cynical lady

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Everything posted by cynical lady

  1. Malika, lol honey I hate weddings period, thank god I am only attending cadaan wedding this summer. p.s am sure Ibtis is around the corner, I mean with the old man working so hard to match his brother with ibti its only a matter of time…lets get the dirac ready Malika
  2. The woman is applying Diana
  3. Ibti- I have partial tan I need to balance It out, I think am going to hit the park for lunch just in case. Old man-
  4. lol@ two rival woman fighting. Some people. (Who knows maybe U can catch the fight on youtube lol) Malika what’s with the midnight bridal entrance? Lol how was the zench wedding? Enjoyed the mduwara? Ibti- am so envious Old man- you know you love gossiping.
  5. Details Malika details….. Morning Mrembo..
  6. How you all doing? The weather is amazing in London 25degrees outside aah fabulous.
  7. Lily unless your outside, it tends to be dam hot inside, there were times I was close to suffocating in those venues… I don’t know I just think (maybe the ones I have seen) jacket + Dirac combo somewhat off putting. p.s Val- isn’t that the whole point of a Dirac? See-throw?
  8. I wish Lily ohh how I wish, the last time I went horse ridding was in 2006 gosh I miss it. Nope it’s a shindig in the countryside. Chaos is understatement when it comes to Somali weddings sometimes. p.s question, why do Somali man stand near the toilets? Entrance door? Most importantly what’s with the dirac and jacket?
  9. Lily, that’s a bit too extreme. So his Somali, so his in Big brother why do we care? How IST affecting all Somalis? His actions impacts only him/his family etc not us all; he chooses to exercise his id1otic liberty by going in big brother congratulations to him. Why can’t we treat him like any other id1iot? Must we all fell ashamed?
  10. Malika I know she didn’t listen to me dee… Malike, somali wedding food is always crap so you better eat before you go there…as for the zench wedding aaah dancing to taarab music, pointing the finger lol utalijua jiji good ol memories. Lily lol@ Cindy shoes…Hello Lily Well am off to the countryside for the weekend. p.s I don’t know why I dislike Somali weddings…
  11. Zimbabwe's currency falls Posted on Friday 6 June 2008 - 09:07 Things are moving from bad to worse in Zimbabwe as on Thursday its currency plunged to a new record low, trading at an average 1 billion to the US dollar on a recently introduced interbank market. And this has triggered massive price increases. For instance, a loaf of bread, which cost about Z$15 million before the polls, now costs about Z$600 million. Things are moving from bad to worse in Zimbabwe as on Thursday its currency plunged to a new record low, trading at an average 1 billion to the US dollar on a recently introduced interbank market. And this has triggered massive price increases. For instance, a loaf of bread, which cost about Z$15 million before the polls, now costs about Z$600 million. A two-litre bottle of cooking oil costs about Z$5 billion, almost equal to an average low-income worker's monthly wage, piling the misery on a country also grappling with food, fuel, water and electricity shortages, 80 percent unemployment and hyperinflation. Traders were quoting the Zimbabwean dollar at between 995 million and 1.45 billion against the greenback in Thursday morning trade, up from an average 700 million at the beginning of the week. The currency has depreciated by about 84 percent since the central bank effectively floated it in early May after years of an official peg. Analysts said the rapid weakening of the currency was being driven by inflation expectations as well as huge demand for hard currencies. "The exchange rate is being driven by massive demand for forex, as well as the desire to hedge against inflation," said Mudzingwa Nhiwatiwa, a research analyst at ZABG banking group. "It shows our forex generating capacity is perilously low. Until we restore production and exports, the Zimbabwean dollar will continue to depreciate sharply." Official figures put Zimbabwe's annual inflation -- the highest in the world -- at 165,000 percent in February, but analysts say the figure vaulted as high as 1.8 million percent by May. Prices on Zimbabwe's stock market, for long a refuge for investors in the inflation-ravaged country, have rocketed since the beginning of the year. The benchmark Zimbabwe Stock Exchange (ZSE) industrial index leapt to a new high above 900 billion points on Wednesday, from just over 1.2 billion points at the start of the year. Prices of basic goods, most of which are now imported, have gone up sharply since the disputed March 29 election in which Mugabe's ZANU-PF lost its parliamentary majority for the first time in 28 years. Opposition Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) leader Morgan Tsvangirai also beat Mugabe in the presidential election, but not by enough votes to avoid a run-off ballot, set for June 27. The Southern African country's production capacity, largely based on agriculture, has declined sharply mainly due to upheavals on commercial farms following President Robert Mugabe's drive to seize land from whites to resettle landless blacks. Nhiwatiwa said the freeing up of the exchange rate system in the absence of improved production and amid uncertainty over the unresolved election stalemate, had seen prices rising sharply. Critics blame Mugabe's policy for the economic crisis, but he denies the charge, and says the economy has been undermined by Western governments plotting to oust him as punishment for his land reforms. Meanwhile a Reuters report Thursday said coalition of African-based civil society organisations urged southern African countries to freeze arms shipments to Zimbabwe to avoid plunging the country into deeper political violence. Led by the International Action Network on Small Arms, the organisations said politically motivated violence in Zimbabwe was escalating ahead of a June 27 presidential run-off and any transfer of arms and military equipment could worsen the crisis. They were optimistic their campaign for a moratorium would succeed after South Africa and other neighbouring states turned away a Chinese shipment of weapons bound for landlocked Zimbabwe in April. "The ship turned back but politically motivated violence is escalating in Zimbabwe under the shadow of the armed forces and there is still a real danger that further arms shipments to Zimbabwe will worsen the situation," IANSA Africa Co-coordinator Joseph Dube said.
  12. :rolleyes: Grumpy old man
  13. Malika, she wasn’t out there for long dear, she was crying because at the end she actually started caring lol silly girl. But dear she didn’t lie, she didn’t pretend the girl she just changed her taste in man that’s all and they/he followed suit believe me they did the chasing….its not her fault that their the weaker sex sometimes now ist? Gucci lol, come on. Nope she got more than that believe me bless her p.s you will be amazed how many man fall for the damsel in distress, she is no longer homeless….she is just angry now. Let’s end this story on a good note ehh lol How you today dear? Any big plans for the weekend?
  14. I demand a title change….its always a Somali boy… we had Ahmed now we have Mohammed
  15. Morning Ladies and gents You woman are heartless, how could you blame her? What do you mean she deserves everything she got? It’s not her fault that the man in question was a fool now IST? He knew what she was about and he choose to stay for 8yrs delivering whatever her heart desired.. can you blame her? I was so proud she knew what she wanted/she got what she wanted it lasted for 8glory years…am only disappointed she didn’t listen to me and she put her guards down lol..bless
  16. ahahahah@north yes thats somali boi for you lol the title should be thinks
  18. there 2 muslims one she goes by the name of Alexandra or something...but the somali boi his opening line was i am somali, my mother knows i eat pork, drink and have sex..yes the worse thing i did was tape a friend having shower and plaster it on do the math..
  20. Malika, they got engaged last year November, they were dating for almost 8yrs though. Am torn from laughing at the irony of it all (in relation to the dumping) or to sympathise with her. In short the woman in question at university she actively wanted a rich man who will take care of her adore/worship the ground she walks on and to secure that she set out to find an ugly rich man (Reason-he will always be grateful) and find him she did. Bless him he ran after her like a puppy, got her everything she wanted, put up with her demands believe me they were many but I was proud.. bless her (he was never allowed to meet the friends etc or be seen in public with her- why because he is ugly and short. in the 8yrs I have known her I have only seen him twice) loll…and now another woman ousted her. Lol the irony.