cynical lady

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Everything posted by cynical lady

  1. what are u trying 2 say i assure u am doing work am just so bloody good at multi tasking thats all (i hear woman are good at that and i guess me and u are perfect eg of that hi HI ) ps i was chatting up 2 a rival company abt possible move.... and flirting along the way ... BLESS HIM AM GETTING THE EVILS NOW!!!!
  2. no one is here 2 annoy thats the problem dam i just got cought doing something i should not be doing in the office darn darn darn... ps i think people are watching uz in silence mhh thats mighty coward of them dont u think?
  3. yaree please i live in london also. mhhh change of topic now this one is starting 2 bore me although i enjoyed making u lol ps any ideas?
  4. ibti darling pretending ure iron woman for SOL users is sad, just admit it u cry when u see loved up people coz u wish it was u,( dont worry u will be pretty oneday) salman name is a manz name, and yes PT bf is not wam bam goodbye case i mean since i dont want a full time bf u only use and abuse when u need and the rest of year u enjoy ure blissful life. ps the barbie pj is ures under ure bed not mine daaah, stick with me yaree u might learn a thing or 2 u knw like how to make bariis with the rice maker lolv LOL
  5. ibti lol let me teach u some stuff BOI=boy woshy woshy= cudlez, kisses etc salman khan= ure future indian husbands name sad pj= that barbie pajamas u have under the bed part time bf = well one u meet up seasonly ie on big holidays only and the odd night outs anything else u would like me to teach u?
  6. ohh bless u dont worry hun i wont tell people that me and u where watching a bollywood movie 2gether last sunday and u cried when the gal got the boi , did the woshy woshy stuff and u letter made me promise that i will go with u to the indian wedding Bureau to look for ure salman khan... dont worry ure secrt is safe with me i shall take it to my grave.
  7. someone just sent me that made me lol walee check it out
  8. miskeen ahaa woman leave me alone am gona be wearing my sad PJ and a buckett of my 2 fav man BEN& JERRY and make sure am geard up for desp housewife to come one.... OHH LORD let me start crying now ( thinking abt what crying noise i can make) mabaaah mabaaah ps am gona start looking for a part time BF now for me would u like one ibti i am sure u do cats as life companions are not that good u knw.
  9. dreaming abt a farax aah woman how did u knw i was just dreaming abt how am going 2 seduce someone 2morrow.LOL ps i was on a bloody pav'ment u silly cow
  10. :rolleyes: lier lier ure gogaraad on fireeeee! p.s ohh my i went outside for a coffee i nearly got knocked over by this cyclist and i was on a pav,i so the white tunnel+ my life in a nutshell ibti hahahahahah
  11. lol yes i fgt uz a baby hater and u can survive without a man hence y ure fav song is "all by myself" and ure fav movie is bridget jones diary yes yes DEAR. p.S my head is fine thank u very much!
  12. " am sure cl is infected!! looks like jamaican boi virus!! ):" ohh bless the irony now a deformed man attemp to slander me ( yaaaawnz)
  13. i beg ure pardon i am sure if i pop those kids on 1yr gaps i can get all 5 and more should i choose to. No where ist writen its haraam ohh that was my other safety net.....(attemp to cry a river now) sick plan aah ure just gutted at the idea u dont have a back up plan wen i do ...... dont worry darling am sure jacl will take u on as back up buddy buddy.... loooool ps i am waiting for the indian lunch delivery guy where the hell is he am famished
  14. excuse me but i dont want to adopt i want my own kids, hence on and may i ask y ist to late to have 5kids? ps so ist haraam then?
  15. ohh ibti u do remaind me of me ohh but now am wiser i assure u, i just realised my mum will cast me out should i visit the sperm clinic for a dose to get my perfect 5kids, so inorder to get that one has to get married u its a matter of survival now. ps i dont knw the standing on islam inregards to IVF treatment? ist haraam? if not believe me that will be a fab news for me and quote me some quran also i need to use that as a tool to show my mum its oky to have kids without a husband.
  16. OMG I SEE A NOVIS NOW, ibti its a mutual understanding now y do u have a borobalem with that? y would i want a doormat this man i dont want them now or want to marry them there simply a back up plan should i find myself unattached at the age of 30, so is there case they bona fide bachelors with high standards so, should we both fail 2 locate our future spouses we will marry each other. SImple.
  17. lol honey i knw that also hahahah now come on the rules of back up plans are simple if we fail to find anyone good enough then u shall be my 1 choice or 2 etc and i knw they are on a look out. SAFETY NET HUN
  18. ohh ibti it i knw it pains u 2 utter those words, but honey u dont have 2 be a firm believer of "if u love someone let them go and if they come back 2 u it was meant 2 be and if not it was never" thats just a cliche.I knw u want him now go and do ure thing. ps i have 2people already as a back up plan darling am tired of them am on a look out for the number one post holder now.
  19. EXCUSE U...... COOK WHAT FOR WHO YAREE THATS URE MAN. Y dont u cook him soor
  20. ohh please i hate those people and i assure u, am such a rude person i have tendency to hang up while they speak. ALL THAT WOSHY WOSHY STUFF MAKES ME WANA PUKE!
  21. lol hell no, y would i be in comp after work beeps me. ps staying awake for a man? now come on dont be insulting .
  22. mhh i will not justify that with an answer.