cynical lady

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Everything posted by cynical lady

  1. Sareedo @ bless dear thats just cruel
  2. Lily- how so cruel of you, here I was expecting sympathy from you for enduring such smells but ohh no you had to go there. Something strange has been happening and this is the second time I am exposed to the same reply, a while back whilst out and about went to this party and there was a Somali guy mash Allah, good dress sense, tall/handsome/DOCTOR bless him. Impressed and not fazed by it I continued having fun, latter on I turned around the man was sipping red wine now I can safely testify that I am not one of those people that will walk up to someone and question there lifestyle all to your own I say. But this one I just had to I was thinking what a waste, I had to approach him and ask why, so when I was about to exit the place I walked up the man these was the conversation. Me: tap his shoulders Him: turning around Me: why walalo Him: you mean the wine Me: shaking my head Him: am no longer practicing Islam Me: party on wlaalo Shocked/impressed at the reply I had nothing to say, that was in my books a sufficient reply Fast forward yesterday, out and about again, there stood another one walahi equally dashing or should I say more than the precious one the bonus part of it was he was a trader/rich, anyhow, there he was drinking beer…seriously I was just thinking is there a phenomenon going around and a memo was not issued out to me? These one came around to sat hello, I asked again he told me the same thing word for word I AM NO LONGER PRACTICING ISLAM: What’s going on?
  3. The funny thing is you make arguing with you pointless and quite frankly easy; I don’t need to argue with you because the next statement you utter rebuts/contradicts your prior comment so Instead of arguing with you I wait for your next reply that’s how easy you make it. As for my estimation don’t insult me please, its hard enough dealing with your claim of being a Tory. I find it funny you accuse ibti of being flip flop…because since you have graced us with your bile comments you have been just that in every sense of the word.
  4. Ibti- the man is an amateur. There is no point in debating with him, I will only disgrace myself should I embark on replying to his silly comments and you know me better than that I shan’t scoop to such level dear no matter how tempting it is As for conservative being under attack- dear its all good, people agree to disagree if people don’t like the party that’s there prerogative am not here to recruit neither to change people’s mind about the party….when the need arises for me to defend my party I shall as for now there is no point dear.
  5. A while ago I was on a Friday night bus after waiting for it like an hr I nearly had frost bites just waiting for that bus, anyhow, found a seat upstairs. Three stops down the line the bus got so full I was left wondering where the hell did all these people come from? Anyhow all over sudden someone shyted on the bus, the smell was mortifying seriously and you know those Night busses some of them don’t stop for like 10 min they skip some stops. Ohh lord me and my sis were about die, typically English people started looking at each other but no one said anything, we all had to open the windows to relief the pain from that smell. Then all over sudden one drunken guy comes up stairs and goes “excuse me who shyted” everyone was silent he asked again, he then proceeded on smelling people walahi I was lol so hard while rapping my shawl on my face, anywho he found the culprit he goes “dude your setting on shyt, don’t you have no shame” everyone started looking at the man at once maskiin he started crying lol hahahahahahahaha omg suffice to say the bus stopped and we all ran out for our dear life walahi anything can happen in transport for London!
  6. You would expect better from the Somali community but no, they had to go there…seriously Somali gangs/fights have been escalating for a while now. One only need to visit the prisons these days, the highest minority community in prison now is Somali shame shame shame! Wasted opportunity, p.s this is why am a serious preacher don’t leave anywhere that has more than 4 Somali families.
  7. hahahahahaha@ As I put my hands up and attempted to cushion his fall I noticed that he had a watery nose! A big wet snot landed on my eyelashes and top lip......... hahahahahaha, mac sonkor!
  8. Are you sure it was a dream and not one of your episodes?
  9. Shiisha side effects- hallucinations
  10. Lol, Malika ok dear, send him to me, next is ibti, my dear the madaax hanuun is not going anywhere, seriously London life can be stressful I mean by the time you wake up/get to the bus stop the fight begins no wonder were all moody and were do we rush to? Seriously walking as if our life depends on it…. Lily I don’t know what he is and all I know is he is highly recommended by Malika there… P.S I know someone who does that Malika, but sadly he recently left visiting his second wife in east Africa bless the sheiks the always have ciders
  11. lol join the club ibti, drop your digits to malika she has mukaash on standby. p.s there is a debate going on BBC “Do you think the international community is failing in Somalia? Can Somalia resolve its own problems? Is there a diplomatic solution? Put your questions and suggestions to Ahmedou Ould Abdallah.” Sadly most of the Somalis response to the issue is somewhat lacking in something, I don’t think there actually putting forward a sufficient reply/question for the individual above. So am wondering where are those hardcore Somalia nationalist who are passionate in sol? Make haste…
  12. Malika, Never took you for a pimp but am not complaining girl:) Please consult your pm, and send him 2 me pronto! All those suggestions are wasted on NG- he is probably off to the nearest shisha joint, smoking his brains out am surprised he hasn’t got a portable shisha yet…
  13. Mukeesh ahahahahaha, that was funny yes please call him I need a head massage, nah I was up the whole night for unholy reasons again, now 4cups of coffee hasn’t helped yet I have a ragging madaax hanuun +…anyhow how you? Ps I think che and Aaliyah make a dashing couple! I hope che can cuff up for the wedding Aaliyah wants. p.s.s Jacl hello
  14. Malika mac mac, morning i need panadol/hedex today!
  15. Ohh how I miss the days when William Hague was the leader of the opposition Marc- conformity is a sin…withdraw from your juvenile mentality dear not every will agree with you
  16. "Dirie's disappearance comes a week after French police said they'd found the body of another former model of African origin who had campaigned against female genital mutilation" First class journalism :rolleyes:
  17. Cara, sometimes less is more, especially in this instance, Che no need to be ashamed dear say it load say it proud your Somali is shidh like the rest of us, shame on you for pointing fingers.
  18. To sum it up, you’re jobless!
  19. The Perks of signing on…
  20. Ooh little cutie, when you talk to me I swear the whole world stops You're my sweetheart and I'm so glad that you're mine You are one of a kind, and You mean to me what I mean to you And together baby there is nothing we won't do 'Cause if I got you I don't need money I don't need cars Girl you're my heart And oh, I'm into you and Girl no one else would do With every kiss and every hug You make me fall in love And now I know I can't be the only one I bet there's hearts all over the world tonight With the love of their life who feel What I feel when I'm with you, with you, with you, with you, with you... girl With you, with you, with you, with you, with you... Oh girl What a delicious young man!
  21. Well of course I am not offended but before I answer, are you displaying the symptoms?