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Everything posted by MiZz_LeXuS

  1. Mizz_lexus attacks OG_moti I wouldnt call that a attack.... :rolleyes: desertrose attacked by Mizz_lexus When did that happen? OG_Moti stop making stuff up just because you want to see a cat fight happen. And why is it that ama doing all the attacking? OG_Moti are you trying to make me look bad? I hope that isnt the case. Or I might have to attack you once again. (That was not a threat) Peace and Love....That's what OG_Moti wants. Whatever helps you sleep at night....OG
  2. Entrepreneur I think I am going to dismiss your advice. Shyhem Crying aint even the word. I never said that I was in love with a white boy, I seriously dont know where you get your information from. If you are getting it from OG_Moti I wont be suprised :rolleyes: What do i think of arranged marriages,well i have nothing against my parents taste and i will gladly accept whoever they tell me to marry.All i need is a decent lady and i'm sure my parent will have that in mind. Its okay Shyhem if you cant find anyone and your parents have to do the searching for you.
  3. Shujui He could be a charasmatic handsome guy edcuated but then again he could be ugly, educated and wealth. But when it comes to parents choosing someone for you they dont think about "Looks". Looks dont even matter to them. XayaT whatz is with parents and arranged marriage? That's exactly what I would like to know. Who do they think they are making are lives hell. But then again they know what's best for us. I have to agree with that. My parents decision have always been the right decision that they have made for me. And I thank them everyday but when its marriage I think that its my choice but theres. :)But the way I feel sorry for you because you are marrying someone that you dont even feel anything for.
  4. Tenacious_J Just that stuff does still happen. okay one advice u love your dad give him the props but tell him. ur not interested .. allah gave u life and gave ur dad a life and your life is judged upon what you do. not what ur dad does.. all that qabiil bullsh..forget that traditional practice it's not good. thats it....aight wun I already love my old man. I already told him that I am not interested but do you think he cares? I dont think so. What a bad advice but thankz for trying
  5. 3 Pages Bloody oath. Thankz nomads for your thoughts on this topic. But I have to say some of you took it serious then others. Rudy: 3- bring a boy friend home Ama on to that idea. Why didnt I think of that myself? 4- last resort, enrol in other school in a diff city. gday! That does sound like a bad idea but the problem is where shell I go? And I aint going to through my life away like that. :rolleyes: 1- work from mom side and try to mom to rescue u No hope. 2- stick with schooling stuff I am doing that.
  6. TELL HIM, if you dont then what kind of friend are ya?
  7. Entrepreneur is what we call a pure typical somali man. "Old somali man"
  8. Sorry to say this Legend of Zu of you are "childish" I remember doing this trick when I was only in grade/level 4 (I wrote level due to some difficulties). Ama out of here... <----Talking to herself..."I dont need to know how many times a person went out to know there age. I can tell by their faces. :rolleyes:
  9. That's so deadly stuff you got there Jamaal_11
  10. What would do you if your old man tried to hook you up with an old man? Yes, we are talking about arranged marriage here. My old man came up to be last week and he was talking about how it’s not a good idea to marry someone outside your race. So I went long with the idea. “Yeah, dad your right” and “Yes, dad I totally agree 100%”. Then he finally got to his point (Because me and him don’t have conversations like this). He saw pictures of Paul Walker in my dairy (That explains a lot). He spat the words right out of his mouth, MiZz_LeXuS (Cause that isn’t my real name :rolleyes: ) I got a good man for you. I was totally speechless :eek: . I thought to myself "A man?" No way. I have barley got my life together and I have some much to live for. Some of you might think, "Am I writing, Waris, Aman and Iman. And let me insure you that your not. I staright away without thinking anymore disagreed to the idea. God knows how old the guy is (45-60). I know that my old man is looking out for me but in that way? I told him that I was still young and that I am studing to become a doctor/VET. Anyway I wanna hear your thoughts on arranged marriage. I know that I totally disagree with it. That's all folks
  11. Asraa 6 kids, that aint small... I would like to have 2-3 kids No more no less and I would only have 4 kids if my husband pressured me. The biys on SOL are saying that they wanna have 10+ kids. All I can say is "Good luck to your wivies" Coz they are the ones that are going through with it.
  12. I had the strangest feeling after reading this topic. That OG_Moti was talking about ME L0o0l...
  13. Excuse me OG_Moti, I have no feelings for you OG_Moti<----Every since MiZz_LeXuS, he has been wishes that she would express herself.... MiZz_LeXuS<---What feelings? I have no feelings what so ever, anyway stop ya dreaming, Chrikey. I know its a free world and all. That's all folks
  14. GM, you must be excited~ I don’t think that I would like to be your second-wife, Yuk. And don’t you even deny that you and me are opposites, coz you know its TRUE. You reckon that Aussies and Kiwis go together; well I have to disagree with ya there...So what if we are neighbours what’s that go to do with anything. Speaking of neighbours it’s on right now...G2G I can already hear the theme song, I don’t want to waste more time.
  15. Waraa Legend of Zu, who do ya think you are? I hope you know that you are dealing with MiZz_LeXuS...I guess you have no clue what so ever...CLUELESS Final warning
  16. Tagane, What are you trying to do? Get OG_Moti into trouble with me...I hope that isnt the case, as you can see the brother is scared to even say my name "M-i-Z-z L-e-X-u-S, OG_Moti stutters" LOL I dont agree with ya. Me and OG_Moti dont make a couple, I reckon that I would bash the hell out of him everyday...JOKEE OG. I see its not only Tagane that is trying to get OG_Moti into trouble with me. I see that Shujui-1 has made a death wish . Shujui forget about OG_Moti how about me and you,hahaha...Joke :cool: Jamaal_11 is not a oldie...Yeah right~ Jamaal_11 is the coolest guy on SOL. How about me and GENTLEMAN...Not bad huh? Aussie + Kiwi= oz/kiwi What do you reckon GENTLEMAN? MiZz_LeXuS and GENTLEMAN two oppposites, Opposties attract... Clown has a thing for me 2. You should have a look at the private messages... :eek: OG_Moti is hiding his feelings by trying to hook me up with someone else...It aint working OG. Lengend of Zu, No way we are good friends. Maybe in the future...Wink~ That's all folks
  17. I am one of those nomads who are scared to express myself and when I do express myself someone always get offened. Ama on my final warning T-H-A-N-K-Z to someone (NO NAMES). Who told the admin on me ---->No names :mad: I cant stay when people say "MiZz_LeXuS you cant do this and that", "You must do this and that or otherwise" :mad: But then again it aint my call.
  18. To the sister that posted this topic, I enjoyed reading it... * Wealth will increase; Is happening. * Women will be wearing clothes but not wearing clothes Half-dressed and half-naked is already happening especially in Austrlia, Summer. My uncle hates when its summer because every women is half naked and plus he is reglious.
  19. Ama excited Me and Jamaal-11 I totally agree with ya OG_Moti good stuff...Perhaps me and Legend of Zu...I wouldnt mind :rolleyes:
  20. Everyday of my life I see a few ugly people. The word means Unattractive people. But then again its Allahs creation. Allah has creatred ugly and beautiful peron. I know ama one of them beautiful people and I thank Allah everyday of my life
  21. SHAKA ZULU sorry to disappoint ya but it had nothing to do with it. And your vote doesnt mean anything to me :rolleyes:
  22. SHAKA ZULU sorry to disappoint ya but it had nothing to do with it. And your vote doesnt mean anything to me :rolleyes:
  23. SHAKA ZULU sorry to disappoint ya but it had nothing to do with it. And your vote doesnt mean anything to me :rolleyes: