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Everything posted by Gheelle.T

  1. Gheelle.T


    ^Bacda dagaal aan qaan gaaray see camal adi!
  2. Gheelle.T


    ^I thought you were in league with the SOL's legends, castra and xiin Nuune, xerrow buu ahaa isagu.
  3. Gheelle.T


    FB, leave those guys alone, ee adiga have you been to Buur Karoole on your Xamar holidays?
  4. Maaddeey, Sargaal could be a colonel or major. Sargaal could also be used for none military official, right? Odayga taarikhdiisi dib ma ugu laabatay. There are a lot of red areas waryaa..
  5. Xiin, adiga markii aa yarayd (50s, jkz) bugle, kadhimay kadhim, iyo kabtay bilataa baa wakhtigii kaa lumshay. Haddii kale sida dadkaa "Kings" ka sheekeyn lahayd.
  6. Cawke si shakiga meesha uga baxo, bal soo abtirso.
  7. Sheekhu 1945 wuu dhashay high school diploma wuxuu qaatay 71, cajiib. Sargaal=officer/official, no? Sargaal darajo maaha dee. Afgambigii 77 ma ahayn wax la isku casumayay, niman gaar ah baa watay, iyana mid dheh. Xabsi dheer? 86-88? Kaas xabsi eesh. Dagaaladda uu Sheekhu galay ayaa ka mid ah mid ka dhacay Goboladda Wuqooyi Bari Ee Soomaaliya, kan oo uu la galay Con.Cabdulaahi Yuusuf, Con Yuusuf ayaa qudhiisa dagaalkaa lagu qabsaday sanadkii 1994kii, walow markii dambe la sii daayay isaga iyo qaar ka tirsan ragii qabyaaladda wadanka u horseeday iyagga oo habayaraatee aan waxba la yeelin. Dagaalkii Waqooyi Bari ee Al-ittixad iyo beelaha dhulkaas waxa uu dhacay 92 not 94. Abdullahi Yusufna iyo issimadii gobaladaas oo dhan shir ayaa lagu qabsaday ee dagaal lagu qaban.
  8. Yarku kii qabiil la oran jiray baa gacmaha ka taagay oo leh, war bal mar i dhig. Ha la daayo waayo, qaangaar-nimmada ha dhaafee.
  9. lol@Xiin. Walle gabankani caadi maaha!! Cawke that is a compliment yaah..
  10. Gheelle.T


    Xiin and Nuune remember their childhood memories? That's a good news FB, Duceysane is still enjoying his, give another 10 yrs!!
  11. Oodka, you said this about Buuba What unmitigated political loser of the wost kind, indeed, this ever opportunistic gentleman by the name of Mr. Buubaa is. It really is mind-bending to say the least, particularly as to how far and how low he will stoop down to, for even a handful of few dollars, indeed. And then this about the "Pirate boys" In other words, my dearest, these are the sort of people that everything has “prize-tag” attached to it; hence, the only mystery, is to discover what that prize-tag entails, in the sense of whether it's a “pecuniary sort”, or whether it's a “nefarious sub-clannish back-scratching” of the worst sort, indeed.
  12. Peacenow you are so right on this one! Pathetic indeed.
  13. Xiinow, gabanadii warkood la waa. Arrinkoodu waa afkiiba juuqda... AS say u lahaayeen qofkastaa waa gaal, iyagii baa hadda ku dhow inay isugu yeeraan gaalnimmo.
  14. Garaad Bari, maybe you should shoot him a PM..
  15. Welcome to SOL Nisar and hope you'll get some positive responses from Somalis in this site. That been said, I think there are few guys in here who are either worked in the project or campaigned for it, and would know a lot more than rest. Where are J11,Nassir,Hunguri, and Koora? I will comment some of the question you have posted bit later.
  16. ^Oo maxaa u dhoola caddeyn? Horta yar yarkii Jihadiyinta reer SOL aawaye maalmahan?
  17. Did you read this part of the story by any chance? Local MP Akhmedpasha Amiralaev said: 'This boy is a pure sign of God. Allah sent him to Dagestan in order to stop revolts and tension in our republic.' Maybe that will be good enough to ridicule this BS story. God doesn't need to tattoo little baby every other night just so he can remind his people when it's the right time to revolt. He has told his subjects what they should do or not do in a book that's 1400+ yrs old.
  18. Is Al-Makhtoum a prime minister or just ruler of Dubai? Prime minister? Never thought they have such portfolio. learned something!!
  19. Originally posted by Norfsky: Nice! quote: Originally posted by Che -Guevara: Antara....Depends who you call Arab, there are more Arabic speakers maybe. :confused: It would be pretty close. Asian Arabs Palestine Jordan Syria Lebenon Iraq Saudi Arabia Yemen Oman UAE Qatar Bahrain Kuwait African Arabs Egypt Sudan Eritrea Djibouti Somalia Libia [/i] Algeria Tunisia Morocco Mauritania Somalia, Eritrea, and Djabouti are in the Arab league, but aint Arabs. And rest of the other African Arab nations have other ethnic non Arabs.
  20. Is this the same one built by Qadafi? Either way,if they manage their oil money well, it can build that country in no time. Invest where it's needed. And Obama's administration is willing to sit with Sudanese Government at last, hope something good would come out, should both parties compromise.
  21. Che, Burtinle waa iyada lagu xuuxiyee, aan ninyahow dhul kaa siiyo!!
  22. Jamaal, dabkii aad qaboojisay dartiis, adigaa iska leh title. Nomination uma baahnid sxb.