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Everything posted by Gheelle.T

  1. ^Who is behind it ya Juje? It sure wasn't Al-shabaab that stormed in the Hotel and took those guys nor was it HI. Feed us with the real news!
  2. Buuxo nasiib badanaa saa gabay silsilad inuu noqdo ayaaba ku socdee. AT&T and Baashe halooga baxo marka. Asuu adigaa ka joojiyoo, kaluun jalamsi kuu uumay Raggeedii, willka reer maakhir/reer bari ahaa meeh?
  3. Che, did you not want them to be fought, to begin with? Why fighting them now is justifiable? Something tells me that you are changing your tune a bid. To the right path of course!! Waad soo jilceysaa mar dhow TFG TFG adoo leh baan rabaa inaan maqalno
  4. Ayoub, I didn't know his "Somali grammar class" was closed at all. Malaha waad challange gareysay odaga! Ninku ragga uu meesha ugu yeertay baad ku jirtee bal wax na tus! JB iyo Nuune ayaa gabay meesha ku dilay.
  5. Xiinow, horta PM muxuu intaa u xiran yahay? Caku yaa ka cabsataa
  6. War nimanyahow maad is deysaan. Sidan si maaha yaa jamaacah. Calling yourselves "Orphan and illegitimate son"make you sound childish.
  7. Horta xiinow gabaygii xaggee kuu marayaa? Ninkii Ayoub ahaa ee reer Salaxleey waa kanaaye, bal car ku dey afarreydii aad tuureysay!
  8. Che, I thought you were against their presence all together, why worry what protocol they have broken now? Has something changed on your part? Do want them stay now,but limit their roles?
  9. Che, all of these issues that are facing PL will be dealt once and for all.
  10. Che, it is absolutely criminal act no doubt about that, but making it sound like if PL admin themselves are behind it, is quite disingenuous. Libya a nation with full authority on its borders is facing the same issue in discussion here, is it fair to say Qadafi must have hand in it?
  11. Ayoub, those traffickers don't force any one to be trafficked, rather get paid with huge amount of greens by the guys risking their lives.
  12. So Juje is acknowledging the fact that Al-shabaab Jin was brought by El-president..
  13. Some Somalis believe that Somaliland should not withdraw from the union with Somalia claiming that all Somalis share language, religion, color, and culture. If this claim were true, the Arab World (Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, Yemen and Sudan) which has 17 separate independent countries with the same language, religion, color, and culture would have one union today. Bad comparison here. Most of these nations listed do not share color and culture. Some are multi cultural multi-religion country, not to mention different ethnic groups.
  14. Modern Tehran Part of the city was damaged and in total ruin in the Iran and Iraq war(by Sadam's missiles and air attack) and here it's today standing tall. And here is the cultural and religious city of Esfahan
  15. Congrats indeed, Pakistan have given us Somalis great opportunities through out the years. We should thank Pakistan for hosting thousands and thousands of Somali families and educating our people.
  16. Wallee kii Gabay ahaa meeshaana lagu diley. Allah yarxan, baabah Nuune, kaagu deel qaaf waa dhaafay. Libaax waxaan islahaa dhuxdii awowyaddii ayyaa ku soo deggaysa, laakiin waa haawaa, just kidding! Wiil galbeed, xaaji jaceyl, iyo Xiin waa la akhrin karaa. Paragon bal mid kale soo xariiq.
  17. Make sure it's true eh? Or maybe see what he's got to offer, you never know who you may see there..
  18. Paragon, Somalia is going through tough times, and I think it's best for us to look the bigger picture rather than squabble over who heads what or what name should the government be called. These are issues you can always talk about, renegotiate, and rethink. They are not nor there now. Thanks too!
  19. Hold your horses guys, Puntland is going no where and no one is holding it hostage as some want us to believe. A mere slogan by unknown author wouldn't make it go nor will a single leader decide it's destiny. That been said, i think PL cannot per take what is going on in Mog as of now. It simply can't afford doing it. And it's her best of interest to look after herself and worry not federalism or whatever name Somali government is called. These things can be dealed when the country is stabilized. Remember that what is good for PL is good for Somalia as a whole and vice verse. And that is a government for all. We should all hope that Somali government despite it's short comings to prevail at the end. Al-shabaab and likes are not the future for our country.
  20. Nuune, how many PM/complaints have you received so far? KK, adi waaba ku sii ridee see camal, ka qaleey duqa.
  21. KK, don't you see how Nuune is backtracking? MOD please aa ka dhacday!!
  22. "Is it Friday yet" Duceysane would have a scored goal right there!! I am too fuley..
  23. KK, adi xataa baxarka waa ku jirtaa Lol@laf weyn, reminds me of "sister big bones can the brother walks you home" what a song!