cynical lady

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Everything posted by cynical lady

  1. Bless Juxa(the Fun edo) Ibti cheer up my niece has a BF and she’s 6. As for my nephew; he had a steady one since he was 5yrs and his now 13. Hell he even insist on buying flowers and holding hands.
  2. How does one gain knowledge or understanding if people insist on getting male doct/nurses or translators for that matter? This form of knowledge discrimination shouldn’t be allowed to take place and you my dear ibti instead of challenging it your facilitating/sustaining it. What uncomfortable position? You’re suffering from something or the other why bother yourself with the person treating you or enabling your treatments for? When it comes to medical issues does it really matter who understands who better? Believe me in your example I would not care be it a man or woman. To me it matters not, I’m there for a purpose and if the person in question can help to relieve whatever illness I seem to suffer from then THANK YOU. p.s I think I would even enjoy the male discomfort; expressing “female” disposition to a doctor or the other way is a game I would love to partake in. Ibti &Juxa- and people say am evil. Bless whoever the girl is.
  3. Thank the lord aah? There’s absolutely nothing to be thankful for; the man should be able to discuss his disposition with either sex’es. To prefer one above the other is downright unacceptable. North- welcome to the cake club and yes Saturday was just horrendous. English weather eeh.
  4. I don’t understand this; Ibti since the man in question didn't demanded a male translator why are you searching for one. Hell Juxa even has a female one ready to go.
  5. Irinik- just embrace it, it is Monday after all. Juxa- my day so far is like ironik minus the tea bag lady and the cow. How I hate having a conscious. Ibti hello and welcome back.. now where have you been and that’s mighty specific of you “male translator” why cant a woman do the job? Juxa- believe me last minute revising is always better than a long one. You’re a smart one; come Wednesday you will smash that darn thing….
  6. Pass on the cake ladies; I’m also having one of those days. Morning all.
  7. I defiantly need to invest in a punching bad and this time I do freaking mean it. grrrrrr
  8. Jonny- must you state the obvious
  9. Acha we Malika, nimesha una moja unaweza kutuliza kikombe ya chai na sahani ya pilau..... kata kata, kata kiyuno kata, kiyuno sio chako mwenyewe......ukweli ndo hayo ndugu Malika.
  10. napiga vigelegele ulululululul sema, wapi maneno ….lazima uwe na wowowo ya uhakika na usafiri to match. ukweli lakini, nani anamtaka mwanamke fido dido?
  11. Nuune- i'm still recovering from the shock of it all.
  12. So the women bashing season has began.
  13. Improving your child bearing hips I see@Juxa
  14. JB you make laugh. Seriously hahahahahaah
  15. 3PM- what the hell. Thats not fair. I would (for a short space of time) give my left leg for bit of sunshine. Dam i hate this weather. *throws a shoe at norf for "Not implying dear I'm saying it"
  16. hahaha@Mimi. I woke up at 8.