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Everything posted by B

  1. B

    Do You Smoke?

    funny how the advertisments are targeted to the subject matter of the post. lol
  2. B

    Do You Smoke?

    the young need to be told the truth.... a friend of mine once remarked that ' i had cushions laid out to me, so that when when i fell, i wouldnt get hurt' of course, this was a metaphor for being over protected by parents. live and let live malika.
  3. ^ its the 14th March NGONGE! Not sure if i'll celebrate it.
  4. B

    Do You Smoke?

    These dogs are too busy chasing innocent people smoking in front of hospitals. Surely, they need to empathise with people in hospitals, these people are suffering and cigs offer a little comfort and distraction from the harsh realities of life. NGONGE- Imagine the scene..... 3 mijins of khat, 20 B&H Gold, macawis, tea with all the trimmings, comfortable house with good company. That is surely heaven. I experience that every Friday night. Last session we were talking about Freud and psychoanalysis. I was the only Somali. My friends were having drinks and weed. And there were a few chicks as well. Its heaven I tells ya.
  5. B

    Do You Smoke?

    Originally posted by Juxa: when you ask do you smoke? would couple of spliffs be regarded as smoking? Spliffs are bad for your brain. I learnt that the hard way. I was having 20 bag a day. Can you imagine that? One large zoot for breakfast, one when I start work, one in the afternoon and in the evening it was a free for all. I was oblivious to my surroundings, I am glad I don’t smoke weed no more. I lost 58% of my brain cells. I am still recovering. 2 years on the weed can be disastrous and can make u immune to reality.
  6. B

    Do You Smoke?

    Originally posted by NGONGE: Yes I smoke. I am proud of it and no poxy jobsworth with a pen and pad who issues fines to unsuspecting smokers outside hospitals is going to make me quit. Thats the spirit. smoking is a human right. i am sick and tired of the nanny state and their silly attempts to control our lifes. it really sickens me. Btw, NGONGE... What you smoke. they say u can tell a lot about a man by what cig he smokes.
  7. He would be lynched if the case was heard in hargesia. Can we seriously expect that he will have a fair access to justice? Will there be due process? I think this case would be prejudiced if it was heard in hargeisa, because of position of the Somaliland authorities. Despite this, it should be heard in hargeisa, only with the support of United Nations tribunals for ex-war criminals. I do admire the ambition of Somaliland authorities. This is positive.
  8. B

    OSCARS 2010

    Seems like the hurt locker has won big. best film best director BEST ORIGINAL SCREENPLAY BEST SOUND MIXING BEST SOUND EDITING BEST FILM EDITING thumbs up. will go and see it now.
  9. B

    Do You Smoke?

    The headrush from a morning cig is awersome.
  10. if Chinese wants to invests in Somaliland. this is a good thing. you'll shouldn't hate on the somalilanders if they are doing well.
  11. B

    Do You Smoke?

    i am going for a cig break. lol. i suggest you'all smokers go for one too. the weather is amazing. i am gonna go and pollute it with a one B&H Gold.
  12. Originally posted by Castro: ^^^ While you were in England, do you have any idea how many "administrations" the Juba region has had? Every two-bit warlord and transitional government has appointed an administration to the Juba region and they've all been flushed down the toilet. The Shabaab are just the latest to take a dump. i dont pay attention to place as far-flung as that. juba is a river isnt it. Originally posted by Sherban Shabeel: quote:Originally posted by Benson and Hedges: quote: Originally posted by Sherban Shabeel: No one cares. you might not. but we somalis care. You really have an obsession with me, don't you? obession? not really. its just that people should be more informed before uttering things they have no knowledge of. showing complete disregard for peoples' sensibilities.
  13. its all ronson all day everyday atheer. we run that neck of the woods. unless of course B&H is something a lil more sinister. like some kind of abbreviation??
  14. how can i not... i live with them. unless of course, you are one of the many reer nuur, whom i am related from both sides.
  15. Originally posted by Castro: ^^^^ You were definitely born in England. And if I'd said he was reer Nuur, I'd be praising him, wouldn't I? praise him? its all relative castro. not sure what your eluding to?
  16. but that a choice open to you... non-somali through malice, dont care castro.
  17. ^^ He meant Bucharest, Romania. Originally posted by Castro: That's halfway between Dila and Gabiley, right? I knew you were Jibriil Abokor all this time. Or reer nur. they settle there too
  18. I was born in England. but i consider myself Somali.
  19. Originally posted by Sherban Shabeel: No one cares. you might not. but we somalis care.
  20. Originally posted by Sayid*Somal: quote: Some students do not respond well to authority some students only respond to the stick. as a a mentor or you claim.... maybe you be reported to the authorises for suggesting such a thing. i was beaten at mosque as a child. i have also heard there was abuse - physical and sexual by teachers. I never forget my teachers at high school. a good teacher can have a massive effect on your life.