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Somali Challenge Cup 2006 oo ka bilawday London. (Apr-24-2006) http://www.cayaaraha.com/asp/article.asp? f=view&ID=2488 http://www.haya.co.uk/Sports.html Waxaa manta si xiiso leh uga bilaabmay Xaafada Hayes ee galbeedka magaalada London tartankii Koobka kubada cagta ( Somali Challenge Cup), tartankan oo si wayn loo sugaayay loona saadaalinaayay ayaa manta oo Sabti ah ay ku kulmeen ciyaartii daahfurka ahayd labada kooxood eek u jira groubka B, SYUINUK 4 HALGAN 0 Abdul Jama, Mohamed Abdi (2), Hassan Musse Labadan kooxood oo runtii ciyaar wanaagsan soo ban dhigay ayaa kooxda ka tirsan xaafada Southall ee SYUINUK ku suul daartay 4 Goal kooxda halgan iyadoo wax jawaab ah laga helin teamka ka dhisan Harrow ee Halgan. Ciyaartii labaad ayaa iyaduna ahyd mid Xalad iyo xamaasad leh Halkaas oo ay isku haraatiyeen labada kooxood ee. LONDON STARS 2 LINKS 0 Abdi Osman, Abdifatah(Jabuti) (Pen) Labada kooxood tuntii may kala dhiciin laakin waxa halkaas loogu xoog sheegtay teamka yare e LINNS oo looga adkaaday 2 Goal. Waxa la sugaba waa beri oo 4 kooxood oon kala dhicin ay isku arki doonto Groub A. HOUNSLOW Vs SONECA (EX-BRISOM) HAYES Vs ILAMOS
I Just wanted to get your feed back and ask who was the best Somali Football (Soccer) team in 2005???
KFC : Ka Farxi Caruurta
Execelent topic Nafta, I truly believe our ppl are loosing their (IMAN), and with out IMAN comes break up of the family. What we need to do is stop copying from the gaalo exaples and follow the SUNAH of Nabi Mohamed (SCW) FOX YAA HAYA IYO FUR CADE? _________________________________________________ ALA WAYN NINKUU AMINA AWOOD LEH.
Asalmu Alaykum to you all. I took my young cousin to school as she was having peroblems, just before we stepped in to her class she asked me not to speak with her somali. I was shocked as she is only 5 yrs old.... so who is to blame here as she speaks very good somali when she is at home but scared to speak somali when she is in school with her friends????? I personaly blve we should encourge our youngsters to speak their mother tongue any where and feel confidnt with it.. _____________________________________________ CAR I SALAN. CAR I XAMO. CAR ILA HADAL. CAR ILA SHEEKAYSO.
Asalmu Alaykum to you all. I took my young cousin to school as she was having peroblems, just before we stepped in to her class she asked me not to speak with her somali. I was shocked as she is only 5 yrs old.... so who is to blame here as she speaks very good somali when she is at home but scared to speak somali when she is in school with her friends????? I personaly blve we should encourge our youngsters to speak their mother tongue any where and feel confidnt with it.. _____________________________________________ CAR I SALAN. CAR I XAMO. CAR ILA HADAL. CAR ILA SHEEKAYSO.
That is what i call (KOOCA OO MIRQAANSAN)..lol
Somallian Songs have golden Lyrics am sure u all will agree.. lemme post my Favort song too. It's not Complete so if u know it feel free tompost the complete version WABIGII JACAYLKA(RIVER OF LOVE) WABIGII QAADAYOOW TAAN WEHESHAANAAYE Ma .... naftaaydaa adaa adaa iiga wacaanee wabigii shabeeliiyoo Juba aan waraystee Juba aan waryastee Bal inaay wax sheegaan Naftu waano diidaayee wabiigii Jacaylko.. I wadoo adiguna ii wadoo hoo hoo.... _________________________________________ RAGU BELADA UU MARO(JUBA) ragu belada uu maroo Basihii Ka sheekee Dumarkuna BAdhaadhahaa Dumarkuna Badhaadhaa Ana waxan bad baadshoo soo buleeyey Caashaqa ma isaaray Buul dheer baxa degiisiooo habeenkoo Badhtegaybaan Soo baraarugaaya Boholyow La toosaa Adna imaad bogsiininoo hadalka bedelka laabtiyo BEEER QABOOJA IMAAD ODHAN. Maad dawayniin Boogtii Barna kama aan helin mahmaahbaan ka bogsaday ma waxaad ka boganbaa MA NIN TALO KU BAAHDAA isban baanan waayaa.. _________________________________ Waraar aa isoo Gaadhay Wajigaa ma fiicneee Yaa hoosta akaa waalaay >>>>>>>>>>>>> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Peace 1
YO! Sistah nivea_nova This s scary. who ever made this prediction was a saint. Dayuuum!!!!!!!! ****************************************** -H- You seek a mate who can enhance your reputation and earning ability. You will be very generous to your lover once you have attained a commitment. Your gifts are actually an investment in your partner. Before the commitment, though, you tend to be frugal in your spending and dating habits and equally cautious in your sexual involvement. You are a sensual and patient lover. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Fadumo Sitaay Madadaay Siti Faadumooy Fadadaaaa
Dhegaaa!!!!!! i hope u know what makes ur soul man happy so i gues that s my sugestion. make it happnd Gurl.... ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Tagana. .....Magaca miyaa lagaa gaday sxb..lol ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Qaadhaadh=Qaaad Macaaaaan=Malab Dhanaaaan=Meesha uu ku haliilo Dabeeto uu ku haraado
Yo Jamal. I was expecting sexy Beast... wha the hell was that . Coofaadh Kangrooo.. dayuuuum. Nice 1 brov Qaadhaadh=Qaaad Macaaaaan=Malab Dhanaaaan=Meesha uu ku haliilo Dabeeto uu ku haraado
Well Said Brown Sugah!!!!!
Jamaal I agree with u Bro. Since when do gron ass man take advice from Lil boys Like ur Self. ATL_Boy You can be saying all somali men Chew Qaat and what ever. think carefully before u post Such Msg's LIL Bro. Kol hadaan La tababarin Aya Baraya Aya baraya Peace
Real M.. damn Are they Class act or wh? Although their defence is weak, I think they will retain the Cup. Real All The way 4 me. Man U.. Needs to Learn how 2 play football. Liverpool for Lifeeeee. Peace Kol hadaan la tabababarin aya baraayaa Ya abarayaa.
Salaams flow Nomads Good to be back on line. how u folks been? I c we are runing out of topic's , time to dig out the same old topic's huh. Soul mate s some 1 who drives u crezy, that s a a soul mate (kabeeeesh) 1 Luv