Kamalu Diin

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Everything posted by Kamalu Diin

  1. USC/ICU are the only true Somali that can think of leadership role in Mogadishu. This is what what everyone of them thinks, Wax uurka kuugu jira afkaa kaa xada I am wondering where these people are heading. USC/ICU are blinding somalia and the world with nonsense ...... we are defending the Deen and sovernity.............Give me a break ......guys. Oradoo ka gada Carabta taasna hanoo sheegina. These guys have succeeded many time in the past and still demanding more then their fair share... in Carta Geele of Djabuti gave additional power to the Abdikasim, and that power to add additional twenty people of his choice into parliment. Mbagati A/Y gave Clancourts four additional cabinet members. waxaan u maleynayaa taasina ma qancin. taloo maxaa qancin kara dadkaan. waa la yaabka yaabkiis. Xubno Muhiim ah oo ka soo Jeeda Beelaha Mudulood ayaa la sheegay in ay Xasan Daahir Aways ka codsadeen inuu Wadaadka Fu’aad Khalaf oo isagu Saldhig ka dhigtay Gurigii Xildhibaan Muuse Suudi Yalaxoow ay ku badalaan Wadaado ka soo Jeeda Beesha Mudulood. Waloow uu ku Gacan sayray Xubnahaan Muduloodka ah ayaa ku andacoonayay in lagu bahdilaayo Magaaladoodii ayna wanaagsantahay in la xaqdhowro beesha Mudulood, Beeshu waxay leedahay waxgarad iyo wadaado ku filan inay buuxiyaan kaalin walba oo kaga soo aadanta arimaha wax u qabashada Bulshada, waxayna ugu baaqeen xasan daahir aways in wadaadka Fu’aad uu ka soo jeedo Gobolada Puntlland, waa in uu Puntlland aadaa, oo dadkiisa maamulaa hadii uu maamul doonayo, ma ahan in Magaalada Muqdisho iyo Beesha Mudulood lagu soo dhextuuro. Beelaha Mudulood iyo shacabkooda ayaa waxaa ka dhexjira Guux badan oo ka dhexyeeraya iyo shirar isdaba joog ah oo ay ka yeeshaa xaalada Gobolka Banaadir uu haatan ku suganyahay, iyo sida dad aan Gobolkoda u dhalan ay ugu maamulaan. Idamaale News Halkaan ka Akhri Qorshaha Amniga Qaranka
  2. Qabiil Wada Shiikh ah,Jabhad Wada Wadaado Ah,iyo Booli Xalaal ah? Cajiib 1. Qabiil wada sheekh ah 2. Jabhad wada wadaaddo ah iyo 3 Booli xalaal ah, 1. walaalayaal saddexdaan oraahood waxaan u doortay inaan ka hadlo waxaa weeye waxaan maqallaa sheekh hebel,sida sheekh daahir,sheekh,yuusuf,sheekh shariif,sheekh caga wayne,waxaan kaloo maqallay macallin cayroow oo halkaas sheekh malaha waa looga waayey,maxaase dadka u diidey Dr hebel,profiser hebel,injineer hebel general hebel,col.hebel iwm marka malaha sheekhaani waa uun nin boos loo ciriiryayo kkkkkk. Tan kale miyaan qabiilkuba sheekh iyo macallin maahee uusan lahaynba wax aw ah,ama iska caadi ah amaba caamo iska dheh,culimadaan faraha badan oo mushaa ikhiinta leh,oo macallimiinta lihi xaggee jireen 15kii sano ee wax walbaaba dheceen,dil,kufsi,dhac,boob,bililiqo baahsan,haddaan awood jirin maxay afka uun uga hadli waayi jireen waxaas oo dhan been kasoo qaad. 2. ma wax dhicikaraa in jabhad noqoto wada wadaaddo illayn waaba jabhad u bannaan baxday inay dhiig daadisee,waxa halkaas ku dhimanayaana cid walba waa isugu jiraan, Tan kale wadaad sow kii ilaahay ka biqijirey oo dadka xumaanta ka reebijirey oo wanaagga fari jirey maahan, goormaan arki jirey wadaad bililiqo guranaya oo xalaashanaya dhiigga dadka islaamka ah amaaan waxba galabsan haddana cunaya oo xiranaya oo guursanaya oo ku hoyana wax wada xaaraan ah wada wadaaddo halkaas ha inoo ka hareen waa uun nooc ******** ah,wadaadana majiraane yaan lagu wareerin,wadaad waa kan alle kacabsada wuxuu wuxuu ka reebayna ka hara. 3. waxaan maqallaa maxkamado ayaa caradii qabsaday,sow looma baahnayn inay marka hore ka shaqeeyaan garsoorka oo wixii dulmanaa ka kor qaadaan,dhibka xamar ka jirey ma wuxuu ahaa in taliye kooxyadii laga eryo oo mid la mid ahi uun meeshii qabsado mise waxay ahayd in A. Nabadda magaalada la sugo, B. Nadaafadda laga shaqeeyo C. Caafimaadka wax laga qabto D. Waxbarashada wax laga qabto. E. Gaajada iyo baahida wax laga qabto oo maatada loo gargaaro mise F. In inta waxaasoo dhan la illoobo sheekh ku sheeg,ama wadaad ku sheeg,uu isku dayo inuu jeebka lacag ka buuxasado isla markaasna maatada cuna qabatayn ku sameeyo oo uu uga daro kuwa ay isku sheegaan inay ka xoreeyeen dadka muqdisho oo ayna ku dadaalaan inay sameeyaan cuna qabatayn oo ay dhahaan urur kaliyihi hanoolaado inta kalena ha baqtido, oo ay caddahay in midab takoor halkaas hareeyo boolidii horay loo haysteyna hadda midkale oo lagu daro la sii raadinayo iyadoo malaha tii hore ay yaraatay,tii hore iyo tu dambana saas loo xalaalaysto. Intaas aan soo sheeagay iyo in ka badan oo aanan halkaan ku soo koobi karini hadday tahay hawl ay fulinayaan maxkamado isku sheega inay diin ku dhaqmayaan haddii ay magac kale sheegan lahaayeen sidee buu ahaan lahaa dhaqan koodu, waxaan u daynayaa arrintaas dambe akhristayaasha iyo qof kasta oo arka qoraalkaan. waxaan ku soo koobayaa walaalayaal ilaahay khayrka ha ina waafajiyo dalkeenna iyo dadkeennana ilaahay dhibaatada ha ka saaro,ilaahowna diintaada u gargaar amiiiiiiiiin Qore Xasan yuusuf jibriil.
  3. Maleesiyada Maxaakiimta Muqdisha iyo Qaraxii aragagaxa ahaa . Midowga Maxaakimiinta ee Magaalada Muqdisho ayaa Maanta Qorshe Qarax ah oo argagax leh ka fuliyay irida hore ee laga soo Galo Magaalada Baydhabo iyo bar Koontorool ahayd oo ay Markaa ku sugnaayeen Ciidanka Booliska Soomaaliyeed oo iyagu Markiiba Gartay in Gaarigu uu siday Miinooyin. Ilo xog ogaal ah oo magaalada Baydhabo ku sugan Warbixin dheerna naga siiyay qaabka ay wax u dhaceen ayaa inoo sheegay in Gaariga Qarxay ay saarnaayeen 4 nin oo iyagu ka yimid Magaalada Muqdisho, una yimid Magaalada Baydhabo inay naftoodana haligaan, Madax iyo Shacab soomaaliyeed oo Magaalada Baydhabo ku sugana naftooda gooyaan, waxaana Ciidankaa markaa gaariga istaajiyay oo kala ahaa nin Ciidanka Nabad sugida ka tirsan iyo nin Ciidanka Booliska ka tirsan ay markiiba dareemeen in ragaan 4ta ah ee Gaariga saaran ay wax ka khaldanyihiin, waxaana ay ka codsadeen inay gaariga banaanka uga soo baxaan. Balse ragaan argagixisada ahaa ayaa go’aansaday inay barnaamijkooda ku fuliyaan goobta askartu ay ku istaajisay oo iyadu ahayd Kontoroolka Magaalada Baydhabo laga soo galo, waxaana ay markiiba taabteen Remote Controlka bamka ay siteen, balse waxaa markiiba gaariga banaanka uga booday laba nin oo ka mid ahaa ragii u yimid inay is qarxiyaan. Nasiib daro ilaahay ha u naxariistee labadii Mujaahid ee Istaajisay Argagaixisada meeshii ayay ku nafwaayeen, waxaana nasiib wanaag gacanta lagu dhigay labadii nin ee Gaariga ka dhex booday oo midkood lugaha laga dhaawacay, iyada oo ayaandaro ay Qaraxaasi galafsatay laba baabuur oo ay saarnaayeen shacab ka yimid magaalada Muqdisho oo ku socday Magaalada Baydhaba, waxaana wararku intaas ku darayaan in dadkii rayidka ahaa ee baabuurta kala saarnaa ay ka dhinteen 4 qof. Horey ayay Midowga Maxaakimiintu u sheegeen inay Argagixisada aduunka ku casumayaan magaalada Muqdisho, si ay uga qayb qaataan dagaalka jihaadka ah ee ay iclaaminayeen bilihii aanu soo dhaafnay. Isku soo wada duuboo horey ayay Midowga Maxaakimiinta Muqdisho isugu dayeen inay ismiidaamin ku khaarajiyaan madaxwaynaha soomaaliyeed mudane Cabdullahi Yuusuf Axmed, balse ilaahay amarkiis kuma aysan guulaysan, waxaana la filayaa qaraxyadaan danbe ee lala beegsanayo saldhigayada Dowlada Federaalka ah iyo Shacabka Gobolka Baay, iyo Madaxda soomaaliyeed inay sababi doonto dhibaato intaa ay gaysteen ka wayn oo u sharciyaynaysa Dowlada Federaalka ah inay ka fuliso Koonfurta Soomaaliya.
  4. www.radiodaljir.com-dood -Kudhaqanka Shareecada
  5. Maxkamadaha oo shaaciyey in dhaqaalaha ka soo gala Gidida diyaaradaha iyo Dekadda weyn aysan ka badneeyn ciidamadooda Golaha Maxkamadaha Islaamka Soomaaliya ayaa sheegay in lacagaha ka soo gala Garoonka Caalamiga ah ee Diyaaradaha Muqdisho iyo Dekeda weyn ee Muqdisho aanu ka badneyn Ciidamada Maxkamadaha islaamka Soomaaliya ee ku kala sugan Gobolada Dalka. Xoghayaha Maaliyada Maxkamadaha C/qaadir Xaaji Abuukar Cumar Cadaan ayaa sheegay in Wixii qarasha ah ee Maxkamadaha ka soo gala Dekeda iyo Garoonka Diyaaradaha uu yahay mid aanan ka badneyn Ciidamada Maxkamadaha. "Lacgaha Dekeda iyo garoonka ka yimaada, waa wax aan ka badneyn Ciidamada Maxaakiimta ee jooga Agagga Dagaalka, sida Jubooyinka, Gobolada Dhexe iyo goobo kale"ayuu yiri. Sidoo kale waxa uu sheegay in ay jiraan kuwa kale oo aan xitaa Mushaar qaadan, kuwaasoo oo uu sheegay in Alle dartiis ay u shaqeyaan. Maxkamadaha Islaamka Soomaaliya ayaa lagu eedeeyay in ay isku koobeen Dhaqaalaha ka soo gala Garoonka iyo Dekeda, kuwaasoo ah Ilaha dhaqaale ee ugu weyn soomaaliya. Sidoo kale waxaa lagu eedeeyay in ay si sharci daro ah ay ku isticmaalaan Hantida qaranka Soomaaliyeed, oo ay dantooda oo kaliya ku fushadaan. Arrintaas ayaa hadaba keentay in ay Maxkamadaha ay jawaab waafi ah ka bixiyaan, iyagoo iska fogeeyay eedeymaha loo soo jeediyay Maxkamadaha Islaamigu. waxaa soo diyariyey C/asiis Xasan Maxamed (GOLF Ceelbuur Net
  6. Somalia definitely is the Final Battle-ground Between Islam And the West, where the anti-terrorist War will be concluded. By: Mariam Boonde of Gosha. Kismaio/ Somalia. It’s true as Charles Onyango wrote in his previous article about Somalia that a crisis could turn out to be bigger than the Congo imbroglio and do greater damage to the wider Eastern African region, is brewing in Somalia. The war in the Democratic Republic of Congo, which at one point sucked in Uganda, Rwanda, Angola, and Zimbabwe, was, in real terms, small and primitive. Small, because none of the countries in it were economic or undisputed military powers in their neighborhood. Primitive, because it drew in too many bandits and criminal militias, one reason it resulted directly and indirectly in the deaths of nearly four million people. The long civil war in Somalia had, bizarrely, reached equilibrium with clan warlords controlling and preying on their respective turfs. Within that set up, some of Africa's most efficient mobile phone networks and free trade areas thrived alongside a very booming army trafficking and drug dealer business that rose incredibly in Somalia for the past 16 Years. These warlord fiefs were, of course, hell for ordinary folks who didn't carry guns. Women were raped, genitally mutilated and well orchestrated slow genocide to secure smooth Ethnic Cleansing against Somali Sedentary and originally Bantu groups alongside all visible minorities because of their fertile territory, their culture, tradition and Religion in some cases with impunity, and there was hardly any education or medical care in the occupied Regions, while tangible developments were conducted in the Central and North Eastern regions home of the Armed Bosses. It was all quite unsustainable. Seemingly and pretending more organized, puritan, and with a zero tolerance for crime not committed by their Militias , in June and July this year the Islamic Courts Union rode the wave of discontent, scattered their own warlords, and imposed a degree of order unseen for nearly a decade in the areas they came to control to save face for their former USC and to change Face in the political Arena of Somalia and mainly to oppose Abdullahi yusuf’s Militia to become the legally recognized Somali National Armed Forces so to avoid strong and legitimacy to the so called Transitional Federal Government of Somalia. But with strong allegations that it has links to Al Qaeda, the ICU has many people running scared. One of the main beneficiaries has been the beleaguered federal government in Baidoa, which now allegedly enjoys the protection of Ethiopian forces and has gained the attention of The International Community that has been ignoring for a while in a see and wait policy but ultimately decided to support The TFS in order to kick the emerging UIC out of the Somalia political ground because of their affiliations to the Regional and International Terror Groups. Eritrea, which has fought two bloody war border wars with Ethiopia, is accused by Addis Ababa of backing the ICU, as a proxy against its giant eastern neighbor. Now the Islamists have declared holy war against Ethiopia. As a result of that it’s seen that already refugees are streaming into Kenya, as defeated warlords regroup to confront the Courts. The problem is that because Somalia is highly militarized, and the refugees include many defeated troops, still armed and seriously dangerous to any society; so Kenya could soon have a glimpse of what happened when the Interahamwe were routed in Rwanda after the 1994 genocide and set up militarized mini-states in eastern Congo. Somalia, however, is more explosive than Congo was because the international stakes are higher. Ethiopia has become a key ally in the West's war against terrorism because, true or not, the West sees it as the great Christian frontline against the southern advance of "Islamic radicalism", and to avoid Somalia being used as bargaining tool by Egypt, Sudan, and Libiya in order to subdue Ethiopia’s long tern interest to fully benefit from The Nile Waters. Because of the fear of energizing its internal opposition, the Meles Zenawi government finds it strategically more creative to fight the war for its survival inside Somalia, not on home soil. At the same time, to the extent that there are Arab-radical Islamic forces active in the Horn and northern Africa, they must have taken the peace settlement in Southern Sudan as a great loss. Apart from oil, this is another reason the Khartoum government has taken a hard line in Darfur. It needs to keep the region firmly under its control if only to compensate for the loss of the south. It is therefore rewriting the ethnic map of Darfur, to make a tribally based settlement impossible there. INFORMED DIPLOMATIC sources allege that in this bigger Arab-Islamic battle against what is seen as a concerted attack from the West, they too have decided that Somalia is where the definitive battle will be fought. There are claims of Egyptian and Libyan military elements working with the Courts. These aren't anything like the Mickey Mouse forces that faced off in the DRC. The World not well aware of the cause and motivation of the 16 years old Somali War and its roots from the grounds which is nothing but well armed Militiamen from the Central and North Eastern parts of Somalia occupying forcibly the Regions of Lower Shabelle, Lower and Middle Jubba and the Gedo so to conduct Ethnical Cleansing of the Indigenous from their Regions and finally take and claim the ownership of these fertile Regions by any means possible, so the World might soon have to choose whether to save Darfur, Somalia, or even Ethiopia. It's a choice the international community doesn't relish, so it could decide that the only hope of maintaining any peace is for the status quo in Darfur and Somalia to remain. There are lots of hidden realities behind the political seen of Somalia to discover and it needs plenty of time for the International Community to understand in order to solve Somalia political problems once for good and so the stability of the Horn of Africa. TO UNDERSTAND BETTER, PLEASE CLICK HERE FOR BRIEF HISTORY Why some of the Somalis are slaves in their own country? By: Abaay Faama Eenow. One should be wondering how a Maay or Jarreer-weyne or any of the others so called Others became low-class citizens or refugees within their own Country trying to survive the stunning violence, poverty, lack of education, trauma, oppression they live under, and what it would take for the world to see and recognize how their sufferings and plight is directly connected to the actions, past and present of ****** and ****** who have given themselves the world a plenty of airtime to promote their agenda of land expansionism policy in a legitimate well-orchestrated propaganda that is going smooth and unchallenged !!. There is always about fiction civil war propaganda in the World media and when in actuality is a declaration call for genocide against the unarmed Somali Maay population, vs. the well equipped SRRC Ethiopian backed and USC Arab backed Groups, that no one minds to see again and again as the haunted starvation pictures coming back as another East African event caused by the unending continuous civil war! Whose Civil-War? And for Gods sake what civil war? As the ****** and ***** each fully aware their endless mischievous works in which repeating itself as a good cause for their own clan that will pass once again unnoticed with lots of contracts and money to gain from, war means money was always the case of Somali aggression. Again despite the terrifying pictures we’ve seen in 1992 -1993, they do not see it as a crime against humanity but see themselves as a good planners who is being rewarded by their legitimate reserved rights to govern over the unarmed subjects whom they consider an inferior ethnic groups, and on their behalf can work together with the international community to receive Aid packages after they starve them to death. Their ideology reminds me back in 1992 when a Somali-Canadian women from Toronto at CBC TV. Who belong to ***** Clan related to the current President of Somalia Abdullahi Yusuf described Canada as a stolen Country. It is common among themselves that say; ‘the strong is permitted to steal the poor’. And we are stealing one for ourselves. They have good skills in telling fiction stories in a ways that international community convincing them how humane they are for these helpless people whom they pretend to be one of their own, when in reality they don’t even speak the same language. They may look alike for the Arab, other African or White-man but everything else differentiates them as a two separate nation. Again we are compelled to follow their agenda for now, because of the miracle of their newly acquired wealth and power in the past 46 years, in addition we are deprived of wealth and education and can’t match their skill to market their newly packages of history and clan settlements in Somalia advanced by airlifting thousands of them as well as using a sophisticated modern weaponry system to push and eliminate the indigenous people from certain areas. While able to provide certain indigenous people that will endorse their agendas, traitors who are willing to sell their peoples cause for money and government positions. The Somali Maay Populations plea for help was never legitimate or a matter worthy of discussion as the nomadic invaders always brandishing them as a virulent and intolerant nationalism sweltering from a peaceful land, when in reality there was no peace for the past 46 years of killings, rape, lootings, land grapping, and every abusive action ever existed. See and compare to Somaliland! The intolerance showing by the two contested parties in Somalia towards each other always doesn’t say about the will and situations of local populations in their battle ground of Hinterland, because the work is always done covert and discreet. Their missions are always perfected and agreed upon both sides not to leak details or nature of the facts informative reports relating the ethnic cleansing of the Somali Maay population to their media outlets, while their Islamic or Federal politicians doing the rest by nourishing the international communities their common side of the stories, with no contradictions. The war was always about East block and West block in the past. Now between Islamism and Arabs on one side, and Christianity and Western with Ethiopia on the other side. Which means money and weapon from both sides to the contested parties, while the well off Somalis of the contested parties flood to the borders as soon as they create such situations, while claiming refugees themselves in the neighboring countries and the real victims dying of starvation are left behind. In the meantime a new settlement is been created in Hinterland, new people coming from Central and North Eastern Somalia are claiming new lands. A new aim, new goal-posts and new geopolitical settlements are constantly being shifted from one area to another every year updating the international community the newly rewritten history as the newly fact finds of ****** or ****** who are already winners in their safe regions and recently gained and expanded their people to a new territories. In five years also the well-off refugees who left for America, Europe, Australia and Canada as refugees are coming back with a new passports, dollars, and new influence to further their new claim of the newly found land whom they originally arrived as Camel raiders or clan militias killing the locals by shooting or depriving them their food, and later claimed as one of them and left to America through U.S. Embassy in Nairobi in their stead. Who could plan better than ****** and ****** for both worlds? Didn’t someone said before, I believe it was my grandfather who use to say that; ‘Their double edged knives cuts both ways’, and eventually will cut both the Western and the Arabs who are feeding snakes as a domestic pet animals. Look ******* and ********** Islamists shooting one another in a land they were trying to appropriate from others in the past 16 years "Brothers from Galgaduud". Watch Dhul - Bahante mercenaries hired by Abdullahi Yusuf threatening the Somaliland security and *****ten endings. For the Hinterland Population a hectic and stormy circumstance lies ahead of them, and living with their violence for years will eventually lead to anger and retaliatory actions they’ve learned from their invaders. Darfur in Somalia will surely be inevitable in the near future inside Somalia, so for God sake: “don’t let the Maay population slaughtered while their hands tied behind their backs”. Try them; it is not about a rising tide of nationalism sentiments but about rejecting a slavery and humiliation. They can temporarily exchange their ploughs for guns for the sake of their children and their existence. This is not provocation to ****** or ****** nor plans to invade Central Somalia or Northeastern Somalia, but to contain their aggression against the peaceful population in Somali Hinterland to live in peace and independent. We hope our calls for help to the outside world for the first time shouldn’t upset you as it upset you before when Somaliland parted their way, a proceeding the Somali Maay Population fully supports and taking it as a fair and equal stance for their rights. As for ****** and ****** the facts will remain the same, as they are known to be as groups the truth alien to their culture and existence. With so much of our blood on their hands, the guilty parties never admitting their crimes and yet their swords tend to draw more blood of our Population for over a half century period of slavery is finally changing our mood like it did to the Somaliland population, while strongly voicing our deepest resentment the role the Italians played over those years by hiding the facts, and being accessory to the crimes committed by ****** and ****** whom they handed over the power to them to represent their interests. Italians never gave up even after the Soviets changed the name of the game. And History can never prove us wrong that Somalia Maay Population was never been given their independence in July 1960. In reality no Somali person from southern side was ever been liberated by being placed under ****** and ****** leadership. Now the trouble is my telling the truth is running contrary to their teachings while I am trying to enlighten people shorn of history, common sense and could get a bullet in the back of my head by just saying this from both the contested parts of ICU and TFS that’s facing my people as common brute enemies. Better late than never, no matter how brute those forces are and firepower they carry, not only approaching on the horizon but already inside our house, while both their guns directed at our faces trying to profiteer from our disasters dead or alive, their violent, chaos and anarchy missions bungling their NGOs contractors a huge amount of money they can invest in Central and Northeastern part of Somalia and in Dubai these days. These ****** and ****** invaders who occupy our lands are not obligated in any under international laws or Islamic laws that binds them to fulfill duties such as safeguarding the rights and safety of the invaded lands and its civilians. Because they are not considered Invaders, in 46 years they’ve been confusing everyone, once attacking neighboring countries for land claims, assassinating a president, broadening scientific socialism ideology among the camel herder revolutionists. Relocating as experiments of airlifting their clan groups from their territories and planting them in other territories. Overthrowing a dictator for a power struggle, warlord era, creating refugees, Islamic and federalism, and finally they became our land-lords and we slaves in our own lands with help of International community. Their failed efforts; the International community kept failing and cannot at least point out to the facts that we are modern slaves enslaving by their own kind but different colonial type that’s causing upheavals in our own lands. They say; ‘we are all Somalis’ homogeneous, with one flag, one language and one religion, that makes us wonder which is that religion? Flag or language they are talking about? If those occupying forces from Central and Northeastern part of Somalia are providing recruitment and training grounds for terrorists within Southern Somalia Hinterland territories , we the Locals of Maay population and the people we share with are not responsible their actions. Somalia is very easy to understand but no one wants to understand. For example If Islamists attack Baidoa right now, the casualties will be immense for the Mirifle locals, not ****** and ******, the power seekers and their militias from Central and Northeastern part of Somalia who are mistreating local people as prisoners while enjoying Ethiopian protection for a price. Now the troubles are more than misleading and illegal international funding activities taking place in Baidoa is seen as good cause for local women and children in the area when in reality they are excluded and deprived from the wealth of their own country as well as the one gathered under the banner of their name. Who is Abdullahi Yusuf? whose president is he? neither we elect him nor select him? He was selected by fellow Warlords for more deals. Now, try them! The local Baidoa people, the place where he is in control, does he speaks their language? do they like him? And what did he do for them since his arrival except killing them? They can’t even write their names, and no schools are open for them, while In Mogadishu, Central and Northeastern Somalia, ****** and ****** students are going Universities. Why in Gods name they didn’t invest for ½ a century period in this part of the country, if it really belongs to them? Where did the money go? The International Aid? The public stolen properties? The Counterfeit monies circulating in the country over the years? The livestock that’s been exchanged with counterfeit shillings and shipped to Arabia? The Mango trees that’s been burned for coal over the years. The telephone lines that is been sold as copper in kilos to India and the Philippines. The farming equipments and trucks sold to the neighboring countries. Why don’t they invest it in Southern Somalia if it really belongs to them? Barre Shire Hiraale, ******, Abdullahi Yusuf ******, Morgan ******, Indha Adde ******, Hassan Dahir Aweys ******, Abdiqassim Salad ******. How come you all speak and sound the same like the rest of you in Central and Northeastern Somalia and not sound like me. I speak Maay and my mahatiri accent tells that I am like anyone else in the Area from where they claim to belong to them. "Hinterland." Ethiopia should take back their ****** trouble maker Citizens back into their International borders, and we will sign that there will be no more land claim ever coming from our side. The Digil and so-called low caste others who are often excluded their rights will be in control soon, and the mass graves that lie across our regions they buried in order to bury with our history will be brought back on the front lines by our forces, then the sorrowful of their double standard of morality once making them wear Islamic shirt, Arab shirt, and once United Greater Somali shirt will be clear to you who is behind all the troubles in The Horn of Africa? We don’t want to fight you Ethiopia but we will fight against all fighting armies of ****** and ****** Islamists, suicide bombers, warlords in Mogadishu, drug barons settled in Barawe the past few years as well as the militias or mercenaries of Abdullahi Yusuf from Central and Northeastern Somalia and renegade citizens that do not represent Somaliland within their ranks who are in name of ****** or blunder sharing brought them in Baidoa. Their psychological inability to grasp what’s past and present-new in the country will likely cause you to fail as failures like them. If you keep seeing us like ****** or ******, and will eventually make you lose as well the thread of history. We hope our existence won’t be raising any more complex questions such as “don’t The Somalis really one? Or don’t they have one religion? There is more hidden political agenda in the Somalia Issue, which needs to be addressed with caution in order to stop the continuation of the past political mistakes committed by the former Somali politicians as well as The International Communities. let them see these pictures in the archives and say; they are not guilty of any crimes.
  7. Banabax balaaran oo looga soo horjeedo golaha Maxaakimta Somaliyeed ayaa kadhacay koonfurta magaalada Galkacyo Hobyonet. Muqdisho. Axad,Nav 19,2006 Baanabaxaasi ayaa waxaa iskugu soo baxay kubanaan qof oo kasoo horjeday maxakamadaha dadkaas ayaa waxa ay kudhawaaqayeen arayo kadhan ah dooni mayno iyo waxaay rabaan in ay dhulkeena xoog ku qabsadan banana baxaas oo kufiday waqooyiga magaalada Galkacyo ayaa maantay magaalada waxa ay aheed magaalo xamaasadi ay kamuuqatay banaabaxaas ayaa waxaa lagu canbaareyay maxakamadaha oo sida gardarada ah ay oogu soo duleen gobolada ay kataliyaan Dowlada Goboleedka Galmudug Steta iyo gobolka Hobyo iyo meello kale oo ay kataliyaan Gakmudug Sidoo kale shir ay iskugu yimaadeen 4 galabnimo ee maantay ayaa waxaa kasoo qeyb galay dhamaan madaxda maamulka Galmudug Steta iyo nabadoonada,Culuma udiinka, dhalin yarada ,Haweenka iyo mas uuliyiin kale , ayaa waxaa lagu qabtay guriga Col Cabdi Xasan Cawaale Qeybdiid shirkaas waxaa loogu hadlay xaalada colaadeed oo ay maxakamaduhu ay kuqabsadeen gobolada iyo degmooyin ka mid ah dhulka ay kataliyaan Galmudug State waxayna kageysteen barakac iyo xasuuq Waxaa la isku shegay in galkacyo dhexdeeda maxakamadaha ay kawadaan abaabul colaadeed. Sidoo kale waxaa la isla gartay in lala dagaalamo dal iyo dibadba cadowga weerarka ku ah Maamulka Galmudug State . Xasan Yare GalMudug State
  8. Somalis would side with C/llaahi Abuu Cuteyba because they hate Yuusuf Indha Cadde. and which side are you on.
  9. I am very sorry for Raaso people to what has happened to them, but I believe that they are equally blameble, for the root cause of this problem. However I do believe that they deserve self-determination like anyone else, but not route they took.
  10. By MOHAMED OLAD HASSSAN, Associated Press Writer Sat Nov 18, 7:17 PM ET MOGADISHU, Somalia - The leader of the Islamic group that controls much of southern Somalia has revived the idea of a "Greater Somalia" that would incorporate regions of Kenya and Ethiopia — a move that could further stoke tensions with the neighboring countries. ADVERTISEMENT Sheik Hassan Dahir Aweys, chairman of the Council of Islamic Courts, told Shabelle Radio in an interview late Friday that his group would work to unite ethnic Somali peoples, but he did not say how it proposed to achieve a "Greater Somalia." This is the first time that Aweys has spoken about expanding the influence of the Islamic courts outside Somalia since his group seized control of the capital, Mogadishu, in June and then consolidated its control over most of southern Somalia. "We will leave no stone unturned to integrate our Somali brothers in Kenya and Ethiopia and restore their freedom to live with their ancestors in Somalia," he said. After present-day Somalia was formed in 1960 from Italian and British colonies, the country's leaders began pushing for the unity of all Somali-speaking peoples. Somalis live in Djibouti, northeastern Kenya and eastern Ethiopia. Somalia launched an invasion of Ethiopia in 1977, which was quickly repelled. Since then, Somali nationalists and Islamic fundamentalists have continued to advocate the idea of a "Greater Somalia," and a minor ethnic-Somali insurgency continues in eastern Ethiopia. Somalia has not had an effective government since 1991, when warlords overthrew dictator Mohamed Siad Barre and then turned on one another. A government was formed with the help of the United Nations two years ago, but it controls just one town. Experts have warned that the country has become a proxy battleground for Somalia's neighbors, Eritrea and Ethiopia. A confidential U.N. report obtained last month by The Associated Press said 6,000-8,000 Ethiopian troops are in or near Somalia's border with Ethiopia, backing the interim government. The report also said 2,000 troops from Eritrea are inside Somalia supporting the Islamic courts. On Nov. 2, the U.S. Embassy in Nairobi, Kenya, issued a warning saying Somali extremists were threatening suicide attacks in Kenya and Ethiopia. Somalia's Islamic militia denied they planned any such attacks. A U.N. panel charged with monitoring the 1992 arms embargo on Somalia said in a report obtained Wednesday by the AP that 10 countries, including Ethiopia and Eritrea, had provided weapons, money and training to armed groups in Somalia. The four-member panel based their report on their own investigations, interviews and material supplied by embassies in Nairobi. Several of the countries have denied the allegations. The U.S. ambassador to Kenya, Michael Ranneberger, said Saturday there was ample information that foreign countries were providing weapons to Somalia. He would not comment specifically on the U.N. report, although he said it was "generally known Eritrea is involved." "We do have reliable information that arms are flowing into Somalia from a number of different sources," Ranneberger told The Associated Press in Kapenguria, Kenya. Eritrea's information minister, Ali Abdu, said Saturday the allegations were "absurd." ___ Associated Press Writer Elizabeth A. Kennedy contributed to this report from Kapenguria, Kenya.
  11. Originally posted by Oromia: Way to go sheik Aweys !! It's only the Soamli people who can bring positive change in the Horn. Greater Somalia should probably one day reclaim and establish the Islamic Empire of Kush from Sudan to the Indian Ocean. I don't think Awes would lead the way, we will bring another one who fit the job not even in our dreams.
  12. Oramia I am very sure that you are a good muslim. I would like to tell that the ICU is just like their predecessors USC they are killers, rapers, and druglords. However, The Supreme Council of Kenyan Muslims (SUPKEM) is pribed agency to do a press-release and no one is going to hear it any let them get pay.
  13. Maxkamadaha oo sheegay in ay baadi goob ugu jiraan gobolo ka maqan Somalia Mogadishu 18, Nov.06 ( Sh.M.Network) – Golaha Maxkamadaha islaamka Somalia ayaa markii ugu horeysay shaaca ka qaaday in ay baadi goobayaan gobolada Soomaaliyeed ee ku maqan dalalka Kenya iyo Ethiopia. Sheikh Xasan Daahir Hadalkaan ayuu ku sheegay gudoomiyaha golaha shuurada maxaakiimta islaamka Somalia Sheekh xasan Daahir Aweys wareysi xalay shabakadda warbaahinta Shabelle ay kula yeelatay xaruntiisa magaalada Muqdisho. Sheekh Aweys ayaa ku tilmaamay wax lala yaabo in dalka Somalia oo dadkiisa ay yihiin hal qoys 10 firqo laga dhigo, isagoo sheegay intaasi ay sameeyeen gumeystayaashii, haatana wali lagu howlan yahay sidii loo sii kala gooy gooy lahaa Somalia, balse aanu aqbali doonin maxkamadaha islaamka Somalia. Sheekha waxa uu soo hadal qaaday war bixintii Q.M ee la xiriirtay in golaha maxkamadaha islaamka ay hub ka helaan dalal ay ka mid tahay Iran, isagoo ku tilmaamay war bixintaasi mid aan laga fiirsan, xaqiiqdana ka fog, ceebna ku ah Q.M in ay baahiso war meel la cuskiyo aan laheyn. Sheekh Aweys waxa uu yiri " wax aan la hub in dad lagu dilo, laguna dhaleeceeyo taasi suurto gal ma ahan, isagoo sidoo kale sheegay in ciidamada maxkamadaha islaamka aanu ka barbar dagaalamin ururka Xisbulaahi dagaalkii ay kula jireen dalka Israel. Sheekha mar waxa laga weydiiyeen wararka sheegaya in ciidamo ka tirsan maxkamadaha islaamka ay tababar 3 bilood ah ku soo qaateen dalka Eritrea waxa uu ka meer meeray arinkaasim, isagoo si dhab ah aan u diidin in ciidamadooda ay tababar ku soo qaateen carbis la xiriira ciidamada dalaayadaha ku booda. Dowladaha Eritrea iyo Ethiopia ayaa ku lug leh kala taageerida dowlada Somalia iyo maxkamadaha islaamka oo isku haya siyaasadda Somalia. Shabelle Media Network Somalia E-mail us: info@shabelle.net Shabelle Webmaster: baabul@shabelle.net How sincere?
  14. Maxkamadaha oo sheegay in ay baadi goob ugu jiraan gobolo ka maqan Somalia Mogadishu 18, Nov.06 ( Sh.M.Network) – Golaha Maxkamadaha islaamka Somalia ayaa markii ugu horeysay shaaca ka qaaday in ay baadi goobayaan gobolada Soomaaliyeed ee ku maqan dalalka Kenya iyo Ethiopia. Sheikh Xasan Daahir Hadalkaan ayuu ku sheegay gudoomiyaha golaha shuurada maxaakiimta islaamka Somalia Sheekh xasan Daahir Aweys wareysi xalay shabakadda warbaahinta Shabelle ay kula yeelatay xaruntiisa magaalada Muqdisho. Sheekh Aweys ayaa ku tilmaamay wax lala yaabo in dalka Somalia oo dadkiisa ay yihiin hal qoys 10 firqo laga dhigo, isagoo sheegay intaasi ay sameeyeen gumeystayaashii, haatana wali lagu howlan yahay sidii loo sii kala gooy gooy lahaa Somalia, balse aanu aqbali doonin maxkamadaha islaamka Somalia. Sheekha waxa uu soo hadal qaaday war bixintii Q.M ee la xiriirtay in golaha maxkamadaha islaamka ay hub ka helaan dalal ay ka mid tahay Iran, isagoo ku tilmaamay war bixintaasi mid aan laga fiirsan, xaqiiqdana ka fog, ceebna ku ah Q.M in ay baahiso war meel la cuskiyo aan laheyn. Sheekh Aweys waxa uu yiri " wax aan la hub in dad lagu dilo, laguna dhaleeceeyo taasi suurto gal ma ahan, isagoo sidoo kale sheegay in ciidamada maxkamadaha islaamka aanu ka barbar dagaalamin ururka Xisbulaahi dagaalkii ay kula jireen dalka Israel. Sheekha mar waxa laga weydiiyeen wararka sheegaya in ciidamo ka tirsan maxkamadaha islaamka ay tababar 3 bilood ah ku soo qaateen dalka Eritrea waxa uu ka meer meeray arinkaasim, isagoo si dhab ah aan u diidin in ciidamadooda ay tababar ku soo qaateen carbis la xiriira ciidamada dalaayadaha ku booda. Dowladaha Eritrea iyo Ethiopia ayaa ku lug leh kala taageerida dowlada Somalia iyo maxkamadaha islaamka oo isku haya siyaasadda Somalia. Shabelle Media Network Somalia E-mail us: info@shabelle.net Shabelle Webmaster: baabul@shabelle.net
  15. Originaly posted by Suldanka This ad-hoc ragtag mentality of warfare is deeply rooted in the Somali genes and is not something which just came about during the last 15 years of civilwar. I've no doubts that such melitias will always prevail over a trained army in the open desert fields of Somalia. I aprove your statement Suldanka.
  16. General Dune what is wrong with you for posting same news article a couple of times each day. I heard you, but allow for other to create, make, and follow a new opinion as they come to their minds. thanks.
  17. USC/ICU is the benefector or what? Dagaaladii 1977 ayaa lagu arkay xeradii ciidamada Dhanaane ee xamar nin ooyana markii la waydiiyeyna waxaa kuugu dhacay ood u oonaysaa markaas wuxuu ku jawaabay waxaan u oonayaa halka oroda ee igu jira iyo sida fudud ee qafaalka la'iigu soo qabtay. Baryahaan waxaa batay dadbadan oo isticmaala hal heystii Geesiyada Xornima u dirirka ee SDM " hadaan kooyay." taa micnaheedina waa faruurya qaniinsasho oo ah in wax la dilo hadii ay ahaan la heyd xaq iyo xaqdaro. USC/ICU waa kuwa ugu horeeya ee xaqdarada ku dilaayo dadka aanan waxba galabsan sida dhulka looga qaato. dadka intiisaba kalena xaq bay ku taaganyihiin.
  18. Originally posted by Suldaanka: When did the Somali ever needed training? They were born to kill each other. Just hand them a gun and they are as deadly as a soldier can be. Lol
  19. abdi2005 are with peace loving somalis or are you with USC/ICU on Somaliweyn banner call, and its hidden agenda for land grasp? answer my question please!
  20. Originally posted by Kamalu Diin: Only people among Somalis objectg to this is USC/ICU. USC/ICU knows how important is the weapons, unlike peace loving Somalis. It brought a name recognition, wealth, status, and power thus they don't want to be shared again. USC/ICU will lose this battle because among peace loving Somalis will not recognize: their power, their name, and their wealth; thus they lose again, again, and again!
  21. Djib_somali are working for the spymaster Mr. Geele and imposing Abdikasim salaad Hassan, Hassan Dahir Aweys, Idha cade on peace loving Somalis.
  22. NO matter how much you promote USC/ICU rule and no one is interested even your previous article. Originaly posted by Djib-Somali Su'aalo miyaad uhaysa maxaakimta Islaamiga ah? Miyaad rabta inaad taageero ama talo si toos ah ugu fidisid kacdoonka ummada Soomaaliyeed ee shareecada waafaqsan? Waxaad fursad u haysataa in aad la kulanto wafdi booqosho ku jooga wadanka Ingiriiska maalinta bari ah. GOOBTU: ISLINGTON ARTS AND MEDIA SCHOOL ADDRESS: TURLE ROAD LONDON N4 3LS TAARIIKHDA: 19/11/06 MAALINTA: AXADA AH SAACADA: 2:00 PM -6PM Nearest Tube Station: Finsbury Park Station BUSES: 91, 259, 279, 4, 29, 253, and 254 Jazaakumullaah Khayran