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Everything posted by BN

  1. Somalia is blessed to be 100 percent Muslim. Somalia is blessed to be free of OCCUPATION and COLONIZATION Somalia is blessed to speak one language. Somalia is blessed to have one culture. Somalia is blessed to have a second chance. Salaam, I do not believe that Allah has 'forgotten' Somalia or Somalis. This is another challenge put before us which must be overcome; indeed the very fact that He is challenging us should be a sign of hope for all Somalis. At the same time, we must not lose our faith in Allah. The purpose of this challenge, I believe, is to bring Somalis back onto the straight path. Before 1991, we were far less religious than we are today due to the secularization and westernization of Somalis by successive governments as well as the colonial powers which preceded them. Today, large sections of Somalia have reverted to Shari’ah courts to bring 'law and order' to their daily lives. We are making progress but there are still many issues which must be dealt with (such as Qat) before we can meet, and more importantly, exceed our pre-war socio-economic and political levels. Wasalaamu Alaykum
  2. Salaam, First, I think it is important to stress the principle or concept behind the Hijab; it is a symbol and reflection of ones' modesty in both dress and behavior. Sadly, here in the West, there are many sister who do in fact wear the hijab--yet they also go on dates and dress inappropriately. That, in my view, contradicts the purpose and rationale behind wearing the hijab. Also, in most of the Arabic/English versions of surrah An-Nur(24.31) that I have read, the word 'Juyubihinna' is translated simply as 'Chest'. Although, I have read some web-sites which translate it as 'their bodies, faces, necks, and bosoms, etc.'. Wasalaamu Alaykum An-Nur Arabic/English
  3. Northern, I did not think of posting it in the Sports section. I just added to a topic that was already started. Who did Burco face last year to win the cup? Gurad, Dont worry about someone posting a pic. P.S. I think Northern is just scared for his Burco team to face Lascanod team
  4. Kooxda RadioLascaanod oo 3:0 Ugu Awood Sheegatay Kooxda Halac Tartan Lagu xulayo Xulka Gobolka Sool Uga Qayb Gali Doona Ciyaaraha Gobollada ee Puntland Dhawaan ka Dhici Doona Oo Ka Bilaabmay Magaalada Laascaanood. Kooxda RadioLascaanod Kooxda Halac Waxaa baryahanba ka socday garoonka kubadda cagta ee Cabdi Bile Cabdi ee magaalada Laascaanood tartan looga goleeyahay in lagu xulo , xul uu gobolka Sool yeesho, kaas oo uu gobolku kaga qayb gali doono tartan ay gobollada Soomaaliya qaarka mid ahi isugu iman doonaan magaalo madaxda Maamul goboleedka Puntland, oo la qaban doono bisha soo socota. Waxa kale oo loo dhigay tobanka naadi ee ugu horeeya gobolka koob loogu magac daray (Darwiish) isaguna lagu guddoonsiindoono kooxda ku guulaysata. Ciyaartii maalintii isniinta magaalada Laascaanood dhacday ayaa dhex martay Kooxda ku ciyaarta magaca oo shalay galab sadex iyo waxba ku muquunisay Kooxda Halac. Ciyaartan oo ahayd mid ay ka soo qayb galaeen dadweyne aad u tiro badan, kuwaas oo ka kala yimi daafaha magaalada Laascaaanood, waxaana isagun halkaasi ku sugnaa guddoomiyaha Isboortiga ee gobolka Sool ,Ahna tababaraha xulka Gobolka Cabdi Siciid Abokor, oo isagu ku guda jira sidii uu u xulilahaa ,xulka magaca gobolka kaga qayb galidoona ciyaaraha dhawaan ka dhici doona Puntland. Full Article....
  5. Salaam, Flooding our nation with cheap western condoms are hardly the solution to the Aids epidemic. They are widely available across Africa; yet this is where two thirds of HIV/AIDs victims reside. Since the vast majority of the population of Somalia are youth, we must look towards abstinence, along with education(with an Islamic focus), in the fight/prevention of these diseases. Also, one must only look to our neighbors(Djibouti, Kenya and Ethiopia), to see the path that awaits us if we do not take strong, immediate, and sustained steps against the spread of STD's. Wasalaamu Alaykum Here is an update on the story: Shixnad Kondom Ah Ayaa Maanta Lagu Gubay Goob fagaare ah Magaalada Boosaaso 112 Kartoon oo isugu jira Kondomka loo isticmaalo Galmada Ragga iyo Dumarka ayaa manta lagu gubay toga Baalade ee Koonfurta kaga began magaalada Boosaaso. Shixnadaan Kondomka ah (Salfatiivo) ayaa dhowaan laga soo rogay dekedda magaalada Boosaaso, waxaana ka aloosmay muran xoog leh oo u dhexeeya Maamulka Puntland iyo Culimada Diinta, haseyeeshee shir ka dhacay xarunta gobolka Bari maalmihii la soo dhaafay ayaa lagu go’aamiyey in gebi ahaantiisaba la gubo. Radio Midnimo Full Article Kondoomkii Boosaaso la keenay oo la gubay, dad aad u badan oo dawaaday gubitaankii.. Waxaa shalay magaalada Boosaaso lagu gubay kartoomo ay ku jiraan cinjirka loo isticmaalo galamada ee loo yaqaan Kandoomka kadib markii ay maxkamada darajada 1aad ee magaalada Boosaaso ku amartay in la gubo gebi ahaan waxyaalahan. Kartoomadan oo ay ku jiraan Kondoomka ayaa ahaa kuwii ugu horeeyey oo noocda ah oo si ganacsi ah loogu keeno dalka ayadoo ay si weyn uga horyimaadeen inta badan shacabka oo ay horkacayaan culumaa'udiinka magaalada oo si weyn walaac uga muujiyey ka ganacsiga iyo faafinta cinjirkaan kondoomka oo ay ku tilmaameen mid anshax xumo iyo isutaga xaaraanta ah kor u qaadaya oo dhiiri gelinaya. Maxkamada ayaa sidoo kale sheegtay in Kondoomkan uu yahay mid dhiiri galinaya isutaga xaaraanta ah sidaa daraadeedna aysan banaaneen in dalka la keeno. Go'aanka Maxkamada ayaa u eg mid si weyn taageero uga helay shacabka magaalada oo soo dhaweeyey go'aankan ayadoo aad ka dareemi karto sida weyn ay dadka uga soo qeyb galeen gubitaankii kortoomadii ay ku jireen kondoomka. Note: Maxamed Ahmed Bosaaso, Puntland Full Article
  6. Xafladii Furitaanka Web-ka SBC Mowliid iyo Siciid Ka bilow Bidix Cumar Faaruuq,Bille Qabowsade,Eng.Mowliid iyo Siciid Sh.Cabdinaasir Max'ed Diiriye oo kamid ah Culimada idaacada SBC Midig Bille Qabowsade Wasiir kuxigenka Kaluumaysiga iyo Dakadaha Bidix Cumar Faaruq Maareye Xigeenka Shirkada Golis. Shaqaalaha Xawlo ismaayo oo Qayblibaax ka qaatey Xafaladii Furitaanka SBC
  7. Guraad, This is a open forum; keep posting and updating us on the events in Somalia.
  8. BN

    Somaliland Passport!

    What a sad and disappointing display by some nomads. Insulting, ridiculing and demeaning the opinion of others and ganging up on anyone(including women) who shows the slightest views which are contrary to their own. It seems there is nothing is too low or taboo for certain individuals.... I am left shaking my head in astonishment.... Originally posted by Libaax-Sankataabte: I believe Gediid meant no harm, It is probably a misunderstanding. Let's hope so.... This is what it all comes down to. Too much xagxagasho against anyone who opens his mouth to ask a simple question. Why do some nomads feel they need to do this? OG_Girl, Stay strong. Don’t let this old man bully you around. Stand up to him and he'll back down Hibo, You are witnessing, first hand, the tactics of some here when they are confronted.
  9. SBC Online Eng Mowlid Hagi Abdi Agaasimaha SBC SBC is one of the private TV/Radio stations based in Puntland, Somalia. Its the only one I've heard a weather forecast on . Hopefully, there are plans for the television to also be available online. There are updates several times per day: 8:00 AM 1:00 PM 8:00 PM Puntland State Of Somalia SBC HQ Bossaso Address: SBC Building, Airport Road Telephone: 2525 824600 (Office) 2525 235416 (Office) Telephone: 2525 824012 (Studio), 2525 235652 (Studio) Mobile:2525 727361 E-mail: or Garoowe Address: Salama Hotel Building Telephone: 2525 843297 (Studio) Mobile: 2525 746022 E-mail: Qardho Address: Golis Gardo Building Telephone: 2525 836093 (Studio) Mobile: 2525 736045 E-mail:
  10. Boosaaso oo Laga Furay Wershedo Yaryar oo soo Saaraya Saabuunta, Shaambada iyo Buskudka "Ciddii Wershedo Keensaneysa Puntland Cashuurta ayaa laga dhimayaa"--Wasiirka Ganacsiga iyo Warshadaha DGPL Wasiirka iyo Masuuliyiintii kale oo Dultaagan Faratooyada Wasiirka oo eegaya Caaga shaambada ku jirto Ing Maxamed Khiyaas oo tusaya Wasiirka Saambuuntii sida loogu rido Galkeeda Caagaa Ing Khiyaas oo tusaya wasiirka Habka ay u gooynayso Warshada Buskudka
  11. Originally posted by Nasir: vacation in Uk is way better than one in Nairobi At least we agree now that its a personal holiday and not an official visit as he has not been invited by either the UK Government or the UK Parliament. Tell me, since your SL passport is virtually worthless(outside of Ethiopia). How did Riyaale, a private citizen of Somalia, get into the UK? I'll give you one guess.... BN
  12. Casey, "Well, I would like to correct one thing...the British Parliament has not invited him[Dahir Riyaale]."--David Bel, British Envoy Does that answer your question? You will notice the Envoy went out of his way to correct the Interviewer; something which speaks volumes. It seems it doesnt take much to meet UK officials while on a personal visit. All one must do, presumeably, is make a simple request. And you should note that the Envoy stated "There is always pressure on Somaliland to engage with whats going on in Nairobi." Presumably, this pressure will continue and/or intensify during his visit to London. This doesn’t bode well for someone of such weak calibre as Mr. Riyaale. Maybe you should read that article by Ali Gulaid, "Riyaale's Visit Is Hype". I would venture a guess that Riyaale may be on a personal holiday vacation...I've heard the mosquitos in Hargeisa are terrible this time of year. BN
  13. ASYLUM NUMBERS DOWN, NEW DRIVE ON REMOVALS – HOME SECRETARY Reference: 070/2004 - Date: 24 Feb 2004 10:07 "action to tackle fraudulent claims from Somalia, including agreement to begin to return people to Somaliland and arrangements for identifying Somalis with permission to live elsewhere in the EU (laid in Parliament yesterday)."
  14. Britain May Consider Sending Asylum Seekers From Somalia To Somaliland UK Home Office plan calls for establishment of UN "Protection Areas" in Somaliland for refugees from Southern Somalia; Turkey, Iran and Iraqi Kurdistan for Iraqi refugees; and Morocco for Algerians London (The Guardian): A confidential government plan to slash the number of asylum seekers coming to Britain by deporting most of them to UN "protection areas" in their regions of origin has been drawn up by Whitehall and is to be presented to the prime minister this week. Among locations mentioned for the regional protection areas, as part of a "new global asylum system", are Turkey, Iran and Iraqi Kurdistan for Iraqi refugees; northern Somalia for refugees from southern Somalia; and Morocco for Algerians. It also suggests Ukraine or Russia to stem the flow of economic migrants from the east of the new enlarged EU border. Officials stress that care needs to be taken that the scheme is not seen as "dumping asylum seekers on the poorer nations" nor as "using money to enable us to wash our hands of the refugee problem".
  15. Samurai, Seems like this guy is right on again. I remember he exposed Riyaale's half million yearly 'official' salary. Not to mention the rampant corruption, nepotism, etc. Keep up the good work Cali Gulaid. BN Finland deports first Somali to Somaliland Action taken following numerous crimes Finland has deported a citizen of Somalia for the first time. Finnish police escorted the man to Hargeisa in Somaliland. He had been deported after a number of criminal convictions in Finland. Most recently he got a prison sentence of slightly over one year. Under Finnish law, foreign residents are subject to deportation if they are sentenced to at least one year in prison for a criminal act. Hargeisa is the capital of Somaliland, an area in Northern Somalia, which declared independence in 1991. Although the independence of Somaliland has not been recognised by the international community, it has functioned as a de facto independent country for many years. The man himself did not want to go to Somaliland, saying that he was from Mogadishu in Southern Somalia. He also said that he has a wife and a child in Finland. The man came to Finland in 1991 among the first group of Somali refugees to enter the country. He lived in Finland for 13 years on temporary residence permits. The Directorate of Immigration ordered his deportation in August 2001. The deportation was implemented after the Helsinki Administrative Court and the Supreme Administrative Court rejected his appeals. Another Somali also faces deportation procedures, but the appeal process is still going on. Somalia has not had a functioning central government since civil war broke out in the country in 1991. Fighting has flared up again in recent weeks, in spite of a cease-fire which took effect in January. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees does not consider Southern Somalia to be a safe place for the return of refugees. However, Somaliland is already planning Parliamentary elections for this year.
  16. Interview with British Envoy for Somalia David Bel (14-03-04) "The President of Somaliland is in London on a private visit. The British parliament has not invited him." "The Parliamentarians he will meet is the International Development Committee, who in fact, visited the region about a month ago. And indeed, some of them met a group of Somalis in Nairobi in the Interncontinental hotel." "He will meet some parliamentarians, he will also meet some officials and ministers. But that is something that would be done with anybody visiting London if they request a meeting." "So, there is no question of this being an invitation from the British government." BN
  17. Interview with British Envoy for Somalia David Bel (14-03-04) PARTIAL TRANSCRIPT OF INTERVIEW FOR HORN-AFRIQUE RADIO "The president of Somaliland is in London on a private visit. The British parliament has not invited him." "He will meet some parliamentarians, he will also meet some officials and ministers. But that is something that would be done with anybody visiting London if they requeste a meeting." "The Parliamentarians he will meet will be the International Development Committee; who in fact, visited the region about a month ago. And indeed, some of them met a group of Somalis in Nairobi in the Interncontinental hotel." "So, there is no question of this being an invitation from the British government." BN
  18. King, I agree with you that Guraad should stay, but the suggest you provided is sometimes ineffective. In fact, I myself notified the Admin on this very subject and was unable to get any action. I sincerely hope Guraad reconsiders his decision. Originally posted by Qudhac: i gues copying and changing what was said to you comes in handy when you run out of ideas, please dont say to others what was said to you the other day Oh, Qudhac. I guess you think you are very clever; spotting something which was only posted a day ago on this very forum. Sorry to burst your bubble but it seems the subtleties of my reasoning seem to have been lost upon you. How sad. Perhaps, someone from your camp can fill you in before you embarrass yourself, yet again! Although perhaps it a trait common among your kinsmen which you can not help. Samurai, It must get tiresome educating these children on every single issue and point. Perhaps, you should begin a weekly educational lesson in the politics section for select individuals. BN
  19. Finally, I hope people are starting to realize that most of the "Somaliland" supporters are just a bunch of Puntlander hating qabiil spitting group who really have nothing going for them except their desire to see Puntland up in flames. I'm glad that their motives are becoming more clearer by the day and "Somaliland" is just a cover they are using to rationalize their hate and desire to subjugate the people in SS&C. Guraad, If that wasnt horrible enough an insult he also accused Puntland troops of "raping" school boys in Lascaanod. I was shocked how this sort of disgusting filth is tolerated here. I guess since no one from the Somaliland side here denouced this sorts of filth,--that must be the common belief among them that the women are "dumb" and that the men spend their days "raping" school children. How revolting that such statements can be uttered by a Somali against other Somalis. These people, Somalilanders, have a lot of hate in their hearts and obviously no respect for the honest and hardworking people in Sool, Sanaag and Cayn. They(and their leaders) have felt this way for hundreds of years and continue to to this day. And people like Nasir wonder why they dont want to join you and your fantasyland.... I wonder why other landers dont stop the charade and lip-service to "Greater Somaliland"(which includes SSC) and say how they really feel about the people in those regions. At least Nasir is honest about his feelings and doesnt pay lip-service. Sxb, I hope you stay and continue to fight the lies, propaganda, and disgusting insults against the people of SSC by so called landers. You are a valuable asset to this forum and your contributions are greatly respected and appreciated. The Admins definitely made a mistake not banning this person. BN
  20. Ayoub_Sheikh: Yes i ment 21 FEB See how much easier it is when you give the benefit of doubt instead of making ***** accusations? I hope you learned something from this. Are going to comment about Yagoori? So now you want to argue about which tuulo is controlled by whom? How PL forces are in Adhicadeeye or Awrboogays and SL forces are in Caynabo or Yagoori(temporarily)? The fact is that three of four districts(Lascaanod, Taleex, Xudun) and the capital of Sool region along with Cayn(Buuhoodle district), and East/South Sanaag, are under PL control. BN
  21. QUOTE:Originally posted by LIQAYE: Neither will the ill gotten gains of some oppressors such as jamac bootans father et al be returned or restituted to them, for restitution implys rightfull ownership in the first place. What about the thousands of other innocent hardworking average people whos properties were stollen? I doubt they will get anything back either. Quote: Although we are thankfull for the SHASNA's brigades concern for the shabelle and juba regions well being, but i beilieve survival has not entailed and will not entail the cheerleading attempts of mobb or jamac. Wow. This from somone who hails from Ceel-Buur. Amazing. Are you forgetting that the USC(and other invaders from south mudug and galgaduud) presence in L. Shebelle and Jubba are illegal occupations? And they will, sooner or later, be evicted from those regions as was the case in Bay and Bokool. Quote: Mogadishu does not need you or your ilk, that regularly flagelatte themselves over what happened in xamar. it was unfortunate that it occured in the way that it did, but the un-ashamed arrogance and ignorance put on display by mobb and this new fella Jamac, i believe left no option, to any society, more so in our clan riven one. So you have in one fowl swoop cleared the USC of their war crimes, massacres and genocide stretching from Galkacyo to Baidoa to Kismayo. And declare those Mogadishu Massacres as a kind of "cleansing". How utterly repulsive and demeaning to those countless masses of innocent people who were butchered. Quote: Let us not forget what brought so many puntlanders to the rest of somalia, I mean if i was in their position i would also try to escape from places like karkaar. It's hard for me to be insulted from those who are from Ceel-Buur, Dhusa Mareeb and god knows where else. And maybe you should speak with your cousins who are "escaping" Mogadishu, Ceel-Buur, Heraale, Abudwaaq and other violence-ridden areas since 1991 to come to Bosaso, Galkacyo, and Garowe among other areas. There were many reasons why PLers(along with a 1/3 of Somalis) from all six regions migrated south,--and they included political, social, and economic reasons. Successive governments left our region(and most of Somalia) underdeveloped. So much so that nearly all employment, education, medical services, etc. were only found in Mogadishu or Kismayo. Quote: So lets go beyond this mentality of hurting xamar by going back to bossaso and qardo You have completely missed the point. I personally would not want to raise my family in a place where tens of thousands of innocent men, women and children were massacred for being in a particular tribe. It happened once and it can happen again easily enough. BN
  22. Mobb, Yes, I know. He was responding numerous times to the same post, pathetically regurgitating the same vile hate-speech. Rahima, I would like to respond to your comments concerning Guraad, if I may. He, like other PLers, remember the massacres of tens of thousands of family and relatives in Mogadishu, Kismayo, Galkacyo etc., in the early 1990's. Simply because of the tribe they belonged to they were killed, raped, robbed of their property and possessions and forced to escape to Kenya, Ethiopia and Puntland. I personally think it is very understand able for PLers like him, and myself, to have bad memories of their one time home and its warlords. Strangely enough, I would of thought that SLers would be the first to understand these feelings. But they, like others, are blinded by tribalism and scoring points to think rationally. On the other hand Puntland has welcomed all somalis without discrimination; even those from the clan of the USC mass murderers. Nor did we take revenge against them in Galkacyo(when our forces captured it again), or anywhere else. But if you still want believe that we are Anti-South Somalia, than that is your choice. As for his "anti-Somaliland" view,--I'm sure you would feel the same if an alien government was illegally making claims on your lands, amassing troops and threatening your people with war. I hope you can put yourself in his shoes and see things from his(or our) prospective. BN
  23. Gediid, First, only two PL nomads expressed support for PL pulling out of the talks in Kenya(temporarily until their concerns are addressed). It is their opinion, which is valid. They neither constitute a "gang" nor a majority of the PLers on this forum. Even if ALL PLers had posted their support of this move,--it would have nothing to do with Somaliweyn. Gediid: day in day out a negative portrayal of Somalis by the Puntland gang while at the same time painting a rosy picture of Bosaaso and its environs Substitute Puntland for Somaliland, and Bosaso for Hargeisa and you have what your group has been doing since 1991. Since portraying other Somalis are "blood thirsty" and "savages" was another recognition strategy. Gediid: They can talk the talk oh hell they do that all the time but when it comes to walking the walk ,they balk and like an army of ants whose path been blocked will turn and run back to the ant house. So this is unique to C/Yusuf or the Puntland delegation? Are they the only group who have left the talks because they felt that they are being underrepresented or marginalized? Why are there different rules/expectations for PL; and why are different names/labels levelled at this group? It seems you have taken this opportunity to get a lot of hate and animosity towards PL off their chests. Not least of all Mr. Gediid,--who has come out of the political closet he placed himself in. Congratulations, shall we throw a "Coming Out Party" for you? Really, I have not heard such filth and utter garbage in a long time; it seems this is what you feel you need to do at this point in your life. Horn, I am still waiting for a response to this question: Perhaps you and Gediid could answer a question for me. What is the difference when another group(AbdiQasim or other warlords) leaves the talks and puts the whole thing on hold for months, and if Puntland leaves the talks? But no one from our camp is accusing them of being "anti-somaliweyn". Why was it that when Muse, AbdiQasim, Cato, Hiraale, etc. were running from Nairobi there was silence from this seemingly vocal group we see here today? BN
  24. Originally posted by AYOUB_SHEIKH: BaRI are you trying to pull a fast one, again? You thought I wouldn't notice the date 21 JAN (3 WEEKS AGO) did ya? How utterly childish. First, it was 21 OF FEBUARY--I'll assume you mistyped rather than going all out and theorizing about conspiracies, and illusive "fast ones",--as you so nicely put it. If I was truly trying to pull a "fast one",--wouldnt it make more sense for me to have edited the article and delete or change the date? I assume you believed the most far-fetched premise must be the correct one. Bari thought if he kept it for 3 WEEKS we wouldn't smell the rat and it would be easier to believe. Or, perhaps--just maybe, I saw this report on SomaliCity yesterday. I dont have the luxury of going through all the Somali News websites like some. BN
  25. Rahima, It seems you, like others here, are quick to jump on the Puntland bashing band wagon. I am arguing for PL to receive their fair share in this conference and its resulting Federal TNG. I think they have an important role to play in rebuilding Somalia based on a federalist form of government. If reer PL wanted to seperate,--they'd of done it a long time ago. But the fact that they havent, shows who are Somali Nationalist and who aren't. LIQAYE, Puntland is a regional State. But it is not in the same league as Hiiraan or L. Shebelle(politically, economically or socially). For example, why were specific warlord groups(such as G8 or SRRC) mentioned rather than using a general term like 'warlords'? IMHO, it signified a marginalization of PL compared with other groups which was unfair. But that is only my opinion. Horn, Sxb, my apologies if you feel I was "after you". Second, no group,--least of all PL--deserves to be underrepresented and their role marginalized. Perhaps you and Gediid could answer a question for me. What is the difference when another group(AbdiQasim or other warlords) leaves the talks and puts the whole thing on hold for months, and if Puntland leaves the talks? But no one from our camp is accusing them of being "anti-somaliweyn". Why was it that when Muse, AbdiQasim, Cato, Hiraale, etc. were running from Nairobi there was silence from this seemingly vocal group we see here today? There is a definite double standard here. Reer SL, You are a group who bases their entire reason for being(SL) on their tribe being oppressed by the Siyad Barre dicatorship and the fact that you arent like your "savage" southern cousins. As for "Somalilander hating qabiil spitting", you only have to look as far as common W/G words such as "Fa*ash" which is used as a blanket statement against entire clans or regions. Here is just couple of examples of (in)famous "qabil hating" quotes by some landers: TOPIC: People from Somalia are BLOODHOLICS Mystery: "The majority of the people from Somalia are BLOODHOLICS. They will not admit that they are addicts. The first step to recovery is admitting that your an addict (atrocities committed against Somaliland people and now the killings of their own people), and then asking for help to overcome the addiction." Oodweyn's response: "the spleen-vomiting and blood-junkies of somaliweyn crowd...the "Psycho-Pathological" predicament of these peace (blood) junkies in somalia(south); but I couldn't stop've captured their real diagnosable addictive state that they are in as a people ...should that be gathering party for blood junkies." Ayoub agreeing: "These sort of murders and maimings was not the work of members of USC or SSDF, but pure evil deeds by normal everyday people we meet and greet everyday."LINK Here is another typical and disgusting qabilist quote in Another Division: Do we need this now?. Ayoub_Sheikh:"Mr Sophist it is hard to imagine some of your potsts could come from someone who's lineage includes Mr Kombe and MR Kablalla. " LINK Mind you, they are referring to the people of South Somali in general,--and not just the leaders. I wonder why no landers distance themselves of denouce these statements(among numerous others)??? Somalis(are you still Somalis?), are always quick to point fingers and make accusations at the perceived faults of others; while ignoring their own, identical, faults. Perhaps once you lot grow out of your recurring nightmares of Puntland and childishness, we can have a more worthwhile debate. I wont waste any more time here. Rainbow, You seem to be the only sane, and unbiased(at least compared to others) person in here; who see this political maneuvering by different groups for what it is. I hope others can discuss issues rather than making vague generalizations and hypocritical cries of 'qabilism' at every turn. Lastly, if anyone else feels the dying urge to jump on the Puntland bashing bandwagon,--I encourage you to step up and take your shot. Reer PL are use to it, and have been through far worse. And we are not soft, thin-skinned whiners like some 'landers in here. BN