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Ciidamada Xabashida oo dagaal ka bilaabay deegaanka Fagax xilli madaafiic ay ku asqeynayaan xaafado ka tirsan magaalada Muqdisho. Muqdisho,19,April-07 (Qaadisiya.com) Ciidamada Saliibiyiinta Xabashida ayaa maanta si gardarro ah ugu soo duulay fariisimaha mujaahidiinta xarakaadka muqaawamada ay ku leeyihiin deegaanka Fagax, waxaana halkaasi ka qarxay dagaal culus oo laysku adeegsanayo hubka noocyadiisa kala duwan ayadoo cadawga uu taangiyo iyo BM uu ku garaacayo xaafado ka tirsan magaalada Muqdisho. Taangiyada ciidamada Xabashida ayaa ka soo gudbay isgoyska Sanca kuwaasoo durbaba dagaal ka bilaabay agagaarka isgoyska Fagax,waxaana haatan halkaasi ka socda dagaal aad u qaraar oo dhex maraya labada dhinac, wax war ah lagama hayo khasaaraha dagaalka uu gaystay. Dagaalka ka socda aaga Fagax waxaa bar bar socda madaafiic sidii roobka oo kale looga soo ridayo Villa Soomaaliya iyo kuliyadii hore ee Jaalle Siyaad kuwaasoo si garba siman ah ugu soo dhacaya xaafadaha Carafaat,Juungal,Towfiiq,Ex-control Balcad,SOS iyo Suuqa Xoolaha. Si rasmi ah looma garanayo khasaaraha madaafiicdaasi ay gaysteen,hayeeshee warar hordhac ah ayaa muujinaya in ilaa 18 qof ay ku shahiideen madaafiicda iyo dagaalada ka socda Muqdisho, waxaana la xaqiijiyay in qoys ka kooban 8 qof ay ku shahiideen kadib markii madaafiic ay ku habsatay dadkaasi oo ku sugnaa gurigooda oo ku yaal xaafada Carafaat, halka guri ku yaal xaafada Juungal ay ku shahiideen 4 qof halka tiro kale ay ku dhaawacmeen. Ciidamada Saliibiyiinta Tikreega iyo kooxda Imbagaati ayaa damacsan sidii ay u qabsan lahaayeen isgoyska Ex-control Balcad si culeyska ay uga qaadaan ciidamada Saliibiyiinta ee ku go'doonsan garoonka kubada cagta ee Muqdisho isla markaana ay ugo'doomin lahaayeen dagaalyahanada muqaawamada ee ka dagaalamaya aaga Bar Ayaan iyo garoonka. http://www.qaadisiya.com/war8%20dagaalka%20fagax%20april%2007.htm
Gaari Uuraal ah oo ciidamo Itoobiyaan ah sida oo lagu gubay agagaarka Lafoole. Muqdisho 19 Abriil 07 (Beerdhiga ) Intii u dhexeysay 9:00-9:30 subaxnimo ayaa gaari Uuraal ah oo sida ciidamo Itoobiyaan ah oo kusoo jeeday magaalada Muqdsiho miino lagu qarxiyey meel ku dhow kulliyada Macalimiinta ee Lafoole taas oo keentay in gaarigu gebi ahaanba burburo, waxaana lagu wadaa in ciidankii saarnaa ku baaba'ay. Goobjoogayaal ku sugnaa goobtaas xiliga qaraxu dhacay ayaa iyaguna sheegay in qaraxu saameeyey gaari kale oo ay leeyihiin ciidamada Itoobiya lamana oga inta uu la egyahay khasaaraha gaaray iyo cida wax ku noqotay midna. Goobjooyaashu waxaa kale oo ay sheegeen in Ciidamada Itoobiya ay hareereeyeen goobtii qaraxu ka dhacay wadadana ay xireen. Dhinaca Kale, warar xog-ogaal ah ayaa sheegay in gaari Uuraal ah xoogaga muqaawamadu ay xalay waxyeelo ku gaarsiiyeen isgoyska Cali Kamiin halkaas oo la sheegay in uu weli yaalo. wuxuuna gaarigan ka mid ahaa laba gaari oo isku dayeysay maqribkii ka dib in ay ka baxaan xarunta Xisbiga iyo Isbartiibada iyaga oo kusii jeeda xarunta madaxtooyada. www.Beerdhiga.com
Gaari Tiknika ah oo ka tirsanaa ciidamada DFKM oo ku biiray xoogaga muqaawamada. Muqdisho 18 Abriil 07 (Beerdhiga ) Baabuur Bagaasa ah oo uu saaran yahay qoriga suuga oo labo dhuumood ah ayaa maanta abaarihii 5:45 ee galabnimo ku soo biiray xoogaga muqaawamada. Gaarigan suuga ah ayaa waxa uu ka soobaxay jidka sayid, kaasooy dad badan wada arkayeen isaga oo ka soo dhaadhacaya wadada sayidka. Ilo ku dhow dhow muqaawamada ayaa beerdhiga u xaqiijyay in xoogaga muqaawamdu gudoon siinyeen abaalmarin, abaalmarintan ayaa lagu sheegay inay ka danbeysay go’aanka wax ku oolka ah ee uu gaaray waduhu waa sida hadalka loo dhigaye. Wadaha baabuurkan ayaa ahaa nin dhalin yara ah oo da’diisa lagu qiyaasay ilaa 26-sano. mar la waydiiyay waxyaabaha ku kalifay ayaa waxa uu ku jawaabay kadib markii uu la kulmay maalin maalmaha ka mid ah gabar soomaaliyeed oo xijaaban oo indha shareerna qabtay qaar askarta ka mid ah ay ku yiraahdeen gabadhii dhig indha shareerka, markii ay dhigtay kadibna ay ku yiraahdeen xijaabkana dhig. Gaarigan suuga ah ayaa intii uu marayay wadooyinka magaalada muqdisho ay shacabku ku soo dhaweynayeen takbiir, iyagoo istubayay dhamaan jidadka uu baabuurku marayay. http://www.beerdhiga.com/
Scores of Ethiopia troops flee Somalia to Yemen Aweys Osman Yusuf Mogadishu 18, April.07 ( Sh.M.Network) Scores of Ethiopia army troops have arrived off the coast of Yemen onboard two boats belonging to smugglers after they fled fighting with Islamic insurgents in Somalia, a press report said on Tuesday. Some 89 Ethiopian soldiers arrived in the Arqa area in southern Yemen after crossing the Gulf of Aden from Bosaso city in the semi-autonomous region of Puntland in northeast Somalia, the al-Ayyam daily newspaper said in a report on its website. The paper said 49 Somali refugees were aboard the boats that carried the soldiers, who were wearing civilian clothes. An Ethiopian army officer was quoted as saying that he and his comrades had fled the ranks of Ethiopian troops in Somalia after a dramatic escalation in fierce fighting with Somali Islamic insurgents. 'I am a member of the Ethiopian army and I took part in toppling the rule of the Islamic courts (in Somalia),' said the officer, identified as Muhammad Hassan. 'We did not expect the fighting to reach this level of fiercity or that it could turn into a guerrilla war,' he said. The officer added that many other Ethiopian troops had decided to flee Somalia after they found themselves stuck amid a 'flaming hell.' A police official in Arqa, about 600 kilometres from Sana'a, said that 10 Ethiopian women and seven civilian men were among the group that reached the shores of Arqa on Sunday. The official, who wanted to remain anonymous, told Deutsche Presse-Agentur dpa that the soldiers were transferred by military truck to the southern Yemeni port city of Aden on Monday. Ethiopia sent army forces into Somalia last December to back the country's interim government to drive out forces from the Union of Islamic Courts that controlled most of central and southern Somalia for nearly six months last year. (Eritreadaily) http://www.shabelle.net/news/ne2756.htm
^ No worries mate, I am not seeking duke's ban. His propaganda in support of A/Y provides an opportunity for both co-clanists who think like him and others who oppose the corruption in our land to get this section going. I am simply telling him to not accuse a clan collectively of something when he is cornered. There is genuine oppostion to the TFG, so he should address the points made without resorting to collective blame on one specific clan he loves to accuse of everything that is wrong with Muqdisho.
Duke, you are not the only person missing a home(assuming you are telling the truth anyway). our family home where my father and his siblings were born and grew up, located in Boondheere is occupied by Geedi/Jeelle's clansman whose father was the Sheekh of the area. We collect neither rent nor bother him with the issues of the property he lives in. Few times a family member tried to reason with him and get him to pay rent, he presented the facts that we couldn't live there for our own security and therefore, he shouldn't be bothered. Simple Baad. My mother's land in Madina main market was taken by someone who is close to yalaxoow. He built Home made of Jiingad on it. My mother was on a waiting list to get her property back when the ICU ruled Muqdisho. The list of somalis wanting their property back was too long so she had to wait. Now that incompetent A/Y was brought to Muqdisho by his Ethiopian Sponsors, and the men who cared about justice were destroyed on his behalf, There is no chance for her getting back her property. My uncle's home is also gone so is my Aunt's in Sanca. Despite all of these facts, you never see me accuse a clan and call a clan occupiers simply because it is individuals and not the entire clan who occupies people's homes. In addition, loss of property and life is not unique to one clan but to all somalis who live currently and lived in Muqdisho, therefore, you and your like-minded should stop insulting the clans you don't like and stick to your support to A/Y. Afkaaga hala nabad galo and I won't bother mentioning your name. Stick to your politics and why you hate certain clans who present a problem to your uncle and don't insult them.
^ I didn't ask you to change your mind about him. I only stated Alle-Ubaahne's explanation. Now that he is banned, you shouldn't spend too much energy on proving what AU was and instead celebrate for your victory over him(Like Violet is celebrating). Besides, I want him stay banned for the simple reason that he will reflect and learn, and not because I think he is a bad person. He could use my advise when I told him to calm down and give himself a day's worth of thinking before he replied to anyone. Some people can't control their emotions for certain. Salaad subaxaa la joogaa and I need to catch up on some work I have been delaying. Ciao. OOh, my sympathies also to Ebonique, Fanisha(the beautiful, haven't seen her, just guessing from her confidence and she reminds me of Bishaaro), and Deep-Blue and Jabarjaan. They will learn their lesson and hopefully change when they come back in due time.
Originally posted by Violet: Xoogsade seems to think he's always right and everyone else is always wrong. He is free of primitive qabilist-thinking, while those who hold an opinion that differs from his are qabilists full of hatred. You need to call people out when they're wrong regardless of how much they agree with you. ******* ******* ******** ******** I actually did and called him on the comments he made about north Galkacyo. He explained what he meant. The rest of Somalia should be safe from what is happening in Muqdisho. Calling for the destraction of peaceful places doesn't solve problems but denies a source of stability that might help other somalis who might seek refuge in there(Although people were mistreated, jailed and sent back when they sought refuge in Puntland). I never said I am perfect btw. I stand corrected just like verybody else. And Alle-Ubahne is no bad rubbish. He is not perfect but not rubbish. [ April 15, 2007, 11:52 PM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
Garaad, What he meant to convey with that North Galkacyo comment as he explained, was to expose the duplicity of the TFG supporters who were calling for the massacre of kids and women in Muqdisho when they wouldn't stand the same if the Artillery was raining down on north Galkacyo. It is factual statement and non of the TFG supporters would accept a single bullet fired towards their kinsmen. The same individuals who were calling for the military might and loved the drills were having doubts about the wisdom of war in Puntland and Somaliland. Alle-Ubaahne had worse issues than clan bias, like fudeed. May be banning him from here will give him a chance to rethink the futility of engaging people who are not interested in anything but the total annihilation of other somali clans.
Originally posted by Violet: Still saying the same old lines. Sii soco baan ku iri. If you allow me to have the last word, won't bother really. A Man must have his rights. Jacaylbaro I advised Alle-Ubaahne privately to calm down a bit and take sometime off before he was banned. The brother was too sincere to realize people won't accept what he thought was the correct way of seeing somali politics. Isagoo kale wuxuu ku fiican yahay a perfect world where nothing can go wrong and everyone takes a stance on behalf of what is islamic.
^ Not really, we never had one. I promised out of my own initiative to give you a break because you appealed to my softer side and complained. It is a long standing somali tradition to never argue with a woman needlessly or come down hard on her. You have plenty of people who spouse the same clanist cut throat views you broadly admitt to, So I told you to let them speak on your behalf but I never said I wouldn't address you every now and then when obliged
Originally posted by Violet: If you don't like the topics on this section, post articles that reflect your point-of-view..Otherwise, calaacalka naga dhaaf. He didn't complain to you personally. What is upsetting about what he said anyway?
^ Don't you have a family in the troubled area? And how are they doing? Waddankii Amxaaro siday Koonfurta i timid balaayaa ku furantay.
People earn respect by their conduct not by a job they have. It is that simple. Oodweyne Don't you think the war between Somaliland and Puntland is a disadvantage to the somalis caught in the crossfire? Deviding them politically(each side claims they have the support of the locals) and displacing them by bringing the war to them is wrong. Both Puntland and Somaliland adminstrations are opportunist entities.
Badda Cas, They were counterweight to Duke and Taako's propaganda machine and their insults. That is for sure. There is no difference between insulting whole clans or individuals. Both Duke and Taako insult one specific clan in a collective manner when they can't both debate and present reasonable grounds for their political views. This whole section is corrupt(for the nature of what people discuss which is based on corruption to begin with) so I guess it gets more difficult to maintain a cool head when you are faced with people who have no shame to lie about everything to score a cheap political point.
Thanks Miskiin for the time you took to explain. I guess, we should all live with the consequences of our own actions.
LOL, No more than 28 posts and the sword of the new revolution found him. I agree with the new sweep even though I myself don't know how long I can survive. I will be contented, however, with reading honest debates written by others so long as my views are represented by those "others" who voice my thoughts. We have collectively degraded the place. I think(although not advising but expressing my thoughts here) they should add to the list of offenses any willful twist of news and outright lies about events to make a cheap point because that is what upsets many. Let all dishonest people be banned.
Well, thanks for letting this thread stay open so people can air what is on their mind. I don't mean to design policies or suggest one as to how the site is managed, but I am wondering if people are privately given ample warning before they are banned?
This is bad. Badda Case, This vidoe has 1992 stamped on it which explains the mood of Morgan. I can not justify what he is saying, and he was wrong undoubtedly then, but at least the time of the event might explain his conduct in the video. I must tell you, I felt very uncomfortable when I saw the poor woman being interrogated about her clan that I almost quit watching the clip. A scene too disturbing to watch and one that happened often in Somalia in those days. Cadaab waa la mutaystay. I wonder how many millions of somalis will go to hell for either directly participating in the civil war, or indirectly supporting it in oral encouragement, in justifying it, or contributing financially to the degeradation and self-mutaling frenzy going on those days. Equally troubling are the same mentalities who justify what A/Y, Jeelle and Geeddi have declared to be their mission. The same stories again and again with different players. Anyway, what matters, at least to me without offending anyone else who has a just grievance against Morgan, is what morgan doing and how he is conducting himself now. If he stays true to his word and keeps on the new course he chartered for himself, doesn't get involved in the TFG criminal enterprise, doesn't get exposed in some vidoes like this once more, I give him the benefit of the doubt.
Taliban, Thanks saxib, nice picture. How have you been nowadays anyway? iskuul iyo wax baan ku mashquulay aniga. take care bro.
Mystique, I don't see the images either.
Dhamaan dadka xafladdaan kasoo qeyb galay ilaahay ha u wada naxariisto intooda dhimmatay. They seem happy and filled with Qiiro. Here is another Video called The latter one shows mostly Northwest Somalia, such beauty and peace is what we wish for ourselves in Muqdisho, a peace we had untill few months ago, and that Allah gives us a break and a victory over the Ethiopian Occupation. Such defeat will enable us to break the back of the ignoble stooges and the hypocrites who support them, the drug addicts who carry the guns for them, and the brainless savages like Geedi and Jeelle.
Emperor, You never think this way saxib but Xiin and Paragon do great service for Puntlanders by presenting the rational voice that is missing from Duke and like-minded. Inadvertently, Their input is a damage control and repair. These two brothers and the wobbly Che, may not realize the positive effect they have on others like me, who are wounded by what is going on in Muqdisho. They will get their reward from Allah Almighty. My failure to return the respect towards them, and have them in mind when I reply sometimes, will not deter them from maintaining their excellent conduct. After all, men like them do not base their opinions on who is reading, who will rile against them, or who will praise them for their input. They are muslims first, Somalis second by their conduct, their clan comes a third and they never disowned it. In fact, they will defend their clan if transgressed upon by others as they do defend other somali clans. As for alliance, I am never into one. You haven't seen obviously what I wrote once about Puntland falling like a sack of potato and Somaliland following suit, both in surrender and humbled So, saxib, despite my forays into iffy comments here and there, I have no loyalty to a friend, to a clan, to anyone. I actually don't have friends but millions of brothers, I keep it simple because I don't want to give up my opinions for anyone or force people to accept mine if they disagree.
Suldaanka, This is a discussion for another time as you alluded to. First thing first, Muqdisho. I agree with you bro. But, I would offer whatever you demand if it kept us and our country together, when the time is right, and you cared to sit down with us from the south. If you love to rule, you get to rule with a just sytem, if you want the Capital to be Hargeysa, Hargeysa it is. Saaxib, Xukun qiimo ma leh, almuhim cadaalad inuu ku xukumo qofka xukunka loo dhiibtay waaye. Our problem is letting the worst among us lead us and then hail them as heroes. Have you not seen how a traitor and a warlord is hailed a hero?? Waxaasoo kale intay soomaaliya ka socdaan midnimo iyo walaaltinimo ma jireyso. We are the joke of the world.