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Everything posted by Gheelle.T

  1. Indhoos, ma dhahdidoo "Indho uroon" meel fog maxaa looga raadinaa! Haye hadda isku khal-khal hee...
  2. Seyjenda raac raacdow sariir aa ku dembeynee
  3. Originally posted by Farancab: Indhooos waa gabar wanaagsan, anaa taas huba. Torobo shiish adi..
  4. Aw-Awees waxaas yiri: Geber haddi gacal kaas galaayo ha gaabnaato ha gaduud naato! Replace the gaduudka with indho kuus naato, indhoos ha laga leexda waaye markaas!!
  5. ^ Waryaa gabadha ha burin ee ka daa saas.
  6. Gabar qurxoon qiyaamo waaye! haddii Qaloocan ka timid qaboow waa. This is for Zakinah!!
  7. Waraa caadi ma tihid duceysane, meel xun aa ka tuurtay..
  8. Originally posted by Ducaysane: ma macalin baa ul ila soo aadi karay markaan xamar joogay. General aa ku dhalay camal
  9. Nuune, if only Ducaysane know what are the other uses of miro mareer
  10. Duceysane, I never heard of "Duub" ulo badan marka la isku soo duubo camal aa ka wadaa miyaa? Geed Mareer haddii Deyniile aa ka doonin dugsiba ma soo marin markaas By the way miraha mareerka micna badan aa loo ismaalaa. Ask Nuune and FuFu Paragon, I know lebi tree, but never heard of Dhebi.
  11. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: Fufu...I liked tiitiinka miriihisa, I used to get it markaan dugsi usha (I forget what it was called) naloo dirijirey. I have seen dumar ciida cuni jirey,odd thing to crave. Usha laguu diri jiray is called Mareer, but I doubt if you ever went to dugsi at all.
  12. Et peut-être nous devrions avoir une section française de Sol.
  13. And where is the scientific evidence you talk about? Hope not those two links.. By the way how could drinking milk could reduce the chance of getting Aids? That's so irresponsible claim methinks..
  14. Muxubo waa reer magaal no doubt about that, but how old is Xiis' wife? And if she also from the city of fat stone?
  15. Sounds like the story of Helen of Sparta and the Trojan war. Waryaa, this is so lame
  16. Libaax, awoowe wax kasta waa caadi. Just been hiding lately and came out of coma to see the site being interrupted by that lunatic... How's my little niece and rest of the family doing? My salaam and Eid mubarak to you'all.
  17. For Sayid-Qardho and co:This is Qardho enjoy it. Sorry Kadawo for hijacking your lovely thread. Please post some more pics!
  18. ^The word is "if" he is indeed found guilty of the crime he was accused of. Let him bite the dust for once and good.
  19. ^I wasn't counting my self to begin with(unless we are talking about the good ole Souf of A!) But who the those engaging this endless wars one wonders!! Maybe aliens. Brother made accusations so let him elaborate bit of what he was talking about, hope that aint too much to ask.
  20. If he was behind the killing of the Minister, the guy should be killed, period. People will learn something by doing this.
  21. Are we learning new term everyday? Now comes the "Southerners" who the hell are these people, I wonder? Is Sheikh Sharif one of them Ya Waranle? Maybe Al-shabaab are the true "Southerners" that you meant to rule. Enlighten us brother and tell who has good heart for the people you mentioned and who are the SOLers that are bent to keep the flame going.
  22. ^Original song was sang in the 70s, but it has other versions as well. I remember one that goes like: Dhulka soo(reerkaas)malaha Dadka soo(reerka)ma aha Kii doon ku yimi bay geeridu dhibaysaa (reerkaa)dhamaayee Wuu dhaqaaqi doonaa Ma dhamaystiraa dee?