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Everything posted by djibsomali

  1. I am just exercising the press release recomendation in part 3. 3. To remind the Somaliland media to keep the issue alive, to demand action and transparency, and to keep the authorities honest and accountable.
  2. In 2009, a civil lawsuit seeking financial damages from Samatar was filed in the United States by a small group of Somalis, some of whom are naturalized U.S. citizens. The group said that they had suffered physical abuse in violation of international law at the hands of soldiers or other government officials under Samatar's command. However, the plaintiffs do not claim that Samatar personally committed the atrocities or that he was directly involved While the same community that try to lie to the USA government and exploiting the family circumstance of Mr Mohamed Ali samatar, knowing that retribution will be minimal as he hail from those tribes that still suffer discrimination within Somalia , Turn at the same time a blind eye to a whole level of atrocity committed by their kins never heard or experienced within Somalia culture or tribes warfare and to so extend of cowardice that even fiction shy away from it. This is the story of 4 innocent travellers in what some call Somaliland, a sub clan within Somaliland suffered great loss during a war over a farm to an other sub clan of the same area. Cowardice behaviour have pushed the losing party to set a road bloc and slaughter 4 innocent none related what so ever. Press Release: Gone But Not Forgotten: Remembering 7/11 Genocide. Exactly three months have passed since July 11, 2009 when Ali Aw Omer Bare, Mawlid Hassan Omer and Ali Mohamed Nur (Bagaashle), who were travelling the road between Hargeisa and Borama, were slaughtered and their bodies mutilated by a group of organized criminals. The motives were purely tribal hatred and land–grapping greed by a tribal junta. The families of the victims, Somalilanders and the national & international human rights watch groups keep waiting for justice, for answers and for closure. Ali, Daud, Mawlid and Ali may have gone but certainly not forgotten. The fact that the criminals are still at large after three months of the crime shatters all and any hopes that the Somaliland people had as aspirations for recognition and nationhood. The people of Adal have been the pillars of Somaliland’s peace and future ambition but the cold blooded murder of four innocent travellers has exposed the supremacy of tribalism over government institutions. We, in the diaspora and particularly at ARDAA, while once again condemning this outrageous and cowardly act of killing innocent travellers in unequivocal words, do hereby renew our call to all who care about peace and justice, to remember the victims of 7/11 and: 1. To demand the government of Somaliland to discharge its responsibilities under the laws of the land by arresting the criminals and those who collaborated with them immediately, 2. To request the people of Somaliland to press their government to arrest the criminals of Dilla-Kalabaydh killings of 7/11, and 3. To remind the Somaliland media to keep the issue alive, to demand action and transparency, and to keep the authorities honest and accountable. 4. To urge the opposition parties to encourage the government to apprehend the culprits of this horrendous crime and bring them to justice rather than using this despicable incident as a political leverage to get few more votes. ARDAA believes this deplorable crime will seriously undermine the peace and stability of Somaliland, the only two products that Somaliland sells to the international community. For and on behalf of ARAA, Hassan Abtidon Secretary General source
  3. to me the people of somali north west are the wickedness and epitome of cruelty walking in my forefather land which they call it somaliland. My target is those that are hidding the true face of mirqanland which you guys migth call it somaliland. I have only post article showing how wicked a somali society migth turn to advance their greedy vision which only emcompass a triangle made from hargeisa-berbera-burco. If that it a country then so be it. but if that vision entail as well killing innocent people and adding injury (in this case death) to insult by slaugthering them those travellers then to me altough english is my 3rd language it is a society more rotten than 7 month old tomatoes
  4. if rotten society is not a society that condemn slaugthering of innocent travellers and mutilating their body. then could you please advise what is then rotten?? If holding the strongest confiction (as in my case) rotten is when when part of a society plan and execute an act that has never happen in somali history which in this case is setting road block, catch innocent travellers, slaugther them and then mutilate them just because they happen to share a same embrella name. tommorow people will kill innocent travellers just because they happen to be humain. And in here some are advocating not to call this society as rotten as in their mind it is ok to kill innocent travellers
  5. reality is catching up fast the rotten and hallucinated society in north west somalia. I am not reporting, i am just passing the message. so instead of creating an other thread here what is brewing in the mirqan infested people of northwest somalia. from hatuf. Wararka ka imanaya deegaanka Ceelberdaale oo kala hoos yimaadda maamulada Awdal iyo Gebilay ayaa mar kale lagasoo sheegayaa xaalad dagaal iyo abaabul hor leh oo dhinacyada isku deegaanka ah looga baqayo inay foodda isku daraan. Wararkan oo ilaa shantii maalmood ee ugu dambaysayba kusoo qilqulayey Boorama ayaa sidoo kale la kawsaday abaabul dagaal oo laga dareemayo Boorama, Dila iyo deegaanka Ruqi ee degmada Baki, halkaas oo sida la sheegayo abaabul la mid ah kan ka socda Gobolka Awdal isna laga soo sheegayo deegaanka Gebilay. Wararkii ugu dambeeyey oo ka imanaya jiidaasi ayaa sheegaya in maleeshiyo beeleedyada u diyaargaroobaya dagaal mar kale ka qarxa jiidaasi haatan ka tiro badan yihiin kuwii hore iskugu haleeyey dhulkaasi, isla markaana laga baqayo in khasaare ka xoog badan kuwii hore uu dhulkaasi ka dhaco. Aabaabulka colaadeed ee mar kale ka hilaacaya deegaanka Ceelbberdaale iyo deegaanada ku dhaw ayaa wararka ka imanaya dhinaca maamulka Awdal sheegayaan in waayadan dambe, gaar ahaan tobankii cisho ee ugu dambeeyey la arkayey dhaqdhaqaaqa maleeshiyo beeleedka kasoo jeeda deegaanka Gebilay, una diyaargaroobayaan duulaan ay kusoo qaadaan dhinaca kale. Inkastoo aanay jirin dedaal dawladeed iyo hadal ku saabsan xaaladda dhulkaasi oo kasoo baxaya dawladda iyo dhinacyada isku haya deegaanka Ceelbardaale, balse warar ka madax banaan labadaa dhinac ayaa sheegaya in dagaal mar kale halkaasi ka dhacaa uu yahay wax la baajin Karin haddii degdeg loo arki waayo cid ka hawlgasha. Warar laga helay dhinaca meelshiyo beeleedka reer Awdal ayaa sheegaya in ciidankii qaranka ee halkaasi u joogay ilaalinta amniga ay iska dhago-tireen maleeshiyo beeleedka Gebilay, sidaa darteedna ay u diyaar garoobayaan daafaca dulaan kaga yimaadda dhinaca kale. Si kastaba ha ahaatee jawiga colaadeed ee ka soo laba kacaleeyey deegaankaasi ayaa laga yaabaa inay galaafato amniga iyo midnimada reer Somaliland ku doonayaan inay ku galaan doorashooyin dalka ka dhaca, kaas oo kusoo beegmaya wakhti ay Somaliland ka baxday qalalaase siyaasadeed oo caalamku uga soo gurmadeen. Reer Awdal ayaa aaminsan in dagaalka Ceelbardaale yahay xaalad amaandaro ah oo dawladda Somaliland waxaba ka qaban kari weyday haduu sii daba dheeraadana uu saamayn ku yeelan doono guud ahaanba amniga dalka iyo qaranimada Somaliland. Qaybo ka mid ah dadweynaha reer Awdal ayaa si cad iigu sheegay in dagaalkani yahay mid ay ka dambeeyaan culimada, Cuqaasha iyo waxgaradka beelaha dhexe, kuwaas oo odayaashoodii iyo waxgaradkoodiiba soo qaban waayeen dadkii, lana safteen dadkii geystay falkii jidgooyada ahaa ee lagu laayey dadkii rakaabka ahaa, kuwaas oo ay sheegeen inay si xor ah iskaga mushaaxayaan deegaankii ay wax ku laayeen ciidamada dawladduna iska ag joogaan Haatuf
  6. The bellow article will shed some light to the extend of deep hatred and qabiil management in what some people call Somaliland. A barren land that their so called leader are known as demagogue A Demagogue as "one who will preach doctrines he knows to be untrue to men he knows to be ******." Who are the ******?? Obviously those hallucinated mirquan infected not fit to progress called Somaliland or mirqanland. Somaliland ayaa sida la ogyahay waxay maraysaa marxalad ka duwan tii haysatay laba bilood ka hor, isla markaana dadweynaha, dawladda, golayaasha iyo xisbiyada mucaaradkuba welwel ka muujinayeen aayaha Somaliland, Kadib waanwaan caalami ah oo ay ka qayb qaateen dalalka saaxiibada iyo qaadhaan bixiyeyaasha oo lagu soo afjaray khilaafkii taagnaa, ayaa durba la dareemay qabow siyaasadeed oo leh mustaqbal wanaagsan, balse bilaha ama wiigaga soo socda la fili karo isbeddel jiho kale u socda oo mar kale kaga qaylisiiya Somaliland oo dhan. Sida la ogyahay waxa durba la gudogalay qaar ka mid ah lixdii qodob ee loo soo jeediyey dhinacyada Somaliland siyaasaddeeda isku hayaa inay fuliyaan, kuwaas oo ay ugu horeeyaan Komishanka muranka badani ka taagnaa iyo in doorashadu ku dhacdo diiwaangelin. Saddex garab ee siyaasadda Somaliland maanta looga dambeeyo ayaa dhinaca kale ku faraxsan sida uu ku dhaamaaday khilaafkii, balse mid kastaba u siyaasado kale iyo xeelado kale oo kaga guulaysan karo mid kastaaba ku hamiyayo. Haddaba marka loo dhabogalo qodobada heshiiskaasi ayaa waxa ugu xasaasisanaa qodobka Komishanka doorashooyinka Qaranka oo la beddelo, mid kalena la sameeyo. Komishankii xoogga badnaa ee uu hor kacayey Jaamac Isweden ayaa qaar kalena intaan looba iman ama baneeya meesha la odhan horeba ugasii kacay, isla markaana iska casilay xubnimaddii Komishankaasi, halka nin keliya weli sii fadhiyo, inkastoo la sheegayo inuu xalay fiidkii isna ku dhawaaqay inuu iska xasilay mansabkii uu ka hayey Komishanka. Waxa la ogyahay dhibaatadii iyo dib u dhicii ka dhacay Komishanka haatan ee isaga laftiisa xisbiyada, shicibka iyo xukuumadduba ciilka badeen bilo fara badan. Komishankan oo isaga laftiisu aan isku roonayn ayaa aakhirataankii siddii ay ku yimaaddeen si ka duwan meesha u banaynaya. Siddii lagu soo magacaabay Komishankaasi ayaa reer Somaliland oo dhami ogaayeen wixii ka dhacay, waxaase muddan in la xusuusto in Komishankani ay soo kala magacaabeen saddex qaybood oo kala aha Madaxweynaha, Guurtida iyo Xisbiyada mucaaradka. Inkastoo saddexdaa dhinac mid kastaaba jecel yahay inuu Komishanka u magacawdo nin wax ka celin kara dhinaca siyaasadda iyo guusha doorashooyinka, waxayna saddexdaa dhinac ku kala duwan yihiin qaabka loo magacaabo. Sida la ogyahay Somaliland way ka gudubtay nidaam beeleed, waxaanay ku dhaqantaa nidaamka xisbiyada badan oo lagu galo doorashooyin kastoo dhaca. Madaxweyne Rayaale ayaa komishankaasi u magacaaba saddex xubnood oo uu isleeyahay waxbay kaa celin karaan, laakiin kasoo jeeda beelaha dhexe, halka xisbiyada mucaaradkuna dib ugu noqdaan beelaha ay kasoo jeedaan. Ilaa shalay oo uu albaabka sii dhaafayo komishankii hore ayaa waxa durba soo baxaya in xisbiyada mucaaridku durba ay dib ugu laabteen beelkhii ay kasoo jeedeen si ay usoo raadiyaan nin shaqo ay kasiiyaan komishanka oo haybtooda ah, hore ayaa loo ogaa raggii xisbiyadaasi qaranka ee mucaaradka ah kaga jiray Komishankaasi, inkastoo aya islahaayeen, waxay idiinka hiilinayaan dawladda Rayaale, haddana la arkay xubnihii ay magacaabeen oo iyaga warmo kala horyimi, sida Biikolo oo kale. Waxa ilaa shalay la hadalhayaa in xisbiyada mucaaradku soo magacaabeen xubno kasoo jeeda beelaha ay kasoo jeedaan, halka madaxweyne Rayaale-na uu mar kale soo magacaabi doono xubno kasoo jeeda beelaha dhexe. Haddaba markaad isbarbardhigto horumarka dimuqraadiyadda Somaliland iyo habdhaqanka u hooseeya xisbiyada mucaaradka ah ee UCID iyo Kulmiye ayaad moodda in faraqweyni u dhexeeyo. Axmed Siillaanyo ayaa badi reer Somaliland qaybo ka mid ahi u arkeen inuu shirweynihii xisbiga Burco kula gurya noqday, cudud beeleedna ku meelmarsaday hoggaanka sare ee xisbiga KULMIYE ee maanta jira, waxaanay dad badani isweydiinayaan mar haddii xisbiyada mucaaradku weli daba joogaan nidaaam beeleed siday u ekaan doontaa dawladda ay dhisi doonaan haddii ay ku guuleystaan doorashooyinka la filayo inay dalka ka dhacaan ? ma dawladd beeleedbaa, ciidan beeleed leh bay noqon doontaa, mise mid qaran. Dhinaca kale markaad eegto madaxweyne Rayaale yaa u diiday inuu saddexda xubnood ee uu magacaabi karo dhamaantood ka dhigo xubno reer Boorama ah ama reer qulujeed ah? muxuu xeerinayaa marka uu xubno reer Burco ah u magacaabanayo komishan isaga difaaca, sidaa darteedna laga quruxbadan yahay in Axmed Siilaanyo iyo Faysal Cali waraabe, shacbiga Somaliland u arkaan mucaarad, iskuna haleeyaan beelaha aya kasoo jeedaan. Xisbiga Kulmiye oo ugu weyn xisbiyada mucaaradka dalka ayaa looga fadhiyaa guusha uu ka gaadho kalsoonidarada uu ka qabo bulshada ku nool gobolada kale ee Somaliland iyo sida uu u maarayn doono xisbiga Kulmiye ee loo baahnaa inuu ka fogaado aragti beeleed oo uu guul ku hanan karo. Ugu dambayntiina dad badan oo reer Somaliland ah ayaa isweydiin karaya saamaynta ay arrimaha noocan ah oo kala ahi u yeelana karaan xisbi la doonayo inuu beddelo maamulka haatan ee ay xisbiyada mucaaradku ka sheegayaan dib u dhaca dalka, horumar la'aanta, busaaradda iyo shaqo laanta, mar haddii siyaasadiisu ku qotonto arrimo beeleed oo aanay ku qotomin arrimo qaran.
  7. Wallahi this made me laugh all night last night. but then felt sorry for the guys hard work. Again today i cannot withhold my amusement about that tie and the mirqaan.
  8. lol!!! i am laughing out loud..... It seems a good dose of khat have made them to initiate to create an other govenment along side mirqan existing government. What did i tell you?? The whole lot are a allucination mirqan affected people.. let the fun start!!! 1994 civil war reloaded!!!
  9. Day 23 of september 2009 An other day and an other figth after a heavy khat eating session. But this time some of the so called member of the parlement are punching the only Woman in the parlement. What do you expect from a bunch of khat eater who set road bloc to kill unsuspected travellers Source
  10. thank you for the attention! merci beaucoup madame.
  11. Madaxweynihee forumkaa hadlay!!! Xaadir!!!! no more cheap french.
  12. bonne chance mon cher. Il y'a pas beaucoup comme toi en somaliland, malheureusement il y'a que de delinquent et des droguer dans ce pays de toi
  13. c'est 2 heure du matin ici donc 5 heure en afrique et il est un peu tard pour toi jacaylbaro. n'est-ce pas? ou parait il que tu aime tellement SOL que tu est toujourd connecte
  14. It is seem someone is a fan of me lol were you trying to goolge pom pom girl ? it is a french slang french word and obviously your tool will return a random string lol!! Reality of somaliland seems to hurt a lot here. I did not make somaliland a land where travellers get killed!! and where people register khat leaves instead of individual.
  15. Je vais écrire en français à partir de maintenant, mais laissez-moi savoir ceux qui seront en mesure de suivre cette langue de Voltaire dans SOL. et plus vous ete nombreux d'etre des pom-pom girl ici
  16. too bad. writing in English as his 4th language and being understood is an achievement itself. but if you are being hurt by me just pointing the obvious of the state where some Cannibals "dad galatoo" lives then it is the state of mirqanland (somaliland).
  17. When i say that these people are always in hallucination and far from any knowledge is a proof that somali could see in here. if anyone knows the knowledge of one the Intervenient in this thread sol would never had accepted in this midst where minimal education is a requirement to intervene. the proof that the whole country is a mirqan invested open space marfash is as follow: the following saying in this thread: "Possibility of nominating an independent person to lead for elections". Horta are they real this people or is there knowledge so limited that they don't even know the constitution of somaliland? i call it the mirqan constitution. IT is says clearly the following: THE ELECTED PRESIDENT AND VICE PRESIDENT CAN ONLY BE REPLACED BY AN OTHER ELECTED PRESIDENT AND VICE PRESIDENT. Look a simple and fundamental passage of your own constitution is being lectured by a person who is not even from mirqan land (myself). But then again what do you expect? somaliland is a land where nassaabnimo and somalinimo is far removed from. The proof: two subclan from two different clan figth on farmland where even tomotoes don't grow. 1 subclan loose the war as always and lost a lot of men. instead of figthing back what they do? an act never seen in somali nassaabnimo history. They set a roadbloc catch innocent travelers that not even related to the figthing subclan. and slaugther them because they share the same embrella clan name. That is the state of mirqan far removed from reality state called by some somaliland.
  18. i hope xundjuf or B_A_L_L_E_R_Z in sol and khalid in somalinet you know there is a different rules in sol. and you should talk about the topic and not about the forumer. Do you even know me to address me like that? hope that you read english and you should take note of this
  19. My own people do not kill un-armed civilians. Hence i got nothing to share with this mirqanland. and plus i am just reporting and analysing the real face of this so called mamuul, self declared somaliland.
  20. does read sol. cause suddenly they are reporting the unreported news? HOL
  21. 17th /09/2009 while the rest of the world were fasting and praying nostalgic farewell to the last days of ramadan. Mirqan (hallucination) land which some call somaliland was waging a full war on unresolved dispute in ceelbardaale land. The strategy that most people know for kulmiyeh (which include the 1994 civil warmonger like musse bixi) to take by any means the sit presidency of this open space marfash called somaliland was to re-ignite by all means a civil war. the casualty on 17th were so far: 5 dead from the sub tribe of the triangle and undisclosed wounded. 6 wounded (so far known) from dilla (awdal) sub tribe. source: civil war in somaliland mirqanland civil war 2009
  22. see when i told you they are all hallucinating, i wasn't wrong. since 4 travellers who happened just to be a certain clan have been slaughtered with the blessing of then Taliyaha Ciidanka Qaranka Mundane Nuux Taani. The geezer gacan ku dhiglay (Nuux Taani) have lost his job! but then how will they know reality cause fantasy is name of the game in my neighbourd marfash