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Everything posted by Gheelle.T

  1. Hunguri, midkaan kii Faysal Masjid iyo Jaamacadda Islaamka joogi jirey miyuusan ahayn?
  2. Gheelle.T


    Bloodah..that is so funny
  3. AT&T, ma lugta kaliya qadac qadac kuu kuurtay? Eeddo KK, salka see ku aragtay laakiin? Caadi maaha sheekadu!
  4. Xaaji, gartay laakiin ilmo fake gun ku ciyaara meel kasta ayay joogaan.
  5. Xaajigu so isagan isku dhex yaacay. So, only lander children go to school eh? Nuune, yes indeed we used to make guns out of boxes, woods, metals, and etc. MoonLight, ma Atari ayaad ku ciyaari jirtay markaad yareyd? Mise PlayStation-G ayaad aheyd. My point, is that you would find kids in peaceful places(In Africa or other 3rd world)doing the same thing as the ones you have posted above. These pictures wont foretell what their future will be.
  6. Leave the little kids alone.. They're doing what kids do, to imitate others and nothing wrong with that.
  7. Gaza is blockaded and any shipments that is headed to it would be diverted by the Israels. These peace activist were trying to preached the Israeli blockade on the Gaza and deliver the food, but were met by the Israeli navy. They were lucky enough not to be blown up apart.
  8. What would be the US's interest in a country that doesn't exist? mm
  9. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: If I pay hundred bucks, there better be happy ending, not sort thing you are thinking people Happy ending eh? mmm what will that be, just wondering...
  10. ^Yep $100 entrance fee and all 300+ seats were sold out in an hour.
  11. Well done reer Mpls, though organizers could have lowered the entry fee.
  12. She will return, unless she is been recruited by Al-Shabaab.
  13. Affar.. Waxaa la yiri afar gabdhood baa reerkoodi ka tagey and "kululaa kama naallee!" "naa ma kaadsan karnee inoo kala goo" bey tiri tii labaad "naa kor saar ha kanfafee" bey tiri gabadhii sadexaad. Tii affaraad eey maa cunay?
  14. Jackson with Reagon: om/watch?v=CFeQ-UE1e 30&feature=related
  15. Hunguri, MJ lacag badan kama tagin as the rumor has it, he was dead broke. It's hard to believe isn't it?
  16. NG, could you moon dance at young age? And don't brag of those posters you had on your wall..
  17. Indeed he was a true talent..God bless the king. am listening this one om/watch?v=En-cHBv7U pA&NR=1
  18. It's confirmed, the King of pop is dead.
  19. CNN is reporting he suffered cardiac arrest(his heart stopped completely)and is in coma now..Doesn't sound well and perhaps he is indeed dead.
  20. Xiinow waxbaad ogtahay ee maxay tahay? Bal warka noo aflixi.. Hunguri, Shareefka ma kursi baa ka rabtay?
  21. What ever happened to the concept of imprisonment? Or they don't believe in that at all?