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Everything posted by Gheelle.T

  1. Duceysane, war Garowe horta aan wax ka helo marka hore.
  2. ^Haddaba Ducaysane Kismayo waxbaad ku leedahay! Aniga dhulkii aad iiga balan qaaday Balan bale iyo Dubad, ma ii diyaarisay?
  3. Duceysane, adiga gurigaaga late 90s baa dhistay!
  4. GJ, Horseednet is usually a reliable news portal, and since it's the only site that reported this news, I think it's fair to say that they should follow up and give more details on the case.
  5. ^ Should be punished if it turns out that he did the alleged crime. At least they are investigating the crime and promise to give justice. Let the system work. Maalintii shalay ayaa xildhibaan S.A looga yeeray Maxkamadda Derajada kowaad halkaas oo kiiska lagu dhegaystey waxaana ka qaybgalay ehalada gabadha iyo dad kale oo goobjoogayaal ah, waxaana maxkamaddu amartey in denbigan la baaro haddii ay ku caddaato Xildhibaanku gabood falka iyo kufisaga uu geystey sharciga lala tiigsado.
  6. Guurkiinu guur wacan iyo gurigiina guri nagan Guullow ka yeel!! Congrats Val.
  7. peacenow, how could it be a "great day" when he is meeting with Arabs? :confused:
  8. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: FB, that is what I heard too. But the organizers may scale back. ps. Waryee Gheelle, are you coming to the PDF conference? If you have not planned it already, please do so. Xiinow, I have been invited to come and if things go how I planned, I may come for one day insha Allah.
  9. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: ^On serious note, is he gonna show up at PDF? I dont think he is staying that long to be there, but just in case that happens, I will sure gonna shake his hand.
  10. Somalis in the U.S do partake in debates of our current affairs and most part do quite
  11. Even if the author's article sounds an opinion, shouldn't one find the weaknesses of his piece rather ranting about his nationality and what not. Besides, who says non-Somalis cannot be expert on our affairs or can't even comment it. By the way, Abdul Ahmed III is a Somali..
  12. Che, what is your take on these arguments? Your 2 cents1. I found Heebaal and Bahar's responses as emotionally charged and personal attack on other authors they want to rebut.
  13. Why don't you say it loud and clear who you think is wrong and creating the "Fitnah?" And what would you call the group that you think are evil doers?
  14. NG, nice analogy, but shouldn't you give him the chance to answer it or at at least try. He may just say since there is no war, he can't answer it. Stop giving him ideas
  15. NG, waryaa I am not really an expert on this cross dressing phenomena, so you could be right that what I thought was she could indeed turn to be "HE" behind the screen.
  16. Fab, you are saying that if he (Turki)denounce his allegiance to AS and indeed fights them, he will not be considered the "Evil, bad, falsehood lots" If I ask you question, if this war that is looming in Juba breaks out, will it be a fitna? a war between Evil and Good, truth vs. falsehood? where will you stand on this?
  17. AT&T, qofkii Muxuba ahayd xaggee aaday? Maad adigu sii haysid yarta inta sponsorship u dhamaanaayo?
  18. Sayidi, wax kasta waa caaddaa. Boowe adigoo qolya is jiid jiidanaya ayaan arkayay. Ma Qardhay kugu haystaan maantana? Belated Eid Mubarak boowe! Xiin, raggaas aad sheegtay kali maahee, hadda gabdho seef wataaba jira. I think Aweys and Turki knew what these guys were all about, they were trying to play the nice older guard guys hoping that AS would concede some powers to them, saligii baase laga hoos saaray iyagoo soo jeeda maalin cad.
  19. Soon we will see on this very SOL's screen familiar words such as "murtad Turki, khbeeth Aweys, and etc" just don't say you haven't been warned! AT&T, I agree, but don't you think that Tolka's support will tilt toward Turki?
  20. Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tolka: Jalle Liqaaye, Xassen Turki is succumbing to the pressure from reerka. They have been asking for the 'shisheeye' leaders of Shabab to be dethroned. I am happy because this will weaken the terrorists. Let them face off and wipe out each other. Whoever wins must be attacked immediately. Ngonge's famous line "clan is everything" comes to mind!!
  21. Originally posted by Jalle Liqaye: Godane miyaa la qabtay? Who is this dude, Laga roone la yaqaana miyaa?
  22. God, why cant you just post the link? Please take them pics off the screen.