cynical lady

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Everything posted by cynical lady

  1. Nope am at work, I was attempting to take an advantage of the quite day at work to finish my unfinished business before the new year…. But its to quite for my likeing henceforth am spooking myself… what about you are u on your day off?
  2. For some reason I can’t explain Mark Anthony speech in Caesar funeral is occupying my mind at the moment mhh weird… Anything strange occupying your mind at the moment?
  3. Ghanimo, how can u splash my business like that….. Yes am waiting for a phone call from my bobby brown look-alike in Kenya and no he cant cheat on me the man is useless i castrated him long ago he spoiled for others
  4. Huge Heffner’s to ring me and ask me to be his GF
  5. Watching habar Somali aa running for the bus… just thinking about makes me wana lol Ghanimo, giving up that easily? Am here because the office is empty and the remaining people are busy getting drunk henceforth bored and cant do my work and the only thing keeping me is am waiting for a phone call.
  6. By talking about it with your nearest and dearest Who do you love to hate
  7. September 2009 IA For Val qs- at a dinner party in Kent Did you achieve last years new year’s resolution?
  8. Nothing What is the worst thing you have ever done?
  9. cynical lady

    La Veil

    When/where do you guys were this abayas? Do u wear it everyday? Even in winter? I just don’t get it how can you wear it and don’t even start me on the abaya jeans and jacket combo…
  10. Went to the mosque misd the first prayer, I was gutted since that means I misd all the relatives I see Eid to Eid and now I wont know who got married, who gave birth etc … ohh well next Eid I guess, I then bought phone cards spoke to my siblings then hit the sack…. Looked outside it was cooooooold I ran back and slept some more… but am going to Zanzibari Eid Party tonight though
  11. Well hello to you 2 Ghanimo…. How was ure Eid?
  12. After the Christmas party yesterday that started 10am god help me am exhausted and the worse part of it is everyone else called in sick apart from me…who the hell made me a workaholic so 2pm sharp am packing my bags and saying goodbye….. Ps did anyone else notice how empty the trains and buses where today? I even managed to get a set
  13. Million $ question, but there is something you need to know the ladies are not homogenous and the kind of a guy they will go for varies depending on their circumstances, needs and wants…. So rephrase please because any answer you get won’t necessarily mean that’s what woman or ladies prefer.. Ps some ladies believe love is blind and go for the short, bold, ugly man, while some ladies think love is choice and wont get near the prior kind of a guy even if he was the last man on earth so u see we cant generalise.
  14. This Sunday they are going on the mountains to get more spiritual and they will be tested by fasting 17hrs this is…its not comedy believe me there reinforcing the stereotype people have of Muslims. Ps I did lol when the sheik made the gay gut play cricket with the Pakistani boys so he can change his ways and the dude was turn’d on by the level of testosterone around him that made me lol
  15. Don’t start me on that program, I had my reservations about it when I saw the advert and after watching the program on Sunday I was shocked…what the hell was that all about? Sheik telling the gay guy that he is gay because he hangs around woman & dresses like them and if he keeps male company & change his clothes he will transform, the other sheik thinks a woman can turn the gay guy into a man so he embarks on a search to find a woman…. When did Islam change from a sacred religion to a lifestyle option for the porn star, gay guy, serial masturbator, delusional woman seeking approval from Indian family and not forgetting the gothic children in need of control? Ps where did they get those sheiks is my question nacalad
  16. Eid Mubarak everyone Ps Am loving the holiday season, all the festivals cramped in December- Hanukkah now EID then Christmas….. new year yaaahy
  17. Why are Somalis backward, why are Somali man unromantic…. The amount of why’s in SOL are getting out of hand, am sure soon we shall have a thread asking why dogs lick there balls?
  18. Today I was granted an early Christmas gift, I spotted my ex boss wearing spandex what a sight……
  19. cynical lady

    La Veil

    For some unholy reason that’s so true @ Ng pics….. Ps Baibui ya ficha menge
  20. 5 The non conformist 5's are the explorers. Their natural curiosity, risk taking, and enthusiasm often land them in hot water. They need diversity, and don't like to be stuck in a rut. The whole world is their school and they see a learning possibility in every situation. The questions never stop. They are well advised to look before they take action and make sure they have all the facts before jumping to conclusions. Famous 5's: Abraham Lincoln, Charlotte Bronte, Jessica Walter, Vincent Van Gogh, Bette Midler, Helen Keller, Mark Hamil. mhhh classssssic
  21. I don’t see why we should sympathise with the mail order wife? There not suffering or require our sympathy most of this woman are survivors and know by marrying a man from Europe they will be able to elevate themselves to a better life and gain access to the ceer fund/help their families, so I don’t sympathise I congratulate them, if the price for that is acting docile/doormat I say go ahead its all about survival you know if the shoe was on the other foot you would do the same.. Just because you’re here don’t mean you have to look down upon the one back home. We all know Somalis are not blessed with man, most of the man who opt for OFB xalimo could not hack a woman down here to begin with so why do we want to saddle ourselves with them? we should encourage them to go back home so we can eliminate the weakest link from the bunch and most importantly they help a sister from back home it’s a win win situation if you ask me
  22. If you live in London then I would direct you to shepherd bush near the market gate you will find Christians preaching the word with Somali translated bible, I once spotted a Somali man with them who was preaching deliverance in the name of jesus.