cynical lady

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Everything posted by cynical lady

  1. Bloody hell it’s already March....this is absolute madness, the days & the months are outpacing me:( :mad:
  2. Lily- lol this days kids are exposed to all sorts of things sheltering there innocence is becoming harder and harder just to day the debate was whether 5yrs old child should be allowed to watch her/his bother give birth and everywhere you look even the cartoons have gone mad this days, I Lily I don't think you can avoid those sorts of questions for long dear. As for the program, well it was funny in a strange kind of a way but at the same time you could not help but cringe at the ignorance projected by the Iranian officials/sheiks on the issue, seriously they even had a special document issued for trans who underwent sex change so they wont be harassed by the moral police….you did miss a hell of program though, but I am still moulding on the question what was the purpose behind the program? p.s NG- that was there argument wasn't it that if sex change was not allowed for them/parents don't accept them as woman they will end up on the streets hence bringing more shame to the family than if there allowed to go on as a daughter? Classic!
  3. NG- I wanted to pretend that was not on TV last night, dam you…seriously I was shocked through out the whole thing and when I saw one of the trans with his bf talking to her/his mother and the mother saying Ali when are you going to marry her…I died 1000 times and don't even start me with the sheik omg the sheik goes its ok under Islam to undergo sex change, and be a woman and continue you life as a woman ie married to a man etc its OK UNDER ISLAM seriously….what do they call this stuck under two genders classic!
  4. hello Malika how is life? i see your back @ work?
  5. Now what do i get che? its 4444
  6. Lol Maskini we, mwenzako yanayo nesivu mwenzio ni naongea Kiswahili kila siku nyumbani na ndugu zanu hapa na uko bongo so Kiswahili hakini pegi chenga sana, lakini sio fresh kama zamani..wewe nahamu ya kurudi nyumabni marafiki zangu wenge wako majua lakini karibu watano wana kwenda bongo this summer so tuta kutana uko, lakini kuna watu tele nataka niwaone maisha yao yamekwendaji, wenge wame olewa na watoto so,. Ntawakuta uko tu, na familia yangu pia wako uko.. Malkia, usiwazi tuta findishana Kiswahili basi na maslan yote wala usiwazi, aah umeshenda nyumbani namwanai that’s soo sweet, leo ni siku ya kushenda nyumabni, sio ya kutamba lakini geza teyari nje.. Lol malkia leo ni leo… tuna kula mshkaki kwa mlija, mwenzako nasubiri simu moja, halafu ndo nakimbia wala usiwzi nepo bado..
  7. Sijajua malkia umekua mgeni wa kiswahili mungu wangu we.. mwanmki wewe si juzi juzi tu ulikwenda bongo wewe, manaki ndo nini kiswahili ni luga ya tuatu...nakuhu advaisi Sasa wewe malkia kumbe unasheka mambo ya jana sana tembia kwa muda basi, siku hizi mambo yote ni kweka mfuko wa rambo nje wala sio ule mweusi Lol nishiki ndoa ya historia hiyo..mume moja tu, mnapepezana tu nye kwa nye leo kiswahili ya mita tu lol Ps malkia ukiwaskia wadogo zangu yani kiswahili hata kimoja sifahamu manaki ni mita tu..ndo naji funza sasa hivi kabla sija fika nyumbani alafu nikafungwa mikamba mwenzako.. mwanai vipi naye hali leta stori bibia?
  8. Malika buzi moja ana tosha nawe? Lazema tuwe na area-code mume/mshumba/mshafi/buzi wakum chuna ngozi... waona sasa stori ndo hayo lol, wajua mambo ya ulaya ni usafiri tu so lazima pia tushekani na muda sasa, shoga sija jua kumbe wewe ni nisheki tushekani type, wala sijajua i tell you.. Lakini ndo mambo gani ya mafungaji ya nyumba, ruka dereshani basi..nakomputer pia kafunga sasa ndo mume huyo embu ji funze kwa wasonjo weka mfuko wa rambo enji basi looh
  9. Malika una taka stori za mchumba wangu nini? Mambo gani haya tena una taka kuni ripua namna he..eeh makubwa ata si madogo leo,... hal;i vipi nawe mbona sijakuona kwa muda..mumeo naye kachukua komputer ama ndo shuli emefunga nawe una chukua lekizo?
  10. Well it’s Friday and I had a lovely night last night and it’s about to be repeated tonight and a friend of mine is flying in today with a special bag for your truly life can only get better eeh. Ps lunch time I met up with my friend at the next building and lord and behold there stood the man I fancy in spandex aah that made my lunch break loll hahahahaha am going mad am just in a good mood/phone only rang 20times today aah, practically no emails… it’s a wonderful day… How is your lily?
  11. hahahahaha@thats a cheap shoot, BUT No it’s the day I found out most of them suffer from pregnant foreheads…
  12. Lily dear, I tell you I don’t buy into the idea of “his imperfect but perfect to me” hence 10 out of 10 for you..i assure you most woman settle down with Mr almost perfect because the perfect one never materialised, but that does not stop them from moulding the one they have to the one they want. But then again am cynic..and I agree every woman has her own ideal man on her head…hence why the “must have list” now here is where if your lucky you get 7/10 because 10 does not exist and when you come across the 10/10 chances are you don’t want him, he is boring. I mean come on perfect is soo boring…everyone needs something that’s wee bit ruff on the edges... it makes the journey worthwhile I say (who died and made me Somali equivalent of Barbra Cartland) Mr wrong…Bob your mean but I agree loll, but you know what they never used to be Mr wrong they recently acquired that title if you ask me…
  13. Ohh my god, here goes another one…I actually agree there is no such thing “Mr Right or Mr Perfect” it’s a myth and I blame Disney for hammering such illusions in little girls, the only outcome is disappointment. But there is Mr 7/10 aka Mr almost perfect but still workable… loll Ohh what a wonderful day!
  14. What a wonderful day… Ps is anyone here :rolleyes:
  15. If only I knew, I joined the 1000posters yesterday hurrah to my LOL and bulshidh comments I have finally made it …
  16. A wise Roman once said any man can make mistakes, but only an ***** persists in his error. In this occasion I could not agree with him more….
  17. This is tragic-please do click on the link
  18. You see, this notion of there hard to come by irritates me… I just don’t want him to fix my aaf dee- MDD I did not even see him I rejected the appointment via phone... p.s che- your not eligible/hard to come by dee why the smile
  19. MDD are you shopping for a new husband, shame on you… Or are you looking to recruit him for the event on Saturday?
  20. Let me help you get to 20 pages @ North!
  21. "I am still not buying your argument that the reason you said no to his service is he is Somali. Come on sister.... you did not want your fellow somali to see how horible your teeth look. That is the reason isnt it? If you would have your six months check up, you wouldn't be in this position..... would you?" :rolleyes: :rolleyes: ps Bless i dont mind somali woman, i just mind the somali man-dentist/gynecologist..ohh i give up...