cynical lady

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Everything posted by cynical lady

  1. ohh old man-Billy Ocean and what part was that? Siren- yes i do. Indeed there is absolutely nothing what so ever wrong with the word vagina.
  2. Old man, mere jaan is that the name you gave it?
  3. Old man- how so? The vagina needs to speak and somehow, somewhere one day it shall speak; it has endured so much from the time of memorial. Actually come to think it has a political economy of its own and deserves an acknowledgment if you ask me. I know of the forces you speak of, but many have broken the chain and I believe so can they. p.s over the weekend I was so proud of myself, when my baby niece shouted from the top of lungs that she has a vagina.
  4. The Vagina Monologues is a play written by Eve Ensler, it’s made up of a varying number of monologues. Every monologue somehow relates to the vagina, be it through sex, love, rape, menstruation, mutilation, masturbation, birth, orgasm etc. A recurring theme throughout the piece is the vagina as a tool of female empowerment, and the ultimate embodiment of individuality/ sexuality: Every year a new monologue is added to highlight a current issue affecting women around the world with the aim of ending all sorts of violence against women. The monologues include: • I Was Twelve, My Mother Slapped Me • My Angry Vagina, • My Vagina Was My Village • Because He Liked to Look At It • The Flood • I Was There In The Room etc Can we use the same themes but from a Somali women perspective? And give Somali women an outlet where they can share their experiences i.e. from mutilation, to menstruation to sex, birth, the effects of the birth on their vagina’s etc. The vagina in the sense being symbolic in highlighting the different issues women go through and how it all somehow links back to the vagina. So, are Somali women ready to talk about their relationship with their vaginas? More importantly do they even have a relationship with their vaginas?
  5. Wala sitaki, the last time nime kwenda ubalozini/ au Kikweti alepo kwepo mjini I got hit on like nobody’s business. Washenzi hawa waze. Haya tema hayo maneno, nani tena huyo shoga? Second in command si ana mke? Ama? The last time he was here he threw a diaspora bash @ the Savoy. wasonjo wanakutana @ Harlesden- si maendeleo hayo? Unawekndaga kwenye TZ events?
  6. Malika- guess what Kikwete yuko london weeki ijayo...twende zetu tuka pege mwandamano (free from FFU)
  7. qst- Somali’s in the diasporas ready for a Somali adapted vagina monologue?
  8. I’ think am going to like you. Welcome to SOL. Rugged ruggedy men.
  9. Don’t forget- Johanna Lindsey, Amanda Quick, Julia Quinn omg i should stop ohh the shame. And don’t even start me on Julia Garwood that woman ruined me, seriously i now have un-attainable expectation, i curse the day i found her, but i can’t survive winter without her. She had me at Gentle Warrior you see and since then i never looked back. I’m now a proud owner of all her books and a veteran at the historical romance corner; it’s my very own pervasive guilty pleasure. . Mills and Boon, are a girls right of passage if you ask me. I remember back when when, due to the half naked men and over hanging bosoms, i was forced to invest in book covers; and i remember one incidence in particular my dad asked me to see what i was reading....i nearly shiyted on myself, after pulling the cover he marched to my hoyo and you all know Somali mothers......ahh the yesteryears. p.s Barbra Cartland book covers classic!
  10. A crying man? Hell no. The only appropriate time when a man is allowed to cry in my books involves death (even then, it has to be a close relative one/close friend) so, I will have to say kick him in the nuts and demand that he mans up. However, holding that against him for the rest of his life mhhh sounds somewhat attractive.... It’s awful that we have this image of what a man ought to be (hegemonic masculinity) and any-man who falls short is rendered less of a man, just like women men are not homogenous, but we seem so ready to enforce this one standard of what a ‘man ought to be’ and risk marginalising the rest hence not allowing them to be truly themselves I.e. tears and all, will crying make him less of a man? Or is crying a privilege reserved only for women? Guess not but can i handle a man who cries? NOPE I CANT, i have serious issues with a man talking about feelings let alone crying.
  11. cynical lady


    Hobos should be banned from public transport, seriously. They stink of unholy stuff and make the journey ohh so unpleasant..
  12. Outch Ibti you know me so well. how are you my dear.
  13. I dont want a xalaal hug..... hello old man.
  14. @Malika...umasai ndo hivyo. hello mpendwa.
  15. Did any one see Rage Omar- eating pork, non-halal cow’s head and yes Jelly made of alcohol? Hello Che..
  16. lol@it just doesnt look as gracful as when a slim person does it. ohh Lily explain that one plz
  17. Look's like a Masai dance 2 me.
  18. Hello Stoic- hali yako vipi? Na umekimbia wapi siku hizi? Malika- what? Do you know something I don’t know? p.s I have a problem with her assuming that I know about them and that I will entertain her stup1dity. Just because am somali, just doesnt cut it.