cynical lady

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Everything posted by cynical lady

  1. how many? ATT-cry me a river...
  2. * lets not ruin a good woman’s name.
  3. ciyaal not soo ciyaal for the old man... p.s send rudy
  4. Unanunua myumba in stone town nini? Muhogo na kachumbari why are you telling me this now?
  5. Is that the value of a woman? Malika- mwisho wa mwezi, kwani una taka muhogo/mabuyu ama?
  6. Ibti- dont worry i w/find you a nice non-Burco boy...soon you w/be singing a different tune...(*note must talk to malika+ MDD) P.S old man's brother's has nothing on the lothario i have on mind.
  7. Ibti- I know and let’s not forget the girls always seat at the back while all the Michael Jackson’s inhabit the front……. p.s I have yet to see a Somali gathering where no strict separation between the sexes is applied.
  8. Is that a sufficient defence? I expect gender equality….
  9. Not a single woman on sight…
  10. Stoic I don’t think so dear, that’s a curse not a blessing. (calling my Nigerian voodoo man, to counteract that) Che- who?
  11. Lily- yes lord help me, i cant take it.
  12. Am so disappointed @ Ibti I expected so much more…..(shakes her head, we need to talk) 1.I hope any decent minded woman married to a man who is about to give up his precious to a wife hunter will do us justice and hurt him where it most hurts 2.What’s wrong with the man in question? Why can’t he join the rest on a hunting expedition? Why the coward way out in this day and age….yes that is lowering ones status….. 3.As for the last part OHH HELL YES. If he is noble etc why is he still standing- surely something is already amiss?
  13. LOL@Ibti.. Qst- after spending all that money, why ist in most of Somali weddings the bride & groom enter the hall 11pm? Second, why do they feed people bariis/meat at those unholy hr?
  14. loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool@st oic hahahaha I DONT THINK SOOOOO.
  15. “Just to let you know unlike the conventional belief that Somali men do not work, they actually participate in house chores to same extent” :rolleyes:
  16. Stoic- let them be. Ibti- but I thought the wedding season was from April- Mid July?