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Everything posted by BN

  1. Originally posted by Nasir: I know you are all cheering with this little incident No. but never forget that your ministers are geting shot at garoowe and all over puntland daily and dying the most pathetic way. Oh lord. :rolleyes: Here he goes again. Are you taking you medication? Its obvious you are taking pleasure in the tragic family death in Garowe last week and comparing it to this battle between two opposing forces. You are the only sad and pathetic person sxb. the case against him is very heavy one and if he is innocent he should prevail and be imbraced. What case would that be exactly? :confused: If you can get your head out of Riyaale's rear end maybe you would see the reality of the situation. BN
  2. Iska Horimaad Ku Dhexmaray Dararweyne Ciidamada Qaranka Iyo Maleeshiyo U Daacada Boqor Cismaan Buurmadoow Waxaa naga soo gaadhaya Gobolka Sanaag degmada Ceel-Afwayne in uu dhex maray iska horimaad ciidanka qaranka iyo Ciidamo maleeshiyo ah oo u daacada Boqor Cismaan Buurmadow, Ciidamadaas maleeshiyooyinka ah oo laga warqabay in ay in muddo ah isku urursanayeen meesha loo yaqaan Dararawayne ee waqooyiga ka xigta magaalda Ceel-Afawayne. Waxaa iska horimaadkani ka dhacay Meesha la yiraahdo Dararawayne ka dib markii ciidamada qaranka oo halkaa soo gaadhay una soo gaadhay hawlo qaran ay weerareen ciidanka maleeshiyada ahi, taas oo keentay in ay dhaawacmaan waa sida wararku nagu soo gaadhayaane labo askari wararka qaarna waxay sheegayaan sadex askarta qaranka ah, hal askarina ku qudhwaayey ama dhintay, mar aanu wax ka waydiinay odayaal ka soo jeeda degaankaas waxay noo sheegeen in la soo weeraray dawladuna wado xasilooni darada waxayse muujinayeen dareen murugo leh in dawladu samaysay xasilooni daro iyada oo loo igmaday in ay amaanka sugto, waxaase dawladu ku adkaysanayaan xagooda in aanay marna iyagu u socon weerar lase weeraray. Waxaa in mudo ahba laga war hayey in uu jiro ciidamo maleeshiyooyin ah oo ka soo horjeeda xadhiga Boqor Buurmadow iyo rajo xumada ay la soo noqdeen Salaadiintii iyo Cuqaashii Hargaysa ka soo laabatay ee u socotay xal u helida mushkiladaas iyo iyadoo ay sii cadho gelisay diidmadii uu diiday Madaxweynuhu in uu la kulmo weftigaas taas oo ay u arkeen meel ka dhac in ay ku tahay dhaqanka Somaliland, waxaa dhinaca kale la sheegayaa in aanay wax dhaawac ama dhimasho ahi aanay soo gaadhin ciidankii maleeshiyada ahaa. Dhinaca kale weli waxaa ka socda magaalada Burco shir ay leedahay Beesha (Habarjeclo) isagagana yimaadeen Sool, Sanaag, Saaxil iyo Togdheer Laguna lafagurayo arrimo badan oo ay ka mid yihiin xal u helida xadhiga Boqor Buurmadow. Allah ha u naxaaristo
  4. Originally posted by Nasir: This is not puntland Thats obvious. lying and propaganda is not in our calture. You sure its not in your 'calture'? :rolleyes: I say arrest every man that breaks the law What law exactly was he(or Buurmadow) breaking? BN
  5. Does anyone have an update on this situation? Again Opposition Party Member Goes to Jail in Borama: How Sad! Again, a member of the opposition KULMIYE party, this time the party chief in the Region, is under detention in Borama allegedly because he provided written statement to the press accusing the Mayor, Mr. Abdirahman Sh Omar, inter alia, of misusing public funds in the amount of $15,000. Click here for article
  6. Originally posted by JamaaL-11: The site's name has been changed to Sanaag| and the owners are planning a re-launch very soon. Jamaal, Thanks. Thats good to hear. Do you know why it went down? Some problem with the domain name? Funding? And is it going to be very different from the previous site--content wise? BN
  7. Originally posted by AYOUB_SHEIKH: Since these figures are your 'estimates', why don't your cheer yourself even more and 'estimate' a cool million and give us another misleading link. People on our side dont exaggerate things . Just the facts pleez... BN
  8. BALLERZ Thanks for those pics. Somalia has a lot of problems but I think things are getting better. Keep up the good work. BN
  9. Jaamac, That photo is from xamar but its representative of the qaat addiction problem all over Somalia. Especially with youth and unemployed young men. And nice pix. BN
  10. Salaam, Does anyone know why this website is not up anymore. They had lots of nice pictures and news updates. I also tried to listen to some songs that were posted in the Poetry section from that website but the links dont work anymore either. Are the owners planning to relaunch the site? BN
  11. Hornafrique, i think Bari is trying to pull a fast one on us. The ''estimated'' 250 thousand figure is for Bosaaso district as a whole and not the town. I'm not agreeing with those numbers either--since the population is closer to 350,000 And tell me any population figures for Somalia which are not 'estimated'. And I know that the Hargeisa-Berbera-Burco triangle is too small to have official districts so I'll break it down for ya. There are 6 districts(1991) 0 Alula 0 Bender Beyla 0 Bosasso 0 Iskushuban 0 Qandala 0 Qardho in Bari--which is the largest Somali region. Bosaso district encompasses the city and outlying villages and towns. But the overwhelming majority are concentrated in the city. It would take a helluva effort and resources for the population of the town to multiply 250 thousand. LOL. Are you acknowleding the hard work of Reer Puntland? Dont worry I didnt expect much from someone who thinks Somaliland is a country It seems someone is worried their #2 position is in question. Reer Puntland built their cities and region from nothing. Afweyn and 60% of the GDP didnt go into our city over 3 decades. Neither did we have the British/Italians build them for us. And we've done all this with our own resources and on our own in 10 years. Btw, do you claim credit for London Bridge or Big Ben as well? BN
  12. Mohamed A. Haashi interview with HornAfrik BN
  13. African leaders meeting in Libya have agreed to set up a joint military force which could intervene to end civil wars or prevent genocide. Heads of state and prime ministers of the 53-nation African Union unanimously approved the document called Common Defence and Security Policy for Africa. The African Standby Force will begin deploying about 15,000 troops by 2005. It will have a peace-building and humanitarian role, and may intervene unilaterally in the event of "war crimes, genocide and crimes against humanity, as well as a serious threat to legitimate order," the text said. It will be composed of troops from countries such as South Africa, Nigeria, Kenya and Egypt and operate under the African Union Peace and Security Council - expected to be set up in March based on United Nations Security Council. Good idea or bad idea? BN
  14. PICTURES FROM MUDUG REGION <img src="" width="1200" height="741" Puntland Peace Mission-2002 <img src="" width="1200" height="741" Bacadweyn, Mudug
  15. Ayoub, The truth is politician and some elders serve their own interests and will go whichever direction the wind is blowing. Let me ask you, if the people of Lascanod (and Sool/Sanaag in general) wanted the forces of PL out of their territory,--could they not have kicked them out? I'm sure you remember when reer Bossaso kicked C/Yusuf out fairly easily and allowed him to return. Or do you think they are being held 'hostage' by our 'terrorist' forces like Oodweyn would say :rolleyes: The truth there some who are neither Puntu nor Somaliland supporters and your 90%:10% figure is not real and does not make sense. What's with this "Puntu" stuff now? Are you turning into Oodweyn and his childish and pathetic "Pundland" comments? :rolleyes: BN
  16. Sooyaal, It may be 'disfunctional' but at least they arent shooting each other Insha'allah all this will end peacefully. But I dont see how elections can be held right now.(maybe in 6 months) 1)Tensions in the western border. 2)Peace talks ongoing. 3)Drought in parts of PL. 4)Preperations incomplete. Most important I think the future of C/Yusuf hinges on the peace talks. I think there are several possibilities: A)He becomes President of Federal TNG B)He doesnt and contests PL Presidency C)He retires from politics I could be wrong, but thats how I see it. BN
  17. Originally posted by Jaamac_Bootaan: Don't get fooled don't want people laughing at ya son! ..............Too late................
  18. Horn, I give up. Kismayo under the noble JVA has become the biggest and most prosperous city in the world. Happy now? :rolleyes: Originally posted by HornAfrique: Or are you going to start fighting with me about how the standard of living in Bosaso is two cents higher then those of Kismayo Sxb, I would not even compare the two. Altho, If I were to, the difference would be not be in the pennies but in the tens of 1000's BN
  19. Originally posted by HornAfrique: Kismaayo has always been and will always be, atleast in the near forseeable future, the third largest city in the Somali Republic. What is you line of reasoning exactly? :rolleyes: Because you wish it,--it must be true? Sxb, Where is your proof? What was the population of Kismayo in 1990? And since 1991 people have only left there. Not to mention that the Mogadishu-Baidoa-Kismayo region saw(and continues to see) the heaviest fighting of the Somali Civil War. And the JVA have only made things worse. Not exactly a good mix for a population increase. Puntland cities/towns are the compelete opposite. They have seen little fighting since 1991 and hundreds of thousands of Somalis have flocked to this region for peace and jobs. But you can believe anything you want sxb. :cool: Here are some populations stats with links. Bosaso[They're definetely lowballing ] The total population of Bossaso District is estimated at 250,000 persons. LINK Galkayo Galkayo - a town with an estimated population of 170,000 LINK Lascanod[This was in 2001 by now its well over 100,000] Lasanod was a small town with a population of about 20,000. However, within one decade, the population skyrocketed to 60,000 by 2001 (WHO, 2001). LINK Kismayo About 60,000 of the estimated Kismayo District population of 88,000 (WHO NIDs figures, Oct 2002)live in Kismayo town. LINK BN
  20. It is a crime under Somaliland law to advocate the reunification of Somaliland with the rest of Somalia. What exactly would you call that? Freedom? Democracy? Where what you say or think can be considered 'treason'? Enough with the doublespeak and jargon, please keep your answer short and sweet. I dont read half of what you write let alone make heads or tails of the other half BN
  21. Horn Sxb, You are sadly mistaken if you believe Kismayo is the third largest city in Somalia,--that honor goes to BOSASO, followed by Galkacyo, Kismayo, Burco, Lascanod and so on and so forth. I think some here are still living in the past and need to open their eyes. Here is a video of Bosaso (runs 6:20) with a good panoramic view the beautiful city around 5:00 minutes. :cool: Bosaso, Port of Hope Click here for more videos from Puntland Listen to Radio Galkayo BN
  22. Originally posted by ABU-AMMAR: Funny, in 30 years we will hear how Mujahid President Kahin and Mujahid Mid Wife Adna went and rescued Mujahid Dhilood to come over to the right side. @ABU-AMMAR MD, Thanks for the clarification. Is that what he was going on about? I didnt even notice that Overall, I think it was a very dignified and statesman like interview. I'm sure you(Ayoub) were hoping for an annoucement of the collapse of PL State ,--but that was just another hope of reer W/G I hate to remind you of interviews by your ministers to HornAfrik,--which were anything but dignified(to put it nicely) BN
  23. This is not an unbiased article. The root of their territorial claims partly lies in the colonial period; Puntland is part of the Somali territory colonised by Italy, while Somaliland is a former British protectorate. This is the PR line taken straight from the Hargeisa government. It's obvious this Harun Hassan is a so called Lander spy-in-disguise trying to subvert us from within. It wont work. Somaliweyn camp and Puntland is smarter then that. Keep trying tho Bn