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Everything posted by Xoogsade

  1. This somali poem captures my mood Ninkii aabahay Dilay Oo Adeerkay Addimo Jaray Albaabkeenna Meyd dhigay Miyaan Aaminaayaa Ibtilaan u barinee Afartaan Dhurwaa ee U Adeegta Xabashida Allahayoow intaan Jiro Miyaan Eray ka yeelaa Ummaddii la laayiyo Wixii iil la wada dhigay Waa illoow ayaa yiri? Intuu inanba nool yahay Eedeheey dhigeen baan soo ururin weynee Ma ayaan dalxiis baa marba iibsigeygani?
  2. Ethiopians are in every meeting held in Muqdisho, the sole rulers of our country and without their knowledge, nothing goes. There is no Somali government but an Ethiopian government with somali born stooges giving a somali face to an Ethiopian rule. Ethiopia Meets Muqdisho Business Community It would be nice if the TFG criminals were capable of setting one single Agenda on their own and laid claim to Somalia. Ethiopia decides, Ethiopia rules, Ethiopia Occupies our country, we are all equal and there is no Somali ruler, we are all the ruled of Xabashis.
  3. ^ lol, This is one way of looking at things, very interesting. If you look at A/Y's naming of Maxamed Dheere Muqdisho mayor, Jeelle as second defense minister(Both men are on record saying they are at war with Ceydiid's clan), it all makes sense saxib. What is next is already obvious.
  4. Indeed, this is a man(Morgan) my own mother attended his mother's funeral in Muqdisho. I am surprised he is working with criminal A/Y who has more blood in his hands now than when he was the warlord-elect languishing in Baydhabo and Jowhar. I used to defend Morgan assuming he changed. I see I am proven wrong. If he had any conscience, he wouldn't sit with A/Y knowing the dead that is rotting in Muqdisho, the thousands upon the thousands of the displaced, are the same people who protected him, who returned his property to him, who gave him safety and security when his own clansmen wanted him dead, they are are the the victims of the same man he sits next to. He didn't say a single word on the radio promoting peace on behalf of these victims who did much good for him. Just shows how deeply corrupt the man is. Indeed, the TFG is nothing but criminals inc. It reflects poorly on the former soldier who already had bad reputation for massacring other somalis, and who was alleged to have repented.
  5. ^ The reason I am pessimistic peace will ever be achieved and justice will prevail over an injustice is: A- You label people as anti-governance, looters, or whatever you think will dehuminze them so it becomes easy for you to justify their killing and dismiss the legitimate political differences they have with you. This approach of yours to solving differences is the same approach taken by A/Y, Geeddi, and all who want no challenge to their wrongful decisions. B- You operate in Us vs Them mode, and therefore, in somalia's clan driven politics, the one who loses ends up a victim. Maxamed Dheere's clan Militia yesterday murdered in cold blood two men who hail from Qeybdiid's clan after they stopped them at a checkpoint. They asked the men to identify themselves clanwise, the men refused to identify themselves along clan lines and argued that there was no need for somalis to be asked of their clan identity. The Ethiopains were watching on the sidelines. There was a third man who survived by lying to the same clan militia manning the check point. When the men were shot dead, the killers, as an afterthought, asked the survivor if he knew the men were of Qeybdid/Uweys's clansmen. Their objective was to only kill somalis who hailed from specific clans. The man insisted he didn't know. So, not only into the third day of the so called victory, ordinary citizens are being killed for not identifying themselves, and if they did, they would be dead anyway. Like i said before, this is not a government for all as you yourself are happy to report and insist, some have lost. Winner takes all according to your attitude. As for me supporting a group with different names who were attacking peaceful places, you are as usual, lying feeling you have no grounds to stand on and speak the truth when challenged. I made clear that my support for the ICU in taking over towns of Mudug they were welcomed, as the courts stated, towns which had no business with Puntland was okay with me. Grow up from lying about people, for once, try addressing issues without resorting to lies about people.
  6. Originally posted by Jimcaale: What's Sharbo-dheere doing in the picture? Didn't they report he left the scene altogether? I guess qabiil & caqli xumo are way too addictive. That is what I heard too. Clan and power are addictive indeed.
  7. ^ One has political standing or one doesn't count in clan driven society. At issue also, is when are the Xabashi troops leaving? if you can't answer the last question, please don't bother.
  8. Yesterday's cheerleaders for the rape and murder, for the destruction of properties, for the sufffering of somalis they didn't care about, are hardly a party to reconcile with. There is simply too much bad blood for people to easily forgive, too much bitterness that will explode again into violent confrontation sooner or later. Personally, I have nothing in common with anyone who supported and still supports the TFG. No common interests, no affinity, nothing. The same reasons for opposition to the TFG still exists on top of the blood spilled by them. Acting irresponsible when events are out of your favour, resorting to all kinds of begotry and insults, then call for reconciliation after you score a victory is a bit silly. I hate to sound a broken record but I am not part of those who have a cause to celebrate.
  9. Thanks J&P for your efforts, Appreciate your selflessness.
  10. ^ You should highlight to them the need for Ethiopian Troops to pull out bro, Major factor in gaining Somalia back on its feet. You have my prayer saxib.
  11. Violet, I never go to dunken donuts and chatt with somalis about politics. Thanks for the suggestion but I have a full time job and go to school, busy as a bee round the clock. I never said Puntlanders who support A/Y and the TFG speak for their entire clan.
  12. "All men are fleeing from the houses because the Ethiopian forces are arresting them " They should have left town long ago or fought to death, cause, given Xabashi record on treatment of people it occupies their towns, they round up men at will and execute them. Welcome to Kilinka Lixaad for real where some somalis act as jaajuus while the rest are target practice.
  13. Originally posted by Castro: ^^^ Xoogsade, atheer, you need to learn, as I did, to get past the accusations of clannism. First, you could never prove them. Second, they dull the discussion and distract from the real issues at hand. What motivates the TFG supporters to never question what they see of senseless violence against muqdisho residents and their destruction? How can they justify their continued support? I would like to know.
  14. ^ Of course, the most loyal supporters of the TFG ON SOL hail from Puntland clanwise. Name anyone in the Politics section, in particular those who call plighted kids and women, the elderly who are the victims of Xabashi shelling "Looters" to justify their massacre.
  15. Muqdisho 27 Abriil 07 (Beerdhiga ) Ciidamada DFKM ayaa bililiqeystay dhamaan hantidii ay laheyd warshada United Bottling Company Coca Cola ka dib markii ay ciidamada Itoobiya la wareegeen gacan ku heynta goobtaasi. Mid ka mid ah shaqaalaha warshada Coca Cola ayaa Beerdhiga u sheegay in ciidamada DFKM ay ka bililiqeysteen dhamaan hantidii warshada oo ay ka mid yihiin dhowr iyo toban gaari oo ahaa kuwii cabitaanka lagu qaadi jiray iyo kuwa kale, dhamaan qalabkii xafiisyada oo isugu jira Computers iyo Printers iyo waxay kale oo qaateen dhamaan sonkortii ku xareysneyd bakhaarka iyaga oo ku qaatay isla baabuurta warshada. Mar aan la xiriirnay maamulaha guud ee warshada Coca Cola Bashiir Max’ed Caraaye ayaa Beerdhiga u xaqiijiyey in gebi ahaaba hantidii warshada la bililiqeystay. Warshada Coca Cola oo ah warshada ugu weyn ee dalka Soomaaliya waxay ku taalaa wadada warshadaha waxayna u dhowdahay Ex-Control Balcad, warshadu waxay soo saari jirtay cabitaanada kala ah: Coke, Fanta iyo Sprite, waxaana dhidibada loo taagay 2003. Ma ahan warshada Coca Cola oo kaliya goobaha la bililiqeystay waxaa guud ahaanba la bililiqeystay guryaha ku yaala dhulka ay ciidamada Itoobiya qabsadeen maalintii shalay, waxaana ka mid ah goobaha kale ee la bililiqeystay Bedrudiin Super Market oo ku yaala Ex-Control Balcad. www.Beerdhiga.com
  16. Originally posted by Castro: That's what Xoogsade is trying to tell you. He's got this funny way of saying it though. She has a habit of appealing to my softer side, I have to be careful to not lose my edge ya know, can't lose my focus and cry along with the young lady
  17. ^ Violet, I don't recall myself calling you a bigot, I don't insult women absolutely, and if I did, I take it back. Brain-washed, may be, of course, that comes through with brilliance enough to blind me. If you had the same experience with the plighted of Muqdisho, how come you put a condition on a word or two puntland elders can make on their behalf? Remember, clan elders are clan elders for all and not for a particular clan. In reality, the elders are hostage to the political prostitution rife in Puntland. I actually sympathise with them rather than blame them for anything and I am not. I am having this conversation to expose the weakness of your argument. There is Allah Almighty, the victims of Muqdisho have him on their side and they are never forgotten by him. That is what matters at the end of the day.
  18. ^ Violet, I see your point, the death of an elderly woman in Dahar is not comparable to the death of an elderly woman in Muqdisho. One is more valuable than the other. Sweet. Moving on to your last question again, as I said earlier, the TFG supporters come only in one kind of somalis, those who put their clan interests above and beyond everything else. Pick a group of TFG supporters and you will see the validity of my point. They don't have to be necessarily from one particular clan, but at the basic level, they all support the tfg because the TFG is clan based and there is a warlord in there who represents them, therefore, the warlord earns their support without questions of morality or qualifications. People like me who supported A/Y originally took their support back after he made the wrong decisions. You don;t see me defend his crookedness. I abandoned him the day he started refusing to come to Muqdisho while the residents demonstrated in support of his government.
  19. ^ I thought you were sympathetic to the plight of reer muqdisho few days ago. I see it didn't take long for you to get into reverse gear and be your little self again. Oh, btw, about the elders, while they are busy with the war on their own backyard, they could spare a minute or two about Muqdisho as well, after all, an elder for one clan, is an elder to the other according to somali tradition. Anyway, you should be on bed. too late for a young girl to be staying up and chatting politics.
  20. ^ Violet, it never fails and the TFG supporters come only in one kind, people with clan priorities at the expense of everyone else who is not related to them. Perhaps You can explain why someone would Oppose violence against his/her own clansmen while they want other somalis, who are not related to them by clan, meet violent death in the hands of a well-funded xabashi army? And for what end? I was referring to people who harbour clan animosities towards Muqdisho residents. People who justify their death and call their victims looters.
  21. ^ The answer is pointless. I would only make one exception, it is not everyone in Puntland who feels uninvaded, unhurt, and indifferent to what is going on in Muqdisho. There are muslims in every clan whose beliefs in God transcend clan connection to a warlord they are related to.
  22. ^ ThePoint is telling you that the rape of somali women in Muqdisho, their massacre, the destruction of their homes, the dismemberment of their kids, their displacement, all done on behalf of A/Y whom he is related by blood are justified. Wherever you read "loot" on SOL, it means: "I am for all violence, death, destruction and displacement visited upon clans of Muqdisho who don't hail from Puntland. I am for the tigre army doing what I always wanted to do but couldn't, and out of bitterness I support them, out of hatred I come out and accuse the victims who are not related to me by blood to be "looters"". It is that simple.
  23. LOL@baashi, neutrality makes sense I am surprised at how gullible I was in thinking A/Y cared about anything. Little I knew he would massacre kids and women, and call them terrorists so the Xabashis can rape them. How wrong I was man. Love of good things for troubled reer Muqdisho made me think at the time, he was indeed the one who would unite them against the warlords and liberate them. All I can say is, I was corrupt in trusting such dhurwaa ignoble.
  24. This is what I wrote: Xoogsade Nomad Member: 4355 posted October 24, 2004 11:18 AM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Does an online opinion matter except to show where one stands on the issues? I think people who support Abdullahi Yusuf for tribal reasons are as corrupted and bigotted as those who oppose him for the same reason. Such people/groups are the ones who spoil for the rest, one group among them making a national issue private tribal business while their counterparts are simply objecting to the common good based on the same principles others are basing their support on. Both are personalizing something not personal. We should let Somalis back home decide what they want while we hold on to our opinions for a later occassion when appropriate. If you are bitter about Abdullahi yusuf, Waa la doogiye yaan la dacaroon many don't like him but want to use him as the stepping stone for a better future. The alternative might have been the same or worse anyway. Actually more hopeless if it came to resolving certain issues. So Abdullahi Yusuf might have a better leverage in resolving certain issues. I think Abdullahi Yusuf cares about and is more eager to make this work than anyone else. If he can avoid the futility of taking on islam, he has a chance to succeed. So let us wait and see. What is there to fear? Things are very personal and tribal in Somalia, and a government better walk on a fine line before things dwindle down to "Give me liberty or give me death". That is how it will be in the country if people become dissatisfied with the government and its corrupt policies. Marka, for those who can't wait and don't have the patience, let things play out and hope for the best. Stop objecting for the sake of objection or you don't like someone. Think about your relatives in XAMAR who dealt with the most violence in the last fourteen years. Sidaan maslaxad iney ugu jirtaa laga yaabaaye, hold on to your criticism for a while and see how it works. Let us hope the new government makes the right decisions in the best interest of Somalis. http://www.somaliaonline.com/ubb/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=9;t=002408#000014
  25. Beerdhiga macnaheeda maxaa loola jeedaa? kollay beerka qof dhulka saaray oo caloosha u seexday inay tahay waa iska caddahay laakiin dan kale maa laga leeyahay? In other words, does it denote a different meaning than what the word actually says?