cynical lady

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Everything posted by cynical lady

  1. old man- You promised you will never tell.
  2. She recently increased the world population.
  3. Lily lol AAliyah, am a fundamental believer in every woman has a choice so if that’s yours my dear then good luck and i wish you well in it? Che- Am seriously thinking of freezing my eggs just in case to counter that.
  4. who are you to object?... are you saying she has no right to object? Mashallah I don’t mean this in a bad way Aaliyah but you would make a good wife to a somali man someday... As for this “anyhow, you dont have to agree with me sis. But a mother who stays home and raises her kids islamically...will produce much better kids then those who are dropped off at daycare” I have seen enough Somali kids in the streets of London whose parents are staying home/ aqwaans to rig me of such nonsense. Most of them have the manners of boar let alone amount to anything remotely close to “better kids” Ibtis- true ohh god true loooooooool... Aaliyah- So, he can provide me with a good life so what? Following your eg then perfect I can start my own little business when I can have my own mini day care near my desk and keep an eye on them/ employ the help to keep them entertained when I have things to do… children should not alter the core of your life/you should not live vicariously through your children. Your should have your own life and your kids should be part of it.
  5. My dear Ibti, if we employ the logic above you should not join such profession but more importantly you should study such subject only to increase your value in the marriage market and once you manage to snap yourself an average faraax, you should quit this nonsense/resort the production & upbringing of your family.
  6. No I didn’t know that a mother had to take care of the kids SO please enlighten me? “I mean it's good for a man to help out at the house bt dnt expect a guy to take over the household chores.” Whatever do you mean? Why not it’s his house also? It’s this kind of mentality that gets me all vexed, seriously are you kidding me? He most certainly can cook/clean…. Lets not be quick to generalise here, not all of us possess “caregiver” gene… So you have kids? I know plenty of women who have kids and run a successful business/hold down a demanding job why must you give it up, I can understand diverting your career or going on flexi hours but giving it up come on now. It takes 2 to produce a child and I see no reason why one should be forced into the role, do you? As for the putting things at perspective what perspective? Don’t get me wrong it’s your opinion at the end of the day not mine. Old man- it is, isn’t it my longest post lol…..and am not venting btw p.s. let’s not use kids as excuse here….its sheer stupid1ty in this day and age for a woman to give up her career at the request of her husband sheeeer styupid1ty. p.s.s Aaliyah do you think a man has the right to ask a woman to give up her career?
  7. Mpenzi we need to cut your monthly subscription to Mills & Boon.. *I choose to share the rest of my life with him, not give up my life for him* and that has nothing to do with being compassionate/ understanding nothing what’s so ever. Women/wives and mothers are historically the bearers of the sacrificing/compromising why? It takes two too produce a child/ hold down a marriage and its high time the men/husbands and fathers own up to their share of the sacrificing/compromising. A woman should not have to give up her career regardless of the profession her husband inhabit and the issue should never be an either/or question, I am a confident believer that a woman can have her cake and eat it. Take ibtis eg since she was earning 45% more than him it makes sense for him to relinquish his services and take care of *His* family since she rigs in more than him but ohhh NO she has to sacrifice/depromote herself. Is that fair? This viscous cycle of producing Stafford wives needs to end, every woman should aspire to be as successful as their mothers and more not to regress. Working is more than money to some people its an escape from child rearing/ wifely duties and no man has the right to even suggest she should give it up that decision rest on her and hers alone. P.S I can understand diverting ones career for the sake of one kids but giving up ones career for man is sheer nonsense in my books. P.s.s god forbid he replaces you/ or marries another one on you 5 or 10yrs down the line….what then? nothing wrong with looking after you, coz he most certainly is.
  8. You realize you're not as 'modern' as you thought when your high school Somali friend marrying a guy called John still manages to shock you. you backward so and so...
  9. Absolute nonsense, over a man? Are you mad? No man is worth that kind of sacrifice.
  10. So is Poland or should I say polish women..
  11. Tanzania/ Tanga and Zanzibar are worse than kenya when it comes to witchcraft or black magic. but this dosen't mean that somali sujui girls are MUGANGA'S. This is how we know certain people are not sijui….. Kama hauja zaliwa bongo/Kenya wewe si sijui, nani awa fahamishe hawa walendo?
  12. Amiin Ibtz. eid mubarak 2 you 2
  13. sijui woman and vodoo? :rolleyes:
  14. yes yes i am Mpenzi. It’s amazing this year but its taking its toll on me. How is my little Bunny doing? is she feeling better from food Poison?
  15. Morning lovely people. The Eid celebration is killing me..
  16. i did, but then again am used to that eid is synom with rain for me..when was the last time we had rain free eid? But i still had a fab of a time, gosh i eat like a pig. but ohh well. how about you old man did you smoke shisha bef the eid prayers?
  17. Eid Mubarak people. gosh what a day....
  18. loooooooooooooooooooooooooool@'kill-a-Walendo' influenza.