you care about these people to begin with when you cheered for their occupation knowing well that the Xabashis were not welcome, that they would be fought, that violence will be the norm, that they had peace and security and the only reason Ethiopians were coming was to subjugate the entire town so murderous A/Y could watch his clan militia parading october-like in Tarabuunka. People who have relatives in Muqdisho act different and never justify the death of the innocent and seek to blame people who are under occupation. The crazy and the insane and i might add the faithless are those who on a daily basis come here to write propaganda on behalf of a man they haven't possibly met and a man who is not from a close family of theirs. Waallida runta waa taas diintiina aa u iibsateen xukun jacayl darteed
  10. A/Y is solely responsible for the crimes above as he is the sole person behind Xabashi troops and ugandan troops coming to Muqdisho. You as someone who supports the criminal man and the warlord you call president, you have no relations to the victims above, therefore, your poor attempts to deflect the obvious is seen for what it is, bigotry Why don't you wash your mouth from the blood dripping from it? being so far removed from these people, you couldn't even fake sympathy.
  11. ^ That sentiment is not shared by somalis who are bloodied by A/Y, the man you admitted you support simply because he is from your clan and whom you carry his picture as a loyal fan of his. Perhaps such news as this might give you a pause if there is some human thinking left in you or you feel somewhat connceted to other somalis whose blood A/Y drinks and whose supporters are quite happy to dismiss as nothing
  12. In ka badan 25 dhaawac ah oo la dhigay Isbitalka Madiina weeraradii xalay ka dib Mogadishu 08, March.07 ( Sh.M.Network) In ka badan 25 ruux oo dhaawac ah oo ay ku jiraan ciidamo ka tirsan Militariga dowladda KMG ah ee Somalia ayaa la geeyay Isbitalka Madiina, xilli ay buux dhaafiyeen sariiraha Isbitalkaasi dad bukaan ah. Bukaanadaan oo u badan dad rayid ah ayaa waxaa la geeyay Isbitalka inta badan markii waaga uu baryay, kuwaasi oo ku dhaawacmay weeraradii xalay kooxo aan la garaneyn ay la beegsadeen ciidamada Uganda. Agaasimaha Isbitalka Madiina Dr. Sheekh Doon Salaad Cilmi ayaa shabelle u sheegay in dadkaan Bukaanada ah ay isugu jiraan haween iyo caruur, waxaana uu tilmaamay in 3 ruux oo dhaawac ahaan loo geeyay Isbitalka Madiina ay ugu geeriyootay. Agaasimaha waxa uu intaasi ku daray in dadka dhaawaca ah ay ku jiraan labo ka mid ah ciidamada Militariga dowladda KMG ah, kuwaasi oo ku dhaawacmay weeraradii xalay. Waxa uu sheegay in ay buuxdhaafiyeen dad dhaawac ah sariirihii Isbitalkaasi, isagoo sheegay in tirada guud ahaan dadka dhaawaca ah ay gaarayaan ilaa 90 ruux. Maamulka Isbitalka Madiina waxa ay codsi u gudbiyeen Shirkadda Hormuud in ay la soo gaarto qalabka wax qaboojiyo oo la dhigayo qeybaha qaliinka iyo Pharmashiga, isagoo sheegay in codsigaasiba durbo shirkadda Hormuud ay ka soo jawaabtay oo ay keentay ilaa 10 qaboojiye.
  13. Okay saxib, Caaliyah waa iga saxsan tahay, soomaalidoo dhan waa isku wada mid meelay ku nooshahay in Somalia. She has a point in kasto aniga aan ka waday reer waqooyiga soomaalida aaminsan inay ka go'aan waddanka. I know other somalis live up in the north, but I count them always as part of larger somalis and never separate them from the rest. PS: I am slow today, waa ka socday meesha saxib
  14. Hunguri, Aren't you and me from the south saxib? That is what I meant. Me and you should solve our differences then we shall talk to people like northerner.
  15. Hunguri, Cool damiinaa tahay Just kidding bro. Anigaa u baahan inaa wax barto. Waa iska kaa foorjeeynooyaa. Aaliyah. I missed your point earlier. PS: Soomaalida waqooyiga deggan ee aan raalliga ka ahayn go'idda waqooyiga, soomaalida kaloo dhan aa u hiillan including me. I can tell you though, With the likes of A/Y being called the president of the graveyards(and if you belong to one of those clans who are against northwest indepedence), A/Y will sell you. Depends what melle Zenawi wants really. Let us hope Melle somehow realizes Somalia can not be devided. I am not for any part of Somalia going alone. But first thing first. First Muqdisho problems then Waqooyi, one thing at a time.
  16. Aaliyah, Taliban is right in that north and south are the same. But solving our problems should start at home and in the south. Reer waqooyiga meelna uma socdaan. Even if Ethiopia grants them what they want(TFG is nothing and doesn't decide even where its stooges sleep), they are not that far as long the southerners solve their problems and become one. The key is us southerners becoming representatives of Somalia proper with the needed strength nd unity. Somalia is greater than a clan and clanish wishes atthe same time, Somalia has to grow out of inwardness and clan pickering first for it to regain the Unity it deserves. Hunguri saxib, damiin inaa tahay waa iska ogaa, maku aragtay quraanka iyadoo la leeyhay "Kuwii ilaahay rumeeyayoow islaamka si toos ah u gala"? ever saw that? Kitaabka busta kasoo jaf jafo marka hore, dadka ityagoo ilaahay aaminsan aa la dhihi karaa islaamka qaado gebi ahaan ama ku dhaqan TFGdaa madaxa kaa gashay.
  17. ^^ And then those of us who love Somalia die embittered and deeply scarred by the self-mutilation. That is too tragic Man. I was trying to forget about the realities of our defeat as a people untill I read the 150 years of Ethiopian presence in Kismayo. It is not far fetched. The Xabashis discovered they can play mediators and a neutral party to warring somalis who hate each other. Very unfortunate dadkaan in laga dhasho. Diin xumidaa ugu wacan. Dhaqanna malahan. Taliban. Saxib, first south, then waqooyi galbeed. You are occupied now and need to free yourself from Xabashis and their stooges, get your house in order then look to that end of Somalia and Somalis. Islam will rock the boat of the clanists anywhere surely. Marka hore dadkan waalan ee koonfurta deggan islaamka ha qaataan.
  18. Well said Northerner and Kashafa. The same hypocrites who were cheering for Xabashis are now calling for Unity. Kuwaan saxan xataa wax in lagula cuno ma ahan iskaba dhaaf waddan in lala qeebsado. History will be harsh to these bigots.
  19. Originally posted by Violet: So you're a psychologist now, huh? You just continue with your assumptions because at this point I could care less. Sounds like you care a little to me Mystic Welcome back sis, long live Xamar indeed.
  20. ^ It would be nice if some of you were getting rewards for their efforts. At least I could reason with myself looking at the tangible personal benefits you are getting. Anyway, if emotion gets the ascendancy in any situation, clear thinking is going to suffer, therefore, with much left in me to say to you and tell you that you are no more representative of puntlanders than I am or can be and hence stop putting yourslef in their shoes and speak for yourself only, I plan to move on and do some work here making dearly needed money. I know now how you think and the motivations behind these thoughts, it is both in picture(looking at the old man in your posts) and in words Habeen wanaagsan.
  21. Originally posted by Socod_badne: ^Wake up man! Embrace Islam? Somalis embrace only one thing and that's their clan. Nothing can come between Somali and his clan. Islam comes distant 125. It's been that way for ages, by the look of things now it's going to remain that way for long time to come. Rather than hedge your bets on a far-fetched dream, you should instead work to positively channel Somali's love for his clan. Actually Socod-badne, I thought it was far fetched dream to see somalis unite under islamic platform. Out of nowhere came the ICU who pacified muqdisho and tamed the clans. The hate among cousins was gone, devisions were gone. They didn't have to collect guns to secure the city. Justice prevailed. For the first time over a decade, law and order was introduced into a wild city whose kids grew up with no law and order. The same is possible on a greater scale. It is not a dream but a real possibility provided those who claim to be muslims act on their beliefs and show they trully are believers. Taako Man You seem insensed by the word islam itself. Islam doesn't belong to anyone but to Allah almighty. Your agreement with Socod-Badne proves to me the little faith you have in islam not only as a perfect religion capable of transforming troubled people into law abiding citizens but that you prefer your clan gods to the omnipotent as well. Allah's prophet advised muslims to leave the clanism alone because it was putrid. It is referred to as pre-islamic practice of hatred and savagery and you believe that it can be used in place of islam. Sorry, but you are as usual, A LOSER. It is either islam or you leave other somalis alone.
  22. Originally posted by Violet: ^ You should try making fewer assumptions next time, for you don't know me or my views on any of the things you've listed. Like I said, I have no problem with being called a clanist, just as long as you recognize that you're as clannish as I. I'm happy you've realized this fact, so continue as you were... No, I am not as clanish as you are I didn't realize any fact and say I was clanist but you said I was and I don't want to challenge that for convinience. I have a question for you, How do you expect someone from another clan to take you sincere when you tell them you put your clan first at any cost? or you don't care about the implication?
  23. Taako-Man The culprits were the same warlords now in cahoots with him, his own clansmen on the other side of the devide were behind that attempted assassination. The warlords of Muqdisho didn't want the TFG to succeed and Geedi represented a threat to their isbaaro in Muqdisho. You remember how Muqdisho was devided into fiefdoms each ruled by a warlord. Everyone in Muqdisho knows. Marka saxib, Muqdisho was a place intellectuals, doctors, and good practicing muslims were viewed as a threat to warlordism and were consequently killed or sold to slavery untill ransom was paid.