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Everything posted by Xoogsade

  1. Nephthys Sis, Whether Xabashis displace and kill more of the residents, or whether they roll out of Muqdisho and leave people in peace, the deep wounds the TFG inflicted upon the masses hardened their resolve against it. I can not fathom how they will rule. It is too late now. Maxaaba la iska daalin. Besides that, whatever the cost of the war against the Xabashis burdened on us, there are signs it is showing some good results. Ethiopia declared its mission a failure, they are now demanding troops from other countries be brought or they will abandon the warlords Wasaarada Arimaha dibadda Itoobiya oo ku dhawaaqday in Soomaliya ciidamadeeda kala baxayaan . Also, in Muqdisho, Maxamed Dheere is blaming his clansmen for joining the resistance and threatening them to inflict the same pain the Xabashi troops inflicted on others. The resistance is spreading. Outside Muqdisho, Ethiopian troops are attacked whenever the opportunity comes along. Somalis whether they are in diaspora or inside the country need to keep up the pressure to see the Ethiopian troops leave the Country. If the TFG can not survive without them, tough luck. We need our country free of Xabashis and that is the bottom line. I don't care about the FATE of the TFG. They charted their FATE.
  2. Jacalybaro, waa is xujaysay. Adigaa lagaa rabaa inaa sheegtid wax macquul ah oo nwariyayaasha loo leeyahay ka baxa Hargeysa.
  3. Maamulka Sh/Hoose oo sheegay in Cunaqabatayntii dhaqaale laga qaaday Gobolka sh/Hoose/ Beerdhiga 05.12.2007 11:43 Gudoomiyaha ugu qaabilsan DFKMG ah ee la shaqeysa gumeysiga itoobiya gobolka shabellada hoose C/Qaadir Sheekh Maxamed Nuur ayaa maanta shaaca ka qaaday in xayiraadii ay DFKMG ah ku soo rogtay gobolkaasi. War ka soo baxay xafiiska C/Qaadir Sheekh Maxamed Nuur ayaa lagu sheegay in xayiraadii laga qaaday garoonka iyo dekada gobolka shabeellada hoose ee lagu soo rogay maalintii shalay ahayd. Xayiraadan lagu soo rogay gobolkan ayaa timaaday ayaa la leeyahay ka dib markii Ninka ugu qaabilsan DFKMG ah ee la shaqeysa gumeysiga Itoobiya Nabad sugida (sirdoonka) Darwiish uu sheegay in cunaqabatayn dhaqaale lagu soo rogay gobolka shabeelada hoose ee k/Soomaaliya. Maalintii shalay ahayd ayaa Laba markab oo siday in ka badan 3.50 tan oo raashin gargaar ah, oo uu markab dagaal oo Faransiis ahi soo gelbiyay ilaa dekedda Marka, waxaa is hor taagay in la dejiyo, Madaxa ciidanka sirta ee DFKMG ah ee la shaqeysa gumeysiga Itoobiya ninka lagu magacaabo Darwiish. Darwiish ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in amarka lagu hor istaagay Maraakiibtaasi uu bixiyay Cabdullaahi Yusuf oo la sheegay in amar ku siiyay ciidamada DFKMG ah in ay xakameeyaan gabi ahaanba dhaq-dhaqaaq dhaqaale ee gobolka Sh/Hoose. Hay’adaha Samafalka ayaa waxa lagu qasbay in ay ka soo dejiyaan mucaawinooyinkooda Garoonka iyo Dekada Muqdisho, taas oo la sheegayo in uu wali muran ka taaganyahay la xiriira dhinaca dhaqaalaha ka soo xaruunaya cidii qaadi lahayd ama ka mas’uulka ah. Arintan ayaa ku soo beegmaysa iyada oo ciidamada Nabad sugida(Sirdoonka) DFKMG ah ee la shaqeysa gumeysiga Itoobiya xabsiga dhigeen bilo ka hor Madaxii Hay’ada WFP ee Q.M ugu qaabilsanaa dhinaca cuntada aduunka xafiiskeeda Muqdisho,iyadoo ugu dambeyntii la soo daayay iyada oo aan la sheegay sababihii loo xiray. Ma aha markii ugu horeysay oo ay DFKMG ah ee la shaqeysa gumeysiga Itoobiya barakicin iyo cunaqabataynba ku soo rogaan dadka shacabka ah ee ku tabaalaysan geedaha hoostooda waxaana ay arintani ku soo beegmaysaa iyada oo uu Max’ed Dheere ku tilmaamay dadka ku barakacay inta u dhaxaysa Muqdisho iyo Afgoye “argagixiso Caalami ah” oo ay Beesha Caalamku quudiso. www.Beerdhiga.com
  4. They can go to Djibouti temporarily and ask for an asylum, or go to other african countries before they are handed to the Xabashis. The sooner they leave the better for them.
  5. Half of that spent in warmongering, what a career, LOL@72 Vs 80. Waa isla meeshii.
  6. While he recovers, the food aid to the displaced is on hold under his orders according to his appointee Darwiish. Odaga leaves nothing unaddressed even in his sick bed.
  7. ^ Because if ethiopians leave, A/Y and others will negotiate knowing they have no chance of survival if they don't. There will be no equality on any negotating table with Zenawi dictating the terms. Waste of time really.
  8. Fahiye, I didn't get his name but he is the first sheekh who spoke the entire 33 minutes of the lecture. He was a bit defensive and accusatory. May be he heard or knew some who criticised him for calling other than a war at this time. He was saying people should not be bothered with corrections we are making to the cause. At least he called the Xabashis enemies and expressed disapproval of the occupation. His message was mixed and my impression was that he wasn't for a war this time. GJ should know his name perhaps.
  9. Nephthys The men who think they have the most to gain or lose in the TFG are not interested in peace or ruling Muqdisho with dignity. If people surrendered, they would still be victimized by A/Y and other warlords. Nothing muqdisho residents do actually makes a difference. People are being targetted for their clan saxib. And no one in the TFG cares about that. There is no representative in that dabacayuun group who speaks on behalf of Muqdisho residents. Each member cares about his position or lives in fear of the Xabashis and can't say a word. Note how they withhold their names when they speak to the media about their diagreements. Only warlord whose voice counts has spoken load and clear, People of Muqdisho are to be termianted if they don't surrender, and that is A/Y. Waxaan kale like Cade, or anyone whose name I can't recall is nothing but a name and useless. Some like Jeelle and Geedi were active participants of the violence and the displacement of Muqdisho's residents. The TFG needs to go. And I notice the word which meant "dabacayuun" is blocked. It must have touched a raw nerve around here. People should accept their choice comfortably.
  10. ^ Those who died will not be forgotten. And the TFG is already dead anyway. There will be no peace unless Xabashis leave, and once they leave, there is no place for the likes of A/Y and other murderers in Somalia.
  11. I listened to the first part, and though it was accusatory in nature and the sheekh sounded very defensive, it was still good. He raised valid points not suitable where it matters the most which is Muqdisho. In Muqdisho, you are a target all the time, no chance to teach, mosques are closed or briefly occupied for prayer and soon abandoned, no safe place to conduct necessary means for a useful strategy and you have to stay in hiding. People are being killed on a daily basis, there is blood visible everywhere, young men rounded up, looting and robbery are rampant committed by clan militia and ethiopian troops. In such state, who has time on fine points before they react? Honestly, the same sheekh is next in line for the chopping block, he is next for the murder. It is a matter of time. He is best served joining others or give encouragement instead. I get the impression that he was either for passive resistance or for no resistance at this point of time. Let us just take whatever handed to us and carry on sorta suggestion. I didn't get to the second part, and I hope it has a better voice than the first part.
  12. Suldaanka, It is not more expensive than Nairobi where he lived before I suppose. Inshallah I will suggest that to him if it is safe enough to travel. Muqdisho waa u dhamaatay. It is finished.
  13. Both links don't work for me. Will try again though I wouldn't mind if you highlight for me the main points. Thanks btw bro.
  14. Hargeysa bella waaye obviously. Ilaahay ha u barakeeyo nabadooda. Jaamacad aad u quruxsan oo soomaalida lacag ay iska aruuriyeen iyo deeq lagu dhisay, now ethiopians took it as one of their headquarters. Muqdisho was on its way to recovery before it was set back a decade. Even as I write, people are leaving it to wherever they think life is better. Many can't even afford the sky-rocketted fee for the bus. I have spoken with my older brother and he sounded very despondent. May be I should tell him to go to hargeysa since he doesn't want to go to Kenya. I didn't think about that honestly haddaayay when I was talking to him.
  15. Cashara looks deceptively a good muslim before you listen to him, no wonder hypocrites burn in the depths of hell. Waa qof muuqaal ahaanna kuu eg, afkana kula wadaaga, haddana gaalada la safan. Nacuthu Billah. Qalbigaa dhintay. There is no hope.
  16. The world would have been up in arms if somalis counted for anything to them. By their installment of the unpopular warlords as legitimate somali government, by their funding of Ethiopia to be the muscle of these warlords, the said world was already complicit in the genocide and the displacement of somalis by the Xabashis.
  17. Well, J.11, only a man conditioned by the same tradition can bear the experience of living with a wife whose face has to be shielded from him forever. Like someone hinted above, it is hard to enjoy the wife's company if you don't know what she looks like. It is perfectly fine with the men of that community considering the endurance of the tradition, but to many of us, this is definitely weird. Without a face there can be no love. Even for the many somali men who are attracted to the somali women with the facial veil, they look forward to ripping that off at the wedding night. That is the prize. What is the point if there is no exclusive privellege for the husband and like the rest of the men he doesn't get to see his wife's face forever? Besides, I wouldn't be surprised if some men in that community didn't come up with some ingenious ways of seeing the face without drawing the wife's ire, like dropping something in her shiisha to knock her out cold
  18. Originally posted by Johnny B: ^One'd like to see the contents of thier marriage contract. Obviously, A- To never uncover the face of the wife Shaarbo hakugu yeelato waaye hadhoow. If one can get to see her face that is. The story sounds impossible. How can someone live with a wife for too long and never see her face by chance?
  19. ^ It highlighted how ungodly and cruel somalis can be to one another.
  20. Saudi wants divorce after husband lifts her veil Posted on Awdalnews on 09 Oct. 2007= DUBAI (AlArabiya.net), 08 Oct. 2007-- A 50-year-old Saudi woman asked for divorce after her husband lifted her face veil while she was sleeping, local press reported. For 30 years, the wife said she never showed her face to her husband in conformity with the tradition of her native village near the south western Saudi city of Khamis Mushayt. "After all these years, he tries to commit such a big mistake," the wife told Saudi newspaper Al-Riyadh, after she left the house in total disbelief. She said the husband apologized and promised never to do it again. This is not the first case of husbands who have not seen their wives' faces in decades. In the past Al Arabiya has reported the case of Ali al-Qahtani, whose wife had been wearing the face veil for the entire ten years of their marrage. When he tried to take it off, she threatened to leave and only decided to stay after he swore never to try again. Hassan Al-Atibi threatened to marry another woman if his wife didn't show him her face. The woman nominated one of her friends who doesn't observe this tradition as a possible new wife for him, saying this would be better than her showing her face. And neither the husband or children of Om Rabea al-Gahdaray, 70, have ever seen her face. Al-Gahdaray says it is a family tradition, also followed by mother and sisters, which her husband accepted and never tried to change. When asked how she could have kids without her husband ever seeing her face, she replied: "Marriage is about love, not faces." http://www.awdalnews.com/wmview.php?ArtID=9442 How strange! at least, the bright side to this weird culture is that all girls have equal opportunity to marriage. No descrimination based on facial looks. Smart move.
  21. It was disturbing to read how somalis were boycotting one single clan who is obviously in need of a help. Also, did anyone notice how the writer referred to himself as a somali-ethiopian? That was weird to say the least.
  22. Originally posted by Dahia al Kahina: Xoogsade,your saying that SL is seeking recognition for its separation from the rest of Somalia only until the whole of Somalia is at peace? Its interesting,one saying, I dont want to know you nor be associated with you. But am really feeling your pain at the same time. :confused: Yes, we have emotional attachment to you folks up in the north, can't let you go and we don't understand how you want a separate country honestly abaayo. It is not out of hatred or wanting to rule you, or set you back to stone age, rather, to see somalia as it was designed and built by somalis post colonial. Me These are somali muslims saxib, their solidarity means a lot. I take ait at face value.
  23. Me, I support each and every somali clan's right up in the north who want to own their affairs and live free till somalis come together and decide the futue of the country. I disagree with the manipulation, arming of one wing against the other within the same clan, hegemony and claims based on the colonial past. As for Muqdisho, Somalis would be fulffilling their obligation by supporting the cause in Muqdisho saxib. They are not doing special favours to anyone, or should expect special pleading from Muqdisho residents for them to lend a hand or morally support. Any clan can be next tomorrow as somalis mean the same to the Xabashi, the one he uses to achieve his goals and the one he is killing and displacing, they are all the same to him. With that said and out of the way, we have to acknowledge each and every somali who shows solidarity and brotherhood with regards to Muqdisho whether they are from Somaliland or Puntland. Xabashi baa meesha dadkii ku laynaysa so all somalis should show solidarity regardless of their other agenda. Taa hadhoow waa lagu xisaabtamaayaa, hadda laakiin dadkii yaa la baabi'inaayaa, and by someone from Addis Saxib.
  24. ^ Waa runtaa saxib, waad isburin lahayd kollayba, Af daboolan dahab