cynical lady

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Everything posted by cynical lady

  1. Nuune...not yet but David's speech yest was amazing and he didnt go all the way in his support for GB mhhh crisis at the cabinet?? yes..cabinet reshuffle to follow yes ... shh let me get back to GB Old man does Qac mean am mad?
  2. Malika nooh stay... GJ only ibti gets hello... how could you???
  3. "CL,wouldnt that be just dandy,and a treat. Especially if he going to be wearing his pilot uniform. " Malika- ure fasting woman fasting.... so nuune what say you?
  4. Looooooooooool@Mental image of an old man running around
  5. nuune lol and your not invited. Malika- Don’t worry, Nuune will fly you inn.
  6. Malika Today is somewhat challenging 4 mwah. How is it for you so far? any big plans for Eid? did you know some crzy people actly work on Eid? why
  7. I agree with Nuune. Jb write about the your cyber family & friends.
  8. ohh old man Mpenzi Malika- its all in the act dear. how are you?
  9. How many have you got? But I was ref to Shisha
  10. Ist Nov or Oct?@ Ibti lol@You can blend in and not even have to say hello.
  11. For the 1 time am actually hungry today. Ibtis- how is it going w/the fundraising event?
  12. lol@ ATT thanks JB that was a nice summry Old man- Back to your addiction after ramadhan? Ibti- Hello & wcs
  13. morning PPL Am so grateful today