cynical lady

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Everything posted by cynical lady

  1. Must you get so technical, just go outside ask the 4 girl you see if she has STD
  2. "Voting Tory will cause your wife to have bigger breasts and increase your chances of owning a BMW M3." Gota love Boriis
  3. I think I have reached all time low my name + marc on the same sentence……God help me!
  4. Ibti- Bingo dear, just because am conservative does not mean I support every MP in the party for instance I don't like David Cameron and his wife George Osborne does that make me less Tory? Nope, Boris is joke and I am sure a lot of people will vote for him for the simple, there feed up with Ken…I know a lot of people that are now seriously looking at Brian Paddick.
  5. Dear Marc, You're a disgrace to the conservative party please return your membership card at once, seriously I cant digit what you just said, your ********* truly knows no bound (am not attacking you personally but am attacking your ideas/views god help us) .
  6. CL, Your uttering the words is in mind! we should establish the first SOL conservative club. what do you think? Excuse me while I go and kill myself..
  7. Better the devil you know than the one you don't,,,,
  8. "by the way, what on earth is a dilac bilash?" It's a type of Suugo you make with your feet as my mum calls it,
  9. Seriously there is no difference between new labour party and the conservatives, the only difference is the former has guised itself but the devils is always in the details look at the policies and come back to me I am not saying the conservatives are perfect hell I don't like half of them but at the end of the day I support most of the policies. Ps GJ what makes you think new labour is not ant Islamic?
  10. She-here I am trying, instead of encouraging me your sending me back to my shell, why ohh why all I know is I was informed that should I want to write something in Somali add aa, dh in everything somehow it will make sense…now unless you want to teach me I suggest igaa see uu and it made sense !
  11. If you are interested in putting yourself forward as a candidate for Mayor of London, contact London Elects to request a nomination pack. Nomination criteria To stand as a candidate in the Mayoral elections you must meet certain criteria. You must be 18 years old or over when nominations open on 18 March 2008, and a citizen of the UK, European Union or Commonwealth. You must also be registered to vote in London or have lived, worked, rented or owned property in London for the last 12 months. How to apply If you decide to stand as a candidate for Mayor of London and you meet the criteria, you have to complete a nomination form and a signed and witnessed ‘Consent to Nomination’ form. Both can be obtained from the GLRO by contacting London Elects. As well as the forms, you need to get 330 signatures from people on the electoral register supporting your nomination: 10 from each London borough and from the City of London. You will also have to pay a deposit of £10,000, which is returned if you get more than 5% of first choice votes in the election. If you are standing as a candidate for a registered political party, you must have a certificate from the party. If you want to use the party’s emblem on the ballot paper you must submit a signed request. A candidate not standing for a registered political party can either use the description ‘Independent’ or have no description. You must submit the forms, deposit and signatures to the GLRO between 18 March 2008 – when the Notice of Election is published – and 12pm on 28 March 2008, when nominations close. Nomination packs and guidance are available from London Elects now. Mayoral address booklet Candidates can have an "address" – or mini-manifesto – published in the Mayoral Address Booklet, which is sent to all registered voters in London before election day. If, as a candidate, you would like to be included in the booklet, you have to contribute £10,000 towards the cost of printing and distributing the booklet. This is non-refundable. Candidates' expenditure Candidates are limited to spending no more than £420,000 on their election campaigns. This covers: Party political broadcasts Advertising Unsolicited material distributed to voters Party manifestos Market research Press conferences and media Transport during the campaign Rallies and other events Expenses are counted from the 18 March 2008 and candidates must submit their expenses to the Greater London Returning Officer (GLRO) no later than 70 days after the result of the election has been declared. More details You can find full details on the necessary qualifications for standing as Mayor of London in section 20 of the Greater London Authority (GLA) Act 1999. More details about candidates' expenditure are in the Representation of the People Act 1983, as amended by the Electoral Administration Act 2006. Can I stand? 18 years or older Citizen of the UK, European Union or Commonwealth Either: Registered to vote in London, or Have lived, worked, rented or owned property in London for the last 12 months Nomination checklist Nomination form Consent to nomination form 330 signatures from London electorate - 10 from each borough £10,000 deposit In this section The Mayoral address booklet Standing for the London Assembly Related links Key dates for candidates and parties What does the Mayor of London do? Voting for the Mayor of London 2004 Mayoral election results External links Greater London Authority The Mayor of London © London Elects 2007–2008 Legal Sitemap Accessibility Contacts Feedback London Elects Media
  12. Just remembered how “mpenzi” gets me all the time..its so much better than waankujacl whatever that word is….
  13. FB- who invited you baal..istuustus badhana :rolleyes:
  14. Seriously I am member of the conservative part….why on earth will I want to support Ken is beyond me Boris Johnson for mayor
  15. "official mouthpiece for the bloody labour party" hahahahaahah Ibti- viva la Boris Johnson
  16. She-am shy i did not ask for any clarification..Am simply too innocent to engage in such talks unlike ibti there.
  17. I rem this song back in the days, teasing my brother with it and I think its appropriate for these moment…excuse the Somali & if you know the tune sing along… Faraxoy fulaayo fadidii naagtu i can’t type the next word then its fadidi, geelku ka cararii fadidi etc anyone know what am on abt
  18. GJ- I think I rather marry an armaajo man now, where is stoic
  19. runs to the corner and cries vigorously, how could you do this to me, i even mentally planned our whole life together + 6kids we were going to have and now this @ GJ, ibti why didn't you warn me ohh whyyy buhuuuuuu(crying a bucket) Stoic- why do you care what people think?
  20. your such a hater, here i am hit by cupid..i mean did you hear what GJ said "I'm tall and have big feet so how about it" thats up there on womans must have list come on now Brad pitt has nothing on this man by the sound of it.. Nept lol are you telling us something?