cynical lady

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Everything posted by cynical lady

  1. Val- you don't have to be a fan to attend a basketball event. One can attend for anthropological reasons. Anyhow I know plenty of girls who are into basketball. Granted am not one of them, but I would attend one should an opportunity present itself. Men running around chasing a ball, jumping up and down….remembers it’s Ramadan and stops. Old man- take a long look at the picture you’ve just posted dear, you shall see what I mean. p.s old man did you see Ibtis stats 2 pages back? I know its cyber and all but I aim to increase my life expectancy by 5yrs so get on with it.
  2. Che. It would be wasted on most girls. Val-You are tight, the last time I took a girl, she spent the whole time talking the players than she was actually watching them play. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  3. Che- I wasn't implying that but thank you I think. Zu- no u explain. Old Man- Ure such a perv.
  4. CL, garbo ma hayso booto lee waaye. What does that mean? What ever happened to the weather? I guess have to bring out the jackets now.
  5. Scar-Never thought you had one. Juxa- u know me so well.
  6. What the hell is Curi?I thought we were talking about short men? p.s What a lie, i loveee Solers barris.(thoba thoba ) Scar-Yes sir
  7. Ohh stop it Juxa, if Paris Hilton & Co can carry their Chiwawas on their bag so can I. Ibti- dam you and you didn't even royal mail the barris? U sack of wine. Hello Lily. Scar-perfect, see Juxa he can fit.
  8. Kiss the front door? When did you switch sides Ibti? p.s Stop discriminating we want long lives too. So find us a better alternative than kissing a door. Scarface- I’ve also thought you’re doggy and now I know.
  9. Forget angry married couple, how about the unmarried ones?@Ibti Scarface bless (I wonder can you fit in my overzealous bag?)mhhhh Juxa-short men are an acquired test. P.s I’ve already compromised on his gapped teeth, the height is nothing.
  10. That's a massive grin Scarface, are you short? SS- everybody needs a PA. Ibti- make a quick stop at the Job C.
  11. Juxa you dont know what ure missing. Hello people.
  12. That says a lot about you and not gmail.
  13. I see so Loto is xaram if I refuse to share with you? Malika- I wish my dear, you know I will share my visentis with you if I could. Bunch of things happened today and they all good. I must count my blessings today. Che- didn't you know that Malika already replaced your? She only deals with buzi’s and not lodi lofa’s.
  14. lol@it would be impossible to engage with everyone on SOL,there are those isku sheeko baa tihiin and there are those you would never be friend even in real life ,iska baa daa on cyber world. Malika am shocked!
  15. Am over the moon today. Hello people.
  16. Old man for you nooh! Malika- tell me about it. How are you my dear? Za Ramadani?
  17. Ibti- I agree, I but I have a feeling that your tedious drama version is different from mine. In some cases 2 seconds is more than enough for one to establish if the person is worth investing or not, holding out to be proven right is stup1d. So do you have a questionnaire at hand when you meet this men? Che- join the queue
  18. Old man- you sure it was me? Running around searching for Oz girl can make you see things
  19. LOL@Anigu I am simple, I want to know if this going anywhere in a day/ week or your wasting my time. Old man- how come?
  20. Cant stand this word "quumayo" Che aha
  21. Lubna Hussein, on trial for wearing trousers 13 women were arrested on July 3, 2009 in Khartoum under Article 152 of the criminal code. They were arrested because they were wearing trousers and have been sentenced to 10 lashes and bail of $100. Three of the women and journalist Lubna Hussein refused the punishment and requested a lawyer and a trial. All four women were granted a presidential pardon, which they refused, challenging the judge to eliminate Article 152 of the criminal code. Lubna Hussein’s trial is scheduled for 9th Sept. Article 152 stipulates that any conduct or clothing in violation of public decency should be punished with 40 lashes. But the Article is vague on what constitutes indecent clothing and stands against the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (2005) between North and South Sudan, which recognises the human rights of all Sudanese citizens. The Article is used to harass women in the streets of Khartoum and all over Sudan. Date: Friday September 4th Time: 13.00 - 14.00 Dress code: If possible, please wear trousers Venue: Outside the Embassy of Sudan (3 Cleveland Row, London SW1 1DD, nearest tube is Green Park). Map: Ibtisam you better wear trousers.
  22. Che- you ungrateful so and so. Hello Ibti and MDD. Ibti- that’s sad, may he rest in peace.
  23. **Yawns, gosh am so sleepy. lol@ i have never been there of course