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Everything posted by Xoogsade

  1. Aamiin bro, people are to die anyway, they met their God already Gacan ka xaq daranna waa dishay. May Allah forgive them and grant them Jannah.
  2. He does well indeed while Muqdisho people bleed and suffer, here is the latest from Muqdisho. In ka badan 100 qofood oo rayid ah oo maanta la geeyay isbitaal madiina kuwaasi oo ku dhaawacmay dagaalada ka socda Muqdisho. Sh, M network 17 Jan 08, 08:51 Mogadishu 17 Jan. 07 (Sh.M.Network)- Dhaawac kii ugu Badnaa Mudooyinkani ayaa manta soo gaaray dadka rayidka ah iyadoo madaafic aan loo meel dayin algu garaacay suuqa Bakaaraha iyo Xaafadaha ka ag dhow kaasoo geeystay qasaaro dad rayid ah. Dadkani ayaa u badnaa caruur,haween iyo dad dhalinyaro ah oo madaafiicda iyo rasaasta ay ugu tagtay xaafadahooda Iyo suqa bakaaraha. Wariye Shabelle ka tirsan oo gaaray isbitaalka ayaa soo sheegay in dhaawac kii ugu baadnaa la dhigay isbitaalka ayna soo gaarayaan baabuur sida dhaawacyo kala duwan. Dhaqaatiirta Isbitaalka Madiina ayaa mashquul kii ugu badnaa maanta ku jira iyagoo dabiibaya dhaawacyada laga keenayo magalada Qeeybaheeda kala duwan oo qaarkood ay soo gaareen dhawacyo halis ah kadib markii madaafiicda karaha ay ugu tagtay guryahoda iyo suuqa Bakaaraha oo madaafiic fara badan lagu garaacay maanta. Daqiiqadba daqiiqada ka danbeeysa waxaa sii kor dhaya dadka la geeynayo isbitaalka Madina waxaana sidoo kale la geeyay tiro dad ah isbitalka Keysaneey Ee Duleedka Muqdisho. http://www.shabelle.net/view_contents.php?articleid=569
  3. Gaari Uraal ah oo Maqribnimadii lagu gubay agagaarka Ceelasha Biyaha Beerdhiga 17.01.2008 19:06 Gaari Uraal ah oo ka mid ahaa kolonyo ay wateen ciidamada gumaysiga Itoobiya ayaa Mujaahidiintu Soomaaliyeed ay qarax nooca miinoda lahago ah la heleen xilli ay marayeen kolonyada Itobiyanka ahu inta u dhaxaysa Ceelasha Biyaha iyo Calamada ee duleedka Magaalada Muqdisho. Gaarigan ayaa waxaa saarna askar ka mid ah kuwa gumaysiga Itoobiya waxayna dad goob joog ah xaqiijiyeen in gaarigii uu gabi ahaanba gubtay ayada oo ciidamadi saarnaa ay noqdeen wax dhinta iyo wax dhaawacma. Kolonyadan ayaa la sheegay in ay ka timid dhanka Gobolka Baay waxayna ku soo jeedeen caasimadda Muqdisho, ayaga oo rasaas fara badan furay kadib markii uu qaraxu dhacay. Shalay ayay ahayd markii ciidamda Mujaahidiintu ay miino ku qarxiyeen gaari Uraal ah oo ay saarnaayeen ciidamo Itoobiyaan ah kaas oo ay ku baaba’een ciidamadii gumaysiga oo saarnaa waxuuna qaraxanu noqonaya midkii labaad oo dhaca mudo labo maalmood oo isku xigta. Guutooyinka Mujaahidinta Soomaaliyeed ayaa daqiiqad walba u taagan ugaarsiga ciidamada gumaysiga Itoobiya waxayna maanta dagaal ba’an lagaleen ciidamada gumaysiga oo ku soo faafay jidka 30ka laga soo bilaabo cali kamiin ilaa Albaraka waxaana mujaahidiinta u suurta gashay in ay dib u riixaan ciidamada gumaysiga kuwaas oo bilaabay duqayn foolxun oo ay ku garaaceen Suuqa way nee Bakaaraha iyo hareerihiisa taas oo sababtay dhimashada iyo dhaawaca dad badan oo rayid ah. www.Beerdhiga.com
  4. Duqayn Ba’an oo ay Ciidamada Gumaysigu u gaysanayan Suuqa Bakaaraha iyo Nawaaxigiisa Beerdhiga 17.01.2008 15:20 Ciidamada gumaysiga Itoobiya ayaa abaare 2:00 duhurnimo duqayn aad u ba’an ku bilabay Suuqa wayn ee Bakaara iyo Xaafadaha hawlwadaag, Baarubax, Balcksea iyo agagarkooda. Madaafiicdan ay ciidamada gumaysigu la beegsadeen dadka rayidka ayaa waxay gaysteen qasaarooyin aan la soo koobi karin ayada oo aan la ogaan karin tirade dhabta ah oo ay gaysteen madaafiicda ay gumasigu ku hogaaminayaan Suuqa Bakaaraha iyo hareerihiisa. Dad aad u fara badan oo isugu jira dhimasho iyo dhaawac oo lagu soo qaaday gawaarida Basas ka ah ayaa waxay taagan yihiin laamiyadda 1 aad iyo labad ee Suuqa wayn ee Bakaaraha kuwaas oo ka gudbi la’a Isgoysyada Howlwadaag iyo Aadan cadde kadib markii ay jidadkaas xirteen ciidamada DFKMG ah ee la shaqaysa gumaysiga Itoobiya. Dadka dhawacyada ah ayaa dhiigbaxaya mana helin wax dhiig joojin ah ayada oo ay wali suura gali la’dahay in loo gudbiyo Isbitaalada Magaalada Muqdisho waxaana go’doon ku jira Suuqa Bakaraha oo dhinac ay ka soo duqaynayaan ciidamada gumaysiga Itoobiya dhanka kalena ay ka go’doomiyeen ciidamada DFKMG ah ee la shaqaysa gumaysiga. Waxaa la arkayaa dad aad u fara badan oo marba dhan u yaacaya kuwaas oo aan garanayn meel ay ka baxaan waxaana si ba’an ugu daadanaya madaafiicda sida arxan darrada ah ay u soo hogaaminayan ciidamada gumaysiga Itoobiya. Madaafiicda oo wali soconaya ilaa iyo hadda oo ay saacaddu ku beegantahay 3:15 aya waxa laga soo kala ridaya Xaruntii Horay loo oran jiray Villa soomalia (madaxtooyo) iyo wasaaraddii hore ee gaashaan dhigga iyo goobo kale oo ay ku sugan yihiin ciidamada gumaysigu ayada oo marba marka ka danbeeysa ay soo kordhayaan khasaarooyinka ay u gaysanaya dadka rayidka ah ee ku sugan Suuqa Bakaaraha iyo xafadaha ka agdhaw. www.Beerdhiga.com
  5. Dagaal Xoogan oo ka soconaya Isgoyska Baar ubax iyo hareeradiisa Beerdhiga 17.01.2008 14:10 Dagaal xoogan ayaa ka bilawday 12:40 duhurnimo xilliga Muqdisho isgoyska Baar ubaxa ilaa labadhagax ee degmada Wardhigleey ee caasimadda Muqdisho. Dagaalka ayaa yimid kadib markii ay ciidamada gumaysiga Itoobiya barqanimadii maanta isku balaariyeen lamiga 30ka inta u dhaxaysa isgoyska Cali kamiin ilaa Salaama ee degmada Wardhiigleey. Dagaalka ayaa ku bilawday kadib markii ay ciidamada Mujaahidiinta Soomaaliyeed weerar kadis ah ku qaadeen ciidamada gumaysiga kaas oo ay ku dileen 2 askari oo ka mid ah ciidamada gumaysiga dabadeedna waxaa goobtii ka qarxo dagaal aad u xoogan. Dagaalka oo soconaya ilaa iyo hadda oo saacaddu ay ku beegantahay 2:00 duhurnimo xilliga Muqdisho waxayna ciidamada gumaysigu madaafiic ku soo rideen Suuqa Bakaaraha gaar ahaan iskuul kii hore ee Xamar Jadiid iyo agagaarka sarta Maalintajir. Dad goobjoog ah ayaa Beerdhiga u xaqiijiyay in ciidamada gumaysigu ay dad rayid ah oo marayay wadooyinka ka agdhaw Isgoyska Baar ubax rasaas la beegsaden taas oo sababtay dhaawacyo soo gara dadka rayidka ah. Ciidamada Mujaahidiinta Soomaaliyeed ayaa weerarro aan kala go’lahayn ku qaada fariisimada ciidamada gumaysiga Itoobiya ay ka samaysteen Magaalada Muqdisho iyo sidoo kale marareka ay ka soo baxaan goobaha ay degan yihiin taas oo mujaahidiintu ay khasaarooyin xoogan ku soo gaarsiiyaan ciidamada saliibiyiinta Itoobiya. www.Beerdhiga.com
  6. After the Xasbahis are beaten in the battle, they resort to revenge killings as usual. Muqdisho “Dagaaladii iyo Duqayntii maanta” Beerdhiga 17.01.2008 19:45 Maanta ayaa waxay ahayd maalin aad u dhiig badan waxayna ciidamada gumaysiga Itoobiya madaafiic aan loo meeldayin ku garaceen qaybo kala duwan ee magaalada muqdisho kadib markii ay Mujaahidiinta soomaaliyeed ku jabiyeen dagaalkii ka dhacay inta u dhaxaysa xaafadda Labo-dhagax ilaa Black-sea. Xoogaga Mujaahidiinta ayaa weerar ku ekeeyay ciimadamo Itoobiyaan ah oo isku soo fidiyay jidka 30ka inta u dhaxaysa Cali kamiin ilaa Al-baraka waxaana isla markiiba jabay ciidamadii gumaysiga Itoobiya oo ay weheliyeen ciidamo soomaali ah oo dhawaan lagu soo tababaray gudaha Itoobiya waxayna mujaahidintu sii daba joogeen ilaa ay ku aruureen Wasaaradii hore ee Gaashaandhigga waxayna dad goob joog ahu sheegeen in ay arkeen maydad ay ka carareen ciidamada gumaysigu. Kadib jabka ciidamada gumaysiga Itoobiya ayaa waxay bilaabeen duqwayn aan kala go’ lahayn taas oo ay la beegsanayeen meelo farabadan oo ka mid ah magaalada waxayna madiifiicdu si arxan darro ah ugu hoobanayeen Suuqa wayn ee Bakaaraha, Geed-jacayl, Xariiryaale, Tokio, Barmuudo, Kaaraan iyo nawaaxiga jidka 30ka waxayna ku dileen dad aan la tira koobi karin oo rayid ah. Suuqa wayn ee Bakaaraha ayaa saacadihii u dhaxeeyay 7:00 ilaa 3:00 galabnimo waxay u ahayd saacado uu dhiig aad u fara badan ku daatay waxaana mar qura meelwalba ka muuqanayay dad dhaawac soo gaaray ladhiig baxaya oo lala Cararayo waxaana xirnaa wadooyinka soo gala Suuqa Bakaaraha oo ay gooyeen dhanka jidka Wadnaha ciidamada DFKMG ah ee la shqeeya gumaysiga halka dhanka kale ee jidka 30ka uu dagaal ka socday cirkana ay ka soo dadanaysay madafiicdu, waxaana meel walaba ceegaaga dhiigii dadka madaafiicdu wax yeelaysan oo qaar badan oo ka mid ah ay dhiigbax u geeriyoodeen. Isbitaalka madiina yaa maanta waxaa la geeyay dhaawacyada dad kor u dhaafaya 90 qof oo rayid ah kuwaas oo qaba dhaawacyo kala duwan oo ay wax yeeleeyeen madaafiicdii ay ciidamada gumaysigu la dhaceen deegano fara badan oo ka mid ah Magaalada muqdisho. http://www.beerdhiga.org/index.php?action=fullnews&showcomments=1&id=2397
  7. There is no Unity with prevailing injustice. The same individuals endorsing the so called unity in here are for the violence against grandmothers, kids, the unarmed in Muqdisho. Dee munaafaqnimada halaga baxo marka hore. Let unity wait while the dead and the dying are being tallied as we speak. I can't hear about or interested in Unity or anything akin to it when I know there is nobody to unite with and almost all somalis are for their clan. Unity is a victim of A/Y and his TFG supporters.
  8. Originally posted by ThePoint: ^It's an oddity. One espouses Islam yet one acts in a way contrary to its teachings. No wonder the message is viewed with deep suspicion and derision. Personally - I don't thing MMA's original call is all that bad. If one feels strongly - protest outide the hospital respectfully. The message is viewed with suspicion because Kashafa may not belong to A/Y's clan. If Kashafa has his clan roots in A/Y's, and was as much ferociously anti him, A/Y loyalists would question his bloodline to discredit him when they find nothing else that sticks. That is how the minds of most somalis if not all who are embued with clan sentiments work, they see everything through the clan. Kashafa does or did, says or said nothing wrong with regards to A/Y and the TFG. Anyone whose priority is to live according to God's laws would find A/Y a disturbed man, a criminal, someone with blood on his hands, someone who should be shunned. I know blood relations even as remote as they sometimes can be, dictate one's feelings/views with regards to somali politics unless someone is blessed with a strong faith. I have been there before, put by fate in the same situation, seen and heard all the negative comments, the insults, the accusations, the hate, and I understood people were rightfully angry at what happened to them and to their families. Didn't bother asking them to pray for a warlord or asked them to stop. Just as I was indifferent to those comments and condemned the warlord responsible for that misery, I show no regard and respect to a man cut of the same cloth and whose career has been twin sister of others like him before, bloodlust. It is given that people who are related to A/Y, and who are disposed to clan sentiments, will always feel stung by the strong reaction, comments and hate towards the warlord. They would be well suited/served to understand that Nobody else cares about their feelings. Just as they are selfish and indifferent to the plight of others(their defense of A/Y being the evidence), other somalis who dislike A/Y are as selfish and indifferent to A/Y's personal miseries. Waa la isku dambaabaayaa only. Northerner wrote: If one hates the guy (or anyone else for that matter) for reasons like the events in Somalia this year then I would say it is peferctly understandable and 'within' human nature to do so. Best comment so far with regards to the debate. Now, some of the hardcore A/Y loyalists in here would be shocked to know I supported A/Y way back. My position was if Somalis wanted the TFG to work, and they supported the warlords, fine by me, I am sitting on the sidelines and watch what happens till something better comes along. I advised some who immidiately opposed A/Y on clanish sentiments to wise-up and forget clanism. My support was conditional. A/Y proved to be who he was than what people hoped for. I don't care to be kind towards him, A/Y's supporters can go to hell with him as well. I have nothing good to say about him and individuals who support him.
  9. ^ You are best served making Allah the sole reason you stop, Not for my sake. And secondly, you need to apologize to yourself, that is more apt if you only knew. Oh, and a tip for you so you don't come across as trivial, when Allah's words are quoted and you see them as a mountain hovering over your head about to crush ant-size emperor being, Amin Amir's cartoon won't do you any good. You need to wipe the dust off your Quran and practice the verses you read. Salaaddaa tukatid ilaahay hakaa Aqbalo, may be you will see the light and stop excusing thousands of murders and shower love on the man responsible for them. Get serious about your future saxib, you won't get such advise from everyone.
  10. Originally posted by Emperor: Lool @ Xoogsade, Habaar miyay sheekada maraysaa I expected none less from the weak impotent druglord Indhacadde apoligist You guessed wrong if you thought I would be anything less than elated to see your dissappointment in me after my verdict on warlord A/Y. As I said, and I relish in repeating, he can rott in hell, him and all those who like him, defend him, and choose him over God. I would be worried if you and your circle of fellow warlord supporters had positive views about me. End of story with you. Ninbrown. I don't know about A/Y's islamness to be candid with you once more. I can't be bothered looking for excuses for someone who will-fully kills and publicly defends his bloodlust. And we are not talking about one or two individuals but thousands of innocents who perished because of A/Y. It is a bit out of bounds for someone to defend the criminal when the criminal himself thinks he has it right in soaking himself with the blood of the innocent for his objective. Just to rule. I am not sure who is more corrupt, the warlord himself or those who defend his unislamic actions and are moved because of their clanish sentiments when the truth is told. I would have said the same about A/Y if I hailed from his clan. I don't take Gods besides Allah, Period. Being blind to someone's naked violation of islamic laws, defending him day and night, praying for his well being when you wish death and more death on the defenseless, kids, women, older parents, is tantamount to idolizing the man and mocking God. Where is the islamic moral values the Quran teaches? What about disagreeing with a human being when he is in violation of Allah's laws? Violations drawing the most severe punishments from Allah Almighty? Allah says in His Quran "And whoever kills a believer intentionally, his recompense is Hell to abide therein, and the Wrath and the Curse of Allah are upon him, and a great punishment is prepared for him. "Surah An-Niss, Ayah [93] Anyone not blinded by clan can see the gravity of A/Y's deeds. Pray for him or not, wish him well or not, Allah almighty guaranteed justice, and justice means making every person account for their actions including A/Y. Allah does as he pleases and can forgive, at the same time, for the promised justice, for the the laws he set, people will answer for their deeds. Allah calls people to account for what their hearts earn let alone what they earn with their hands. "Allah will not call you to account for that which is unintentional in your oaths, but He will call you to account for that which your hearts have earned. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most-Forbearing." Al-Baqarah, Verse 225. Duco or no Duco, well wishes or not, A/Y will answer to God while the thousands killed for his petty projects stand next to him wanting their justice.
  11. I am on the extreme and favour strict interpretation of islam to tame volatile and inherently hypocritic society deep in clan worship, so: A- Only islam is the law of the land. B- No place for Clan in leadership. C- Relentless and perpetual war on any group, clan or entity who opposes islamic laws. Most severe violence would be targetted at somalis who raise their voice against islamic based government for clanish reasons. I think I would be content to wipe such somalis off from the map. Declaration of war on clanism, which is a form of preislamic culture, ruthless measures aimed at such culture and people who excuse it even if they are praying five times a day should be the new laws of the land, no excuse for hypocrisy. Their islam means nothing and is only a cover for their mischief, so mow them down if they don't capitulate to the rule of islamic law. I think such measures will downsize the somali population but those who remain will be honest muslims afterwards. Give me my blessed war on clanists. Any thing short of fighting clanism, clan based movements devoid of islamic platform will be living in endless state of confusion and delusions. Our problems have their roots in Qabiil, Our evils draw their strength from Qabiil, our lack of faith, our hypocrisy, the ineffectual islam even if some of us are showing signs of islamic practice all have their roots on valuing clan, so, Any government will have to make its prime objective uprooting clanism and clan related vile culture, silencing its proponents with deadly force, fight it with religious fervor, otherwise, I think Somalia should be devided into smaller single clan localities having no relations with one another. That way, somalis can go back to their old nomadic roots of living side by side with each clan free from the hypocrisy and greed of the other. This so called nation-state with no islamic platform empowered the most vile among us and the result is bloodlust. Time to go back to islam or else disband the somali clans. It is Either islam or disband somalia.
  12. I am on the extreme and favour strict interpretation of islam to tame volatile and inherently hypocritic society deep in clan worship, so: A- Only islam is the law of the land. B- No place for Clan in leadership. C- Relentless and perpetual war on any group, clan or entity who opposes islamic laws. Most severe violence would be targetted at somalis who raise their voice against islamic based government for clanish reasons. I think I would be content to wipe such somalis off from the map. Declaration of war on clanism, which is a form of preislamic culture, ruthless measures aimed at such culture and people who excuse it even if they are praying five times a day should be the new laws of the land, no excuse for hypocrisy. Their islam means nothing and is only a cover for their mischief, so mow them down if they don't capitulate to the rule of islamic law. I think such measures will downsize the somali population but those who remain will be honest muslims afterwards. Give me my blessed war on clanists. Any thing short of fighting clanism, clan based movements devoid of islamic platform will be living in endless state of confusion and delusions. Our problems have their roots in Qabiil, Our evils draw their strength from Qabiil, our lack of faith, our hypocrisy, the ineffectual islam even if some of us are showing signs of islamic practice all have their roots on valuing clan, so, Any government will have to make its prime objective uprooting clanism and clan related vile culture, silencing its proponents with deadly force, fight it with religious fervor, otherwise, I think Somalia should be devided into smaller single clan localities having no relations with one another. That way, somalis can go back to their old nomadic roots of living side by side with each clan free from the hypocrisy and greed of the other. This so called nation-state with no islamic platform empowered the most vile among us and the result is bloodlust. Time to go back to islam or else disband the somali clans. It is Either islam or disband somalia.
  13. He might as well go to hell honestly, I don't give a rat's behind. He will be a dead warlord, a criminal, a man with blood on his hands. It is silly to expect people to love him and wish him good when he is responsible for countless deaths and misery, crimes for which he shoulders in his sick-bed while clanist hypocrites defend him. May he die a painful death and rott in hell as well afterwards.
  14. Northerner, you have beaten these TFG kids hands down. They have yet to present a credible counter argument for the facts you presented. SOL's front page has latest news in Muqdisho. Other websites bring hourly updates with regards to that graveyard town. Kuwan waa cadaw kalkaal ilaahay umadda soomaaliyeed ka dhaliyay. Warkooda qiimo ma maleh.
  15. Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: Nothing interesting, curse or otherwise, about what we Soomaalis are living now. A very confused people scattered around the world; and those who remain subjected to unimaginable inhumane treatments; a nation and people without a government for almost two decades. A divided, very clanish people, who do not know what their real, tangible common interest is. Interesting times or not, we will, however, [and Eebbe willing] pass this tragic conundrum that seems to never end. This truth hurts saxib. I am leaving for Kyoto Japan on sunday morning inshallah and it says on my passport Born in Somalia, an eyesore on my precious US passport. I never thought I would despise Somalinimo to this level but I have concluded it is worthless to share anything with people embued in hypocrisy, in idol(clan) worship, in savagery, people who hate their kind and show concern for nonsomalis, people who would read the Quran and claim allegiance to god yet who would stab you to death just because you don't belong to their clan, people who would sell you to the lowest bidder. Soomalinimadii waxaa qurmiyay sinjilaawayaal qabiilkooda ku qalday waddan iyo dad. Somalia and Somalis rest in peace man, balaayo ha sheegato.
  16. ONLF wax yaalaha ay isku maaweeliyaan waxaa ka mid ah: waa hees mugeeda leh waa hiilka maantee miisaanku culus yahay mayalkiisu adag yahay miimkiisu dheer yahay mintidnimana lagu laray lagu maray gantaal iyo madaafiic gondaha jara gaalka maanka daran iyo majnuunkaa tigreegana maydkooda quus dhiga. Niman rag ah waaye.
  17. And this time the courts decided to not openly claim they rule any town it seems. Afmadow and Dhoobleey, as far as Jilib are in their hands according to residents who spoke with their relatives in here.
  18. ^ Well saxib, I read that news in another website and it said militia loyal to the business community took over the town. For the past weeks, Warlord Dabageed killed innocent people in and around the city including an under age student whom his militia shot in the open fields of the police precinct. When warlord Dabageed heard the organized force coming to his way, he exited town last night and went to Beledweyn where he arrested at least six people. The locals gathered in that same police precinct chanting God is great expressing elation for their newly found freedom and safety from the thugs who occupied their town. The article goes on to say Dabageed stretched the people's patience with his brutality and wanton abuse. They have had enough of his thuggery. It looks the locals took action and sought help from sympathisers who came to their aid with the help of the business community. I think people know this spirit of "give me liberty or give me death" can draw the Ethiopian ire, but who cares, better live free a single day, dignified and in honour, standing tall, than tolerate the abuse and the savagery of the ignoble sons of Ethiopia who speak our tongue and claim to have the same faith as we do. Way to go to Buule Burde's honourable people. May Allah help them and avert their enemies. The article is below in somali. maleeshiyooyin ka amar qaata ganacsato, oo lawareegay duhurnimadii maanta degmada Buulo Barde ee gobolka Hiiraan Beerdhiga 08.12.2007 20:00 maleeshiyooyin ka amar qaata rag ganacsato ah oo ka tirsan deegaanka Buule Barde ayaa maanta duhurnimadii lawareegay gacan ku haynta degmada Buulo Barde ee gobolka hiiraan. Ragan ganacsatada ah oo khilaaf xoogan soo kala dhax galay Yuusuf Dabageed oo gobolka Hiiraan wakiil uga ah dowlada FKMG ah ee lashaqeysa gumeysiga Itoobiya ayaa meesha kasaaray maamulkii degmada Buulo Burde ee hoostegayay kan Dabageed ee gumeysiga gacan saarka la leh. Ragani ganacsatada ah oo gacan ka helaya dadka deegaanka ayaa si weyn loogu soo dhaweeyay tilaabada ay ka qaateen maamulkii Dabageed oo maalmahani ka waday dhibaatooyin degmada Buulo Burde. Barxada saldhiga Booliska ee degmada Buulo Burde ayaa waxaa isugu soo baxey dadweyne aad u badan oo ku dhawaaqayay Allahu Akbar iyo erayo kale oo ay ku muujinayeen farxadooda iyadoo halkaasi uu kala hadlay dadka mid ka mid ah ganacsatada ku dhaqaaqay howshan oo lagu magacaabo Waziir Xalane, sidoo kalena waxaa halkaa ka Hadley culimada deegaanka iyo waxgarad kale. Yuusuf Dabageed oo maalmahane ku sugnaa degmada Buulo Burde ayaa halkaa ka geystay dilal dad rayid ah, oo uu ku diley gudaha iyo hareeraha degmada Buulo Barde oo uu ka mid yahey wiil ahaa ardey Dugsi Qur’aan oo ciidamadiisu ka soo qabteen tuulada Beerayabaal laguna toogtay islabarxadani dadku maanta isgu soo baxeen. talaabdani ay maanta ku dhaqaaqeen dadka deegaanka Buula Barde ayaa u muuqatay gadood ka yimid dadka shacabka ah oo u dul qaadan waayay falalka ay ka wadeen gobolka gaar ahaan degmada Buulo Burde kooxaha u shaqeeya gumeysiga ee ku sugan gobola Hiiraan ee uu hogaamiyo Yuusuf Dabageed. dhinaca kale Yuusuf Dabageed oo xalay habeenimo kasoo baxay degmada Buulo Burde, kadib markuu ogaaday in lagu soo wajahanyahay ayaa soo gaaray duhurnimadii maanta degmada Beledweyne ee xarunta u ah goboka Hiiraa ayaa xabsiga u taxaabay markii uu soo galayba ilaa iyo shan ruux iyadoo mid ka mid ah dadkaasi laxirayay oo lagu magacaabo Qoorey isu gacan qaadeen lana arkayay dhiig ka da’aya wejiga Yuusuf Dabageed. www.Beerdhiga.com
  19. ^ Waxaa ku dartaa the saying which goes "this is a civil war" as if the Xabashis are now part of somali clans.
  20. Originally posted by Odey: May he rot in hell!' Emporer(don't throw stones if you live in a glass house) if anyone should be banned it should be you and the others who constantly declare a victory when helpless somalis are massacred; when you explicitly engage in naked tribalism, when you quote qabiloutlets and when you are on record calling for the cleansing of Muqdisho. I can't utter the words "allaha ha u naxriisto" to people whose actions have resulted in the murder of innocent somalis. Don't insult our intelligence; You and some of the neurtrals on this site don't care about Muqdisho. All you care is to line behind Abdullahi Yusuf I couldn't have said that better. They aren't fooling anyone but themselves.
  21. ^ Why loo mamnuucaayaa kashafa? He is an excellent muslim and better than all who support the TFG which is responsible for the mass killing and dispalcement of muslims, and is engaged in the most unislamic deeds ever in our homeland to this minute. Selective islaanimo equates munaafaqnimo. Where is the islamness in supporting the genocide and mass murder of muslims in Muqdisho? Anyone who is capable of blinding himself to the attrocities perpetrated by the TFG has no voice in islam. Allah in his Quran says: And whoever kills a believer intentionally, his recompense is Hell to abide therein, and the Wrath and the Curse of Allah are upon him, and a great punishment is prepared for him. An-Nisa-92 A/Y, Maxamed Dheere, and the likes of them expressed indifference and total acceptance of their responsibility in the mass murder, you have individuals supporting these criminal men while they claim to believe in the Same God who clearly states in His Quran such severe punishment. Marka, islaanimada yaan been laga sheegin, the least qualified to speak on behalf of islam are people who support the TFG. As for the thread, Ilaahay ha u naxariisto ma dhahaayi, isaga iyo camalkiisa. That should be enough. Bro Kashafa. Ducaadaada uun ka reebo though aa xaq u leedahay inaa lacnad ku tuurtid anyone who willfuly participated in the suffering of somalis. Leave it to his deeds, that should be enough although you have every right in the book to throw lacnad on any criminal murderer.
  22. (Muqdisho}5.12-7"Maxamed Dheere:- Beesha Muqaawamey naqdeen, Mihii Muqaawamada la marsiiyey aana la marsii doonaa, hadii ay ka waantoobi waayaan wexey wadaan". Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Banaadir Maxamed Cumar Xabeeb (Maxamed Dheere) ayaa ku cannaantay beesha uu ka soo jeedo inaysan wax taageero ah siin dowladda Soomaaliya iyo Raysal wasaaraha cusub ee Soomaaliya ee ka soo jeeda beesha. Maxamed Dheere oo shalay Hotelka Global ee magaalada Muqdisho kula kulmay odayaal dhaqameed ka tirsan beesha ayaa wuxuu sheegay in beesha dhexdeeda laga dhibaateynayo dowladda iyo weliba maamulka Gobolka ee uu isagu madaxda ka yahay, isagoo carrabka ku adkeeyay inay jiraan dad ka tirsan beesha oo qayb ka ah dhibaatada lagu hayo dowladda Soomaaliya. “Waxaad hesheen oo la idinku sharfay Raysal wasaaraha Soomaaliya, balse waxaa cad inaadan si daacad ah u taageerayn dowladda Soomaaliya, taasna waa dhibaatada taagan ee dhexdiina loogu dilayo mas’uliyiinta iyo xubnaha maamulka Dowladda” ayuu yidhi Maxamed Dheere oo hadal u jeedinayay xubno ka tirsan beesha oo kulan ku yeeshay Muqdisho. Hadalka Maxamed Dheere waxa uu ku soo beegmayaa xilli qaar ka mid ah degaannada Waqooyiga Muqdisho ee ay ku badan yihiin beesha lagu weerarayo ciidamada dowladda Soomaaliya, mas’uliyiinta dowladda Soomaaliya iyo xubnaha maamulka Gobolka Banaadir, waxaana hadalladiisan laga dhadhansan karaa cadho aad u kulul. Waxa kale oo Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Banaadir uu ku eedeeyay beesha inay lug jiidayaan xukuuadda uu dhisay Raysal wasaaraha cusub ee Soomaaliya Nuur Cadde, wuxuuna sheegay inay sidoo kale iyagu lugaha qabteen Raysal wasaarihii hore ee is casilay Prof. Cali Maxamed Geeddi. Widhwidh Online News Desk..Media center http://www.radiowidhwidh.com/html/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=8400
  23. ^ Well saxib, inshallah, my hope is, where Muqdisho is concerned, people there have learned from the brief rule of the ICU that co-existence and brotherhood is more fruitful than running after warlords. The TFG brought nothing to miss once they depart, only reaction they will get from most somalis will be lacnad upon them for their deeds. Waa lacnad kaa dul tagtay. Nobody will miss these crooks and their Xabashi troops. It can get messy but the TFG is to blame for creating animosity by using foreign army to inflict pain on somali clans. If I knew the TFG was better I wouldn't oppose them saxib, but the same savages who engineered the genocide, starvation, and the displacement can not bring a solution so they have to go ASAP by any means. I pray that after the TFG bloody mulxidiin warlords exit, islam to be in their place and capable muslims to take their place. I can not find sympathy or the slightest excuse for men who murdered so many in cold blood and weren't moved an inch by the carnage at their feet. I can not let my faith be tainted by a single good word I say about these warlords. Their departure would be nothing but a relief for the people who live in the misery and abyss Muqdisho and surrounding area have become.