cynical lady

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Everything posted by cynical lady

  1. jacl lol i see ure more confused now!
  2. Ohh My.. i did not win anything this is sooo not fair
  3. oky mother and the son= produce a baby.. the father of the son will call that baby awowo, and the gal mhh she will be step ayeyo lol on flip side the mother will call the daugh'r baby ayeyo..and the son will call it step brother/sister relation btw themselvz mhh the father will become father in law to his sons wife/ something else i cant conjure up now gabadha ie the gal will call the son son in law and abti the son will call the gal step mom/cusinz omg who allowed this family to get hitched subxanallah this is incestrol relations if u ask me lol ps just call each other edo or adeer thats wht normal somali ppl do if u dont know who is this prrson 2 u anyway :rolleyes:
  4. i really dont see what we somalis (including myself) have to be proud of i mean i agreee with ibti there,i simply cant think of anything which well stir emotions in me due to the fact am somali, shame is what comes in mind actually.
  5. Women are half the world's people Who do two-thirds of the world's work They earn one tenth of the world's income And own one hundredth of the world's property. "Women around the world are more likely to live in poverty, simply because they are women. Women’s unequal position in society means they have less power, money, protection from violence and access to education and healthcare." Yes also 70% of the world’s poor are women. International Women's Day is celebrated on March 8 every year. It provides an opportunity to focus upon and remember the struggle of women throughout the world. It all started on 8/3/1857 when women garment workers in New York demonstrated against working conditions. So how far have woman progressed from 1857? 8/3/06 the UN published a report indicating that woman in developing and developed countries are being denied effective representation due to the low number of woman in public offices i.e. this offices have the capabilities of impacting woman on daily basis, which consequently invites the argument of the law is made by man for man and woman are meant to bare its consequences. In Britain, only 18 per cent of MPs are women, while only 8 per cent of MPs in Arab countries are female. Just 20 nations - including Rwanda, Mozambique, Guyana and Burundi - have reached or exceeded the 30 per cent mark of effective representation and only three countries (Chile, Spain and Sweden) have complete gender parity in government. Now it’s not hard to for to assume that woman in west are equal to their male counter parts but surprisingly Full-time female workers in Japan earn just 51 per cent of the wages of their male. Only one in five managers in Italy is a woman and only 14 per cent of the seats in the US Congress are taken by women. It has also been noted that there is a link between elevation of poverty, development and empowerment of woman because poverty, violence and aids have a woman’s face. This just proves the saying that when you educate a man you educate him and when you educate a woman you educate a family. Yes ladies lets not forget the fact it was only in 1991 that the law in England recognized that husband cant rape a woman, also the fact a lot of woman suffer in the hands of the criminal justice due to less woman officers, judges etc. you don have to look long and hard to find the problems faced by woman some are man made some are woman made. So ladies I hope when you wake up tomorrow you remember the fact that it took a lot of woman to give us this opportunity we have today and we have to set the path for the future generation of woman who will follow after us. So happy International Woman’s Day from me I say.. ps hope you do something amazing tomorrow !
  6. Milk man or gas man or boiler man... mhh :rolleyes: :rolleyes: imaginary man,mhh the servant, lol this is crazy let me get bk my work.
  7. cynical lady

    Nip Tuck

    well me personaly i dont see y one should grow old gracefully... hence the min i start seeing gravity taking its course i intend to book an appointment under the knife.... :rolleyes: ps hello ladies
  8. :rolleyes: afternoon ppl, ibti dont worry hun the title of best tobic hijacker will come to u....
  9. :rolleyes: ibti accept the award with grace dee!
  10. :rolleyes: jacl the winner of tobic hijacker closly followed by ibti
  11. good walahi just got bk from work waiting for the news now gosh am tired how u?
  12. wht have i done? i dont knw where hunguri is trully
  13. i love my PA AKA IBTI I could not have said it any better
  14. tea mhh u take cold water add salt and serve it in glass? isnt that how u make tea?
  15. :rolleyes: kir waryaa i dont wana share with u, u have TB...... and yes can captain make cambulo plz if i have to make the tea and u jacl bring ibti to the tea point.
  16. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: now i come bk 2 my desk i find ppl talking abt me now now who said man dont gossip more than woman :rolleyes: morning cptain, jacl hunguri ( not everyone is suffering from food deprivation like u yaroow) :rolleyes: by the by u boys make ure own coffee
  17. ibti the old people home are making me eat blended chicken this is soo not fair (crying a river now) :confused: :confused:
  18. scar kir waryaa , hello ppl ibti mac mac
  19. mhh mhh james blunt, bonjovi,linkin park, james morrison, greenday.... my morning is incomplete without them.
  20. :rolleyes: i told ure thingy is crap
  21. hahahahahahah plz dont curse me lol
  22. hahahahha cynical lady and road runner 64 % Dr. Love thinks that a relationship between cynical lady and road runner has a reasonable chance of working out, but on the other hand, it might not. Your relationship may suffer good and bad times. If things might not be working out as you would like them to, do not hesitate to talk about it with the person involved. Spend time together, talk with each other. cynical lady and jonny bravo 26 % bax waryaa am going back 2 my music ure love cal is annoying me.
  23. lol silly man hhahahahahah look at this one cynical lady and ghengis khan 34 % The chance of a relationship working out between cynical lady and ghengis khan is not very big, but a relationship is very well possible, if the two of you really want it to, and are prepared to make some sacrifices for it. You'll have to spend a lot of quality time together. You must be aware of the fact that this relationship might not work out at all, no matter how much time you invest in it. and with saladine i got 44% lol am improving lol