cynical lady

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Everything posted by cynical lady

  1. I just don’t like the idea of inserting something in my eye. So no. Old man- that proves nothing. Its highly probable that both parties are in-fact T-Mobile users??
  2. hehehe
  3. Old man hello; we’ve had this discussion before. As a T-mobile user I cant call you..But....
  4. Juxa- clearly I’m not and thank god for that. Bust seriously, unless his al-shabab I refuse to believe he was talking about fotty. To do is an insult to my half a brain. Old man-That’s exactly what happens…… Nofr-were just good at multi-tasking.
  5. I did absolutely nothing, the best weekend ever. How was yours ladies. Ibti- I say don’t get involved-unless she is a dear, dear friend of yours/sister. Juxa come on;9om-9.30am? doggy business.
  6. Who chats on their phone from 9am till 9.30am (still chatting) (especially if they are a guy AND married- I think he is having an affair) Don't you agree? guys surely don't talk that long on the phone! I agree. morning ladies
  7. Tooreey- it has a nice ring to it. Hi, my name its Tooreey….mhhhh
  8. not a toray (my crap somali for a massive knife)
  9. Now this is getting out of hand. Juxa nothing of that sort I assure you. My underground lover well ibti had one too darn it. As for the t-shirt- I won’t dignify it with an answer @old man Val- believe me that’s far from the truth, I just happen to be near them when their wee bit drunk.
  10. My day just got better. Popped outside for lunch and a bit of shopping only to be approached and invited to a party by a very handsome man… @Juxa Old man-Experiencing some brolove are we?
  11. Juxa- it is. I seem to experience the girl with pearl earrings moments almost everyday. I know your married and all but you should get one. Old man- trying too
  12. awww no, thats growing strong. we almost touched today. Its other silly stuff thats getting to me today. gosh cant wait for end of the day.
  13. cynical lady


    Malika- exposing me like that....but its true. You can hardly hide behind that now can you?
  14. Teaching me aff-somali by force?@Juxa
  15. cynical lady


    Own up young lady no need to hide behind my skirt.
  16. :rolleyes: not everything is about a man, dear che.
  17. OUCCCCH@Only when I saw Johnny hitting on her. That one does not fear god and will try anything and everything. ohh That hurts... goes off looking for food.
  18. Malika- if only you were a man. Mhhh Mambo safi tu, as you can see the old man is pulling a number on me and I need to hold a googol (I think that’s what its called-care to administer on my behalf?) Starting rumours? And you’ve just confirmed it with “Bill Clinton moment” just say it; you know you love them just the way they are.