cynical lady

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Everything posted by cynical lady

  1. cl takes of her shoes and throws it @jacl waar baax qaxwo iseee
  2. lol hunguri maskiin :rolleyes: iska caadi waaye gooryaan baa xalosha kabuxoo walalo :rolleyes:
  3. hunguri beenta skadaa ure band from gymka coz ure to skiiny i mean look at you :rolleyes:
  4. alaa wife being called cajuuuso lol... camabro dont worry just tell hubby lets go to somalia for holiday the jexjeex his basaboor. :rolleyes: ps i would love me a housecusband just imagine coming home to a man who cooked for u clean'd and put the kids to bed..... mhhhh
  5. sheeko, i dont trust ure sheik licence...waa fake i think u got it from ebay.
  6. waar baal hayaay since when did captain become online sheik? and jacl waar beenta skadaa cambaro told me that u cried outside her ganchelo last night and she still said no 2 ure faraax *** :rolleyes:
  7. cynical lady


    :rolleyes:her eyes and :rolleyes: some more ps where is nomadq i think she had a thread just for this kinda qst'ns.
  8. "Leave my detol alone. Add little bit of ginger and qorfo iyo hayl..viola! we have a great cup of drink." Thats why cambaro i dont come at ure house for shaax :rolleyes: ohhhh jacl and camabro are so cute 2gether let me get the online shiek for u 2.....
  9. hunguri never ask a lady her age yaroow waxaan walaan dayaa. jacl camabro when she said that she was high on detol skadaa waarkas. :rolleyes:
  10. In schools now kids are tought abt sexuality anyway without parental consent, i dont think cartoon or books are gona make it worse.. what i dont understand is when are kids this days left to be kids ie the age of innocence is taken away from them and thats what i have problem with.
  11. "I am sure you will ravel at the idea of being pampared whilist you are watched by your "fans"." :rolleyes: and u know this how..
  12. naa inantaan dayaa whts with the habaarka.. fit like gloves kulaha, yaree i am married to nigerian man... i dont think rudy will like that :rolleyes:
  13. "CL..You realise inaan dhali karo JaclB? Saqiir suujis aint my thing " hahahahahaha waar jacl just got killed off right there maskinka lol hahahahahahaahh.... dont worry lakiin dawo baa jiro cambaro. ps ibti hunguri is older than u by 20yrs so iska caadi waaye for u.
  14. camabaro naah i dont want val making her way to me with dacas plz iskuxishood..... and am not rudy like... :mad: wht can i say ibti captain made me sumbuuus that was my achilles heel... i blame that on moment of insanity... lets move on now, so how is ure thing with hunguri and camabro with jacl shall i start buying diracs ?
  15. naah ibti naah me and captain broke up now... ps me trash alaaa naa take that back cajuuuso naah just coz am tramp dont mean am trash i think it was spill error
  16. naah ibti my shukansi is tight u only have to see how many shukansi books with my name on them are in waterstones :rolleyes: ps jacl ibti is not pulling u int lakiin cambaro waa inaan ficaaan ooh dacaan haysato ( excuse my crap somali) so i say make haste and read my book and start u thing... u know ure 30yrs ure bio clock is running yaroow tick tok tick tock.....
  17. waar baal hayaaay... captain and jacl fgt it u lot ibti is taken while u ppl where busy bantaring here she and hunguri were exchanging suugo in luuq :rolleyes: so unless u improve ure shukansi i say ure at lost ps the shukansi book volume 7 is on sale... at £5.99 only make haste and buy ure copy Now!
  18. am so shocked at u, how could u not do somali background check on him bef u said yes? naah this days a farax is not trusted untill u get the security check clearence daah, anywho i hope u damaged more than the paint? well i was busy attending the SOL AWARDS, i showed up wearing my nigerian gear... someone clearly did not tell me the theme was not African, to my dismay i spoted some faraxiin in pink macawis and somali sandals i started taking pictures of them hoping to sale them of in freakshow paper...and then i spoted the blonde fight it was scene from Greace i tell u. ps i hope ure gogaraad was not ruind by all that water splash lol, Yes lets say thank u to the public transport.
  19. hahahahahaahahah naah hedhee i will be bk i have a meeting 2 rush 2 so u better start talking abt the date with the farax did he take u to pizza hut? and i shall tell u abt the awards. ps ngonge/ rude fought like silly blondes btw u know the nail fight it was soo funny and lady V stood there saying boys stop fighting over me i know am sexy lakiin ........ i will be bk
  20. well i thought u were gona come to the Sol awards ceremony?
  21. "I pondered when I catch the bird that I will Insha Allah spend the rest of my time with whether I would have something like this. But the idea of my lady sitting and happily being inspected by all these eyes morally frightens me to the core of my being." If thats not a man on a praw i wounder wht is? And the fact u used sentences such as "my lady being inspected by all these eyes" makes me wana lol but thats a whole different story. ps ibti wht happend 2 U?
  22. Sorry this sounds like a somali man on a praw thread that went wrong! ps sometimes when ppl say y cant somali ppl have fun etc blah blah that does not mean they hate being somali, just means they hate certain aspects of somaliness and thats a phase some ppl go throw and come out of or some ppl stay there for long time.. but at the end of the day not all gals are like that so i urge not to paint all mali gals with same paint brush.