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Everything posted by Xoogsade
^ With their oral defense of the weak, exposure of corrupts like Cadde Muse, by setting a good example of how one should conduct themselves, they become a threat. They have to be sold into slavery and torture institutions, and banish them from their homes sent into exile so Cadde Muse and his ilk feel no threat in their rape of people and land.
Originally posted by Castro: ^^^ But yeey is the uniter not the divider. lol. What will be left to govern when the city is completely destroyed and the population either displaced or killed? Untill I see Puntlanders at the forefront of the war of liberation, and they challenge publicly Cadde Muse, A/Y, and all corrupts born out of that community, we are still devided saxib. At least if we end up our country free of Xabashi presence, and their servants gone, killed or chased, we can rebuild and live proudly no matter the cost, no matter the destruction or lives lost. The victims, and the heroes who fought will all be remembered with reverence.
Thanks guys, the least we can do from our comfort zone, safe, fat and spoiled while our country burns, our women raped, our city flattened.
And it will burn even more hadduusan ilaahay kasoo gaarin. A- Muqdisho in its last survival war with more somalis joining for a decisive victory(inshallah). B- Kismayo, more ucnertainity with more clan wars planned, to recapture, old animosities between clans coming to surface, old contests to begin anew. Waxaa kusoo xigi doona the entire south to feel the heat of war. All wisemen agreed on one thing when A/Y was elected, Somalia to be thrown back deep into turmoil once more, and they were proven right.
Qarax xooggan oo ka dhacay Xero ay ku jireen Ciidamada itoobiyaanku ayaa Dalkanews.com soo gaartay inuu ahaa mid Ismiidaamin ah, Qaraxa ayaa ka dhacay Beertii C/raxmaan Jaamac Barre oo ku taala dhanka wabiga ee afgooye, Magaalada Afgooye ayaa la sheegay inuu Qiic tiro badan qariyey, oo sidii daruur ku noqday cirka magaalada, Xarruntaan ayaa u ahayd itoobiyaanka Xarunta ugu wayn ee laga maamulo dagaalada Muqdisho, Hubka oo dhanau yaaley, waxaa kaloo xrunta ku sugnaa Ciidamo aad u tiro badan sida naga soo gaaraysa magaalada Muqdisho. Dalkanews.com kala soco wixii war ah ee soo kordha.
Warar la soo xaqiijiyey ayaa sheegaya in ciidamadii Wayaaniga ee saaka ka soo dagaal galay aagga Jamhuuriya loo geystey Jabkii ugu ba,naa iyadoo halkaas looga laayey 34 soddon iyo afar askeri oo ay ku jiraan 3 saddex sarkaal oo weli bakhtigoodii goobtaas daadsan yahay. Khasaaraha kale ee loo geystey ciidamada tikreega ayaa ah labo taangi oo waxyeello loo geystey ayna u sooto-gashay in ay jiitaan iyo saddex baabuurta uuralka oo halkaas looga gubey. Ciidamada xaq u dirirka ayey u suurto gashay in ay labo kiilo-mitir baacsadaam maxaysatada tikreega ilaa ay ku ururiyaan nawaxiga baar sanca. Dhanka kale ciidamadii soo weeraray dhinaca towfiiq ayaa lagu soo waramayaa in dhirbaaxo xun ku dhacday oo ayagana dib loo sii riixay ilaa dhowr kilomitir. Dhacdooyinkan ayaa ah guulo isdabajoog ah oo allaha SWT ku manneystay xoogagga xaq u dirirka. wixii warar ah oo soo kordha kala soco Dalkanews.con Dalkanews.com Mogadisho. Posted by dalka on April 24 2007 07:31:42
Dagaalkii Kismaayo oo dhamaaday iyo beel sheegatay in ay gacanta ku hayso magaalada. Muqdisho 23 Abriil 07 (Beerdhiga ) Dagaalka Maanta oo la isu adeegsaday hubka noocyadiisa kala duwan ayaa waxaa uu ka billawday Xaafada Faanoole markii Maleeshiyaad ka tirsan DFKM ay hab beel ah u soo weerareen labada Hotel ee ugu waawayn Kismaayo Ugu yaraan 15 qof ayaa ku geeriyootay 13 kalena waa ay ku dhawaacmeen dagaalka oo dhexmaray laba beelood oo Maleeshiyaadkoodu ay kawada tirsan yihiin DFKM. Afhayeen u hadlay mid ka mid ah labada beelood ayaa sheegay in ay gacanta ku hayaan magaalada Kismaayo waxaana uu intaas ku daray in ay iska caabiyeen Beel ku soo duushay oo ka dhan ahayd waxa uu ugu yeeray ammaankii lagu wada joogay Kismaayo. Maxamed Xasan Cali oo u hadla golaha Siyaasada ee beesha ********* waxaa uu shaaca ka qaaday in ay qabsadeen 7 baabuurta dagaalka islamarkaana ay maleeshiyada beeshiisa ka geeriyootay 4 nin. Ma cada halka ay qabteen maleeshiyooyinkii beeshii kale laakiin dadka caadiga ah ee Beeshaas ayaa la arkayay iyagoo ku sugan isbitaalka oo lagu dawaynayo dhaawacyada labada dhinac. Daawo sawirrada http://www.beerdhiga.com/
Ciidamada Itoobiya oo lagu jabiyey dhamaanba weeraradii ay maanta soo qaadeen. Muqdisho 23 Abriil 07 (Beerdhiga ) Weeraro kulkulul oo ay saaka ciidamada Itoobiya kasoo qaadeen aaga Hotel Towfiiq, Hotel Ramadan iyo Jamhuuriya ayaa si ba'an loogu jabiyey. Ilo ku dhow muqaawamada ayaa Beerdhiga u xaqiijiyey in ay ciidamada Itoobiya saaka 5:45 aroornimo weerar ku soo qaadeen xoogaga muqaawamada ee ku jira aaga Hotel Towfiiq dagaalkaas oo qaatay waqti ka badan 6 saacadood ayey xoogaga muqaawamadu ku guuleysteen in ay dib u jabiyaan ciidamada Itoobiya iyaga oo ka dilay intii la arkayey ugu yaraan 3 askari, ka dib xoogaga halkaasi ku jira waxay isu baahiyeen dhinaca isgoyska Fagax oo ay gaareen Tabaseeriyada Shakti ilaa iyo guri maareeyaha dekeda Muqdisho Cabdi Jiinow oo ay la wareegeen gacan ku heytiisa. Weerarka ay ciidamada Itoobiya kusoo qaadeen aaga Jamhuuriya iyo Hotel Ramadan ayaa bilowday salaadii subax ka dib wuxuuna soo qaboobay xilli ku aadan salaadii duhur, Ilo xog ogaal ayaa Beerdhiga u sheegay in xoogaga muqaawamadu xajisteen fariisimadoodii aynay ciidamada Itoobiya ee weerarka ahaa ku jabiyeen isku dayadoodii oo dhan waxayna ilahaasi sheegeen in ay ciidamada Itoobiya si fiican halkaasi ugu gumaadmeen, xoogaga muqaawamadana halkaasi ka shahiiday laba nin. Weeraradan waxaa wehliyey duqeyn aad u xoogan badan oo ay ciidamada Itoobiya u qeybinayeen xaafado badan oo ka mid ah magaalada Muqdisho welina si dhab ah looma oga khasaaraha ay geysteen madaafiicdaas, waxaase had iyo jeer ku nafwaaya ama ku dhaawacma dad badan oo qaarkood la waayo isbitaal la geeyo qaarkoodna ilaa iyo hadda meydadkoodii ay wadooyinka dhinac yaalaan. www.Beerdhiga.com
Kuma aflagaadeeynin, Beenta waa xaraam, qofkii damacasn inuu sheegana at least mid run u eg yaa wanaagsan inuu sheego for him, qabiiliistana ilaahay waxba kama yaqaan, Waa dulmi in dadka lagu been abuurto iyadoon wax daliil ah loo heynin. We all know the record of safety the ICU has left behind, not a single individual was killed except those who killed others and were executed for their crime. Taa markii la tilmaamo yaa la leeyahay the ICU horey u jirtay. Been abuurkana waa dulmi marka Ilaahayna waan ka magan galay, all correct. You have no proof except parrot the same unfounded lies others tell, waxaa doonto ku hadal.
Oki, Emperor, I called three different people, and I only got to one. Magaalada hadda waa deggan tahay yaa la igu yiri inkastoo dagaal ka dhacay saacado ka hor, Aargada ilaa dekadda inta u dhexeysa yaa wax la isku dhaafsaday, gawaarina waa la kala dhacay, warkii ugu dambeeyeyna, nimanaa la afduubtay. Take care now.
Emperor, Waqti isii saxiib, teleefanada kismayo badanaa waa dhib badan yihiin. Depending how easy I access the phone network, I will get back to the forum and share bro. Besides, xataa dadka magaalada joogo, mar marka qaarkood xaaladda si fiican ma uga warqabi karaan. Teeda kale, Kismaayo dabadhoon uun soo ma joogo? Maxaa la iska rabaa? shalay yaan maqlay in dhuxul dhoofinteeda la isku diriray. I will be back, and hope soon.
Originally posted by Emperor: ^Paragon that is a typical Somali reporting, I can tell you this incident happened in Aargada and I hope news will come forth in the next few hours, will see it anway... You sound as unsure too. Haddaayna waxaa is leheed paragon harowso. Bal anigana aan woco qaraabadii meesha naf ka raadisay.
Originally posted by Dabshid: ICU were in Mogadishu for many years now, but in different shapes. Been soconeesaa la sheegaa. The ICU invited intellectuals to Muqdisho who never set foot in town ever since they left, some went back for second time, and others who never been there also came. Qaarkood xataa among these intellectuals oo lagu xanto inay diinta islaamka ku fiicnayn, yet they were welcome to be there in Muqdisho when the ICU ruled. Also, the aged somali mlitary men received more care under the ICU. Alla ka cabsiga qofka haduu ku yar yahay, qabyaaladana qurmisay qalbigiisa, Ilaahay kama xishoodo isagoo og inuu been aan geed loogu soo gabban sheegaayo. Fanacuuthu billah min shuruuri thalimin meelay joogaan.
^ Saxib, Other clans are welcome to join anytime. They are part of the ongoing war although not in great numbers as we all hoped to see. It is not only one clan members fighting but other somalis who hail from nonlocal clans. I gave a lift the other day to a brother from Galdogob whose cousin is in Muqdisho fighting alonside others. His cousin informed him that members from all somali clans are there in the war. The clan "name" is a ploy to deny A/Y, Geeddi and Zenawi their benefitial "war on terror". It is a good cover for the good patriots. Besides, if members of the clans of Muqdisho don't speak out against the genocide, join the war to defend their people, who will? they need to get the ball rolling so others can join them. I agree that destroying the TFG alone won't bring a solution but it is a start saxib. Leadership will be available as tangible progress is made on the ground. It is up to other somalis to work with those who oppose the TFG. I am calm but spirited Adigaana iga fiican bro xagga wadaniyadda, aniga A/Y supporters dhiiqadaan la qastaa because si kaloo wax lagu fahamsiin karo malahan. Maantoo dhan ilaahaa sidaan yiri haddaad kuleedahay makala jeclo, so you hit them where it hurts them the most. Take care.
Streets become a bloody battleground Scores die in crossfire between Islamic insurgents, Ethiopians By SALAD DUHUL, Associated Press First published: Sunday, April 22, 2007 MOGADISHU, Somalia -- Islamic insurgents and Ethiopian soldiers turned the streets of the Somali capital into a battleground for a fourth straight day, firing rockets and mortar rounds at each other on Saturday in what a human rights official said was the worst violence in years. At least 165 civilians have been killed in this week's fighting, including at least 52 on Saturday as residents hid inside, cowered under trees or abandoned the city altogether. During a journey to Mogadishu's main airport, an Associated Press cameraman saw 11 bodies in the streets -- some missing limbs, others decapitated. At one point, a mortar round hit the vehicle in front of his, but everyone survived the blast. Dahir Dhere, director of Medina hospital, said his hospital had more wounded patients than it could handle and had pitched tents outside to care for them. Neither the insurgents nor the Ethiopian government, which sent troops to Somalia last year to oust the Islamic movement, has admitted to any casualties. An AP reporter heard the boom of Ethiopian mortar shells fired toward northern Mogadishu, which appears to be the main battlefield between the two sides. Hundreds of women, children and men walked or piled into trucks to flee to Mogadishu's outskirts or leave the city, joining an exodus of hundreds of thousands who have abandoned Mogadishu since February. Those on foot Saturday carried cooking utensils, bedding and clothes on their heads. Some looked weak and said they had not eaten for days. "It is better to die in a safe place hungry and thirsty than to wait for mortar shells," said a mother of eight who only gave her name as Faduma. She said she had not eaten for two days and that her husband and eldest daughter were killed last month in fighting between the insurgents and Ethiopians. Many of the Islamic insurgents are masked and fire shoulder-held rocket launchers, Kalashnikov assault rifles or machine guns mounted on pickup trucks. Ethiopian soldiers normally fight from public spaces such as intersections or government buildings. Somalia's Elman Human Rights Organization said Mogadishu residents, hospital workers and human rights workers reported at least 52 civilian deaths and an unknown number wounded Saturday. The new tallies bring the death toll in four days of fighting in Mogadishu to at least 165, according to the rights group. Saturday's violence is the worst in recent years, said Sudan Ali Ahmed, Elman's chairman. The U.S. Ambassador to Kenya and Somalia, Michael Ranneberger, blamed the violence on clan rivals and remnants of the ousted Islamic movement. "They are trying to create an insurgency," Ranneberger told the AP from Kenya. "But at this point it's opportunistic violence. They're not organized like an insurgency." Somali troops backed by Ethiopian forces ousted the Council of Islamic Courts from Mogadishu and other strongholds in December. Since then the capital has seen waves of violence. Somalia's transitional government was formed in 2004 with U.N. help, but has struggled to extend control over a country mired in anarchy for nearly two decades. Copyright 2007 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. http://www.timesunion.com/ASPStories/Story.asp?StoryID=582989&Category=NATIONAL&LinkFrom=RSS
^ We can't give up on unity yet. As long as the likes of A/Y, GEDDI and other worthless men who are nothing but the perpetrators of somali tragedy are into somali politics wanting to rule, their clansmen supporting them blindly, Somaliland should keep its distance. Markii la helo dowlad xalaal ah, it will be easy to satisfy Somalilanders I think. After all, it is all about security and trust, freedom and dignity that all somali clans seek. Also, Somaliland should respect the wishes of other northern clans and avoid getting into a conflict with them if they are not interested in Somaliland. All is fair saxib. Nin walba tiisa haka tashado haddii la is mari waayay.
^ You should worry about what replaces the TFG if it was serving a good purpose other than the genocide of their own people. The TFG destroyed all chances of peace for the country by bringing violence to peaceful Muqdisho, its ministers engaged in clan animosity and on record declared the TFG and the Xabashi Amry is for their own exclusive benefit to the loss of others. The stooge Geeddi wants to continue the violence, A/Y is ecstatic with the situation and declared interest in seeing this war to the end. Marka saaxib. I don't understand what is there to worry about replacing or destrtoying such group of murderous men and hanging them. Muqdisho did well without the TFG and it will do well again. No question about it. Whoever will be displeased with the TFG's death can go to HELL. Such people were not interested in Somali unity and governance to begin with anyway. Once Xabashis are ejected, government formation and reconciliaton between clans won't be a problem. Awalba ninkii TFGDa u taageeri jiray dowladnimo jacayl oo daacad ahaa, they will still support a new government based on better system than the TFG crap. if people supported the TFG because someone holding a position in it related to their clan, it is their loss.
Ethiopia and the Warlords.
^ He is somali before all else and that shows in his political discourses. I was curious to know if he was a member. Thanks for the info. Midnimo Soomaaliyeed waa sahlan tahay helitaankeeda haddii la helo dowlad qabiil ka fog oo kalsooni gelin karta soomaalidoo dhan. Inta la leeyahay A/Y iyo Khashin la mid ah waa madaxweyne soomaaliyeed, Midnimo will take a backseat. Somalis have a reason to resist giving up their security and leaving it in the hands of criminals saxib. Marka dowlad xalaal aan kawada shaqeyno, ka dibna aan la dirirno wixii soomaaliya kala qeybinaayo. TFGda needs to go first.
It is about time this farcical organization came to an end.
Madaafiicda BMka iyo Gantaalaha kale ee riddada dheer oo maanta lagu harqiyey Madaxtooyada, Kumando bulusiye iyo Wasaaradda Gaashaandhigga. Ciidamada xaq u dirirka ayaa maanta markii ugu horeysey isticmaalaya Madaafiicda wax gumaada ee BMka iyo weliba Gantaalaha kale ee riddada dheer oo si saxan ula dhacaya villla somalia iyo komando bulusiya iyo weliba wasaaradda gaashandhigga. Arrintaan ayaa noqotay saaka hadal-heynta ugu badan Muqdisho iyadoo saraakiishii Itoobiyanka iyo kuwa dawladda aargoosiga ay isaga huleeleen dhamaan goobihii ay kaga sugnaayeen Muqdisho iyadoo la sheegayo in qaarkood teendhooyin looga sameeyey xeebta Jaziira iyagoo isleh halkaa waad ku badbaadeysaan. Isudheeli-tirkan dhinaca gantaalaha waaweyn ayaa dad aan saakay kula kulanay goobo kala duwan ee Muqdisho noo sheegeen in dagaalka Muqdisho ay wax weyn ka beddeli doonto si dhakhso ah. Mar aan saakay soo maray jiidda hore ee dagaalka ayaa ciidamada xaq-udirirku waxay ii sheegeen iney ku naaloonayaan GUUL,GOBANIMO, IYO GALLAD EEBBE. Posted by dalka on April 22 2007 05:55:22
Ciidamada Itoobia oo hal taangi iyo hal uural laga gubey kadib isku-day ay ku donayen iney si dhuumaleysi ah ugu gudbiyaan sahay ciidamada uga go'doonsan Xarunta xisbiga. Warar lagu kalsoon yehay ayaa sheegaya in goor aroor hore ah waqtiga muqdisho saakay ay koox ciidama itoobian ah oo watay hal taangi iyo sadex baabuurta waaweyn ee uuralka ah ay isku dayeen in ay si qarsoodi ah ugu gudbiyaan sahay ciidamadooda uga go'doonsan xarunta xisbiga ayagoo isticmaaley waddo jid cadde qardajeex ah kana soo dhacda Jiira-garoob. Dhaqdhaqaaqas oo ciidamada xoreynta dalku hore uga war hayeen ayaa markii ay soo gaareen bartii loogu talo-galay waxaa ciidamada xaq-udirirku huwiyeen tacshiirad ka dhacaysa qoryaha darandooriga u dhaca, sebenka,lidka taangiga, iyo baasuuke, taasoo dhalisay khasaato lixaad leh oo loo geystey kooxdii tikreega lagana gubey hal taangi hal baabuur oo uural ah. Waxaa kaloo halkaa looga diley tikreega 8 sideed askari iyadoo intii hartay si naf lacaari ah ay la fakadeen laba uural ah. khayaamooyinkan yar-yarka ah ayaa ah waxa keliya ee u haray maxaysatada itoobiyanka ka-gadaal markii looga xoog roonaday dagaalladii fool-ka-foolka ahaa ee beryahaan ka socdey Muqdisho. Dhanka kale ciidamada itoobiyanka uga go'doonsan xarunta xisbia ayaa ah kuwo haatan xaaladoodu aad u liidato waxaana laga dareemay saacadihii ugu dambeeyey dhaq-dhaqaaq labo mid ku qotoma; a) iney doonayaa iney maryo cad-cad la soo baxaan oo isu dhiibaan ciidamada xaq-u-dirirka,iyo b) iney isu diyaarinayaan guluf ismiidaamin ah oo kaga baxsadaan halkaa iyagoo ka quustay wax gar-gaar ah oo uga yimaada saaxiibadood. Posted by dalka on April 22 2007 05:16:07
^ It would be foolish to give these tigre savages a break to collect their dead and resupply their stranded in some Muqdisho Areas. They feel cornered now and it is best to never give them anymore break. Besides, some of these Xabashi troops have surrendered though few in numbers. Zenawi, sensing the low morale and the possible defection of troops, ordered all those who abandon their position to be shot on site. The mass defection to Yemen didn't help the situation either. It would be suicidal on the part of the Elders and Fighters to listen to these desperate savages's pleads bleeding unwept and uncared for. I hope the xabashi army gets massacred by the thousands even though the leadership of the insurgency declared amnesty for those who surrender or caught as a prisoner.
^ According to the Clip, The Xabashi cowards decided best option for survival is to bombard the city with all they got after they got beaten on several occassions (you can hear the whistle of the BM and its noise in the background), and they installed the BM Artillery on all corners of the Town while the Somali dogs they own are guiding these BMs to their targets which are the main markets, the radio stations and anywhere they know the BM will cause maximum damage. Inshallah, these foreign cowards, desperate to survive in a war they were forced to participate by Zenawi who doesn't care whether they are wiped out in Somalia or not, Their somali pigs who carry the water and cook for them, who guide their missiles acting as the eyes on the ground for them, will meet their fate soon in the hands of noble somalis fighting them in Muqdisho. Khasaare balaaran oo ciidamada Itoobiya kasoo gaaray dagaaladii shalay. Muqdisho 22 Abriil 07 (Beerdhiga ) weeraro ay kasoo qaadeen aaga Fagax iyo Hotel Towfiiq ayaa ciidamada Itoobiya si ba'an loogu jabiyey inkasta oo ay shalay galabtii gaareen Hotel Ramadan iyada oo weli xoogag ka tirsan muqaawamadu ay ku sugan yihiin aaga Jamhuuriya. Ilo xog ogaal ah ayaa Beerdhiga u xaqiijiyey in shalay galabtii ilaa saaka la mariyey agagaarka KM4 lix Uuraal oo sida meydad iyo dhaawac si fiican loo arkayey markii ay wadada marayeen, waxaa kale oo ilahaasi sheegeen in isla wadadaas saaka la mariyey 3 gaari oo Zuu ah oo la jiidayo oo xoogaga muqaawamadu dhaawacyo u geysteen. Ilo xog ogaal ah oo ku sugan aaga Hotel Ramadan ayaa sheegay in ciidamada Itoobiya ay ka baxeen Hotel Ramadan inkasta oo ayna ilaa iyo hadda xoogaga muqaawamadu la wareegin gacan ku heyntiisa. Dhinaca kale, waxaa saaka duqeyn xoogan ka socotaa xaafada Towfiiq oo maalmihii lasoo dhaafay si aan kala go' laheyn ay ciidamada Itoobiya u duqeynayeen, iyada oo dadkii deganaa ay horey uga qaxeen. http://www.beerdhiga.com/
This is very informative interview about the status of Muqdisho and what is going on, how the Xabashi servants who have given up on their blood connection to the locals, to their religion are guiding the Ethiopian Artillery and BMs on Quranic radio Stations, HornAfrique, and Etc. http://www.halgan.net/Mp3/Muqdisho1.rm If that link doesn't work, visit the main website below: http://www.halgan.net/view_article.php?articleid=5932 Waraysi aan kala yeelanay dagaaladii ka dhacay shalay Magaalada Muqdisho wariyaheen Muqdisho C/lqaadir Osman(dhagayso) Posted to the Web Apr 22, 01:16 Muqdisho:-Xaalada magaalada Muqdisho ayaa waxaa shalay ilaa xalay ka socday duqey xoogan oo ay wadeen Ciidamada Itoobiya iyaga oo si xoogan ugu garaacaya madaafiic xaafadaha qaarkood. C/qaadir Osman oo ah wariyaha Halgan.net ee magaalada Muqdisho ayaan xalay ka wareysanay xaalada Magaalada Muqdisho isaga oo uu aad uga dayriyey xaalada dadka rayidka ah ee ku waxyeeloobay duqeyntaas waa la maqlayey markii aan wareysiga ka qaadaynay raasaas xoogan iyo Madaafiic si daran ugu dhacaysay Muqdisho. N:B waxaan ka Cudurdaaranaynaa wareysiga oo aan sii daynweynay xalay cilid xaga seerfaha ah. Halkan ka dhageyso Wareysigii aan Xalay Ka qaadnay C/qaadir Osman Halgan.net Abuu Ahmed