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Everything posted by BN

  1. I remember seeing the original in october. Once I got past the annoying way the host was speaking and he always seemed to be dismissing everything as 'outlandish'. I thought it was good a good program, overall. I was a bit surprised that it was airing on mainstream television. The cbc airs a lot of good docs from overseas, especially before/after the iraq war. I hope other ppl check the website and watch the program. Did u see the fox special in 2001/2002 about the israeli art student spy network? Do you know where to find that clip online? It seems fox immediately took it off their website for obvious reasons.... Israel Spy Ring and 9/11 p.s. I first saw some of those theories on back in 2001 Peace
  2. Saddam Tried to Negotiate with U.S. Captors Mon December 15, 2003 08:59 AM ET By Robin Pomeroy AD-DAWR, Iraq (Reuters) - "I'm Saddam Hussein," the man with the scruffy beard said in English when U.S. troops found him in a dirt hole. "I'm the president of Iraq and I'm willing to negotiate." "President Bush sends his regards," they replied. U.S. officers who captured the 66-year-old former dictator in the hole next to a hut in Iraq Saturday could not believe how easy it was when after eight months of hunting they took Saddam without either side firing a shot. .... Pinned to the outside wall of the hut was a cardboard box depicting biblical scenes such as the Last Supper and the Madonna and child with the English inscription "God bless our home." Inside the bedroom was a 2003 calendar in Arabic with a colorful depiction of Noah's Ark. Soldiers were surprised at the Christian decorations, at the very basic nature of Saddam's final residence as a free man and, most of all, at the fact he gave up without a fight.;jsessionid=4ZWRT4ULSBVYICRBAE0CFEY?type=topNews&storyID=3993407
  3. Ayoub, Dont be a hater. I think your missing the point. Regions arent created merely because a city/town has 'merit', and should be 'recognized' for it. That would be luducris to say the least. For example, NYC is not the capital of NY State(its albany) Why? Do you think they should create a whole new state to recognize the great city of NY?!? You have to step back and look at the reasons for its creation.
  4. TIME Exclusive: Notes from Saddam in Custody Saddam is talking, but he isn't cooperative. New details on his capture and his first interrogation The interrogators also asked Saddam if he knew about the location of Captain Scott Speicher, a U.S. pilot who went missing during the first Gulf War. “No,” replied the former Iraqi president, “we have never kept any prisoners. I have never known what happened.” Saddam was also asked whether Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction. “No, of course not,” he replied, according to the official, “the U.S. dreamed them up itself to have a reason to go to war with us.” The interrogator continued along this line, said the official, asking: “if you had no weapons of mass destruction then why not let the U.N. inspectors into your facilities?” Saddam’s reply: “We didn’t want them to go into the presidential areas and intrude on our privacy.” The official is doubtful that the U.S. will get a significant amount of intelligence from Saddam’s interrogations. “I would be surprised if he gave any info,” he said. Other high-ranking regime members, he said, have by and large remained mum. “Tariq Aziz [former deputy prime minister] hasn’t really spoken,” he said, “and Abid Mahmoud [saddam’s former personal secretary] hasn’t really given any information.”,8599,561472,00.html
  5. Saddam Captured Hiding in Hole Near Tikrit Sun December 14, 2003 09:48 AM ET By Joseph Logan AD-DAWR, Iraq (Reuters) - U.S. troops captured Saddam Hussein hiding in a hole near his home town of Tikrit in a major coup for Washington's beleaguered occupation force in Iraq. Grubby and bearded the 66-year-old dictator was dug out by troops from a cramped hiding pit during a raid on a farm in Ad-Dawr village late Saturday, the jubilant U.S. commander in Iraq Ricardo Sanchez said Sunday. Gunfire crackled out in celebration across the country as Iraqis greeted a U.S. military video showing their once feared leader, disheveled and sporting a bushy black and gray beard, undergoing a medical examination after seven months on the run. The arrest is a boon for President Bush after a run of increasingly bloody attacks on U.S. troops and their allies that imperil his campaign for re-election next year. Saddam may also provide intelligence on alleged banned weapons. The former president, who once seemed almost to believe his own claims of invincibility and urged his men to go down fighting the invaders, gave up without a shot being fired, Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez told a news conference in Baghdad.;jsessionid=EKNIGGZD0INHACRBAEZSFFA?type=topNews&storyID=3989009
  6. Bringing Hope to Tomorrow's Generation by Janice Bowdrey (CIIR/ICD Development Worker) As I bounce along the dirt road on my daily bus journey to work I see the arid, but beautiful scenery of the African Bush whilst listening to the enthusiastic discussions of my students. We are en route to Amoud University, which is a bus ride from Borama where we live. The University is situated in the peaceful acacia covered hills, where goats, sheep and camels freely wander, tended by small children, who watch the passing bus with interest
  7. Originally posted by AYOUB_SHEIKH: Bari/Karkar Nomad Ayoub/Saxiil Nomad, I'll stick with Bari Nomad, if you dont mind. I think a better example would have been what Siad did to Togdheer. I have to say I agree with the creation of Saahil considering Berbera is its provicial centre. What sort of place is Qardho anyway? Can anyone help? It seems ur excusing ur region/leader and attacking others when they do the same. Tell me which subclan was from the berbera area? Coincidence? Take off your blindfold ayoub And Qardho has a larger population then berbera. If i remember berbera is 25,000 while Qardo is at least twice that size....but I could be a bit off. Peace.
  8. Its obvious this has a lot more to do with Egos, and (subclan)politics then administrative considerations. Every tribe wants their own province and with it all the $$, perks, titles, etc. It also seems like c/yusuf is taking advantage of the weaker position his rival is in. But this is nothing new for regional 'leaders' to do. Just look at the 'Saxiil' region created by the Late Egal. Where does it end?
  9. LOL. Man,where do you come up with this stuff?!? The US military has no excuse for searching female students, bulldozing houses, detaining (without charge) thousands of iraqis, and stripping and displaying suspects in public. Everyday they do this they are making more insurgents and enemies. They(US) are alienating ordinary iraqis. It's a never ending cycle and will only get worse as the US increases these 'heavy handed' tactics against innocent men, women and children. Peace
  10. Riyaale could of put all this behind him if he went back to LA on Dec. 7 anniversary. Why didnt he? Will he ever go back? If he does, I suggest trying to make a more dignified exit next time... Peace
  11. More Afghan children die in raids The US military in Afghanistan has revealed that six children died in a raid on suspected militants in the eastern province of Paktia last week. News of the deaths came shortly after the US apologised for killing nine children in a separate raid in the neighbouring province of Ghazni. However, the US has warned it will not be deterred by civilian casualties. Six more children die in Afghan attack By David Brunnstrom Wed 10 December, 2003 14:27 KABUL (Reuters) - The bodies of six children and two adults have been uncovered from the rubble of a compound flattened in an attack by American forces in Afghanistan, the U.S. military has admitted . It was the second time in a week that U.S. forces have admitted child deaths in Afghan operations after nine children were killed in a bungled air strike on Saturday. The latest admission, made by U.S. military spokesman Lieutenant-Colonel Bryan Hilferty on Wednesday, refers to an incident that happened last Friday after an air and ground attack on a compound used by a rebel commander to store munitions near Gardez in Paktia province.
  12. MobbDeep, Thanks for sharing this incredible story bro. The baby is definetly a miracle to say the least. BN
  13. George W Bush has been Google bombed. Bush has been the target of similar pranks before Web users entering the words "miserable failure" into the popular search engine are directed to the biography of the president on the White House website. The trick is possible because Google searches more than just the contents of web pages - it also counts how often a site is linked to, and with what words. Thus, members of an online community can affect the results of Google searches - called "Google bombing" - by linking their sites to a chosen one. Weblogger Adam Mathes is credited with inventing the practice in 2001, when he used it to link the phrase "talentless hack" to a friend's website. The search engine can be manipulated by a fairly small group of users, one report suggested. Newsday newspaper says as few as 32 web pages with the words "miserable failure" link to the Bush biography. The Bush administration has been on the receiving end of pointed Google bombs before. In the run-up to the Iraq war, internet users manipulated Google so the phrase "weapons of mass destruction" led to a joke page saying "These Weapons of Mass Destruction cannot be displayed." The site suggests "clicking the regime change button", or "If you are George Bush and typed the country's name in the address bar, make sure that it is spelled correctly (IRAQ)". BBC NEWS
  14. George W Bush has been Google bombed. Bush has been the target of similar pranks before Web users entering the words "miserable failure" into the popular search engine are directed to the biography of the president on the White House website. The trick is possible because Google searches more than just the contents of web pages - it also counts how often a site is linked to, and with what words. Thus, members of an online community can affect the results of Google searches - called "Google bombing" - by linking their sites to a chosen one. Weblogger Adam Mathes is credited with inventing the practice in 2001, when he used it to link the phrase "talentless hack" to a friend's website. The search engine can be manipulated by a fairly small group of users, one report suggested. Newsday newspaper says as few as 32 web pages with the words "miserable failure" link to the Bush biography. The Bush administration has been on the receiving end of pointed Google bombs before. In the run-up to the Iraq war, internet users manipulated Google so the phrase "weapons of mass destruction" led to a joke page saying "These Weapons of Mass Destruction cannot be displayed." The site suggests "clicking the regime change button", or "If you are George Bush and typed the country's name in the address bar, make sure that it is spelled correctly (IRAQ)". BBC NEWS
  15. HA, I haven't really been away but just trying to stay clear of some topics. But thanks non the less. This sort of disgusting behavior is nothing new for these americans. This is a previous article I read in April. US Forces Make Iraqis Strip and Walk Naked in Public On 25 April 2003, the newspaper Dagbladet (Norway) published photos of armed US soldiers forcing Iraqi men to walk naked through a park. On the chests of the men had been scrawled an Arabic phrase that translates as "Ali Baba - Thief." A military officer states that the men are thieves, and that this technique will be used again. No word yet from the newly liberated Iraqi people about some of them being summarily found guilty of theft, forced at gunpoint to strip, having a racist phrase written on their bodies, and then made to walk naked in public. No doubt the Arab/Muslim world is impressed by this display of "democracy," "freedom," "due process," and "no cruel or unusual punishment." We wonder if the soldiers will be using this technique on their comrades who stole $13.1 million in Iraq. Or the journalists who looted Iraq's art. Note: There is a more graphic image on the websites. The Memory Hole Dagbladet: If you speak Norweigen Amnesty USA ___________________________________________________________________ Testimony Of An Iraqi Minor Mistreated By US Forces This is a disturbing account of what happens to 'detainees'(even minors) taken from their homes in raids. Khilafah
  16. US Army Uses Bulldoze Threat to Get Iraqis to Talk An Iraqi house destroyed by US forces in an Iraqi village north of Baghdad (AFP) Thursday, December 04 2003 @ 02:07 PM EST "In a tactic used by Israel in the West Bank and Gaza but new to Iraq, a bulldozer was positioned in front of the house ready to destroy it .." By Andrew Hammond HAWIJA, Iraq (Reuters) - When U.S. soldiers found explosives in the house of Aziz Abdel-Wahhab and his elderly wife during a raid in the Iraqi town of Hawija, they proposed swift and direct punishment -- demolishing the building. "This house is the heart of terrorism and if you're going to harbour terrorism we're going to remove you from the community," said 1st Lieutenant Steve Brignoli, explaining the order to destroy the one-story stone house in a Hawija suburb. "This will be a show of force, to embolden the local authorities." Continued: Palestine Chronicle
  17. US continues to humiliate Iraqis By Lawrence Smallman Sunday 23 November 2003, 16:39 Makka Time, 13:39 GMT US soldiers are now ordered to search even young schoolgirls A student's shoes provoke a US Pictures of US soldiers searching young girls on their way to class have provoked renewed international outrage. Exclusive photos show US-led occupation forces frisking schoolgirls – a move condemned by the girls’ parents and international human rights organisations alike. One father, Abu Muhammad, told on Sunday that if he ever hears his daughter has been touched by American soldiers again, he would “not be responsible for the consequences”. “This humiliation has got to end now. I refuse to live like this. I’d rather die and I’ll take a few soldiers with me – and that’s a promise, not a threat.” US reaction CAIR, the Council on American-Islamic Relations, is already conducting an investigation and seeking legal advice after previous pictures showed troops tying up little girls in their own home. Continued: Al Jazeera
  18. Ali Muse Duale "Alikaar" Needs Your Help In this time of Eid, Please give generously through donations or volunteer time. We are asking for your help by taking part in raising funds for Ali Muse Duale AliKaar, 5 year old boy who is suffering a mysterious illness of which Doctors in Sanaag Region could not explain. As you can see on his pictures this child needs an emergency surgery as the head gets larger by the day and without your contribution and generous donations his family cannot cover the medical expenses. We are approaching and appealing to the Medical Communities, Hospitals, all concerned individuals to help cover the medical and surgery expenses of this child. For more information , please directly contact his parents at: 2525-868370 Dhahar,Sanaag Region Somalia Outside Somalia, you can contact Alikaar Fundraising Volunteers: We need more volunteers world wide Canada, Ottawa Volunteers: Samsam Omar (613)523-9031 Jamal Hassan (613)316-1772 Jamal Jama (613)282-4455 Saynab A. Shire (613)228-9007 Canada, Calgary Volunteer: abdulkadir Sid (403)246-6046 UK, London Volunteers: Mohamed Jama (Cell) 0044208 749-7842 Khadar A. Cisman (Cell) 00447951561544 USA, Minneapolis Volunteers: Said Fahiye (612)872-9040 Home (612)669-4386 Cell Nuur Salah (763)788-0623 Home (612)275-7170 Cell Email: Please forward your donations to: Account#: 307260160687 Branch Transit #: 30726 Paul anka & Mccarthy Ottawa, Ontario Canada LINK
  19. Samir iyo iimaan, my condolences to you and your family. May Allah bring peace to all parts of Somalia. Amiin. Ramadan karin
  20. I heard this story on australian radio. But at least it seems more people are realizing how powerful the worldwide jewish lobby groups are--just as Mahathir was talking about jewish dominance. The PA needs more people like Ms. Ashrawi. Peace.
  21. "The late Palestinian thinker Edward Said had a vision of Palestine's future based on two ideas: the first one is that the widening of the Israeli settlements renders geographically impossible to establish a Palestinian state, and the second one is that the solution is to establish a state with a bi-national identity for both the Jewish and Palestinian people." "It was obvious for him that the idea of two states living together is impossible because the Israeli strategic thought is working against it. In fact, they were only concerned with the security issue. There was no difference between the Likud and Labor governments that came to power after the Oslo Accords."Dar Al Hayat "Marwan Barghouti, widely seen as Yasser Arafat's likely successor as head of the dominant Fatah party, told an Israeli court that "if an occupation does not end unilaterally or through negotiations then there is only one solution: one state for two people". This so-called one state solution to the Middle East crisis is seen as a serious threat by many Israelis, since demographic trends predict that soon there will be an overall Arab majority in the combined Israeli and Arab territories." Sydney Morning Herald "There is also a growing realisation that demographic trends will redefine the Arab-Jewish population balance in the territory of historic Palestine between the Mediterranean sea and the river Jordan. We already have rough parity between the two populations today; by 2020 the balance is likely to be 60-40 in favour of the Arabs." Guardian Newspaper ""And that's not the worst of it. The growing Jewish settlements in the Palestinian territories, the 'settler roads' that service them, and the gigantic fortified barrier that will soon protect them, have sliced and diced the Palestinian territories to an extent that it is increasingly hard to imagine a viable state being built in them." Globe and Mail The new way of thinking, which has flourished among Arab commentators in the online media in recent months, holds the traditional goal of establishing a Palestinian state alongside the state of Israel is unrealistic, if not impossible. Palestinians, they say, should start seeking a goal both more modest and radical: full citizenship under Israeli law as embodied in the slogan "one man, one vote." Washington Post
  22. What do you guys think of this article? It was from AwdalNews and titled "Against the Saudization of Somaliland" but could be applied to all of Somalia. I thought it was interesting. Peace. Click Here Here is a related article talked about in editorial Saudi police 'stopped' fire rescue-BBC "Saudi Arabia's religious police stopped schoolgirls from leaving a blazing building because they were not wearing correct Islamic dress, according to Saudi newspapers. In a rare criticism of the kingdom's powerful "mutaween" police, the Saudi media has accused them of hindering attempts to save 15 girls who died in the fire on Monday."
  23. Historic China Space Launch a Go for Next Week By Jonathan Ansfield BEIJING (Reuters) - China will launch its first manned spaceship next week, aiming to become the third country after the Soviet Union and the United States to put a man in orbit. The official Xinhua news agency said on Friday the Shenzhou V would be launched between October 15 and 17 at an "appropriate time" from a launch pad in the Gobi desert in northwestern China and orbit the Earth 14 times. It was the first official confirmation of the launch window on a mission China has kept under tight wraps. "The Shenzhou V spacecraft will carry out the first manned space mission and will lift off from the China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center," Xinhua quoted an official in charge of the country's space program as saying. "Now all preparatory work for the launch is progressing smoothly." Sources at two major state-run television stations and a tour operator told Reuters early this week the launch had been provisionally set for the morning of October 15, barring bad weather. And Hong Kong's Beijing-backed Wen Wei Po newspaper said the craft would fly for 21 hours, or 90 minutes per orbit, before floating back down to Earth the next morning. It did not say how many astronauts would be taking part in the maiden voyage, but that a team had been trained for the mission. Qi Faren, chief designer of the vessel, was quoted by the China Daily as saying he and his colleagues were confident about the mission despite the fact China had so far conducted only four unmanned test flights due to "limited funds." RIGHT STUFF China has kept a veil of secrecy on details of the launch, with scant details leaking in a few state newspapers and in Hong Kong. State media have said that up to three "taikonauts" could be aboard the craft, although the Shanghai-based Liberation Daily said on Thursday a single astronaut would be chosen from 14 experienced fighter pilots. A successful manned flight, on the heels of Beijing winning a bid to host the 2008 Olympics, could fuel nationalism and offer a boost to the Communist Party as China seeks a place on the world stage alongside the traditional great powers. Any failure would be a loss of face and would raise questions about the necessity of a space program in a country where 140 million people live on less than $1 a day. The public buildup for the space launch began on Friday, with state media releasing a flood of new though still sketchy details, preparing the country for the big day. An army song and dance troupe was filming a music video to celebrate the launch called "Flying," the Communist Party newspaper People's Daily said. It showed a black-and-white photo of a girl tightly clad in a spacesuit trimmed with shiny vinyl, the Chinese flag sewn on her chest, with fake moonrock in the backdrop. "'Flying' will express through song the romantic emotions and spirit of exploration of the Chinese people in their 1,000-year pursuit of a dream," the paper said. State television giant CCTV is poised to begin a 20-part documentary on the history of the space program on its science and technology channel, the TV program's chief editor said. The Beijing tabloid Star said the show would deal with the failure of two test rocket launches in 1990 and 1992, which killed an unknown number of people.
  24. Originally posted by rayaana: GET SUMTHING WORTH READING POSTER!i have encountered this same issue probably for doznes of times and it's making the political section of sol bloody BORING Dear rayaana, LOL. *Sumthing* worth reading? May I suggest a good Oxford Dictionary to start? If you have encountered this topic *for doznes* of times please give me the links. Seriously, I have not seen this topic in the forum and wanted to get the views of others. Not to mention that there are always new members(such as conquest) who may have a new/different perspective on issues. If you feel you must attack a poster because you have different opinion(or agenda)--I suggest sticking to the other areas of this forum. Perhaps the 'Teen' section would be more suitable? P.S. I'm *shocked* your SOL 'homepage' is SomalilandNet :rolleyes: Need I say more....